Health Health Tips

6 Horrible Things That Happen To Your Body When You Don’t Drink Enough Water

Experts largely discuss over the amount of water you should drink per day, but no one actually knows the reason for such debates.

Many studies suggest that you should drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. But, what happens to your body if you do not drink enough water?


1. There is a great possibility that you will have to deal with a certain health condition.
Drinking plenty of water will help you reduce the chances of getting kidney stones, gastrointestinal and urinary tract cancer, and heart attack.

2. The lack of water slows your metabolism.
The function of the metabolism depends on the amount of water you drink, so your metabolism will work faster as you increase the water intake, which is one of the basic rules.

3. You will have to put more effort when doing your regular activities.
Dehydration pressures and shrinks your brain, and it will need twice as much time to accomplish the tasks.

4. Increased appetite.
People who drink 2 glasses of water before their meals eat 75-90 calories less. This routine will help you lose 5 pounds in three months.

5. You look older and your skin is wrinkled.
Water hydrates the skin, fills in the fine lines and wrinkles, giving you a nice and bright skin tone.

6. Lack of water causes mood swings.
Dehydrated people often feel weak and helpless, confused, angry and depressive, unlike people who drink plenty of water.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips Healthy Drinks

How To Detoxify Your Body Properly in 3 or 30 days – The Choice is Yours

Do you often feel like not doing anything? Maybe you feel weak and tired?

Do not be afraid, it is just the toxins that have accumulated in your body during the winter, and we have the perfect solution for you! Read this article carefully and learn how to detoxify your body properly in three or thirty days. The choice is yours!

Modern people are used to a certain behaviour. You love home cooked meals and specialties, you go crazy without your favorite chocolate, and you smoke a lot of cigarettes because you have some problems with a colleague at work.


These are some of the reasons why you feel that way, but after a proper detoxification, you can have your body back. There are many ways to do that, but they all share the same base.

Eliminate The Bad Stuff

Usually this is the hardest part, but at the same time it is the most important part of the detox puzzle. You have to stop consuming bad foods if you want to clean your body from all the toxins. You have tons of coffee and God knows how many cigarettes in your body. Stop heating your burrito in the microwave and give up on refined sugar and artificial preservatives.

That is the first step. Then, throw away every chocolate bar from your bag!

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4 Surprising Foods That Give You The Worst Breath

You thought that onions, garlic and coffee are the only foods that cause bad breath?

Some seemingly harmless foods can really affect your breath, and believe it or not, if you are having a date, maybe you should avoid even mint flavored candies or chewing gums.



If you have had more than a couple of drinks, you will not have a nice breath, for sure. As you already know, alcohol is a powerful diuretic, and its consumption not only stimulates the elimination of water from the brain and the body in general, but it also stops the production of saliva.

Saliva contains natural enzymes that break down and wash stinky bacteria away, so every drink makes your breath even worse. You can have a drink or two, but it would be nice if you could also drink some water to prevent bad breath.

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8 Awesome Facts That You Never Knew About Coffee

It is nice if you can explain how you like your coffee. Do you add milk?

But, how much do you actually know about this delicious drink that is part of your morning routine? Make yourself a nice cup of coffee and read these interesting facts.

Coffee Lovers Should Be Grateful to a Herd of Goats

Legend says an Ethiopian goatherder noticed that every time his goats ate some of the red beans in the yard they become euphoric and full of energy. When this men tried some of the beans he became the happiest goatherder in Arabia.


Coffee Was First Chewed

Coffee was not always consumed as a drink. According to the historical records, the first African tribes collected these beans, added some animal fat and made tiny chewing balls.

People Did Efforts To Drink Beer Instead Of Coffee in The Morning

In Prussia the authorities were concerned that the consumption of coffee may interfere with their beer drinking habit. In 1777, Frederick the Great announced to his people that they should drink beer and not coffee for breakfast.

Instant Coffee is 250 Years Old

Instant coffee first appeared in 1771, in England. The process had evolved for years until 1910, when it was largely produced in America.

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Health Health Tips

10 Reasons Dehydration is Making You Fat And Sick

Whenever you feel thirsty, instead of reaching for some soda or a cup of coffee, you better drink a glass of water.

Although your body is 75% water when you are dehydrated, your blood becomes thicker and the blood flow is slower. Whenever this happens, the blood pressure increases, and that, as you know is not good.

Every day you lose about 10 cups of water on average through perspiration, urine, breathing and waste elimination.

Water provides a number of benefits, but sometimes you just do not drink enough water. The next time you feel dehydrated and need to drink something, make sure you do not reach for a carbonated, sweetened or caffeinated drinks, and drink a glass of clean and cold water. It is the best thing you can do for your body.


What are the consequences of an insufficient water intake?


Water is the major source of energy in the body. The lack of water slows the enzyme activity in the body, which leads to fatigue and lethargy.

Asthma And Allergies

When dehydrated, the body tightens the airways as a way to keep the water in the body. The amount of histamine produced in the body only makes it lose even more water.

High Cholesterol

When the body is dehydrated, it will create more cholesterol to prevent the water loss from the cells.

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Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips

72 Uses For Simple Household Products To Save Money & Avoid Toxins

Forget the store bought products and use this handy infographic to make your own at home. Use some everyday natural products that are cheap and easily available and you will sure be amazed with their versatility.

