Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar For Skin Tag Removal

Skin tags, especially larger ones, can really complicate some simple daily routines, such as shaving, or even putting your clothes on. They do not require any treatment, but on the other hand, skin tags can sometimes cause irritation or discomfort, and it is more than enough to say that they are not quite aesthetically pleasing.

Having skin tags is a common condition, and according to the statistics of NIH (National Institutes of Health) in USA, about 46% of the people have skin tags.


What Is a Skin Tag?

Having skin tag is a harmless benign condition, also referred as acrochordon, common for middle aged people. It looks like a soft piece of skin hanging from a stalk. Skin tags can appear anywhere on your body, but they are more common on the areas where skin rubs against skin, in the body folds such as armpits, groin, under the breasts, on the eyelids and the neck.

Several factors can increase the likelihood of having a skin tag, including genetics, obesity and diabetes. Pregnancy is also considered as a factor, due to the common hormonal changes.

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar To Remove Skin Tags?

Apple cider vinegar is believed to be one of the most efficient home remedies. It can be used in the treatment of different health conditions, and the removal of skin tags is one of them, thanks to its acidity. Remember, you must never use apple cider vinegar to remove a skin tag around the eyelids, as it can irritate your eyes.

  1. Gently wash the area around the skin tag using water and a mild soap, and then dry it.
  2. Soak a small piece of cotton in some apple cider vinegar and squeeze out the excess.
  3. Place the cotton directly on the skin tag, and secure it with a bandage, just to be sure it stays in place.
  4. Leave it for 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3 times a day, for several days up to a week or more if needed. The skin tag should first darken, then dry and finally fall off.
Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

This Powerful Combination Has Great Efficacy In Detoxifying Your Body

There are many ways to detox your body, restore the lost energy, boost metabolism and strengthen the immune system. When combined together, daikon and carrot provide the best results in every aspect.

This combination will accelerate the fat melting process, and it will also stimulate your body to eliminate the toxins.


Daikon, also known as Japanese radish, is a rich source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, calcium, potassium, and iron. Its high contents of fructose, starchy nutrients, pectin and cellulose stimulate the food digestion. Diabetics can use its benefits, and it has proven to be helpful in treating anemia, atherosclerosis, heart attack and stroke.

Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, fiber, vitamin C and A, iron, glutamine, galactan, pentosan, inositol, potassium, calcium, pectine, essential oil, phytosterol, asparagine, sugar, starch, cellulose, protein, and other powerful nutrients. It is especially recommended in the treatment of anemia, skin problems, osteoporosis, macular degeneration, high cholesterol level, diabetes, and others.

Prepare this recipe and you should soon see some amazing results:

  1. Shred half a cup of daikon and half a cup of carrot.
  2. Add two cups of water and cook for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Add a few drops of soy sauce after the vegetables soften.
  4. Do not consume this remedy more than 10 days in a row.
Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips

5 Great Solutions For A Flat Stomach at Any Age

You have exercised for a few months and you still can not zip up your favorite jeans?

Most women find it difficult to get rid of the belly fat, mostly because of the 5 following reasons, but we have given a perfect solution for each of them, in order to help you finally get a flat and sexy stomach.

Your Body Lacks Magnesium

Magnesium is necessary for more than 300 chemical reactions in the body, including maintaining normal heart rate, regulating the blood sugar, and others. In addition to this, this mineral can help you lose weight and shape your body, and studies have shown that it also reduces the fluid retention during the menstrual cycle, which means that it reduces the bloating.

Solution: Consume food rich in magnesium, such as leafy green vegetables and nuts. You can also take magnesium as a dietary supplement. The recommended daily intake for women younger than 30 is 310 mg, and women older than 30 should take 320 mg.

You Do The Wrong Exercises

When trying to lose weight many people focus on static cardio exercises, such as running on a treadmill. Running with the same pace for 45 minutes will help you lose some weight at the beginning, but your metabolism will soon adjust, and you will stop burning calories once you get off the treadmill.

Solution: If you want to get rid of the belly fat do some exercises that require use of strength, such as weight lifting. This sport activity will release that much energy, that you will burn calories even two days after the exercise.

High intensity exercises in intervals are the most efficient, and you can make your own program by combining different activities, such as running, swimming, cycling, as well as strength training.


You Do Not Sleep Enough

The lack of sleep can cause serious changes to your body line. Researchers have shown that women who sleep five or less hours have 32 percent more chances of increasing the weight in the next 16 years, unlike women who sleep more.

