General Health Tips

Feds To Parents: No Lunches From Home Without Doctor’s Note, School Lunch Only

If the government decides, the happy moments of your child’s every day life may soon come to an end, and all that food-sharing thing could probably remain just as a memory of the old days. Your kid could possibly not experience the joy of trading half of its peanut butter and jelly sandwich for half of its best friend’s ham sandwich.

A mother from Richmond, Virginia, received the following note, in which she was asked not to pack the lunch for her pre-school age child.

Dear Parents,

I have received word from Federal Programs Preschool pertaining to lunches from home. Parents are to be informed that students can only bring lunches from home if there is a medical condition requiring a specific diet, along with a physicians note to that regard.

I am sorry for any inconvenience. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact Stephanie [redacted] the Health Coordinator for Federal Programs Preschool at [redacted].


Ms. [redacted]


Are you serious?

As responsible parents, we decided to avoid a host of ingredients and cut off any dangerous foods that are usually packed in the school lunches given to our children. We do not consume:

  • GMOs
  • Pesticides
  • Artificial colors and flavors
  • Preservatives
  • Hormone laden meat and dairy

Taking this into consideration, please, may this not come as a surprise you, but this week at my daughter’s school, the lunch offerings are:

  • Corn dog or chicken nuggets, tater tots
  • Beef tostada boat or PB and J on white bread
  • Pepperoni pizza or fish sticks with roll
  • Pretzel sticks with cheese sauce or chicken teriyaki
  • Cheeseburger or breaded chicken patty with seasoned fries

None of the foods offered on the list is part of our every day diet. And yes, add some rBGH-filled milk and a corn-syrup laden “fruit cup” to the list of ‘healthy school diet!’ The result? A complete nutritional disaster and life-threatening diet regimen.

Why should the parents experience such a pressure and be required to bear all the expenses of getting the necessary doctor’s note in order to be allowed to make healthy, homemade lunches for their children?

Yes, the question actually has a point.

The answer? Profit and control – simple as that!

The major reason for this is the federal government’s goal to have all the little children on board, which would subsidize the farmers, make the rich even richer, and get the poor stuck with some serious health problems.

The article continues on page 2…

Health Health Tips

How Much Water Do We Need To Drink, According To Our Weight?


By now you should be quite aware of the fact that water is the main compound that will help you get a perfect body and great health condition. The worst mistake some people make when it comes to drinking water is their very own theory that water can be replaced with any other drink.

Some just do not drink water at all, or do not drink as much as the body needs for its vital functions. The amount of water your body needs depends on your weight.

The table above should help you determine the right amount. It will help you get into the routine and drink the proper amount of water every day.



Health Health Tips

2 Simple Breathing Exercise For Good Deep Lung Cleansing

Cleansing your lungs lets you detox them of infection, lower the risk of cancer, expand lung capacity and improve the health of the respiratory tract.

This is primarily suggested to smokers and people living in places with polluted air.


Breathing Exercises:

They are one of the best methods of lung cleansing.  This doesn’t mean just taking a deep breath, it takes a lot more. There are numerous exercises for lung cleansing, so this is one of them.

This exercise will really help you cleanse your lungs, and it will be a nice start of the day if you do it in the morning, when there’s fresh air.

  1. Stand up and relax, keeping your arms at each side and your feet a little apart.
  2. Take several deep breaths, exhaling over the nose.
  3. Breathe in through the nose and calmly exhale through the mouth until you can’t exhale anymore. There’s more air in your lungs, so don’t stop here.

While we breathe, we don’t replace all of the air and it stays in the lungs.

Next, make your diaphragm let out all the air from your lungs by heavily gasping. Exhale through your mouth a few times, doing ha ha ha, until you think there isn’t any air left in your lungs. This will make you feel as if you have pulled in your stomach to your spine.

  1. Inhale fresh air through your nose into your empty lungs.
  2. Fully consume your lungs with air, and hold your breath for 5 seconds, counting slowly. By now, every cell in your body has been filled with oxygen.
  3. Exhale trough your mouth once again until there’s no more air left and do the ha ha ha to remove the last air out of your lungs.

Return to step 4 and do this as much as you want. Another perk of this exercise, except cleansing your lungs, is that it makes your stomach strong.

Health Health Tips

4 Ways to Make Fluoride-Free Organic Toothpaste at Home

This formula is encouraged by the beauty bible “Organic Body Care Recipes” of Stephanie Tourles. It’s for a one-use application, so create the appropriate amount for your toothbrush.

