Health Health Tips

Why You Should Brush with Sea Salt and Baking Soda

If you want to have strong gums and teeth, a protection against bad breath and breaking down plaque buildup , wash your teeth with sea salt and/or baking soda. This is a natural and totally  safe way to achieve the above mentioned goals.

You can use the sea salt and the soda both together and individually.  These products can be bought for cheap money so don’t hesitate trying them and see the results.


Sea Salt

Since salt stimulates saliva secretion, and saliva creates antibacterial barrier which protects your enamel, brushing your teeth with sea salt is very beneficial. Sea salt contains silicon, iron, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium.

These nutrients are beneficial for your health because they protect teeth against tarter, can help you get rid of bad breath and strengthen your gums. If using sea salt becomes your habit  it could even make your teeth whiter in time.

Sea salt is also rich in iodine which helps in neutralizing acids in the mouth and has great antibacterial properties.

Dip your toothbrush in half a teaspoon of sea salt and brush your teeth like you usually do. Then,  rinse your mouth either with regular water or with a seawater solution.

The rinsing solution consists  of half a teaspoon of sea salt and 4 ounces of warm water. Wait for the salt to dissolve and swish the liquid in your mouth for about half a minute. Make sure you don’t swallow the liquid .Spit it instead The rinsing can help in inflamed and swollen gums and it also washes away all the bacteria present in your mouth.

Baking Soda

Sodium bicarbonate, or also known as baking soda, is highly alkaline, and  prevents mouth acids’ actions that are main cause for tooth decay. It also kills germs and bacteria while dealing with bad breath.

Brushing your teeth with baking soda is a great way to naturally whiten your teeth. Baking soda is powder-like so it is perfect if you want to clean your teeth of plaque and tarter. It is strong enough just to clean tarter and plaque without wearing away your tooth enamel.

Make your own homemade toothpaste by mixing sea salt and baking soda. You can also mix water and baking soda in a ratio that will result in paste-like consistency to clean teeth. In case you don’t  want to change the way you are brushing your teeth, you can use the salt-soda mixture just once or twice a week. If you do this regularly, your teeth will be whitened as time passes by.

Side Effects

According to Dr. Paul H. Keyes, periodontal health in patients who used to regularly brush their teeth with sea salt and baking soda has always been excellent. He said that while was lecturing, he asked thousands of hygienists and dentists to raise their hand if they ever saw any side effects in patients who brush their teeth with sea salt and baking soda. None of the present people raised their hand.


Health Tips Vegetables

5 Uses for Cucumbers That Will Amaze You

Did you know that you can use cucumbers for many things besides eating it? Cucumber is very healthy and tasty vegetable, easily available to everyone. But did you know that you can kill a hangover or clean your sink with cucumber? Learn what else you use cucumber for.

Cucumbers contain all of the compounds needed by our body on a daily basis, compounds such as vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folic acid, calcium, magnesium iron and zinc.  However, if you do not like cucumber’s taste, you can use it not for eating but for cleaning the house or cleaning your shoes.


1. Use Cucumber For Eco-Cleaning

If you use natural cleaning products when cleaning the house, you can use the cucumber as well. Take one roll of cucumber and gently rub it on the surface you want to clean. It will not only remove dirt but it will not leave any stains.

2. Hangover Remedy

Once you realize that you drank little bit too much, cut yourselves a few cucumber rolls and eat them before going to bed.

Because it is consisted of 90 percent water, vitamin B5 and essential nutrients, cucumber will restore your body’s balance, which will prevent the hangover and you will not feel any headaches.

3. Cucumber Refreshes Breath

You are heading out on an important meeting and you just realize you do not have any breath mint, gum or mints with you? Stop at the first store and buy a cucumber instead of chewing gum!

4. Use cucumber as natural shoe cleaning product – it will make your shoes shiny

If you are in a hurry and you need to make your shoes shiny, use cucumber! Rub freshly cut cucumber onto your shoes and enjoy their shine. In addition, the cucumber ingredients will repel water and dirt from the environment, thus your shoes will stay clean for a longer period of time!

5. Cucumber Spa Treatment

You feel stressed and do not have time to visit the spa? Cut an entire cucumber and place it in a pot of boiling water.

The chemicals and nutrients from the cucumber react with the boiling water and are being released through the steam. The pleasant and relaxing aroma that has being released is believed to relieve stress.

