Fruits Health Health Tips Vegetables

11 Types of Food That Resemble Body Organs They Treat

Have you ever noticed that the fruit of the walnut resembles the brain and a grain of bean resembles a kidney? This similarity shows us what exactly a certain fruit can heal in the human’s body. See the unbelievable connection between the human body and nature.


The tomato is similar with the heart because it has red color and four chambers just like the heart. Studies showed that the  tomato is very rich in iron and potassium which makes it extremely healthy for the blood and the heart.

The Walnut looks like the brain. It has left and right hemisphere and folds as well as the brain. It is widely  known that walnut creates transmitters in the brain function.

Celery is a plant which has similarities with our bones. Our bones contain 23% sodium which is the exact amount of sodium in the celery as well. It has been proved that celery supplements our skeleton’s needs.

Avocado is very beneficial for ovaries and uterus, and when it comes to its looks, you guessed it – it looks similar with the uterus. By eating only one avocado a week you will prevent ovarian and cervical cancer. Hormones will also be balanced thanks to the avocado.

Pancreas has its similarities with the sweet potato. Thanks to  the sweet potato, the pancreas can easily balance sugar levels in the blood.

If you slice a carrot into circles you can see that it looks almost exactly like the human eye. Science has shown that carrots are good for the eyes because they increase blood flow and improve sight in general.

Grapefruit and other citrus-like fruits look like breasts. The Grapefruit assists in moving the lymph glances through the breast thus preventing breast cancer.

Ginger successfully treats swelling and gastric upsets, and yes, it does look like the stomach.

The Red color of the wine  reminds us of  the color of our blood. When consumed in reasonable quantities, red wine reduces the risk of blood clots and the risk of getting diseases that are associated with heart disease and stroke.

Clams resemble the testicles. Studies  have shown that clams are great for the health of the male reproductive organs.

If you cut Agaricus campestris (type of mushrooms) in half you will certainly find similarities to its look to the look of the human ear(s). Mushrooms improve hearing as they are one of the few foods rich in vitamin D. This is an important vitamin for the overall health of the bones.


6 Superfruits You Can Grow At Home

Super fruits are said to contain more vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber and other nutrients than other fruits.

So if you include them in your diet, your body will be very thankful. It seems like each year the food industry represents a new product that is the next best thing for your health, and often these products are some unusual plants that come from some exotic location.


But not all super fruits are exotic. Some of them can be easily grown in your home gardens.


Blueberries usually grow as shrubs and their seeds can be found in many agricultural pharmacies. They are able to grow in different climates. It takes three years for the tree to become an adult and give enough fruit.


Raspberries are also very familiar super fruit and have quite fragile nature. Raspberries can grow at different temperatures and in different regions, in black or red variant. They are very rich in vitamin C, anthocyanines pigment, flavonoids and fiber. Raspberries grow on upright sticks.


Pomegranate happens not to be everyone’s favorite fruit. It is Irritable when they need to be cleaned, especially if you do not know how. Pomegranates grow on trees and come from Persia. Pomegranates are considered a super fruit because they contain huge amounts of vitamin C, vitamin K, polyphenols and anthocyanines.


Blackberries are one of the most colored fruits and are very easy to plant. Blackberries are rich in sugars, vitamins, colored substances, pectin and mineral ingredients. Blackberries are easy to breed, and are already giving fruit in the second year.


Aronia is a fruit that deserved its attention but many of us have not heard of aronia yet. Perhaps this is because of its name. This fruit has a purple color and is rich in anthocyanines and other phytochemicals. It grows even on a less fertile soil and it is subjected to colder climates. The distance between two plants of aronia should be 2 meters. This plant can reach up to 1.5 meters in height.


There are several types of cranberry and its fruits are real vitamin bomb. Cranberry has flowers that are dark red/pink and its fruits and small pink berries with sour-like taste. Cranberries belong in the berry family and are very similar to blueberries. Cranberry’s full grown fruits are actually red solid grains with sour taste.

Health Health Tips

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar As a Medicine

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural remedy for treating many diseases and health conditions. Scientists praise its miraculous power and recommend it to be part of everyone’s daily diet.

