Health Health Tips

These 2 Things Are The Main Reasons For Sinus Inflammation

Most of us have already been warned by our grandmas to avoid draft. Our grandmas were right on this advice because doctors warn us that the main reasons for sinus inflammation are air conditioners and draft.

Otorhinolaryngology doctors warn that people do not actually know how to properly use air conditioners. People believe that lower temperature better cools the body down, but it is not. The air conditioner should be set to lower the temperature to a level that can be tolerated, but not lowered down and make a huge difference on the temperature outside and inside the room.


Most people who are exposed to drafts and uncontrolled use of air conditioners suffer from acute sinusitis which is characterized by general weakness, runny nose, temporary loss of sense of smell, headaches and inability to breathe through the nose.

Specialists warn that when the outside temperature is about 30 degrees, the optimum air conditioners should be set to 23-24 degrees which would made ​​a difference of just several degrees. If the outside temperature is around 40 degrees, air conditioners must be set a few degrees higher, not lower because you will not only risk for getting acute sinusitis but you risk to shock your body due to sudden change in temperature.

Besides in rooms with air conditioning we all must be careful when it comes to air conditioning in cars as well. Like in room, people want to drastically lower the car temperature too. This drastic temperature change may take a toll on your health, doctors say.

Summer is still in its full swing, so be careful how you cool down yourselves. Besides rampant exposure to air conditioning and drafts, the sinuses can be inflamed by uncontrolled usage of cold drinks, ice cream, cold pools etc. If it still comes to the onset of sinusitis, ask your doctor to prescribe appropriate therapy.

Health Health Tips

Knowing The Symptoms of Liver Disease Could Save Your Life

Recognizing the symptoms of liver disease could save your life. Just like with other diseases, if you recognize any signs of a bad liver in the early phase you can completely treat it.

Your liver will fully recover and start to grow new healthy tissues in order to replace any tissues that have previously been damaged. This can happen only if the disease is discovered in its earlier phase and haven’t progressed too far.


An organ and a gland

Your liver is the largest organ (and additionally the most important internal gland) that your body possesses. A standard liver  in a totally healthy person can weigh somewhere between three to three and a half pounds and it plays an important role  in many functions of different body parts.

The functions of the liver

The key functions of the liver are to detoxify your blood and  boost the digestive system by producing  digestive fluid. This fluid helps in breaking down  the fats  you consume into little items, thus  making it easier for your gut to soak up.

The following is a short outline for all the benefits the liver has, and what it makes to improve your health:

  • It cleans your blood out of toxins, filtering out any unwanted and harmful substances like pills and alcohol
  • It produces bile to aid digestion
  • It stores some of your body’s iron and vitamins
  • It stores glucose
  • It turns glucose into sugar for the body to use when body’s levels of sugar will become depleted
  • It processes insulin, hemoglobin and  other hormones
  • It converts ammonia into urea; an essential compound for healthy metabolism
  • It eliminates old red blood cells, which produce faecal matter  usually in brown color. This is why when your stool is discolored (i.e. when it isn’t in brown color) it can be an sign that there is something wrong with the liver function.

Without a healthy liver, any holistic health life style can become severely compromised, and counting on the character and severity of the condition in which you don’t feel well  may prove fatal. That is why it’s vital to be able to observe and interpret the first symptoms of the disease.

Hepatic disease

Liver disease is  also known as hepatic disease. Once any form of this disease affects up to 3 quarters of your liver tissue,  a considerable increase in liver’s function  may be detected.

The causes of liver disease

Liver disease may be caused in a number of different ways.

  • Its cells may be inflamed, as with hepatitis
  • The passage of bile might become impeded, as in cholestasis
  • A build-up of cholesterol might occur
  • The flow of blood to the liver may be damaged
  • The tissue of the liver might have  been attacked and damaged by toxins

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Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks

What Happens To Your Body When You Drink Warm Lemon Water Early in The Morning

Start your day by  drinking  lukewarm water in which you have previously squeezed lemon juice. In this way you will be doing something good for your body.

There are several key benefits of starting the day with a glass of healthy water and lemon drink.