General Health Tips Vegetables

How to Fix The One Mistake Most People Make When Cooking with Garlic

This article will help you in  not making the same mistake many people do while using garlic in their  cooking. Garlic is not just an ordinary food – it is a legend among its fellow vegetables.

You probably weren’t familiar with the fact that garlic was firstly found in the pyramids of Egypt and  mentioned in the Bible. Western medicine’s father, Hippocrates, prescribed garlic very often. This amazing vegetable was given to Olympic athletes (in ancient Greece) in order to improve their performances.


Garlic Has More Healing Powers That You Know

Today’s researchers have confirmed what ancient herbalists and healers claimed – garlic is a great weapon for treating many types of diseases. Dr. Mirelman and C. Ankri confirmed that garlic’s compound, called alliicn, is responsible for garlic’s antiviral, anti-parasitic and anti-microbial properties. Garlic can also fight some forms of drug-resistant Escherichia coli, and has a potential in fighting some superbugs resistant to antibiotics.

A powerful compound, called alliin, and the enzyme called alliinae, are not actually in the garlic itself but they are in the garlic’s clove’s cells. They are naturally  separated , but when combined together, they form the allicin.

So, when cooking at home, make sure you get the allicin by ripping the garlic’s membrane that separates alliin and alliinae. But, as it turns out, allicin’s health benefits can be decreased  due to too much heat.

A 2001 study by  J.A. Milner and K. Song showed  that boiling, heating or microwaving crushed garlic will destroy all of the alliinase enzyme’s activity. However, many meals call for previously prepared garlic rather than raw.

Many scientists suggest dicing or chopping the garlic and then  letting  it stand for 10 minutes in order to let the alliinase do its work.

The garlic will do its work best  by forming as much allicin as possible heat neutralizes it. So, next time you make garlic-included meal, make sure you first deal with the garlic. By the time garlic is ready to use, your other ingredients will be ready for cooking.


Beauty Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

Home Remedies For Moles

Most moles aren’t dangerous, especially to our health. Almost everyone finds them disgusting, so that’s the initial problem with moles.

Moles represent black, brown, or flesh-colored spots or marks on the skin that are created because of the collection of melanocytes. Moles are medically known as melanocytis nevi, and melanocytes is a unit which construct pigment, the coloring element also called melanin.


Moles often emerge at the age of 20-30. They may have different shape, they can be flat, lifted, uneven, steady, and they may or may not have hair. The number and presence of moles may depend on genetics, hormonal fluctuations or sun exposure.

There are some kinds of moles that would disappear as time passes, but there are others who won’t. We offer easy home therapy which will help you eliminate them. But before doing this, it is essential to examine the moles for abnormal characteristics, as asymmetry of the border, color, or diameter.

If the mole starts changing its shape or color, immediately visit a doctor to check whether it’s cancerous, because you can’t treat that kind of moles on your own.

This is the therapy we offer:

1. Garlic

This is one of the most effective therapies for moles since it consists of enzymes which break down the clusters of the cells that produce pigment. Also, it lightens the dark pigmentation.

Put a crashed garlic glove on the mole. Protect it with a plaster and leave it that way for at least 4 hours. Do this for a few days. The mole will fall off. This procedure is known to give positive outcome within 5 days. Clean the zone with placing alcohol or an alternate disinfectant before rehashing the procedure day by day. Additionally, to take care of the skin encompassing the mole, apply some petroleum jelly or oil.

Caution: Applying garlic on your skin can result in redness and irritation.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is an exceptionally famous home solution for mole evacuation. Because of its acid substance, it helps scab the mole and makes it disappear.

Put a cotton ball into an apple cider vinegar and insert it on the damaged area. Protect it with a plaster or a medical tape and leave it that way for a night. Keep doing this day by day for around 10 days or until the mole falls off. On the other hand, you can rub warm water on the mole or gently rub the surface with an emery board and afterward apply some apple juice vinegar on it until it becomes white. Let it that way until it dries naturally. Do this procedure a few times a day.

Apple juice vinegar is prone to aggravating the mole in the introductory few days, however it will show signs of improvement in a week. In the event of leaving a scar, apply coconut oil.

Note: To ensure the skin around the mole, apply some petroleum jelly on the encompassing zone before applying apple juice vinegar.

The article continues on page 2…

Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks

Ginger Pear Drink – Amazing Cleaner That Flush Out Toxins

In this article you will learn how to prepare pear-ginger drink that  will strengthen your immune system and cleanse your whole organism out of toxins.

