Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Ginger Tea & How To Make Ginger Tea

It will cost you nothing to try this ginger drink that  has a lot of health advantages. It will help you  go through the autumn days without getting  the common cold or flu.

Health benefits of ginger tea:

  • It strengthens the immune system
  • Fastens recovery when sick
  • Smoothes stomach irritations
  • Has a favorable impact on the nervous system
  • Stimulates the work of the intestines, soothes flatulence
  • Stimulates circulation
  • It will warm you better than any blanket



  • 1 piece of fresh ginger (2-3 cm long)
  • 1 liter of water
  • couple tablespoons of honey
  • 1 lemon


Peel the ginger and cut it into thin slices. Put the ginger into boiling bowl and soak it with water. Boil this aromatic root at least 15 to 20 minutes on low fire. Next, put the ginger away from the fire and let it stand still for 5 minutes. Strain the liquid and then sweeten it with honey and add lemon if you want to.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss

Video: The Best 7 Fat-Burning Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

Cardio exercises are great when it comes to burning fat and reducing weight. However, in order to make exercising more effective it is recommendable to combine cardio with strength training. This combination is great for reducing the unwanted fatty deposits and increasing the muscle mass.

We recommend you to watch this video and do the exercises three times a week. These exercises can be done at home and all you need in order to perform them is good will and nothing else. Good luck!



How Dangerous is Swallowing a Chewing Gum

We all have swallowed at least one chewing gum at some point of our lives. At that moment we remind ourselves of the saying “7 years will pass until it decomposes”. See for yourselves if that is true or not.

What happens after the swallowing?

Chewing gums are all made off natural or synthetic substances sweetened with sugars. Sweeteners will be decomposed into sugars and they will be absorbed. The rubber matter will move throughout the digestive track and it will end up in the toilet bowl.


How dangerous is swallowing?

Swallowing too much chewing gum in a short period of time or swallowing chewing gums with other substances thatcannotbedismantled may block the digestive track. Keep in mind that this happens very rare and if you accidently swallow chewing gum it is not dangerous at all. Parents should teach their children that chewing gums are for chewing not swallowing.

What is the real problem caused by swallowed chewing gum?

Chewing gums are full of sugars and sweeteners and can cause caries. The ones with sorbitol in them may cause diarrhea because of sorbitol’s laxative effects.

Finally, chew moderate – one to two chewing gums per day. After you are done chewing throw the gum in the garbage.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Tips Vegetables

How Can Spinach Help You Lose Weight

This healing green plant can reduce your desire for eating sweet and unhealthy food, scientists say.

The newest research done by scientists in Lund University has shown that consuming spinach can drastically reduce appetite. However, thylakoid which can be found in spinach stimulates weight lost.


In this research there were 38 fat women participating. The results have shown that the intake of thylakoid extract stimulates the secretion of the hormone that sends signals to the brain telling him we are fed.

This way appetite is reduced. By controlling your appetite you are also controlling what you eat and do not reach for unhealthy food.

Our analyses have shown that by drinking a drink in which there was previously added spinach extract, early in the morning on an empty stomach we can reduce appetite during the whole day”, says professor Charlotte Erlandson Albertson who was a part of this study.

Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

How To Make Healing Honey Water

Honey health benefits are well known, but not  many people know the health benefits of water mixed with honey. The mixture of these two compounds has been used for a long period for the purpose of  treating different types of diseases as well as  for cosmetics purposes. In the past it was  frequently used  during various kinds of  celebrations as a dink that tastes deliciously.

Mix one teaspoon of raw honey with one glass of lukewarm water. In this way you will get 30% solution of honey which is identical to plasma in  its composition . Honey forms a compound  in the water which increases the healing ability of the water itself. This has been scientifically proved.


The mixture of water and honey is quickly absorbed by the body. Honey water will improve digestion, all parts of the gastrointestinal tract and it will boost up the work of lazy intestines. It also improves immunity and cures colds and bronchitis.

All of the parasites found in the human’s digestive tract dislike yellow color. With the help of this  healing water you will clean your intestines out of feces deposits. So, if you feel like gaining weight in the beginning of this process don’t  panic because fecal stones are swelling. This is their beginning phase of getting out of the body.

In time the colon work starts normalizing. Consuming this water will restore the intestinal microflora. By drinking this water you will say goodbye to the uncontrolled night urinating.

Honey is hygroscope, it collects water, and so kidneys and bladder are not overworking during the night. Honey water should be consumed early in the morning on an empty stomach because our body absorbs the most in this time of the day.

This amazing beverage with extraordinary healing powers should be consumed both early in the morning and late in the evening before you go to bed. Make sure you consume this drink while it is fresh.