Moreover, women who sleep just 4 hours a day often eat 300 additional calories during the day, and this comes only because of the fact that the lack of sleep increases the activity of the ghrelin hormone, responsible for the appetite.

Solution: Try to sleep 7 to 9 hours a day. Quality sleeping is also important, so remove every electronic device that might bother you. Maintain a comfortable room temperature – 18 degrees is the perfect temperature for the body. Avoid consuming caffeine after the lunch and go to bed always at the same time.

You Eat Too Much Salt

If you often feel bloated after a salty meal, it does not only seem so. Too much salt pushes the water from the blood flow to the skin, causing bloating.

Most people enter more than the recommended 2300 mg sodium per day. Even if you are not using to much cooking salt, you are probably entering the excess sodium through other foods, such as canned food, dry meat delicacies, and even some dairy products.

Solution: Avoid adding salt to your dishes. Instead of doing so, enhance the taste using healthy herbal spices. Add more chili powder, cayenne peppers, cumin, ginger, basil, parsley, rosemary or cinnamon.

You Often Drink Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks are rich in empty calories, and even those known to contain 0 calories can cause obesity. Namely, carbonated drinks are associated with the fatty deposits around the waist and the abdomen, and regular consumption of zero-calorie carbonated drinks can not only cause belly fat, but it can also result in fatty deposits on the whole body.

Solution: Stop this circle and start consuming water and unsweetened tea with your meals, and let this be your everyday routine. If desired, sweeten regular water with some pieces of fruit. Coffee is also good, but try not to add any sugar in it.

Diet & Weight Loss Fruits Vegetables

4 Products That Hydrate The Body Better Than a Glass Of Water

Hydration is always important, especially in summer. It is a fact that water is the best drink for that purpose, but there are still some foods that can provide the same effect.

These four foods will help you maintain the electrolyte balance and provide normal function of your organism:


It contains large amount of water and vitamin C. 100g of cucumber have only 16 calories, which makes it an ideal choice for the hot summer days.



Tomatoes contain a lot of water and fiber. They are also a great source of antioxidants that will help you calm skin damaged after excessive sun exposure.


Zucchini, also known as courgette, is 95% water and it is the best food you can eat in summer. It is not only low in calories and rich in fiber, but also a great source of folic acid, vitamin A and C.


By consuming this sweet gift of nature in the hot summer days you will hydrate and freshen your body, because watermelon is 90% water.

Because of the large amount of water this fruit gives a feeling of satiety, and it is low in calories – it has only 29 calories in 100g. Watermelon is rich in vitamin A, C, beta-carotene, lycopene, iron, zinc. It is often used to detox the body, thanks to the high water content.

General Health Tips

What Happens To a Tooth if You Leave it in Coca-Cola For 24 hours? (Video)

We have seen many, but this just may be the most insane one yet.
The result is shocking!

Health Health Tips

12 Powerful Antibiotics That Don’t Require a Prescription

No matter how hard you try to strengthen your immune system and protect your family, sometimes you just can not avoid the infections.

In these cases the medicine suggests taking antibiotics. Unfortunately, antibiotics are not harmless, because they destroy not only pathogenic bacteria, but also a million of ‘good’ bacteria, necessary for proper digestion.


However, there is an alternative – natural antibiotics, which can help you treat the infection without any side-effect. It is up to you to choose the antibiotic that works best for you.

1. Grapefruit Seed Extract

Grapefruit seed extract is a natural antibiotic made of grapefruit seeds.

For quite some time people have noticed that something in the grapefruit can destroy bacteria. BioChem Research (California) conducted a number of research projects which confirmed that it is the grapefruit seed extract that affects bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

This magical substance is relatively cheap and can be used both orally and locally.

This extract is beneficial for people and animals, too. Until now the bacteria did not develop resistance to this natural antibiotic.

2. Garlic

Garlic provides a great number of benefits, but its anti-bacterial properties are the most popular. History taught us that garlic was used in the treatment of plague and other epidemic disease.

Its anti-bacterial properties have been studied for centuries. In the 19th century Louis Pasteur used confirmed that garlic kills bacteria in laboratory conditions. Modern experiments confirm that garlic is efficient in the treatment of different bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

Garlic contains germanium and potassium, two minerals of great importance for the overall health, and it also contains sulfuric components, especially allicin, which are the main phytochemicals responsible for the strengthening of the immune system. Always use it raw, because garlic powder has no healing properties.