A solution of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in warm, previously boiled water and two teaspoons of honey is the optimal dose of apple cider vinegar recommended to be taken daily.


This elixir helps with sore throat, irregular stools, poor circulation and exchange of substances in the body. Apple cider vinegar’s intake is recommended when it comes to diseases of the heart, blood vessels related diseases and kidney diseases.

It has been proved that apple cider vinegar lowers blood pressure and it is  a great way  for maintaining slim line. According to some sources, apple cider vinegar has proved effective in increasing fertility in humans as well as  in animals.  It is also efficient when it comes to night urination in children.

External application of diluted vinegar is a great remedy against itchy skin. Massage the affected area with diluted vinegar in order to prevent itching. Besides  the feeling of freshness that lasts long, these “acid baths” will give the skin softness, moisture and healthy look.

When it comes to dealing with  varicose veins, apple cider vinegar will do the trick. In combination  with  healthy diet and detoxification of the body the results will be amazing.

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Health Health Tips

8 Sleeping Positions And How They Affect Your Health


Which is the position you usually sleep? This is a very relevant question. Not only getting enough sleep, but how you sleep is also of great importance and it can affect your health.

Learn about the meaning of these 8 sleeping positions:

1. Face Down

A good way to improve your digestion is to sleep on your stomach, and if you don’t find a way to breathe through the pillow, you will probably tilt your face on one side or the other, which can put a lot of pressure on your neck. It can also cause back pain.


2. Fetal Position

This is a good sleeping position if you have problems with snoring or if you’re pregnant. Sleeping all curled up with the knees drawn up and chin tilted down may seem cozy, but it can harm your back and neck.


3. On One Side, With The Arms at Each Side

If you sleep on one side with your arms down at each side, you protect the spine in its natural curve. This can also reduce back and neck pain, and sleep apnea. The disadvantage is that it triggers skin aging, causing wrinkles and sagging breasts.


4. On One Side, With The Arms Out

The advantages of this position are similar to the one with the arms at each side. However, it can induce arm and shoulder pain, since the blood flow is restricted and the nerves are pressured, which may get worse by having your arms out in front of you.


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Fruits Health Tips

After Reading This You Will Eat Avocado Seeds Everyday


Avocado seeds contain many health benefits. The avocado consists of polyphenols related to those found in green tea, and avocado seeds contain more antioxidants than most fruits and vegetables.

They also have more soluble fiber, which helps digestion and circulation. In South America, people use avocado seeds to cure dysentery and other GI tract problems. Containing a lot of phenolic compounds, these seeds are able to avoid bacterial and viral diseases, in addition to gastric ulcers.

Consuming this seeds can also prevent cardiovascular disease and strokes. They lower the cholesterol levels and avoid arterial plaque formation, shows a survey published in the journal Plant Foods in Human Nutrition, in March 2012.

The people who conducted the research credited the high level of dietary fiber when cholesterol levels are lowered by appending to cholesterol in the intestinal tract and avoiding absorption.

The antioxidant activity of the avocado seed can put an end to cardiovascular disease by avoiding lipid oxidation, which is a mechanism leading to arterial plaque formation.

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6 Amazing Benefits of Napping

Have you ever wondered how does napping affect your organism? All the benefits of napping may come as a surprise to you and the best thing is that it really does not take much time.

Yes, you read well, and do not be surprised, because it is true, and we have some facts that will sure convince you. It is great to know that a simple and short nap can help you justify your actions, and there is no need to mention that you can nap anytime you can, right?


Proper diet has always been considered as a top priority, followed by some regular physical activities, but you do not often hear someone telling you that you should take a nap more often.

And we have something even better for you: Once you are done reading this article, please, go and take a nice nap. Trust us, once will learn more about the benefits napping brings, you will never feel guilty about taking a nap ever again.

You must admit, this is a great thing, because it is simple as that – we all love to sleep. Most of you probably know that you should get about eight hours of sleep every night, but how many of you actually sleep for that long?

