Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Juice Recipe For Liver Cleanse

The liver is one of the most important vital organs in your body, and it works tirelessly to neutralize the harmful materia you consume along with your favorite foods.

Although this restless organ is associated with a number of vital processes in your body, it can be easily damaged, which could lead to its improper functioning.


We suggest that you prepare this juice, and it is followed by a guarantee to keep your liver healthy and maintain its proper function.


  • 17 oz/ 500 ml cool water ( boil it first)
  • 6 fresh lemons
  • Ginger Root
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 4 mint leaves
  • 3 tbsp flaxseed oil
  • 3 grapefruits
  • a pinch of cumin powder


First, squeeze out the juice from the citrus fruits and keep it aside. Cut both ginger and garlic into small pieces, then add the chunks to a bowl, and add some water. Let it rest for a while. Add the citrus juices, mint leaves, flaxseed oil, and cumin to your blender. Finally, add the ginger and garlic juice, blend well, and your juice is ready to drink.


Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

Fat Burning Detox Drink Recipe

Wonder how did you get stuck with all that fat on your thighs and belly? Well, we have discussed over this topic for so many times, and it is one of the most common topics subjected in the healthy living magazines.

If you fancy junk food and carbonated drinks, then all those fatty deposits should not come as a surprise to you. Poor physical activity is a reason more that keeps you away from fitting in your favorite jeans.


We suggest that you prepare this cocktail as it will purify your body from all the toxins and help you get rid of the extra pounds. All you have to do is drink a cup of this miracle cocktail in the morning, before you eat or drink anything, and this simple and natural recipe will soon give you the results you wish for.


  • 1 tbsp ginger, grated
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • a handful of mint and parsley
  • ½ avocado
  • ½ cup water
  • 30g spinach


Wash the leafy greens well, peel the avocado and cut it into cubes. Blend all the ingredients together, except for the honey and ginger. Add these two at the end and blend again. Drink a cup of the healthy cocktail every morning, before your breakfast, and enjoy the results!


Health Health Tips Natural Remedies Vegetables

How to Use Garlic As a Medicine

You will all agree on the fact that garlic is one of the most powerful foods when it comes to health care. Its strong antibacterial properties make it amazingly efficient in treating colds and flu, but that is not all. Garlic has proven to be effective in treating a variety of health conditions.

Read this article and learn more about its health benefits, and if you suffer from any of the following health problems, we bet that you will sure enjoy the relief after finding out that the cure has always been close to you.


Hair Loss

Hair loss is one of the most unpleasant and most common esthetic problems. But, you should not worry, as science has proven that garlic is the best solution to this problem.

All you have to do is apply some garlic oil or grated fresh garlic on your scalp, once a week. Massage the skin on your head for about 10 minutes and rinse well. Wash your hair using your regular shampoo, and you should see some improvement in a short period of time.


Acne can be a really unpleasant esthetic problem and affect one’s self-confidence. If you struggle with this skin problem simply chop a garlic clove and apply it directly on the acne. You will see some improvement in just a few minutes, and the redness around the acne will soon disappear.

Ear Inflammation

Add a tablespoon of chopped garlic to a tablespoon of hot olive oil and leave it for an hour. Put a few drops of the garlic oil in your ear, and repeat the treatment twice a day.


Herpes is a viral infection due to the herpes simplex virus. It is very unpleasant and often painful skin problem. A single garlic clove can help you treat these sores.

All you have to do is apply some chopped garlic directly on the blister and keep it for 10 minutes. Repeat this treatment for five times in the next 12 hours.

This simple treatment will help you cure the infection, and the next morning you will wake up to see that the ‘nightmare’ is gone, leaving no traces behind.

Cough Syrup

Garlic has strong antibacterial properties that make it amazingly efficient when it comes to treating unpleasant and irritating cough. Add 2 grated garlic cloves to a deciliter of boiling water, and drink it as your regular tea.

Remove Splinters

Apply some grated garlic directly on the splinter and secure it with a bandage. The splinter will soon come to the skin surface.

Skin Care

Add some crushed garlic to your homemade face mask and spread it on your face. You can also use the mask to nourish every inch of your body. Apply a thick layer and leave it for a few minutes. The results are more than amazing! Enjoy your soft and smooth skin.


Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Home Remedy To Speed Up Metabolism

In this article you will learn more about the natural ways that will help you to speed up your metabolism. As you all know, it is the first step you should make if you want to lose some weight.

You may follow the most efficient diet regimen, but if your metabolism runs slowly, you will most probably not get the results desired.


Green tea is the main ingredient, and it is known for its ability to regulate the metabolism. Tangerines are the second main ingredient, and this citrus fruit is efficient in the fat burning process in your body.


  • Add 4 green tea bags and 2 tangerines chopped into circles to a 35 oz / 1 liter of boiling water.  Use the skin as well, but make sure the fruits are organic and not chemically treated, and also, do not forget to wash them well.
  • Finally, add 10 fresh mint leaves.
  • Keep the mixture in your refrigerator for several hours, so the ingredients could combine well.

Drink 9 oz / 250 ml of the remedy every morning, before you eat or drink anything. For better results consume this drink for several months, and it is even better if this treatment turns into one of your common morning routines.


Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Health Tips

Top 10 Exercises to Strengthen Your Back and Reduce Back Pain

Back pain is a condition that many people suffer from. Taking pills is the usual way to stop the pain , but doing a few simple exercises will have the same effect. Pain in the lower part of the back can last for days and sometimes even the strongest pills cannot help.

Back pain affects almost 60% of the population. The most affected are people aged between 20 and 40


The usual causes of back pain are: back injuries, pregnancy and childbirth, excessive sitting, lack of physical activity, pressure on nerves (herniated disc, osteoarthritis, curvature of the spine) and compression fractures (a consequence of the strong pressure on the spongiform bone).

The good news is that you can reduce or even get rid of lower back pain by doing exercises. We suggest  exercising  at home in order to reduce the pain,  although you should  also  seek  an advice from a physician in order to avoid major injuries.


Back pain experts often recommend Pilates exercises. They encourage proper posture, increase flexibility and strengthen muscles and awareness of your own body. Please note that Pilates exercises, despite the usual thinking , are not just for women. Men can practice Pilates  as well and feel its beneficial effects on health.

When doing Pilates exercises, it is very important to pay attention to deep breathing, high head carriage and maintaining  symmetry and balance. Exercise slowly and gently in order to avoid any cause for feeling pain.


Infant Pose

Kneel and sit on your heels. Being in this position spread the knees and tilt for head forward. Do these movements until you manage to place your head on the floor (touching the floor with your forehead).

Your head should be in the same straight line as your knees. You can stretch your arms either in front of you or behind you. Stay in this position for a while until you feel your muscles relaxed.


Stretching The Arms And Legs While In Kneeling Position

Kneel and lean on your hands. Make sure the spine is straight. Look down. Inhale, extend your left arm and right leg, and breathe in three times. Exhale and return to the starting position. Repeat these movements with the opposite arm and leg.

Cat’s And Cow’s Poses

Kneel and lean on your hands, look down and make sure the backbone is straight. Your palms should be under your shoulders and knees directly below your hips. Breathe. Then, during exhalation pull the stomach in and fold back up as much as you can, like a cat.


From this position jump to cow’s position: Inhale and slowly twist your back down, one vertebra at a time. Lift your head. Abdominal muscles should be under pressure in order to comply with the lower part of the back. Repeat this exercise from cat’s to cow’s position and vice versa.


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Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Clear Clogged Arteries & Eliminate Bad (LDL) Cholesterol From Your Bloodstream Using This Garlic Remedy

A regular cleaning that can be performed in several ways is highly recommended for the release of toxins from the body, increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. In this article we introduce you to this very effective healing procedure.

Cleaning is generally carried out in various ways – from a particular diet, the consumption of folklore medications, plasmapheresis and cleaning the blood with laser.


It is important to know that the cleaning of the blood vessels causes a lot of medication contraindications. Their application is the last step, and it should be done only if other means are not helping.

That is why cleaning the blood vessels of the layers of bad cholesterol is safer and less dangerous using folklore medications. But make sure you are very careful and proper in order not to harm your health in any way.