  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoons – nicely ground tea salt
  • 1 drop peppermint or citrus pure essential oil
  • A few drops water


Mix all the ingredients in a dish until you create a solid paste. Put it on your toothbrush and brush your teeth.


2. Vegan Toothpaste

In order to keep the product’s texture, a lot of toothpastes consist of glycerin, but that always comes from animal origin except if it’s listed as vegetable glycerin.

Try the following thing and you’ll get a vegan toothpaste that contains glycerin:

  • 2 teaspoons vegetable glycerin
  • 4 tablespoons baking soda
  • ½ teaspoons guar gum
  • 8 tablespoons water
  • 5 drops peppermint, clove or citrus pure essential oil


Put all of the ingredients in a pot, besides essential oil. Cook on little heat for 5 minutes or at least by the time it gets a paste-like texture, and stir at regular intervals. After it gets cold, put essential oil and store it in an antiseptic jug at room temperature.

The article continue on page 2…

Health Health Tips

Do It Yourself Dish Soap, Forget The Store Bought Crap

Do it yourself – stuff are great because you always know how something is done and what is in it. For example there are soaps in which there are many chemicals harmful for out health. Simple Green’s liquid for washing dishes contains cocamide dea. This is a hormone disruptor, but enough about their products, let us make our own!


Ingredients needed:

  • 1 3/4 of a cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of grated bar soap (any choice)
  • 1 tablespoon of borax
  • 15 to 20 drops of essential oils (any choice)

Even though some people think that borax may be toxic and carcinogenic to humans, they are false. Researches have proved the opposite, so, feel free to use it but keep it out of reach of children and pets just in case they swallow some.

Method of preparation:

  1. Boil the water and add the grated bar soap and the borax in it. Mix until the soap is melted.
  2. Add the essential oils
  3. Allow this mixture to cool down for 6 to 8 hours. Stir it occasionally.
  4. Once the mixture is cooled store it in a bottle.
  5. You are now done making the dish soap, feel free to use it.


Health Natural Remedies

Top 8 Natural Painkillers You Already Have in Your Kitchen

When you feel pain in a certain part of the body do not immediately resort to analgesics or similar tablets. Learn what  foods from your kitchen will do the same thing  in a completely natural and nutritious way.


Turmeric helps in  fighting various kinds of inflammation, chronic pain, back and muscle pain, toothache and arthritis. Also, this spice helps in successful recover of  tissues and it is excellent for detoxification and improving overall health. You can add turmeric to various dishes as well as teas and juices. Turmeric is best combined with black pepper because  it is most efficient  used  in this way.



This exceptionally balmy root will help in  easing  chronic pain in joints and arthritis. You can add ginger to different kinds of tea as well as in various dishes, soups, juices and desserts. Some people are very sensitive to its taste, so insert it gradually into your diet.

Chili Peppers

The  most beneficial effects of chili are  credited to their main ingredient – capsaicin. Capsaicin weakens the signal that carries information that something hurts us. This information is sent from the body to the brain. Chili peppers successfully treat joint pain, fibromyalgia, migraines and skin rashes.


Toothache, ear infections and pain caused by arthritis can successfully  be healed by  garlic. Make homemade garlic oil in the following way: add three cloves of chopped garlic in tiny pieces into a half cup of olive oil and leave to simmer on low heat for two minutes. Strain the mixture and leave it to stand still in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.

Thus prepared , boil and gently rub it on the painful joints or muscles. If you have ear infections, drop two drops of this warm oil into your aching ear. In case you have a toothache, make a mixture of crushed garlic and salt. Take a pinch of this mixture  and apply it to the aching tooth.


Toothache and pain in the gums can be immediately treated with cloves. The best way to use cloves for toothache is to chew it because  in that way a powerful ingredient with analgesic effect, called eugenol is released. If you are not able to  handle the strong and unique clove flavor, make a strong cloves tea.


This is perhaps the tastiest selection of analgesic, which helps with arthritis, bone pain and chronic headache. The whole credit for cherries’ anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects should be  taken by the antioxidant called anthocyanins.

Cherries abound with anthocyanins. This powerful antioxidant eliminates enzymes that cause tissue inflammation and pain.

Apple Cider Vinegar

If you suffer from stomach acids, mix one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and drink it before a meal or drink it gradually after a meal to avoid acid formation in the stomach. Apple cider vinegar helps our body to better combust fat and protein, which actually causes the burning discomfort in the abdomen area.


Blueberries are best natural medicine for treatment and prevention of infections of the urinary tract. They are very rich in tannin, a natural organic compound that effectively kills the bacteria that causes inflammation of the urethra.


Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

5,000 Year Old Buddhist Health Recipe

This ancient  recipe is thought  to be 5,000 years old. It was found in 1972 in the Tibetan mountains in a Buddhist monastery by a pharmacist.

Method of preparation:

  • Add 350 grams of crushed garlic in a glass jar.
  • Pour over  220-250 grams of 95-96° alcohol, rum or other spirits.

Warning: The alcohol should not contain substances like methanol or benzalkonium chloride.

Close the jar tightly, hermetically if possible, and place it in the refrigerator. Let it stand still for 10 days. 10 days  later , strain the mixture of the jar through gauze of very fine strainer. This  liquid should be poured in the same jar and stored in the refrigerator for another 2 days.


Two days later , the liquid is ready for use.  The  best way to take the drops is  with water or milk before having a meal.

See the schedule  below for the procedure of taking the drops.


Finish the entire amount by taking 25 drops three times a day.  This therapy can be done  only once in every 5 years.

This therapy cures:

  • Arteriosclerosis
  • Lung disease
  • Impotence
  • Sinusitis
  • The sick myocardial diaphragm
  • Clears the body of fats and stones (kidney, gall)
  • Hypertension
  • Various vision and hearing disorders
  • Lack of appetite
  • Arthritis and rheumatism
  • Gastritis, stomach ulcers and hemorrhoids
  • Melts the blood clots
  • Improves the metabolism and thus all blood vessels (re)become elastic
  • Regulates the body weight

The last but not the least and  probably the most important benefit:  It absorbs all kinds of  external and internal tumors!

Source and Credits:

Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Feeling Tired Lately? It Might Be Time For A Kidney Detox Juice

Kidneys’ work is constant , all day and all night  without any  stopping . They have several essential functions in the body , so maintaining their healthy functioning should also be essential to you.  They serve as a natural filter for blood, produce hormones and have important function in the urinary system.


If you haven’t paid  any attention to your diet lately and  you have been eating poorly,so that it resulted in losing weight you might want to help your kidneys out. Try the following detox juice that will boost your energy up in no time.

Ingredients needed:

  • 2 medium carrots
  • 1 large cucumber

Yes, the preparation of this recipe is as easy as it looks. All you need to do is wash all of the ingredients with  water and put them together in a blender and mix. The sooner you consume this beverage the more nutrients your organism will absorb.

Nutrients will be absorbed  immediately after you drink this juice. Cheers!


Health Natural Remedies Video

Turmeric Face Mask Recipe for Rosacea, Acne and Dark Circles

This is an easy “Do it yourself” beauty mask that is  our  suggestion. You  can treat yourself with doing this mask once in two weeks. It will certainly brighten up your tan and it is great for people with redness, acne or rosacea. It also acts amazingly in  preventing the appearance of dark circles.

Here are more turmeric health benefits

Turmeric is a spice that is at your disposal in  every super market. You can buy  some when you are grocery shopping for  only couple of dollars.  It ‘s  most commonly used in the  South Asian cuisine. So, if you want to buy turmeric  for even cheaper price than you actually do, visit your local Pakistani/Indian super market. You will find extremely cheap turmeric there.

The important thing you need to know about turmeric is not health-related.  We warn you that turmeric  can stain furniture, clothing etc. Be careful when using it.

Recipe for the turmeric mask:
1. Turmeric
2. Honey
3. Milk

The preparation is on the video below:


Health Tips Healthy Drinks Vegetables

Here is Why You Should Not Throw Away Pickle Juice

Once you eat the jar of pickles, you probably think that their water should be poured away. Wrong!

The juice from pickles not only serves to maintain the acidity and freshness, but also for several other useful purposes as well.


After Exercise Drink

Acidic liquid that pickles are stored in are high in electrolytes so you can drink it without additional accessories after hard training.

This will restore part of the important matters that you have lost from sweating. Also, this liquid is an excellent source of potassium, which prevents inflammation of the muscles.  You should only separate the garlic and spices that are normally put in the jar.

Substitutes For Vinegar

Juice of pickles can be used as a “sweeter” substitute for vinegar that can spice up various green salads, potato salads and hard-boiled eggs. The liquid can be added in yogurt and make salad dressing or use for marinating the meat.  Also, the juice from pickles can soften onions and reduce onion’s sharp taste.

An Unusual Cocktail

Acid juice can be used in making unusual cocktail. You can add it in a martini as substitute for olive juice and olives that are usually added into the martini. Or, you can add it in a glass of whiskey, which is one of the most popular trends at the moment.

Finally, remember that the juice of pickles is a great cure for hangover!