Improves Digestion

Thanks to the hot water your digestive tract will be protected and thanks to the lemon your liver will be stimulated and purified. This drink is also contributing to a better function of the stomach acids.

Lemon Water Can Boost Your Immune System

Citrus are rich in vitamin C and ascorbic acid. Vitamin C helps in  fighting  the common cold and ascorbic acid helps in the absorption of iron, which is also important for the functioning of the immune system.

Balance of the pH

If there is a chronic imbalance of the pH in the body,  diseases will be able to come in easily. This drink regulates the pH balance.

Detoxification Of The Body

Lemon helps in ejecting harmful substances from the body and is a natural diuretic, which means that it helps in ejecting greater amount of liquid, and thus various toxins. The citric acid helps in creating  necessary enzymes  for the liver.

Provides Energy

The combination of water and lemon helps in refreshing  the blood. It will also make you feel fresh and energetic during the whole day, doing the usual everyday things in a lot easier way.


Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

How To Reduce Snoring – 8 Home Snoring Remedies That Works Perfect

Snoring occurs when relaxed structures in the throat start vibrating and produce sound. Frequent  snoring is considered to be a  sleep disorder while heavy snoring can be a sign of serious health problems.

If you have this kind of problem it is time to  naturally put an end to it.
There are thousands of products that promise to stop snoring but  very often they are of dubious quality. Is there something better than doing things naturally?


1. Mint

Mint reduces the swelling of the lining of the throat and nose and allows easy breathing. Add 2.3 drops of essential oil of mint in 1 cup of water and wash the throat before bedtime. In any case, don’t drink this water. Repeat the procedure every day until you notice improvement.

2. Olive Oil

Olive oil relaxes the tissues around the airways and reduces swelling by creating a path for air. Olive oil can relieve pain but you can also use it regularly to reduce vibration in the throat in order to prevent snoring. Drink 2 to 3 sips of olive oil before going to bed or consume the following combination: half a teaspoon of honey with a few drops of olive oil before bed.

3. Cardamom

In some places it is known as Kakule. This is a perfect cure for ejecting mucus and it has a great effect in  aiding with  breathing difficulties. Use it in the following way: put warm water in a bowl and add half a teaspoon of cardamom powder. Drink it  half an hour before bedtime. Repeat this routine every day in order to stop snoring.

The article continues on page 2…

Health Natural Remedies

Relieve Joint Pain Naturally – This Homemade Coating Will Pull The Pain Away From Your Joints

If you feel pain in the joints due to an injury you don’t  always have to visit the doctor. Sometimes   using traditional medications can be very helpful.

Before going to bed, prepare a mixture of several ingredients to put on the affected area. The next morning you will feel a lot better.

 What do you need to do? 

In a bowl, mix equal amount ( for example 3.5 oz / 100 grams of all ingredients) of honey, flour, apple cider vinegar and vodka or other pure alcohol. Mix until it turns into the form of a dough. If you need the dough firmer you can add  more flour. Then, put the dough on the affected area.

Attach  cotton fabric – wrapper to the mixture so that  it doesn’t fall overnight. Leave the mixture  to act during the  night. As soon as you wake up  the next day  remove the wrapper. This amazing mixture  is for one use only.
It  will not only  relieve joint pain in the fastest way possible, but it will also improve joints’ mobility.

Health Tips

After Reading This You Will Never Throw Away The Used Tea Bags Again

You are throwing out used tea bags? After reading this article you will never throw away any used tea bags again. We are all familiar with  the healing properties of  the tea, but not many people know the fact  that used teabags can be used in various  ways for different situations.

1. Get Rid of The Redness of Your Eyes

Put a couple of teabags in cold water and let them soak for 2 minutes. Place them onto your eyelids. Let them stay there for couple of minutes. After you put them away the redness will be gone and your eyes will look fresher and younger.

2. Marinate Meat

In order to prevent the meat from getting hard and resilient , marinate it with already used teabags. The tea’s aroma will make the meat’s taste richer and it will also make it softer.

3. Clean Your Home

You can use these teabags even in your daily chores. Tea can clean dirty mirrors, floors and even linoleum.