Garlic and lemon are considered to be excellent vessels cleaners, reducing bad cholesterol level, strengthening blood vessels’ walls and reducing the risk of dangerous diseases such as atherosclerosis.  Tincture with lemon and garlic was used in Tibetan and Russian folk medicine many centuries ago.

Also, this medicinal tincture prevents the formation of cancer cells, which was repeatedly confirmed by scientific research. Garlic contains large amounts of antioxidants, which help in regeneration and rejuvenation.

The medicinal tincture to clean blocked arteries and the blood vessels of cholesterol deposits – recipe

Ingredients needed:

  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • 4 medium lemons (together with their peel)
  • 3 liters of boiled water

Method of preparation:

First thing to do is slice the garlic and lemons. Clean the garlic and put it together with the lemon into a bowl. Pour the boiling water over them. Grind everything well and divide the resulting mixture into 3 glass jars. Pour the boiling water until every jar is full. Cover the jars and leave them in the refrigerator for 3 days. After that, strain the mixture and store it in the fridge.

See how to use this remedy on page 2…

Health Health Tips

10 Cancer Symptoms That Everyone Ignores

The early detection of cancer symptoms increases the chances of beating this nasty disease . Some of the symptoms are  quite commonly experienced , yet a large number of people ignore them.

Here are the 10 most common symptoms of cancer:


1. Shortness of Breath

One of the first signs of lung cancer, which tends to be ignored, is wheezing or shortness of breath. Cancer patients say that they have experienced  this symptom but have never done anything about it.. Very frequently, these symptoms tend to be misdiagnosed with asthma.

2. Chronic Cough And Chest Pain

Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancer, can cause symptoms such as cough or bronchitis. One of the ways in which you can tell the difference is if the problem is constant or intermittent. If you have constant pain or a cough, consult your doctor immediately.

3. Frequent Infections

Frequent infections are symptoms of leukemia in which our blood starts producing an abnormal amount of white blood cells and the body cannot  fight the infection effectively. Leukemia is often discovered in adults who complain of frequent fever and flu-like symptoms.

4. Difficulty When Swallowing

Difficulty when swallowing is a symptom commonly associated with cervical cancer or one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

5. Swollen Lymph Nodes Under The Armpit or Groin

Enlarged lymph glands indicate changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. A painless lump under the armpit can often be associated with breast cancer, while a lump on the groin and/or neck may be an early sign of leukemia.

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Diet & Weight Loss Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

Ginger Lemon Tea Recipe To Detox Your Body & Get Rid of Bloating

Ginger tea with lemon stimulates the digestive tract, removes toxins from the body, affects the performance and health of the digestive system, restores appetite, reduces bloating, helps with allergies, stimulates circulation, strengthens the immune system and restores balance to the body.

The changing weather causes development of many diseases, especially colds.


Fortunately, there are simple, natural ways to prevent colds as well as to improve our health.  One such ritual is drinking a cup of the powerful and popular  Ayurvedic tea –a mix of  lemon and ginger.

Some  ancient  Ayurvedic texts advise drinking several cups of this tea a day. Despite that, we won’t  give you the same advice because the amount of drinking  depends on one’s needs. Start off your day   trying  this drink and let it grow into a very healthy habit.

This tea’s strong flavors will boost your energy and stimulate circulation. Lemon has extraordinary effects on the stimulation of the salivary glands and assists in the health of the intestines.

Method of preparation:

  • Grate a large piece of ginger and squeeze its juice into a cup of tea (about 1 teaspoon of squeezed juice) using your fingers.
  • Pour hot water over the ginger juice and let it stand still for 2-3 minutes
  • Then add the juice of half a lemon
  • Add a teaspoon of honey, stir and drink it slowly in small sips

If you suffer from allergies, respiratory tract congestion, runny nose or sinus issues then we suggest the following procedure:

  • Slice or grate the ginger in a pot filled with water, add the lemon juice and boil.
  • After they are boiled, cover the bowl and let it stand for 5 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture, and then sweeten it with honey.
  • Sip the tea slowly.

Healing Properties

The ginger lemon  tea helps the digestive system do its job and  it is very efficient in the elimination of toxins. It stimulates the functioning of the digestive tract.

