Diet & Weight Loss Healthy Drinks

This Drink Will Melt Your Stomach

Many of you think that a banana is not something you should eat when trying to lose weight, but it is one of the most common ingredients used in the preparation of diet drinks.

Bananas are high in potassium which eliminates the excess water in the body, and also also boosts the metabolism, often allied with others “fat melters,” such as flax seeds and spinach.


These ingredients act as a real invasion on the undesired fatty tissue. We suggest that you try these drinks, as there is a lot of evidence proving their efficacy in melting your fat belly in just a few days.

Bananas are rich in potassium and this nutrient helps in the elimination of excess water from the body. One banana contains 450 mg of potassium. It contains natural sugars like fructose, sucrose and glucose, and these give your body the energy it needs for its functions.

By consuming bananas you will decrease the feeling of hunger, which often leads to overeating or eating junk food loaded with calories. Bananas positively affect your metabolism, as they are rich in fiber.

You can use bananas as a base for your diet drinks. Then you may want to go for some efficient natural “fat melters” like flaxseed, wild berries or spinach that will provide your body the necessary daily amount of vitamins and minerals.

Banana And Flaxseed

  • 1 orange
  • 1 banana
  • 2 tbsp whey
  • 2 tbsp flaxseed

Banana And Forest Fruits

  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup blueberries, raspberries or cranberries
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • 1 tbsp ginger, grated
  • 1/2 cup lukewarm water

Banana And Spinach

  • 1 banana
  • 200 g fresh spinach
  • 1/2 cup light yogurt
  • 1/3 cup crushed cereal
  • 1 tbsp honey


Each of the drinks requires the same steps of preparation – all you have to do is add all the ingredients to your blender and blend well.

Consume these diet, or preferably referred to as healthy drinks, for breakfast, because at this time of the day the body is at its best when it comes to absorbing the nutrients and also it is able to recognize the ingredients that will make a real invasion on your fatty tissue, often deposited on your waist and stomach.


Bodybuilding & Fitness Nutrition Diet & Weight Loss Health Health Tips

What Happens To Our Body When We Lose Weight?

If you are following a special diet regimen, we bet that your final goal is getting a perfect body in a natural way, and not ending up too skinny and sick. You may find it difficult to do, but proper and balanced diet will sure help you get a nice body line.

How does your body understand special diet regimens?


Temporary Situation

If you want to lose some extra pounds, then you probably have excess fat on the most critical parts of your body, including your thighs and stomach.

During The Diet

If you have already chosen a diet regimen that you find acceptable and effective, then you must be aware of the fact that every diet regimen is followed by certain rules that you must follow if you want to get the results you expect.

You have probably heard the theory explaining how you should not consume certain foods, such as carbohydrates if you need to lose some weight. What we are trying to explain to you is that by doing so you will sure lose lots of muscle mass and eliminate large amount of water from your body.

This kind of ‘starving’ will sure cut off some pounds (as shown on the scale), but the problem will not disappear – you will still be stuck with all the fat deposits.

After The Diet

After you have finished with the diet regimen all you will get is weak muscles that are smaller in size, and at this point they do not burn calories. This stimulates your body to store even more fat.

The yo-yo effect takes action at the same time as your body stops eliminating the same amount of water as it did before. This can be easily confirmed by anyone who has followed a special diet regimen, as each of them has already experienced that condition.

You should always keep in mind that certain diet regimens can sometimes do more harm than good to your body and overall health. And it is not only the physical appearance – strict diet regimens are often followed by a number of psychological states such as disappointment, fear of future failure, giving up on the idea to lose weight and others.

If long lasting results, vitality and energy boost are your goals, you better forget about regular and ‘popular’ diet regimens and make sure your diet is balanced and rich in all the nutrients your body needs.


Health Health Tips

4 Reasons Why You Wake Up Tired

You get your regular goodnight’s sleep and still, every morning after waking up you wonder how come you feel exhausted, tired and sleepy. In this article we have covered 4 of the most common ‘energy stealers,’ and we hope that this will help you find the answer to your question.

If you recognize yourself in any of the following habits, please, make sure you introduce some changes into your lifestyle and recover your energy as soon as possible.