Wright State University compared the efficacy of garlic and penicillin. Unlike modern antibiotics, bacteria do not develop resistance to garlic.


3. Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver water is natural, safe, non-toxic antibiotic, effective in killing more than 650 pathogens, including viruses, bacteria, and fungi. Until 1934, when the penicillin was discovered, silver was the only remedy for a great number of diseases.

In 1983, the US Department of Health recognized colloidal silver as safe medicine, which can be bought without any prescription. However, silver fell into oblivion because of the rapid development of the industrial production of antibiotics.

Science proved the power of the ion-colloidal silver water as an antibiotic substance and effective remedy against every infection.

4. Echinacea

Echinacea originated in North America. Native Americans had always been using its leaves and roots to cure wounds of any kind.

Echinacea prevents infections and enhances the immunity in such a way that stimulates the body to produce lymphocytes.

Lymphocyte cell is the smallest cell of the connective tissue, with a defensive role that is manifested through the production of antibodies and the participation in the immune response. In this way echinacea can prevent a disease or significantly accelerate the recovery.

Echinacea strengthens the immune system in a natural way by preventing bacterial and especially viral infections. It is amazingly efficient in preventing cold, fever, ear infections and flu-like conditions.

There is evidence on its effectiveness against extremely dangerous bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus. It soothes the respiratory, digestive, and urinary system, and also cleans the bacteria, soothes skin inflammations, purifies lymph and strengthens immunity. Just a few drops of its tincture can relieve the sore throat in the very beginning of the inflammation.

It can be used as a tincture or tea.

Continue on page 2…

Health Health Tips

Relieve Your Headache and Stress With Acupressure in 30 Seconds

Locate the webbing between your thumb and your index finger. In Chinese medicine this area is known as the Hoku spot.

Apply firm pressure there for 30 seconds and see how the tension slowly reduces.

This method does miracles for headaches and stress.  Squeeze and hold the webbing until your muscles relax and the pain is completely gone.

Warning: Acupressure is dangerous for pregnant woman, it can cause miscarriage!


What is Aspartame? 5 Surprising Facts You Never Knew About This Chemical “Sweetener”

If you have not heard about aspartame by now, you should better read carefully. About 6,000 products contain it, so pay more attention to the food you eat.

Aspartame (NutraSweet, aminosweet, Equal) is one of the most popular artificial sweeteners, but the controversy about it is even more popular. It has been lasting for 30 years after the chemical passed through the regulatory process supported by a major pharmaceutical interest, without taking in consider every side-effect known to the public.

Even today, many people know nothing about its disastrous history, what it is made from and its effect on the body and brain. People usually think that aspartame is another sugar alternative approved by FDA, and that it is safe, because if it is not so, it will not be on the market. Well friends, you are making a huge mistake here.

Aspartame is surrounded by darkness, and even darker is the story of how it got market approval, not to mention the other aspect that you are probably not aware of. If you had no reason to be thankful to the government until now, its conflict of interest with powerful drug companies should be more than enough.

We have listed the top 5 important reasons that will hopefully stop you from consuming products with aspartame ever again.

1. Your body converts aspartame into formaldehyde – a chemical that has proven to cause cancer

Aspartame contains three unique compounds, and it is synergistically toxic chemical, meaning that the sum of the individual substances it contains is exponentially more toxic than just one by itself. Even isolated, phenylalanine, aspartic acid, and methanol – the three main compounds found in aspartame, are toxic in their own right.

Free methanol is know to be extremely toxic. After the consumption it converts into formaldehyde, then into formic acid. Hopefully you know that it is not like the methanol contained in alcohol or fruit and vegetables. It is not accompanied by ethanol, which actually protects against the poisoning with methanol.

Methanol not only embalms the tissues and damages the DNA structure, it can also cause leukemia, lymphoma, and other types of cancer.

2. Aspartame causes obesity and metabolic syndrome

People accept artificial sweeteners as a healthier alternative to sugar, but not many know the truth – instead of helping people lose weight, when consumed in excess, these sweeteners are the main cause for obesity and metabolic disorders, including diabetes.

Moreover, many experiments have shown that even the smallest amount is dangerous, so it is best to avoid artificial sweeteners at all. In 2013, the journal Appetite published a study which found that aspartame is worse than regular sugar when it comes to promoting weight gain, and this is completely opposite of what consumers think when choosing a healthier sugar alternative!