4. Freshen up Your Clothes And Shoes

Store the previously used and dried teabags in the closet in order to make your clothes smell nicer. You can also put one of these bags in each  of your shoes. It will get rid of the unpleasant smell in no time.

5. Mitigate Pain

In case you have some wound inside your mouth bite down previously used teabag. The tea’s compounds will relieve the pain and it will fasten the healing process.

6. Mitigate Sunburns And Get Rid of Acne

In case you have sunburns and/or acne, teabags will give you a relief. Place already used teabag on the affected area(s) [whether is for acne or sunburn(s)]. Teabags will bring you relief and will cool down the affected area. It will also help you get rid of acne anywhere on your body.

Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Clean Your Body Out of Toxins By Drinking Only One Glass

Do you want to destroy toxins in your body? We present you an easy way to do that! Prepare this drink and the detoxification process can start right away. This beverage will destroy toxins and clean your body of other harmful substances as well.

It will  also  make you feel full of energy as well as  fasten the digestive process in your body.


Ingredients needed:

  •  4 green apples
  • 1 lemon  (with its peel )
  • 1 fresh ginger (2-3 cm long)


Mix the ginger, lemon and the apples in blender. It is as easy as that !  Your drink is ready. Prepare it early in the morning since  it is best to drink it before breakfast on an empty stomach.


Health Tips

12 Simple Tips To Stop Overeating

When there is delicious food in front of us which deceive us with their looks and aroma it is very hard to stop yourselves from eating “just another bite”. The result is overeating which we regret about later.

Uncontrolled eating has bad effects not just on our waistline but on our energy and mood as well. Even though no one wants to be a couch potato, many of us will not say “no” to a delicious food.

Overeating can be prevented with the following simple tricks:

1. Use your palms as a guide. The amount of food you are about to eat should fit into your palms (figuratively speaking). Put your palms together as if you were making bowl. The amount of food that fits into your palms is probably enough for your stomach as well.

2. When you feel fed, make the handles of the cutlery dirty. Many people want to eat everything they have been served, which leads to overeating. By making the cutlery dirty you will not be able to just “have another bite”.


3. Cover the rest of the meal with napkin. When you feel fed covering the rest of your food with napkin will reduce the desire for eating because you do not see the food. Far from your eyes, far from your mouth as well.

4. Do not eat to satisfy others. No matter how tasty mother’s cake is, do not eat another piece of it just because she asks you to. Say “maybe later” but do not let her kind of sad face talk you into eating more.

5. Focus on the taste of the first couple of bites of your favorite food. You love chocolate? Researches have shown that eating two cubes of chocolate gives you the same satisfaction as eating the whole row. In the second case scenario you have overate and feel guilty about it. Remember the first couple of bites because that is when the food is the tastiest.

After the first couple of bites your tongue receptors are less sensitive to the food chemicals. Conclusion? You can satisfy your desire for eating caloric food with only 2-3 bites. This way you will prevent overeating.

6. Eating until you are 80% full. Okinawa people practice this technique and 29% of the inhabitants live 100 years or more.

7. Overeating may happen easily if you leave your finished dish on the table you are still sitting. Put away the used dishes so you do not eat after you are finished eating. If the dish is in front of you, the chances of putting more food in it are big.

8. Send your body a signal with which you will say “I am done eating”. These signals can be sent with:

  • A chewing gum or hard mint candy. Mint reduces appetite and chewing gum will keep your mouth busy.
  • Several pieces of fruit or couple of chocolate bites. Sweet food is detected by the brain as a desert. You will not be back eating the previously eaten food after eating sweets.

9. Make sure your dish and the food you are about to eat are in different color. Instead of serving pasta in a white dish, serve it in a red, black or blue dish. The more diverse the colors between the dish and the food are the bigger will seem to be the meal you are about to eat.

10. Try not to do anything else while eating. Overeating mostly occur when we eat in front of the computer or TV because we stuff out mouth repeatedly. Eat in the kitchen on the table you are supposed to be eating. This way you will not have any other activities.

