Health Natural Remedies

Efficient Home Remedy To Relieve Persistent & Dry Coughs

How many times your grandmother’s recipes have been more efficient than those expensive ones you bought from a pharmacy? This cough remedy is another such example.

In autumn and winter days, when cough and cold rule, it is best to try something natural.



  • 9 oz/ 250 grams of pure honey
  • 2 oz/ 60ml of olive oil with good quality
  • 3 freshly squeezed lemons


Place all ingredients in a small saucepan and heat them over low heat until the syrup begins to evaporate. Remove the mixture away from the fire and allow it to cool down.

Put the syrup in a small jar which will be closed very well.

The syrup can be stored in the refrigerator up to 3 months and be used as needed.

Before using it, mandatory stir it and heat it.

Use it at the first sign of a cold or flu.

Children should consume 2 to 3 teaspoons a day, while adults 1 to 2 tablespoons.

Health Health Tips

Top 5 Foods That Can Trigger Acne(Pimples) – Must Avoid List

These foods should be avoided if you want to have pure and gentle face.


Great amount of salt stops the process of hydration and leads to swelling. In this sutiation your body cannot fight acne because there is not enough strength. Walnuts contain vitamin E, calcium, iron, i.e. improve hydration and maintain its level.


Milk and dairy products are all full of bioavailable hormones. By entering these products the skin is under great stress, especially if these foods are consumed in large quantities. In this case you need to enter something different, something like broccoli that contains vitamins A, B, C, E and K, which relaxes your skin and makes it look younger.


Bread And Refined Grains

These products can increase insulin, which encourages acne to appear in larger numbers. Brown rice can be a great substitute because it contains a lot of protein and vitamin B.


Shellfish, clams, crabs and lobsters close the pores and cause acne. Tuna or catfish are much better solution for your skin. These are rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and do not close the pores, so the skin can breathe freely.


Wine, beer and cocktails are all super companion at parties but they dehydrate the skin and can lead of wrinkle appearance. Avocados are a perfect replacement. Avocados refresh the skin and enrich it with vitamin E.

Health Healthy Drinks

8 Reasons Why You Should Drink Beet Juice

Beet is extremely healthy vegetable, but it doesn’t have the best taste in the world so many people avoid it. We will now present  you several reasons why you should drink beet juice and some of its health benefits.


Beetroot juice contains betalain, pigment that has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to this ingredientbeetroot juice prevents cell damage and removes free radicals from the body.

If you have digestive disorders, drink beet juice regularly. Studies have shown that beetroot juice cleanses the intestinesand helps them to function properly.

Thanks to carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxantine,beetroot juice is beneficial for the health of the eyes.

Beetrootjuice increases energy levels, so your body  will respond better to doing exercises.

A glass of beetroot juice a day reduces blood pressure.

Beetrootjuice increases the level of iron in the blood. Besides iron, beet juice contains antioxidants that maintain the normal levels of hemoglobin. The iron in the juice improves circulation.

Beetroot juice increases immunity, so your body can fight infection in a  faster and easier way.

Thanks to the fact that it contains magnesium , beetroot juice helps in releasing stress.

Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

A Recipe for Turmeric Juice: A Powerful Healing Beverage

Turmeric is one of the most effective curative herbs.It is very good for the bones and joints ,and also helps in preventing cancer.

Turmeric detoxifies the liver and cleanses the kidneys, speeding the metabolism and helping with your weight. It also assists in conditions of depression, arthritis, damaged skin etc. That’s why Turmeric is pervasive in both Chinese medicine and Ayurveda.

This is what you’ll need:

  • raw honey
  • colander
  • 5-7 inches turmeric
  • 5-7 tamarind
  • 2 lemons
  • water
  • food processor
  • pot
  • mason jar or other glass jar with a lid


1. Peel the turmeric and don’t worry when your hands turn yellow. In case your countertop gets dirty, apply some dish soup. Let it stay like that for 5 minutes and then wash it using a sponge. The blemish will disappear.

2. Open the tamarind. Double-check that you remove all the inner roots, because we’ll only be using te inner fruit.

3. Place the peeled turmeric in a big pot with water and let it boil for about 20 minutes while the water gets marigold colour.