Check the surveys for that. By the time you finish your daily activities, there is rarely eight hours left before you have to get up and start a whole new day.

Many people do not actually sleep enough, which results in reduced energy level and these people are not able to finish all their responsibilities properly until the day ends. Improper sleep makes you exhausted and you often find it difficult to concentrate while doing your regular activities.

Most of you probably try to solve this by taking another cup of coffee, or maybe even an energy drink. We will sure not lecture you on the coffee-related topic, but we bet you know that it is not quite wise to drink one cup after another just to stay awake and focused.

Have you ever thought about replacing all those cups of coffee with a nice nap? You are probably not convinced yet, so we suggest that you keep reading this article and learn more about the benefits of napping:

Take A Nap For The Sake Of Your Heart

A group of researchers in Greece conducted a study and found that adult males who took an afternoon nap at least three times per week reduced the risk of dying from a heart related disease for 37% compared to men who never nap.

You probably still have your doubts, but if all of this is not true, then why would NASA scientists spend their time on studying this subject?

People in many countries afford themselves a nice siesta (nap) after their lunch, and coincidentally, statistics shows that almost all these countries have a very low rate of heart attacks.

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Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar For Warts Removal

Warts are caused by viruses, particularly the HPV type (Human papilloma virus) that causes infections. The top layer of the skin grows too fast resulting in a small solid growth.

Its surface is quite rough, and these usually appear on the hands or feet. Warts are more common on broken skin, since the virus can enter the top layer of the skin through any cuts or scratches. If you are still not sure whether those growths are warts, consult your doctor or a dermatologist.

Skin-to-skin contact, or contact with towels or shoes are some of the ways to pass the virus on, and it can easily spread to other body parts, so try to treat a wart as soon as you notice it.


There are several ways to remove a warts. You can use special products to treat warts, or you can go to a dermatologist who can perform some removal techniques stronger than any commercial product. However, we suggest you to try a simple and natural solution, and all you need is some apple cider vinegar.

What you should remember is that before you remove a wart at home, you have to be sure that it is actually a wart – benign condition – and not some malignant lesion or a mole. Consult a health professional just to be sure that what you are trying to remove is a harmless wart.

Apple cider vinegar is the cheapest and most preferable way to remove a wart, plus it is completely natural.

How to use apple cider vinegar to remove warts:

  • Carefully clean the wart and the area around it
  • Soak a piece of cotton in some apple cider vinegar and place it directly on the wart.
  • Use a bandage to keep it on place during the night.
  • Change the cotton daily and leave it on every night. You should see the first results in a week – the wart will first start to peel off and then completely disappear.
  • You can continue the treatment for a few days more, just to be sure that the wart will not return.

How To Make Homemade Scar Removal Cream


We suggest that you try this fast and easy to make natural recipe that will help you to remove all the scars you have on your body in a short period of time.


  • 4 tsp lemon juice
  • 4 tsp honey
  • 1 egg white


To prepare this cream all you need to do is add all ingredients to a bowl, mix well, and your homemade scar removal cream is ready for use!


Apply the cream directly onto your scar and leave it for 15 minutes, then wash it off. Repeat the treatment once a week.

If you use it regularly, your scars will completely heal within several weeks.


Health Health Tips Herbs & Oils

10 Good Reasons Why You Should Immediately Start Cleaning Your Teeth With Coconut Oil

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic method essential for oral hygiene and detoxification. The practice includes use of different kinds of oil to pull dangerous bacteria, fungus, and other microorganisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums, and throat.

How does the method work? It is not hard at all – you just need some coconut oil or sesame seed oil. Swish the oil around your mouth for a short time.

Do this every day in order to improve your oral health. Oil is able to cut through the plaque and it can eliminate toxins safely and effectively without any side-effects. There is no way this practice can harm your teeth or gums.

Oil pulling provides amazing health benefits! On the Internet you can find different experiences of people who have tried this method and documented their success. We give you a list of 10 amazing benefits of oil pulling that will help you improve the overall health:

1. Reduces Bad Breath (Halitosis)

Bad breath is often caused by the by-products of the chemicals and gases produced by the bacteria and microorganisms in the oral cavity, and halitosis can really be an embarrassing social problem. Oil pulling can help you get rid of the bacteria in your mouth, and thus reduce bad breath.