Below is a list of some common uses for seven household products.


Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips

Why You’re Not Losing Weight – 10 Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes

You exercise every day, count the calories in every single portion, fruits and veggies are your best friends, but nothing seems to help and you can still see those excess pounds in the mirror? Could you possibly make some mistakes in your routines?

We have listed some of the most common mistakes people do when trying to lose weight. We have also suggested some tips on how to actually get some better results.


1. Foods High in Calories

Yes, you may eat certain products that are considered to be a lot healthier than regular junk food, but they do not always contain less calories. It should not come as a surprise, but some fruit or vegetable shakes and juices are pretty high in calories.

If you have problems counting the calories you eat, simply write down the portions of everything you eat. You can either consult a nutritionist or determine the perfect amount of calories that is best for your body on your own. After you are done with the planning part, make sure you stick to it if you want to see some good results.

2. Dietary Snacks And Desserts

When following a special diet regimen, many people choose low-fat snacks and desserts that do not contain sugar. You probably know that by eating these foods you enter twice as much calorie, so try to avoid them.

3. Same Type of Exercise

You need to lose some weight or get rid of the belly fat, and you are convinced that certain exercises provide the best results, so you are practicing the same exercise every day. Why? You can not lose weight if you neglect the cardio exercises, and actually regular active exercising will help you burn more calories.

4. Do You Drink Enough Water?

We have largely discussed that drinking enough water is more than necessary, especially during the winter months. Always remember that. Forget about all those drinks and shakes, because water is the healthiest drink you need. If you drink plenty of water you will sure stay away from the sweetened caloric drinks.

Health Health Tips

How To Use Lemon Peel As a Medicine

Lemon is widely used throughout the world, and it contains an abundance of minerals and vitamins that have positive effect on the overall health.

In addition to the popular healing properties of its sour juice, which is refreshing and beneficial in treating colds, do not forget the yellow lemon peel that protects the fruit.

Lemon peel can be amazingly beneficial when it comes to the beauty treatments and keeping your house clean. Think twice before you dump it in the trash. Read this article and learn more about the different uses of the lemon rind.


Health Benefits of Lemon Peel

Reduces cholesterol level and detoxifies the body

If it is not treated with chemicals, the organic lemon rind is a rich source of antioxidants, especially the white membrane that protects the fruit. It is rich in flavonoids that normalize the cholesterol level, and these are also considered to be effective as a natural detoxifiers.

Shred the lemon peel and add some water. Leave it for a few minutes, then add some lemon juice. Drink it every morning before your breakfast, for a week. It is a perfect way to clean your body from all the toxins.

Lemon Peel For Beauty

Softens rough elbows

Add a teaspoon of baking soda to some shredded lemon rind, then add a few drops of lemon juice. Mix well and apply it on your rough elbows or dry feet after you have had a shower.

Main ingredient in your favorite body scrub

You do not have to buy an expensive body scrub – surprise your skin and use some natural body scrub instead, and the best thing is that you can make it at home, using some simple ingredients. Shred some lemon rind and add half a tablespoon of sugar to it, then add 1/8 cup of olive oil. Gently rub the homemade scrub on a wet skin and leave it for ten minutes, then rinse well.

Fruits Video

Video: How To Remove Watermelon Seeds in Just 2 Minutes

It is the season of your favorite refreshing fruit, and the trouble with watermelon seeds seem to be never-ending. It may seem quite unreal, but all you need is just two minutes to keep the seeds from destroying your joy.

You need to know how to cut the watermelon into pieces, and how to get to the sweet core, or the part where you can find most of the seeds. Watch the video carefully, try this trick at home, and of course, share the results!


Fruits Health

Amazing Facts About Banana Peel And Its Great Health Benefits

You all throw away the banana peel without a second thought, but probably none of you knows how useful it can be. Namely, banana peel can provide many beneficial effects on your health and beauty.

The peel contains three to four times more fiber than the fruit itself, and the fiber is important when it comes to cleansing the body from the toxins, says the world famous nutritionist Kimberly Snyder.


The peel is rich in vitamins and antioxidants that can help you prevent premature aging. In addition to this, it is also low in calories and contains small amounts of fat and sugar.

Banana peel increases the level of serotonin, known for its effect on the good mood. Bananas are a good source of potassium, but Snyder says that the peel contains much more soluble fiber that will keep you full for longer and will also help you reduce bad cholesterol. It is rich in insoluble fiber, which is great for the digestive tract.

In some parts of the world, like India and Asia, it is quite common to fry or boil the banana peel, as an important ingredient for different desserts. Add some to your smoothie or your favorite cookies. The peel gets thinner and more delicious as the banana ripens.

Also it is good to know about the peel of some citrus fruits, such as orange, contains more vitamin C than the juice, and it is also rich in vitamins A and B, and some important minerals such as zinc, calcium, selenium and manganese. Zest some to your salad dressings or desserts.

And let’s not forget that the watermelon rind is rich in vitamin C, B6 and citrulline, an amino acid that protects the blood vessels and improves the blood circulation. Remove the green parts of the rind and process the remaining white part in a juicer or a blender, together with the juicy pink fruit.

You should always have on mind that the peel can be used only if the fruits have not been treated with chemicals and pesticides.