Health Health Tips Natural Remedies Vegetables

Red Onion – Powerful Natural Antibiotic That Can Treat The Following Health Conditions

Red onion is a powerful natural antibiotic. Try to eat it as much as you can, and here is why!

Oral Cavity

By chewing some raw red onions for 3-8 minutes daily, the oral mucus becomes completely sterile.

Endocrine Glands

Red onions speed up the function of thyroid gland and pancreas, and also enhance and regulate the hormone secretion.


Respiratory Organs

This powerful veggie calms coughing, accelerates expectoration, and helps in treating hoarseness, flu, sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma.


Red onions prevent the development of harmful microorganisms in the intestinal flora, protect the intestinal mucus and soothe the inflammation of the intestinal mucus.


Red onions increase appetite, accelerate and regulate digestion, remove any obstacles in the digestion process, such as constipation and bloating.


This gift of nature stimulates the kidneys and urine excretion, and helps in treating kidney and bladder inflammation, as well as urine congestion.

Bones And Joints

Red onions speed up the excretion of water and toxins from the body, help in treating rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Diet & Weight Loss

This Is Why You Are Fat – 5 Reasons Why You’re Piling On The Pounds

Have you ever caught yourself with a handful of cookies while thinking about your relationship? Or maybe you prefer eating a big sandwich in front of the computer while you are trying to solve some financial problems?

Maybe you have small children and a bunch of things to be done, and you often eat the leftovers your kids left on the back seat?

If you recognize yourself in any of these roles, then you have probably noticed that your waist size has increased in the meantime. The stress you have been living with lately is the main reason for the weight gain.

The latest studies have discovered five major reasons for this condition, and a few tips on how to strike back.



Whenever your brain detects a threat, whether it is a snake in the grass or your boss is too nervous, it releases a whole cascade of chemicals including adrenaline and cortisol, so your body is prepared for an attack and it is able to withstand an injury.

In short terms, adrenaline helps you feel full, because the blood goes to the internal organs and muscles, and you are ready to fight or run. As soon as the first effect of adrenaline reduces, the cortisol goes into action, sending signals that some extra energy is required. Our ancestors fought with wild animals and they needed a lot of energy.

But today, people usually sit on the couch and worry how to pay their bills, or often do something that does not require a lot of energy. And there starts the magical circle in which people gain weight.

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Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Flaxseed Drink – The Best Way To Detox Your Body And Lose Weight

This delicious drink provides a lot of health benefits, helps in maintaining the desired body weight and makes your skin bright and healthy.

Flaxseeds contain many beneficial nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, which normalize the work of the intestine. This seed has the power to eliminate the toxins from the body, normalize the metabolism, reduce the blood sugar level and regulate the appetite.

It absorbs the toxic compounds from the food, cleans the intestines and thus supplies the body with lecithin, which stimulates the metabolism of fat.


This happens thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids that activate the function of the sweat glands in the body, and thus help inthe melting of the excess fat in the body. That is why flaxseeds are an idealnatural product that will help you lose weight at home.

Flaxseed is not only beneficial for the weight loss process, it will also help you maintain the desired body weight. Nutritionistsexplain how it is beneficial and useful for people suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcer, chronic constipation and hemorrhoids. It helps in the treatment of cystitis and kidney inflammation.

How To Prepare a Flaxseed Drink:

Prepare this drink the day before you use it. In the evening, before you go to bed,add  4 cups / a liter of boiling water to 3 tablespoons of flaxseeds and leave it overnight. You should better use a thermos, but if you do not have any, use a pot with a lid instead.

In the morning strain the liquid. You should get a thick, gelly-like (slimy) mixture. Make sure that you always prepare this drink in the evening, so you can have it fresh in the morning, meaning you should never make some extrafor the next few days.

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Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips

This Terrifying Photo Will Make You Lose Weight

We all know that obesity does not quite fit in the cruel beauty standards. However, today obesity is not only an esthetic problem, but it can also seriously endanger your health.

In these photos you can see two different bodies of women of the same age and height, recorded with a thermographic scanner. One of them is well built, while the other is overweight.


The first lady weighs 54 kilos (120 lbs), and the other 113 kilos (250 lbs).

Unfortunately, the vital organs in the first woman, i.e. her heart and lungs, are too compressed, and they can not function properly.

May this photo always come to your mind every time you go near the fridge.


Cocoa – The Food of The Gods

Since ancient times cocoa was considered as a valuable food product. According to Montezuma, the Aztec emperot, it was the drink of the warriors and the social elite, and it had sacred and solemn features. Linne, popular Swedish botanist, named this herb Theobroma cacao L, and the word ‘theobroma’ means ‘food of gods.’

Cocoa grows on trees with an average height of 4-8 meters and it is part of the evergreen plant family Sterculiaceae. It originated in the tropical areas in South America, and the fruits are mostly used in the production of cocoa powder and chocolate.

Cocoa fruits are actually egg-shaped pods that weigh an average 500g and yield 30 cm. Each pod contains 20-60 beans.


The pulp is used in the production of juices, and the beans are used as a raw material in the production process of cocoa powder and butter (cocoa beans contain up to 50% fat). Cocoa also contains theobromine, an alkaloid similar to caffeine.

In its wild form, cocoa today grows in the foothills of the Andes, at an altitude of 200-400 meters, in the Amazon area and near the Orinoco river. Christopher Columbus was the first European that found cocoa, who called it ‘strange-looking hazelnut’.

As a drink, cocoa was first brought to Europe in 1519.

Health Benefits of Cocoa

Raw cocoa (beans, chunk or powder) is considered to be one of the most nutritional foods in the world, thanks to its nutritional properties.