11. Do not eat out of the packaging. If you bought yourselves a big pack of chips do not eat out of it. Serve yourselves normal amount of the chips in a bowl. This way you will not overeat and will know how many calories have you entered,

12. Leave the fork lean on your dish between every bite. Have a bite and leave the fork on the dish. Making a pause between bites will give your body enough time to alert the brain that you are full. Do not forget that your brain needs 15-20 minutes until it gets the signal.

Health Health Tips

Quit Smoking With 2 Simple Breathing Exercises

Breathing exercises are not invented by modern medicine. They are used in yoga for more than one thousand years. If you are really dedicated to quit smoking, these types of exercises significantly can affect the human body and help you to achieve your goal.

These exercises will make you develop the right way and they will also help respiratory organs in cleaning the organism out of harmful chemicals caused by smoking.

The exercises are performed  in a very simple way. You can  make  your own choice  and start doing some of them every morning and throughout the day. After doing these exercises, the strong desire for smoking disappears completely.

Exercise number 1:

When you  find yourself in a situation when  you feel  a strong smoking desire, go out and get some fresh air. Stand back and relax. Inhale deeply and hold your breath for 5 seconds then slowly breathe out.

Repeat this exercise 10 times. After you are done you  may feel slight dizziness due to saturation of the brain with oxygen. Most importantly is that the smoking desire fades away slowly, but certainly and it time you will be able to quit smoking.

Exercise number 2:

Inhale slowly through your nose and then breathe out little faster. If you imagine  yourselves being a steam locomotive, this exercise will not only be more efficient but it will surely be more fun. Start doing this exercise slowly and after a while increase the tempo.

Make 30 inhales and breathing outs in one cycle. After each cycle take a 1 minute break. In order to see the results, repeat this exercise 5-6 times. Progressively, you will start thinking about other stuff rather than smoking.

These 2 Yoga breathing exercises, have helped many people to quit smoking.

Health Healthy Drinks Recipes

How To Make Kefir – Drink Full of Health That Can Treat Many Serious Diseases

Wet kefir, also known as Japanese crystals, is a type of kefir fungus. Kefir has similar properties as kombucha but it is  easier to  preserve (something like milk kefir).

This fungus has sharp and refreshing taste and it is easily digestible. This refreshing sour-like taste drink is prepared by kefir fungus. Its preparation is in fact just a symbiosis between bacteria and fungus.


Experience showed that kefir has positive effects on the overall health. It can help in the  treatment of many diseases and upsets.

Regular consumption of kefir:

  • strengthens the immune system
  • cleans the organism out of toxins

    helps in maintaining normal blood pressure


    lowers the cholesterol levels


    helps in treatment of stomach diseases


    restores flora and relieves intestinal diseases


    help in treatment of kidney, liver and bile diseases


    acts as natural antibiotic (heals inflamed processes


    helps in  anemia and poor circulation treatment


    treats respiratory diseases


    helps with stress, insomnia and nervous system diseases


    it slows down the spread of cancerous cells


    acts against fungi and bacteria


    acts against asthma and allergies

Kefir Recipe:

It is important to mention that industrially manufactured kefir is not produced from kefir fungus but from hops and different types of bacteria that give the drink the same flavor, but not the same quality. Due to  this fact , the best thing to do is prepare kefir at home.

Its preparation is very simple.

In order to prepare kefir in 1 liter-jar you need:

  • 3-4 teaspoons of kefir
  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • 20-30 grains of dried grapes (you can also use dried figs, apricots but you can never use fresh fruit)

In order to normalize the pH value of this beverage you can add a piece of lemon, among other ingredients. Leave the jar standing still for at least 24 hours.  In this way  there is enough time for the fermentation process to take place

You can drink the liquid after those 24 hours or you can store it  in a bottle and keep it in the fridge. If you store the kefir into the fridge, add water, sugar and dried fruit the next day.

Make sure the water you add is distilled – chlorine free. In case you don’t  put sugar, fungus will die. You also need to be careful what kind of spoon you are using. Crystals mustn’t be in contact with metal. This is why you need to use plastic spoon.

Don’t  forget to let the jar lid little bit loose so the fungus can breathe.

As we said before, it is similar to kombucha but  less complicated. Kefir preparation will only take 5 minutes out of your precious time. You can consume kefir as much as you want at any time of the day.