You Keep The Cell Phone Too Close To You – All The Time

You want your cell phone as far as possible during the night, or if possible, turn it off while you are sleeping. Studies have shown that phone radiation affects the secretion of melatonin, which could possibly be the reason why you always feel sleepy in the morning.

At Weekends You sleep Till Noon

People usually see weekends as that time of the week when you can sleep all the time. You go out with your friends, stay up all night, or finish your activities after midnight, and then, you turn your alarm off and go to bed. And what next?

Yes, you sleep as much as you can, until noon, or even later. What you probably do not know is that this is one of the worst habits you can have.

This can affect your biorhythm, as your body knows when to wake up and when to rest. So, those extra sleeping hours can really disturb your regular sleeping time. You can afford sleeping an hour more, or even hour and a half, and everything more than that should be considered as a destructive luxury.

Sleeping With Your Pets

Your pet should have its sleeping place, and you should never let it sleep in your bed. If you sleep tight, then probably you have not noticed that pets release sounds while they sleep.

Pets also move a lot, and again, you do not notice these sudden movements. But, your body does, and even if you are not aware of that, having your pet next to you can really drain your energy, bit by bit.

You Have Not Exercised For Four Months Or More

Regular exercising is an excellent way to sleep tight at night, but experts say that working hard and excessive exercises not always guarantee a better sleep. You have not exercised for 4 months or more, right? Yes, that is the answer to your question. Exercising really kills insomnia, and for better results, try exercising at least three times a week.

eatured image Via:

Diet & Weight Loss Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

14 Reasons To Drink Warm Water With Lemon And Honey In The Morning

You have probably heard or read somewhere that warm lemon water and honey does miracles for the body and the overall health. But, you do not know anything more about it, right?

You do not know what makes it that efficient and even “popular”, and why is everyone so crazy about it. In this article we have listed some of the major health benefits provided by regular consumption of warm lemon water and honey.


Drink it instead of your hot cup of coffee in the morning, as it will be more efficient in waking your body up in the moments when all you want to do is go back to your warm and cozy bed.

Warm Water With Lemon And Honey Recipe:

All you have to do is add a tablespoon of honey to a cup of warm water. Add some lemon juice (use half a lemon) and some cinnamon for better results. May this morning ritual become one of your daily routines, as it will amazingly improve your overall health.

Health Benefits of Drinking Warm Water With Lemon And Honey

Warm lemon water and honey will help you cut off those excess pounds, detoxify your body and:

  • Purifies the body
  • It has antimicrobial properties
  • Cures cough and cold
  • Detox your body
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Helps in the weight loss process
  • Boosts your energy
  • Speeds up the metabolism
  • Improves the food digestion
  • Helps in treating chronic constipation
  • Neutralizes stomach acids
  • Soothes the nervous system
  • Helps you to get rid of bad breath
  • Rejuvenates the skin, making it more elastic


Beauty Health Health Tips Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar: Removes Acne, Wrinkles And Freckles

Apple cider vinegar is easily available product and every household has it. If you do not know it yet, then it is time to learn something new, and it is fact that apple cider vinegar should not only be used in the kitchen.

It is also one of the best cleaning agents that is safe for every surface  in your home. But, that is not all – a variety of studies and experiments have shown that apple cider vinegar can be freely used in cosmetics, as it is one of the most powerful natural cosmetic product available to each of us.


Moreover, apple cider vinegar is very cheap and you can easily find it even in your local store. Scientists have confirmed that you can freely use apple cider vinegar as a skin care product, outlining the fact that it is a completely natural product. But remember, if you want some good results, make sure you use it in the right way.

Apple Vinegar Shrinks Pores

Wash and clean your face as you regularly do. Pat dry the skin and apply some apple cider vinegar on the skin areas where the pores are mostly visible. You can do this using a cotton pad soaked in apple cider vinegar.

Anti Aging Treatment

Studies have shown that apple cider vinegar can actually slow down the aging process. Skin care experts suggest that you try a simple and efficient treatment, and the best thing about it is that you can do it in your home!

Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and honey, stir well, and apply the mask on your face. Leave it for about 20 minutes and rinse. You may want to do that using lukewarm water, as it will remove any remains. This natural mask will prevent any wrinkles and freckles.