A study involved a group of 20 adolescents, and it found that the oil pulling therapy significantly reduced bad breath, and that this practice is as effective as all those synthetic drug -store mouthwash.

2. Prevents Diseases of The Gums And The Mouth

Oil pulling can help you treat cavities, gingivitis and bleeding gums. Gingivitis is actually an inflammation of the gums, and it occurs when the bacteria attack the plaque. Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties, so it is extremely useful in treating this health condition. Cavities are caused by the harmful bacteria, and oil pulling is also effective in alleviating this oral problem.

3. Helps in Treating TMJ and Jaw Soreness

Oil pulling strengthens the jaw, and it can alleviate TMJ and other soreness problems in the jaw area. At the beginning of the treatment, your jaw may be slightly sore because of the swishing, but in a short period of time it will get stronger, and the pain will completely disappear!

4. Whitens Your Teeth

Keep those chemical-laden white strips away from you! Oil pulling is a much better solution! You probably did not know that the conventional white strips contain bleach, fluoride, tar, aspartame, aluminum and benzene. In other words, it is a toxic nightmare just about to happen.

Almost every oil pulling treatment has proven to be effective in whitening the teeth instantly! In just two weeks, your teeth will be much brighter, you will have that Hollywood smile, healthier gums and a nice pink tongue.

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Health Tips

10 American Foods That Are Banned in Other Countries


Americans are slowly raising their awareness about the sad fact that most of their favorite foods are far inferior to the same foods sold in other countries. To be more precise, many of the foods Americans eat are BANNED in other countries in the world.

In this article we have covered the top 10 American foods that are banned elsewhere.

Now that there is enough evidence proving that the overall health of people in the US is so much lower in comparison to other industrialized countries, you simply can not avoid the question whether these toxic foods could possibly be held as responsible for the sky-reaching disease rates.

1. Farm-Raised Salmon

We have explained for so many times how fish is really healthy for you and if you decided to add it to your shopping list and maximize the health benefits from the fish you eat, then try to stay away from farmed fish, especially farmed salmon.

This type is often fed with dangerous chemicals. The bright pinkish-red color wild salmon has comes from the natural carotenoids they eat. On the other hand, farmed salmon are raised in a completely different way.

The unnatural diet of grains (including genetically engineered varieties) is the worst part of it, and not to mention that a concoction of antibiotics and other drugs and chemicals are added to their food, and none of these have shown to be safe for people.


This diet regimen makes its flesh unappetizing and grayish, so to improve the appearance, farmed salmon are fed with synthetic astaxanthin made from petrochemicals. This substance has not been approved for human consumption and it also contains some toxicities that are well known to the public.

Where it is banned: Australia and New Zealand

You probably wonder how could you possibly know whether a salmon is wild or farm-raised? Wild sockeye salmon has bright red flesh, which comes due to its natural astaxanthin content.

It is also very lean, and the fat marks – the white stripes you see across the meat, are very thin. If the fish you are about to buy is pale pink and its fat marks are wide, then you know that the salmon is farmed.

You also want to avoid Atlantic salmon, because typically salmon which is labeled as “Atlantic Salmon” is raised in fish farms. When buying salmon, there are two designations you want to look for: “Alaskan salmon,” and “sockeye salmon”.

Alaskan sockeye is not allowed to be farmed, which is why you can be sure that this fish is all healthy and naturally fed. And, yes, please start realizing the fact that the vast majority of the salmon you eat in restaurants is farm raised.

Now you know that canned salmon labeled as “Alaskan Salmon” is a good choice, and if you could possibly find any sockeye salmon, you are more than guaranteed that the fish is wild and healthy.

Again, you can differ sockeye salmon from other salmon according to its color; sockeye salmon is bright red opposed to pink, due to its superior astaxanthin content. Moreover, when compared to other foods, regarding the concentration of astaxanthin, sockeye salmon actually has one of the highest concentrations.

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