You have probably heard about ginger’s health benefits, but this time you can try  it in combination with  sweet pears. Since now is the perfect time of the year to find ripe pears, you can prepare this drink any time you want.


Medical research has shown that this combination helps in cleansing and strengthening the body.  Sweet and juicy pears are very rich source of dietary fiber that positively affects the cardiovascular system and digestive system.

Ingredients needed:

  • 3 peeled and cleaned pears
  • 2 thin circles of ginger
  • 1/2 cucumber
  • 1/2 peeled lemon

Method of preparation:

Put all of the ingredients in a juicer and mix them well. Then, strain the mixture and the drink is ready for serving.

This drink is ideal for detoxification and burning fats. Consume it before or after a meal, but not as a substitute for food.

Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks Recipes

Secret Detox Drink

This amazing detox beverage was secret drink of the fitness guru’s working with celebrities and it will help you burn some fat, lose weight and fight diabetes.

Apple cider vinegar is very rich in good bacteria and enzymes. It also contains acetic acid which can help you lower your high blood pressure up to 60%.

Lemon juice, on the other hand, contains lots of vitamin C. It can help you balance blood sugar levels as well as your pH. This is due to its alkaline effects. The regulation of the levels of sugar in your blood can also be balanced thanks to the cinnamon. Some of you may not know but cinnamon is the world’s most powerful anti-oxidants.

Cayenne pepper has the power to increase/stimulate metabolism and to drop blood pressureStevia is a plant out of which natural sweetener is made. It is a great artificial sweeteners’ substitute.

Detox Drink Recipe

Ingredients needed:

  • 1 glass of water
  • 2 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar
  • 2 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • 1 dash cayenne pepper (optional)
  • 1 packet of white stevia powder

Method of preparation:

Put all of the above mentioned ingredients in a blender and mix them well.

Learn more about Dr. Josh Axe Detox Program here.

Source and References:


This Simple Algae is a Powerful Healing Food That Eliminates Toxins & Treat Many Diseases

Chlorella is a single-cell microalgae which represents the richest natural source of chlorophyll, but it also contains a significant amount of beta-carotene, mixed caretonoids, vitamin B-12, vitamin C, iron and proteins.

We decided to enlighten the mystery surrounding this unusual product.


Just like the spirulina, the chlorella has a high nutritional value and can be greatly beneficial to the human health. It contains vitamins B complex, C and E, minerals (especially magnesium), potassium, iron and calcium.

How does the chlorella affect the organism

  • It accelerates the metabolism.
  • The fibrous materials in the Chlorella improve your digestion and accelerate the growth of the beneficial bacteria in the stomach.
  • It detoxifies the body
  • It reduces the blood pressure and cholesterol
  • It boosts the immune system

Great amount of chlorophyll and magnesium affect the cardiovascular system and helps in treating arterial hypertension. It purifies the intestines, kidneys, liver and the bloodstream, and thus stimulates the production of red blood cells.

Chlorella contains digestive enzymes and pepsin that can help the digestive functions of the body, and by being basic, it helps in maintaining the PH value in the body.

The recommended dosage is 3 capsules per day, or consuming one teaspoon mixed in liquid of your choice, three times a day.

Here you can buy Chlorella capsules:


University Study Uncovers The Best Way to Save Money on Organic Food (Almost 90% on Average)

We all know that everyone prefers food which was grown without synthetic pesticides, herbicides and other artificial techniques, as genetic modification, but a lot of them come across the same problem – higher prices.

Regardless of being considered as the most traditional approach of producing food, organic food was allowed to develop into a specialty item. Now these prices put another restriction for those who want to eat the way the nature meant.


There’s one buying scenario which can help you save a lot of money, though – buying in bulk.

In 2012, the Portland State University along with the Bulk is Green Council (BIG) estimated that consumers can save almost 89% by buying organic food in the bulk aisle.

As reported by the research, preferring bulk food lets the customer save money on packing material or delivery costs. For the objective of the research, organic food bought in bulk, like nut butter, grains or tea was compared to packaged organic food.

Special marketing slogans, sales pitches, pricey colored ink or mascots aren’t necessary when food comes in bulk.

This is also in favor of protecting the environment, since fewer cardboard, plastic and other packaging materials are used. A research has discovered that if Americans agree to buy their coffee in bulk, a total of nearly 240 million pounds in foil packages would be saved.  It also revealed that if Americans bought all of their almonds in bulk, they would save 72 million pounds of landfill waste annually.