For that reason cocoa is also part of the group of superfoods.


  • protects the body from free radicals
  • reduces stress and depression
  • protect against cardiovascular diseases
  • protects against different types of cancer
  • It is an excellent source of iron
  • regulates blood sugar and cholesterol
  • promotes better memory and concentration
  • reduces the risk of heart attack
  • regulates the blood pressure

Cocoa contains over 300 chemicals with positive effects on the health. Studies have shown that cocoa is an extremely rich source of antioxidants that are responsible for the overall health. Antioxidants protect the organism from different diseases and free radicals that are the main cause of premature aging.

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Health Health Tips

This is What Happens To Your Body When You Skip Meals

Skipping a meal has become a trend, whether it is due to a special diet regimen or lack of time. If you often skip your meals for any reason, you have to know what can this habit of yours do to your body.

1. Hormone Imbalance

Every time you skip a meal, the cortisol level increases and causes anxiety. The insulin also increases and decreases instantly, resulting in an unstable blood sugar level.


2. Digestion Problems

Your body is used to work during the whole day, so when you skip a meal the digestive system is unable to do its function. Proper metabolic and digestive function require 3 meals and 2 snacks.

3. The Body Stores Fat

By skipping the meals you confuse the body. It thinks you are starving, so every time you skip a meal, instead of burning the fat, the body stores it to provide ‘fuel’ for the following period.

3. Exhausted Organism

Skipping the meals slows your metabolism and makes you feel exhausted. Regular meals will help you boost the metabolism and burn more calories.

5. Altered Perception

This may come as a surprise to you, but skipping a single meal changes your perception on food. Your brain creates a picture that food is not your top priority at the moment, which is bad for the overall health.

6. Overeating

Overeating is the last and the most dangerous phase. At dinnertime, your body is so exhausted and hungry for calories, that you often eat too much food and overeat. Usually this results in stomach ache and weight gain.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition

How Can Food Affect Your Body Line – 8 Foods You Should Avoid After Exercising

You exercise regularly, count the calories, but your effort seems to give no results. Have you ever thought about the food you eat after every workout, and how can food affect your body line?

After every workout your exhausted body requires food that you should strictly avoid. Do not ‘reward’ yourself for the hard workout, because by doing so you will kill every opportunity to lose some extra pounds.

We have listed some of the foods you should avoid after exercising.



It is important to eat foods rich in fiber, not carbohydrates. Eat more nuts or oatmeal, instead of reaching for a puff pastry.

Energy Bars

These are the perfect snack before the workout, because their high sugar content boosts your energy. But, energy bars do not provide the same effect after the workout. If you eat an energy bar after exercising, you will only slow your metabolism and feel sleepy.

Fresh Vegetables

Vegetables are rich in vitamins, minerals and low in calories, but that is not enough for your body, especially after a hard workout. You should better drink some yoghurt instead of having some fresh salad.

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The Most Amazing Homemade Body Scrub Made of Coconut Oil And Lavender

This homemade body scrub recipe will leave you breathless for many reasons!

Lavender and coconut combination will make your skin baby smooth and soft, and this body scrub not only smells amazing, it also looks great in a glass container, so you can keep it in your bathroom as a decoration.


To make this body scrub you need three easily available ingredients – coconut oil, brown sugar and lavender.


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 3-4 tsp dried lavender


Mix all the ingredients together, keep the body scrub in a glass container and enjoy your beauty treatment!

Diet & Weight Loss

The Miracle Master Cleanse Diet – Believe it Or Not You Will Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days

The  master cleanse “lemonade” diet, also referred to as “The Great Cleaner” lasts for 10-14 days. In just two weeks, you can lose up to 10 pounds of excess weight. The basic principle of the “lemonade” diet includes detoxification and fast weight loss.

Follow these steps to make the lemonade: Add 2 liters/ 8.5 cups of previously boiled water, some lemon juice (use 3 lemons), 14 tablespoons of maple syrup and half a teaspoon of hot red pepper to a large container. Stir well.

Drink this magic lemonade during the whole day, taking small sips every time you feel hungry.


Lemon juice, as one of the main ingredients, will help your body get rid of the fat and toxins, maple syrup will provide the necessary calories, vitamins and nutrients, and the hot pepper will boost your metabolism.

Nutritionists suggest that you drink other liquids as well, including salt water (mix 6.5 oz/ 2dl of lukewarm water and add just a little salt using the tip of your knife) and green tea, that will ease the elimination of toxins in the body.

To provide the necessary energy, drink 8-12 glass of lemonade a day, which is about 800-1200 calories.

You need to do some special preparation before you start with the lemonade diet (the Great Cleaner). Three days before you start it, replace every semi-processed food product and meat with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Two days before the lemonade diet follow a specific liquid food diet regimen, and the day before you do the lemonade diet you should drink orange juice only (at least 2 liters a day).

Health benefits:

  • Detoxification
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Improved skin condition
  • Energy boost and vitality
  • Relieves and cures chronic diseases

WARNING: Lemonade diet is not recommended for people that feel uncomfortable heartburn and suffer from peptic ulcer (duodenal ulcer).


Video: How To Peel Hard-Boiled Eggs Without Peeling

This is the easiest way to ‘peel’ an egg without actually peeling it.

Boiled eggs are an excellent source of protein, but peeling them sometimes takes longer than usual, and the egg white often sticks to the eggshell.

You can use three simple ways to peel an egg. You can add some baking soda to the boiling water in order to reach the proper pH value.

You cal also cool the eggs using some ice and cold water.

Finally, you can apply the method Tim Ferriss used in the following video.

Knock the egg on a hard surface and make sure it cracks on both sides. Blow through one end of the shell, and the egg will come out through the the other end.