Since this mixture nourishes  the skin, you can use it to wash your face with it. As a matter  of fact  this mixture acts as an amazing  natural cosmetics that has been used since ancient times.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Fat Flush “Green Terminator” Drink

This green “terminator” will deal with all of the deposited fat in your body.



  • 1 cup of spinach leaves
  • 1/2 cup of fresh cucumber
  • Celery
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup of pineapple
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 4 ice cubes


Mix all of the above ingredients in blender until you get thick creamy green mixture. Drink this beverage right after preparation. This drink contains around 200 calories, 21 grams of protein and 5 grams of carbohydrates and it can be substitute for one meal.


Women’s Health: How To Identify Heart Attack Symptoms in Women

What you need to know about heart attack is that it is expressed differently  in man and woman. Here are some of the things you need to know to recognize its symptoms in women. Conditions such as acid reflux, the flu or normal aging may be the starting process of getting a heart attack.

A heart attack strikes when arteries are built up with cholesterol, fats and other substances that can clog the arteries that supply the heart with blood. When this happens, the oxygen meant to go in the heart is either reduced or cut off, claims the  American heart association.


A lot of people are familiar with  the symptoms of getting a heart attack in men but most of them  don’t know the usual  symptoms in women. When it comes to women, the symptoms may be silent and not recognized on time which can sometimes be fatal. These silent signs are often failed to be recognized by anyone.

1. Shortness Of Breath

If you get the feeling of shortness of breath just like the one you are getting after you have run the stairs you may be in serious trouble because it is the first sign of getting a heart attack .You are in extreme danger if this sign is combined together with the following signs.

2. Extreme fatigue

Sudden and extreme drop of energy may be a symptom of getting a heart attack. This energy drop will make you feel like going to the bathroom is the hardest thing to do. You may even be too “lazy” to move even when you sit. If this happens intensively and more frequent than it should  then the chances of  getting  a heart attack are big.

3. Profuse Sweating

Excessive sweating may be a bad sign. If you don’t  sweat much on a regular basis, this excessive sweating may be a warning for you. Even though your excessive sweating has started recently  don’t panic. This may be just a hot flash, but, try and make a difference between them. Take this sign seriously if it is combined with any other warning signs.

4. Stomach Pain

If you are feeling  pain that feels like “you have an elephant sitting onto your stomach” (as Nieca Goldberg – medical director of the Joan H. Tisch Center for Women’s Health describes it) then your panic is justified. Be careful though, stomach pain may be caused as a result  of the flu, ulcer and/or heartburn.

5. Upper Body Pain

If you feel pain  in your neck, back, jaw or upper arm(s) don’t ignore it. This may be just another warning of getting a heart attack. The pain may increase and reduce until it becomes more and more intense. The level of pain may even wake you up. If you experience this kind of pain you must consult your doctor immediately.

6. Chest Pain And Discomfort

This kind of pain can appear anywhere in the chest area. If you have a feel like fullness or squeezing you may be in danger of getting a heart attack. This kind of pain is often experienced in  different ways  in men and women.

If you are experiencing any of these signs with strong intensity you should call 911 immediately. This  call may save your life.

Original Source:


Top 5 Foods For Natural Asthma Relief

There are almost 25 million Americans suffering from asthma and most of them are children. Asthma inhalers and steroids, commonly used in the conventional treatments, may cause some side effects. But, fortunately,  various natural remedies are  at your disposal and you can use them   to relieve the symptoms.

There are almost 500.000 asthma related visits in the American hospitals each year. According to this fact, there are almost 1.75 million visits in American hospitals in general. This information was given by the Asthma and Allergy foundation of America.


Did the numbers surprise you? Try to “digest” the information that there are over $18 billion spent on asthma treatments, deaths caused by asthma, etc. in the American hospitals only. These are the annual calculations.

It is estimated that there are over 300 million people in the world suffering from asthma. It is believed that this number will increase over time, or, there will be 100 million more people suffering from this disease by 2025. There are 250.000 deaths in the world caused by this nasty disease.

Breathing difficulties and shortness of breath are some of the the symptoms. Besides the fact that asthma medications can cause some terrifying side effects, which can seriously damage your health, it pulls out millions of dollars of the national budget each year.

In addition to pills, you can also treat this disease using fresh organic vegetables and fruits. When it comes to health, 100% natural plants NEVER have any side effect or harm your health. On the contrary, they can be of great help when it comes to improving your health.

Free radicals, also known as cell-damaging chemicals can cause inflammation, lung swelling, and chest tightness but the natural foods covered in this article can help you eliminate them.

This comes due to the fact that natural foods are very rich in antioxidants, such as beta-carotene and vitamins C and E. These antioxidants will fight the free radicals in order to improve your health.