The Apple Cider Vinegar as Skin Scrubber

You can use apple cider vinegar to treat acne and it is one of its most important benefits. It has the ability to kill the bacteria that cause skin infections and irritate your skin. Combine equal parts of apple cider vinegar and sandalwood oil, and apply the mask on your face. It is a winning combination when it comes to treating acne and removing scars.

You can buy Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar here:
Bragg Organic Raw Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar 32 oz


Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks Natural Remedies

After Reading This You Will Never Throw Away The Rice Water Again

In this article we give you an ancient Chinese recipe that will not only improve your hair quality and skin complexion, but you will also enjoy a wide range of health benefits.

Today, this recipe is quite popular, and people become more aware of its benefits. All you need is some water and rice.



You probably think that rice-water is the water you wash your rice in, but you may want to think again. That water is nothing like the “real” rice-water. The “real” rice-water is actually the water you cook the rice in.

But, be careful, you should add more water than you usually do when you cook rice, and you should use the water in which the rice has released its healthy nutrients. You can either drink it while it is warm or use it to rinse your hair or face once it cools.

Health Benefits:

  • Boosts energy
  • Regulates body temperature
  • Prevents cancer
  • Treats and prevents constipation
  • Prevents gastroenteritis

Cosmetic benefits:

  • Rinse your face with rice-water for a softer skin
  • Wash your hair with rice-water to improve its quality
  • Rice-water is the best natural tonic you can get
  • Use rice water to unclog pores



6 Potent Natural Antibiotics: No Prescription Required

We all know that antibiotics, with the help of medicine advances, have become mix of a few natural chemical compounds. On every pill box and instruction there is stated that you should always consult a doctor before using them.

Why taking pills when, if you wake up in the middle of the night with some strong pain you can grab some natural ingredients, which you probably have in your kitchen, and treat the pain yourself.



“Why should a man die if he grows sage in his garden”, Hippocrates asked himself bearing in mind that the plant for thousands of years been used as an antibiotic. Sage is especially good for your throat, respiratory tract infections and infections of the mouth.

It is also useful for gastric infections and large intestines. Sage helps to reduce fever that occurs at the beginning of cold and flu, by cooling the body. The Arabs believed that sage is the key to long life. It has been scientifically proven that it has moderate but extensive antibacterial and antiviral properties, and is now regularly used in the manufacture of a number of modern medicines.


Honey in its raw state was used as an antibacterial agent (antibiotic) long before the synthetic antibiotics were developed in cultures throughout the world for a variety of wounds and diseases.

Today it is scientifically proven that this sweet medicine has antibacterial properties that can effectively cure skin rashes, burns and abrasions. Honey cleans the teeth and mouth of bacteria and stops bleeding gums.

It is also effective in the treatment of ulcers and blisters. When treating wounds or inflammation, it is very important to choose the right honey. Darker honey has better antibacterial power – and it must be in its raw form, it should not be pasteurized.


In a study conducted by a group of surgeons, it was found that cinnamon can kill most of bacteria found in hospitals, while in another study was found that cinnamon can kill bacteria resistant to standard antibiotics, and in the third study, it was discovered that cinnamon’s mortal enemy is Escherichia coli.

The article continues on page 2…

Recipes Vegetables

How To Make Kale Chips at Home – The Healthiest Snack

Green kale chips will be loved by both children and adults. Prepare yourselves quick and healthy snacks for grownups and kids – crunchy green kale chips. Green chips are an excellent substitute for unhealthy snacks full of salt and additives.

Kale chips are full of fiber, antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids and nutrients, and it will be done in only ten minutes.


 Ingredients needed:

  •      ½ a kale head (10 kale leaves)
  •      2 tablespoons of olive oil
  •      salt and pepper

Method of preparation:

  1. Separate the cabbage leaves, then wash them and dry them thoroughly.
  2. Cut them into small pieces, add olive oil, salt and pepper and stir well in order to get all the ingredients absorbed to each other.
  3. Place wax paper on a baking tray and arrange the leaves of kale onto it.
  4.  Preheat the oven to 175 degrees and put the tray in the oven.
  5. Bake for 10-12 minutes, but leave the oven door slightly open. Kale should be drained, not overcooked.
  6. Remove the crispy kale from oven and allow it to cool.

Serve this snack with yogurt or nibble without any sauce if you want to taste of the original flavor. This recipe is excellent for pregnant women, children and those who prefer simple yet natural foods flavors.