The Yale journal of Biology and Medicine (YJBM) published a similar research explaining how aspartame affects the natural production of hormones in the body, increases the appetite and the craving for sugar. This is not what you need while you try to lose some weight, right?

Health Vegetables

Eggplant – Delicious Natural Cure

Eggplants are cultivated everywhere and they are considered to be one of the healthiest vegetables. It is actually quite easy to grow eggplants, because they can easily adapt to almost every climate condition.

Powerful Antioxidant

Eggplants contain phytonutrients, which give their distinctive purple color. This vegetable can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, some types of cancer and heart attack. It can also prevent DNA damages and slow the aging process.

Prevents Cancer

Researchers confirmed that eggplants have great antioxidant effect. A research showed that it stops the flow of blood and nutrients in the cancer cells and thus significantly slows the growth of cancer.

Protects The Brain

Many studies involving laboratory mice prove that eggplant can protect brain cells from the damage caused by free radicals. Free radicals can increase the risk of cancer and memory problems.

Low Glycemic Index

Eggplant has low glycemic index, meaning it does not make any fast changes in the blood sugar level. You can freely consume it everyday, and it is especially recommended for diabetics, because it can reduce the blood cholesterol.

Helps You Lose Weight

Eggplant is a low calorie vegetable which makes it an excellent food for those who are trying to lose some weight. It is an excellent source of fiber, and will keep you full for longer. Eggplants contain a lot of water and thus hydrate the body.

Small Amounts of Carbohydrates And Fat

Eggplants are poor in carbohydrates and fat, but remember that when you add oil, cheese or eggs, it is no longer a low calorie dish. If you do need to lose those extra pounds, carefully choose the products you combine with this vegetable.

Reduces Chronic Inflammation in The Body

Taking in consider eggplants contain powerful antioxidants, this vegetable helps in reducing chronic inflammation and relieves arthritis symptoms.

Reduces Cholesterol And High Blood Pressure

Laboratory experiments have shown that eggplant juice significantly reduces blood cholesterol and relaxes the arteries, meaning it reduces high blood pressure at the same time.

Excellent Source of Iron

Iron is important for every body function, but too much iron can affect high cholesterol and make your joints swell. Eggplants provide enough iron for your body without the risk of harming any body function.

Fruits Health Health Tips

Why You Should Keep Your Orange and Banana Peels

The skin of many vegetables is often more nutritious than the vegetable itself. Take potato peelings as an example, and we bet that you are probably one of many people that simply discard them.

Potato peel is loaded with fiber, vitamin C, contains an abundance of minerals, such as calcium, iron, potassium, and sodium. It is no surprise that the skin of some fruits can also be nutritious and useful for many purposes – like oranges and bananas, for example.

Orange Skin

Orange skin works great, but the only thing you need to remember when recycling or using orange peels, or the skin of any other fruit, is that these are often treated with chemicals and pesticides to keep away any hungry insects. Luckily, oranges are less treated with pesticides than any other fruit during the cultivation process.

However, it is still better if you give them a quick clean. Prepare a simple solution using a tablespoon of lemon juice, a tablespoon of white vinegar, and a cup of ordinary water. Soak your oranges in the solution for a couple of minutes.

The Skins Are Golden

Peels and skins of many fruits and vegetables are rich in powerful nutrients, but orange peelings are actually a little goldmine. The peel from a medium-sized orange contains approximately 60 flavonoids and 117 different phytonutrients. According to Dr J. Bhattacharjee, an Ayurvedic medicinal guru, orange rind contains nutrients that are good for the skin and the body in general, and can do some good for your homes, too.

Health Benefits of Orange Peel

In the Ayurvedic terminology, the orange skin tastes ‘titka’, meaning ‘bitter’. Orange rind will not only help you boost your metabolism, it can also improve the digestion. It does miracles in the treatment of gases, heartburn, nausea and vomiting, and it is great appetite stimulant.

It is often used to dissolve phlegm, and as an aid in treating and pacifying asthma attacks.

These medicinal properties come due to the essential oils contained in the orange skin. They have strong anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties. Moreover, the essential oil called ‘D-Limonene’ is powerful in diluting stomach acids, and maintaining good intestinal health. Last, but not less important, it provides normal function of the liver.

Reduces Cholesterol And Fends off Cancer And Osteoporosis

The latest studies have shown that orange rind can reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, meaning it is beneficial for people with high level of cholesterol. The studies also showed that the skin can fend off colon cancer and osteoporosis, thanks to the flavonoid called ‘Hesperidine’ it contains.