4. During the time of boiling, put 1 inch of water and the peeled tamarind in a pan. Stir the fruit with a wooden spoon until it melts into a jam. If it becomes dry, put some more water in it.

By now, you should see the appearance of the seeds. When it looks soft enough, turn the heat off and let it chill.

5. The colour of the tumeric water should be in line by now.Put some cold water to reduce the temperature. Pour the tumeric water and the tumeric into a food processor. After being boiled, the root becomes soft and has a better flavour, so it’s prepared for getting an even better flavour in the food processor. The colour should now become blazing marigold.

6. The colander is located on a small pot in order to keep the tamarind, now pour the substance in the colander. Put the jam around the colander with the wooden spoon, we don’t want to use the seeds or the peels.

7. Place the kept tamarind and the tumeric water in the food processor.

8. You’re practically ready. Next, squeeze the lemons in the food processor, take the processor and pour the delicious jam in the mason jar. You can add some honey to improve the taste. Then, close the lid and mix it.

9. Put it in the fridge for 3 or 4 days and drink it daily.

Other sources linked in Natural Cures Not Medicine’s article and original source:

Fruits Health

8 Reasons Why You Should Eat an Orange a Day & How Oranges Can Improve Your Health

Besides being tasty and juicy, the orange has many other health benefits. This is why you should eat at least one orange a day.

It Reduces The Cholesterol

One of the most important flavonoids that oranges have in abundance is hesperetin. Studies show that this flavonoid reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the body. This way you protect yourself from heart attacks and other cardiovascular difficulties.

It Helps With Inflammation

Oranges have anti-inflammatory qualities that help relieve the pain in cases of arthritis and stiffness of muscles and joints.


Shiny Skin

The antioxidants in oranges protect the skin from the harmful effect of the free radicals that are known to accelerate the aging process of the skin.

It Regulates Digestion

Oranges are rich with dietary fibers that stimulate gastric juice and prevent constipation.

Proper Development Of The Brain

They are an excellent source of folate and folic acid which affect the proper development of the brain, and therefore pregnant women are especially advised to regularly consume at least one orange a day.

It’s Excellent For Your Sight

Just like the skin, our sight can also get damaged while aging. Oranges are rich with nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and potassium, which are great for the eyes. So, if you want to have a good eyesight, eat one orange every day.

It Prevents Cancer

The vitamin C acts like an antioxidant in the orange. Oranges, like all other citrus, contain D-limonene which has been found to effectively prevent the development of individual types of cancer such as skin cancer, breast cancer, chest cancer, colon cancer and mouth cancer.

It Boosts Your Immune System

The high amount of vitamin C in the orange stimulates the production of white blood cells in the body, which boosts the immune system.

Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss Video

Get Perfect Abs – The 15-Minute Standing Workout for Flat Abs (Video)

This 15 minute fitness program entirely engages your upper body, without using the standard abdominal exercises.

FitnessBlender“, one of the most popular fitness channels, presents the program which allows you to burn 102 calories in only 15 minutes, and promises a much more interesting way of strengthening the abdominal muscles than the standard one.

The advantages of this program are numerous, and for starters, the easy part is that you don’t need any special equipment, which means no weight sets, or gym mats for abs exercises. Prepare your trainers, shorts and T-shirt, and you’re ready.

It’s important to do each exercise for 50 seconds, and then rest for 10 more.

Take a look at these seven exercises, which promise you’ll get great abs.


Diet & Weight Loss

Her Diet Became a Hit: She Lost 55 Pounds in 100 days

Sophie King, a 26-year-old teacher and blogger, has become an Internet star after announcing a diet which helped her lose 55 pounds in only 3 months.

At one point Sophie weighed 194 pounds, and after getting really sick a few times, she figured out a 100-day-plan for losing weight.

Amazingly, there’s nothing revolutionary, but the diet excludes all supplements and pills, and it’s focused on balanced meals.


Sophie has recently published her diet diary in her blog, which attracted over 10,000 followers.

After exactly 100 days, Sophie took her clothes off and photographed the results.