“Our researchers worked diligently in the field to gather data and talk to consumers, and they conducted hours and hours of analyses,” says Dr. Tom Gillpatrick, who’s the Portland State University Food Industry Leadership Center’s executive director.

“Many claims have been made regarding the benefits of buying in bulk, but there have been few quantifiable statistic to support those claims. We’re excited to be the first research team in the United States to substantiate that buying in bulk does offer tangible environmental and economical benefits.”

Although the organization conducting the study, The Bulk is Green Council, did its part in the results of the survey, it’s doubtless that buying in bulk is really cheaper and environmentally friendlier.

Nick Meyer is the Editor of AltHealth Works where this article first appeared. He says: Thanks for reading! P.S. You can also subscribe for more tips, articles, recipes and more by clicking on this link.


Healthy Drinks

Learn How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

Soda hasn’t always been what we know it is today. Naturally fermented sodas have been made for centuries, from sweetened herbal teas or fruit juice mixes.

These drinks consisted of probiotics and beneficial enzymes to improve our health and they were very different from the unhealthy ones we drink today.


This form uses a fermented ginger culture to produce naturally carbonated soda. Ginger is a very tasty herb used to improve our health.

This is how you make it:

  • 1-2 inch piece of fresh and chopped ginger root. Accommodate it to your own taste.
  • ½ cup organic sugar or rapadura sugar. You can use 1 tablespoon molasses for flavor if you decide to use plain sugar.
  • ½ cup fresh lemon or lime juice
  • ½ tablespoon Himalayan salt or sea salt
  • ½ cup water (chlorine free)
  • ½ cup homemade ginger bug (for a faster recipe you can use ¼ cup whey, however the taste won’t be as good)

For Full Recipe and Instructions Click Here: How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

Also Ginger can be used:

As an Immune Booster

People say ginger is a “hot spice”, meaning that when consumed, it has a warm reaction to your body. And this is where the old saying “you have to sweat it out” originates, since ginger makes your body sweat. The sweat glands form a mixture which saves the skin from infection. Ginger causes sweating, which is exceptionally important in cases of cold or flu.

As an Anti-Inflammatory Worker

Ginger also eases arthritis-related joint pain. It consists of anti-inflammatory agents which decrease swelling around inflamed joints. A lot of people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis consume ginger.

Can Prevent Cold And Flu

For thousands of years people in Asia used ginger as a natural medication for colds and flu. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that in order to treat flu symptoms, you should steep 2 tablespoons of freshly shredded or minced ginger root in hot water two or three times a day.

As a Colon Cancer Preventer

A research at the University of Minnesota showed that ginger decreases the advance of colorectal cancer cells.

  • Ginger powder causes death of the cells in ovarian cancer cells.
  • Ginger boosts the immunity, and consuming a little amount of ginger a day prevents possible risks of a stroke. It also reduces bacterial infections in the stomach, and helps in the case of a bad cough and a sore throat.
  • Ginger has shown an accomplishment rate of 75% in healing stomach flu and morning sickness.


Ginger reduces nausea from chemotherapy, pregnancy or surgery. Ginger inhibits serotonin receptors, causing anti-nausea effects on the brain and stomach. It also reduces vasopressin, diminishing motion-related nausea.

For Full Recipe and Instructions Click Here: How To Make Natural Ginger Ale

Source and references:

Beauty Natural Remedies

A Girl Reveals Her Secret Recipe For To Whiten Your Teeth At Home (Video)

After having been asked like million times if she had her teeth whitened at the dentist, this girl  finally decided to share her homemade recipe for getting a shiny white smile.

In her video shared on YouTube she explains the procedure in details. Liz “earned” almost 18 million views thanks to this video. She says the procedure of whitening should  only be done once a week.

Liz believes that nothing should be exaggerated when it comes to the health of teeth.

What  do you need in order to make this recipe?

Lemon or lime and baking soda are the only ingredients for the preparation of the mixture.

Liz puts little soda into a bowl and squeezes lemon juice over it. Then she mixes the mixture well until she gets a slurry mixture.
The resulting paste is put on the toothbrush and the teeth whitening can start.  Whiten your teeth before bed and after doing that, give your teeth a good old wash  using a toothpaste.

However, this is not the best solution for those who wear braces. See the entire procedure on the video below and try it yourselves.