The article continues on page 2…

Health Tips

20 “Lazy” Rules That Will Sure Help You Lose Some Weight

You can also have tiny waist, slim hips and legs … You do not have to starve or sweat in the gym to have an ideal body line. Read this article and some of these rules will sure help you lose some weight.

1. Do not avoid certain foods. Studies have shown that you would most probably ‘break’ the diet rules if you do not eat chocolate, and dream about sweet snacks all the time.

2. You do not have to eat everything that is in your plate. Chew slowly and stop eating at the moment you feel full.

3. Make sure that half of your dish consists of vegetables.

4. Always order smaller portions in restaurants.


5. If you can not stay away from high calorie nuts, chips or dried fruits, first measure the necessary amount of the food you want to eat, keep it in a small bowl, and hide the rest “in a safe place.”

6. If you eat your lunch in a restaurant, start with a soup or a healthy salad. In that way you will have ‘less’ place for the high-calorie food.

7. Bread, alcohol, and dessert. Choose one of theese if you eat in a restaurant.

8. Leave a quarter of the food on the plate.

9. Hydrate your body. We often misunderstand the brain signals, and think that we are hungry, but actually our body needs some water.

10. Eat smaller meals during the whole day and reduce the danger of overeating at the end of the day.

11. Do not eat in front of your TV or computer.

12. Eat some fruit if you are hungry – a pear, for example, before you go to a party or on a dinner.

13. Always have some healthy food with you – this will keep you away from high calorie pastry or fast food restaurants.

14. Do not ‘drink your calories.’ Commercial fruit juices, non-alcoholic and alcoholic carbonated drinks or flavored water are loaded with calories, and you should avoid these as much as possible. Drink regular water or homemade juice.

15. Eat whole-grains carbs – choose rye or cornbread, brown rice and whole-grain pasta.

16. Do not skip your breakfast.

17. Exercise at least three hours a week. Walk, ride a bike, or hit the gym.

18. Do not eat after the dinner. Prevent the ‘food craving’, and wash your teeth half an hour after your last meal.

19. Do not have a bite everytime someone offers you food, because you do not need those extra calories. Of course, this does not mean you should say ‘no’ to fruits.

20. Avoid rafined sugar and artificial sweeteners. If you still crave for something sweet, always choose natural sources of sugar, like honey.

Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Colon Cleansing Remedy With Powerful Efficacy Made With Only 2 Ingredients

By eliminating the mucus, fecal deposits and parasites from the intestines you can prevent and cure many health conditions.

For 70 years our intestines process 100 tons of food and 40 000 liters of fluid, which leads to the conclusion that about 15 pounds of fecal deposits and toxic waste accumulate in the stomach. They contamine our blood and cause irreparable damage to the body.

Frequent constipation, disturbed metabolism, diabetes, excessive or insufficient weight gain, kidney and liver disease, hearing and vision problems, skin, hair and nail problems, as well as other diseases, ranging from arthritis to cancer are just some of the signs that your intestines are not clean.

Enema or clyster can clean just a small part of the colon – 40-50 centimeters, and cleansing enema treatment with a special equipment is expensive, time consuming and it affects the intestinal microflora.


Consuming 1-3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour for three weeks can completely clean the intestines from the mucus and fecal deposits, or parasites, while fully preserving the intestinal microflora!

This method provides rapid weight normalization and fat burning. It has a positive effect on the regulation of lipid metabolism. Flaxseed flour can absorb and eliminate the toxins from the body and reduce the blood cholesterol level.


  • inflammatory conditions of the upper respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract
  • gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenum ulcer
  • diseases of the urinary tract, infections, cystitis, pyelonephritis
  • excessive body weight, lipid metabolism disorders

Clean the intestine using flax seeds flour – Recipe

Instead of breakfast consume this mixture for 3 weeks:

  • Week 1: 1 tablespoon of flaxseed flour and 100 ml of kefir
  • Week 2: 2 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 100 ml of kefir
  • Week 3: 3 tablespoons of flaxseed flour and 150 ml of kefir

For those who don’t know how to make kefir, on the following link you will find the recipe:

If flaxseed flour is not available in your local store, buy some flaxseed and grind it finely. Never make some extra for the next few days, because the seeds can become rancid. Every morning prepare a fresh portion.

Consume this mixture instead of breakfast. Make sure you drink at least 2 liters of water a day. The best results are obtained if you drink honey water.

The cleaning procedure should be practiced once a year.


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Book That You Must Have!

This book is written by Tamara St John, a woman who has won the battle against cancer.
Here you can buy her book “Defeat Cancer Now” and read her really amazing story:
Defeat Cancer Now: A Nutritional Approach to Wellness for Cancer and Other Diseases