“At the age of 17 I broke my ankle, which is why I stopped playing sports. Then I started getting fat, and when I went to university I became an incredibly unhealthy person. That was the moment I decided to change my life”, says Sophie.

“A lot of things have changed in 100 days, and I wanted to share my experience with others and help them do the same.”

Health Health Tips Herbs & Oils

12 Foods & Plants That Cleanse Your Lungs And Heal Respiratory Infections

Cleansing your lungs lets you detox them of infection, lower the risk of cancer, expand lung capacity and improve the health of the respiratory tract.

This is primarily suggested to smokers and people living in places with polluted air. Here are the best foods and plants that can cleanse your lungs and heal respiratory infections.


Inhalations Using Essential Oils

You should do inhalations with essential oils of rosemary or eucalyptus twice or three times a week, which would help you cleanse your lungs from contamination.

You don’t have to buy a special device for the inhalation. All you have to do is heat some water in a big pot, put a few drops of essential oil and place a towel over your head while you inhale.

This is refreshing and delightful, and it will also help you if you’re dealing with some sort of breathing problems. In addition, it can be helpful when dealing with the flu, cold or some other respiratory problems.

The Best Foods To Cleanse Your Lungs

As all the other ways of detoxification, lung cleansing also includes changes in your diet.

We all know that a healthy diet is crucial because it encourages the natural cleansing body mechanisms and boosts your immune system. We suggest you to consume water, fruits and vegetables.

The following things contribute to the health of the lungs:


It clears the mucus in the lungs by being spicy. That’s why your nose starts running when you eat spicy food. It affects the mucus and tar the same way, making your body quickly remove them.


The best cleansing mechanism is water. Try to dodge coffee, soda or alcohol and drink clean water. A key to an excellent health is a good hydration because it accelerates the procedure of detoxification.


They are rich with many nutrients. Onions put an end to many diseases, like cancer or some lung infections, and they also help in breaking down mucus and removing toxins.

The article continue on page 2…

Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies Recipes

Chocolate & Kale Smoothie Against Osteoporosis

This is ideal for starting the day or an afternoon snack. Besides being tasty, kale is very helpful for your health, especially your bones.

It affects the bones in a way that it strengthens them and makes them more resistant to fractures and lumps. Consume this smoothie daily and it will help you improve your health.

It is recommended for people with osteoporosis problems.



  • 1 large banana
  • A few leaves of fresh kale
  • 2 dates without bones
  • 1 cup of blueberries
  • 2-3 cubes of dark chocolate
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 ½ cups water


Place all ingredients in a blender and mix them until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Drink it immediately, with smaller sips. This amount is enough for a one-person-meal.


How to Tell if an Egg is Fresh – 3 Simple Tests To Check an Egg Freshness

Fresh eggs are delicious and nutritious foods, rich in protein, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Our sensory senses for smell and sight are the best tools for determining if a meat  product or some kind of herb  is fresh , but we can’t really use our senses to test  the freshness of an egg before we  actually crack it.

We present you three tests to determine whether  the eggs in your fridge are fresh enough or no. You can find out in several seconds!


First test:

  • Take a deep glass bowl or cup and fill it with water.
  • Gently place the egg inside and observe what happens.
  • Fresh eggs will sink completely and will be “stuck” on the bottom.
  • Not so fresh eggs will be at the bottom with one part and the other part will be raised to the surface.
  • Eggs that float on the water are pretty old and risky for consumption so don’t eat them.

Second test:

  • Take the egg in your hand and hold it against your ear. Shake it gently and hear the sound coming from inside the egg.
  • If you hear no sound, the egg should be fresh and good for consumption.
  • If you hear unusual noise coming from inside the egg, it is probably old.

Third test:

  • Take an egg, break down the shell from the edge of the plate and open it. Pour it into bowl and observe its looks.

    If the  bile is standing firm and raised and the white remains gathered around it, the egg is fresh.


    If the yolk is firm but slightly spread and little bit pressed and the white is completely transparent and hasn’t spilled, the egg is older, but still good for consumption.


    If the yolk is soft, completely flat or has diffused immediately, and the white is watery and fully diluted, the egg is probably old, so do not eat it.