One of its biggest actions is anulomana (action against flatulence) and restoring the proper flow of body fluids that work to reduce indigestion and restore a sense of comfort in the stomach.

This beverage is very effective in treating flatulence and restoring the proper flow of body fluids that can help in  reducing  indigestion and bring a sense of comfort in the stomach.

Due to its healing properties, this tea is recommended for people with impaired circulation, people having  difficulties with their respiratory system, or people who  suffer from increased mucus production  and a feeling of heaviness in their chest.

Health Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

This “Golden Honey” Mixture is The Strongest Known Natural Antibiotic

The so called  Golden honey mixture seems to be the strongest natural antibiotic.

I’m sure many of you have already had some experience with turmeric. Some of you may have used it as a spice and others might have used it in preparing the recipe for  “golden milk“  and some of you  have probably  just noticed bags of yellow powder in  some of the bigger  supermarkets or health food stores and wondered what it is used for. However, only few  of you  are informed  that turmeric, when combined with honey, becomes  a priceless natural remedy.


It has a very strong anti-inflammatory properties  that not only destroy the bacteria responsible for  causing diseases, but also promote  natural protection.  Unlike synthetic antibiotics that can be found in abundant number at the pharmacy, this medicine has no negative effect on the intestinal micro flora.

Turmeric contains curcumin, polyphenol identified as essential active ingredient, which reaches over 150 potential therapeutic activity, including antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.

The consumption of turmeric and honey significantly improves digestion and increases the activity of beneficial flora in the gut.  This is proved  by a certificate of scientific literature.  In Ayurveda (Ayurveda is a 5,000-year-old system of natural healing that has its origins in the Vedic culture of India. )  this is a traditional cold remedy.

So if you experience  early symptoms of a flu or cold , try  using the “Golden honey”, mixture of turmeric powder and honey instead of going to the pharmacy. At the moment when the first symptoms of a cold kick in, make yourselves a golden-honey mixture that will last for 3 days.

Ingredients needed:

  • 3.5 oz / 100 grams of raw honey
  • 1 tablespoon of turmeric

Method of preparation:

Add 1 full tablespoon of turmeric in 100 grams of raw honey. Mix well and place the mixture in a jar.

How To Use it:

Taken at the first symptoms of a cold:

  • Day 1- take half a teaspoon of the mixture every hour throughout the day
  • Day 2 – take half a teaspoon of the mixture  every two hours
  • Day 3 – take half a teaspoon of the mixture three times a day

The mixture must stay in your mouth until it is completely dissolved.  Usually, after three days, the cold subsides and the body recovers.  Many people claimed  that they prevented cold without taking any pills thanks to this mixture.

This composition can also be used in complex treatment of respiratory diseases, by taking 1 teaspoon of the mixture three times a day. Repeat this procedure during the week.  You can add the golden honey in milk or tea.

The article continues on page 2…

Fruits Health Health Tips

5 Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Pills

Bananas are packed with healthy sugars and large amounts of fiber, meaning they provide an instant energy boost. What you probably do not know is that bananas can help you treat many health problems better than drugs.

Also, you should not worry about the high calorie intake – bananas are still in the group of healthy foods.

High Blood Pressure

Excessive salt intake and lack of potassium affect  blood pressure. Potassium is quite important for your blood count, and bananas contain large amounts of potassium. Experts suggest that you eat  one banana each morning. This healthy habit will help you maintain your blood pressure at an optimal level.


Bananas contain tryptophan in the form of serotonin, or the “happy hormone.” A single banana is enough to increase the level of this hormone, making you feel calm and happy within a few minutes.


Stress boosts your metabolism which decreases potassium levels. Eat bananas regularly to maintain a healthy balance and strengthen your heart. Bananas also regulate the water balance in your body.


Bananas contain pectin, a fiber that boosts digestion and stimulates the elimination of toxins from the body. In addition to this, bananas have probiotic properties and stimulate digestion, reduce bloating and ease tension in the intestines caused by constipation.


Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which affects blood glucose positively. Vitamin B also relieves premenstrual symptoms. Bananas reduce pain in the abdomen, regulate mood swings, and prevent water retention in the body.