If you love adding spices, you can put these ingredients a into the mixture of olive oil and salt before baking and enjoy a combination of your favorite flavors:

  •      2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice or cider vinegar
  •      2 tablespoons of ground almonds
  •      2 tablespoons of sesame or sunflower seeds
  •      pinch of chili peppers
  •      garlic
  •      other spices of your choice
Diet & Weight Loss Health Health Tips

What Happens To Your Body After 30 Minutes of Running

From the very beginning, human was walking and running. These actions are natural and in human’s genetics. Unfortunately, running and walking are replaced by various forms of transportation (cars, public transport etc.).

Scientists have proven that running reduces levels of bad cholesterol, fat, triglycerides and blood sugar. It also reduces the risk of various diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.


Besides on the body, running has beneficial effects on the mind as well. Running reduces the risk of depression and alleviates the symptoms of depression. Reduces the level of stress, anxiety and promotes a good mood. Running and other physical activities stimulate the release of the hormone of happiness.

Running is free, accessible, and all you need are good shoes and a strong will. Remember that every beginning is difficult. Your body will take a few weeks to get used to running, especially if you are not in good shape. Each day will be easier.

There is a high likelihood of becoming addicted to running. Scientists did a research and found that running stimulates so many positive activities in the brain that people eventually become addicted to it.

Discover what is happening to your body in just 30 minutes of running, do your body a favor and start running!

The First Few Seconds

Your muscles start to use adenosine triphosphate, which is the main source of energy within the cell. Cells can function normally only when there is a sufficient amount of adenosine triphosphate available.

The First 90 Seconds

In order to release more adenosine triphosphate, the cells begin the glycogen-breakdown – form of glucose, which builds muscle. The cells will use glucose, which is located in your bloodstream, which is why exercise is good for lowering blood sugar levels.

Your body starts to use more glucose. Muscles begin to release lactic acid, which send signals to the brain that you are under physical stress.

The article continues on page 2…

Health Health Tips Healthy Drinks

Why You Should Drink Warm Lemon Water

You probably have a friend or a cousin who drinks lemon water on a daily basis. Have you ever wondered why lemon water became that popular lately? Or, what makes it so special and efficient?

There is one thing we can say for sure, and it is that your body will be more than grateful if you start drinking this healing water tomorrow morning! You can be a businessman or a full-time mom, stressed student or an athlete, however, your morning routines are something you should all pay special attention to.


Morning habits are the most important thing for all of you – in that aspect you are all equal. Ayurvedic philosophy explains that the resistance to many disease depends on the choice you make in terms of your daily habits.

We bet that the first thing that comes to your mind in the morning is turning your computer on, walk your dog or make a nice and hot cup of coffee. However, none of these activities goes in favor of your health, and if you want to take proper care of your health, please, consider the following:

Drink some warm lemon water before you eat or drink anything in the morning. How to make it? Add some lemon juice (use half a lemon) to a cup of warm water. It is that simple.

It affects your health amazingly, and in this article we have listed some of the most important health benefits lemon water provides:

Lemon water improves your immune system. Lemons are loaded with vitamin C and potassium. This vitamin is the perfect ally you need next to you when it comes to treating colds, and the mineral not only stimulates your brain and improves the nerve functions, but it is also known for its ability to regulate the blood pressure.

It balances your pH values, which is the key to a good health.

Need to get rid of those extra pounds? Lemons will help you to reduce your appetite – you will stop thinking about food all the time, and that will significantly ease the weight loss process. And life is much easier if you start your day the right way, right? You will be able to accomplish your daily tasks easily without feeling exhausted or out of energy.

Lemon water supports proper food digestion. Warm lemon water stimulates the gastrointestinal tract-waves of the muscle contractions. Lemons are rich in minerals and vitamins that play important role in the elimination of the toxins in your body.

It is a natural diuretic. Lemon juice is your best friend when it comes to detoxification.

Lemon water is the best way to a better skin. Vitamin C is known for its efficacy in fighting acne and wrinkles. Warm lemon water eliminates the toxins in the blood, and thus keeps your skin clean.

It hydrates the lymphatic system. Regular consumption of lemon water will keep you safe from dehydration and it will also increase the secretion of adrenaline. Dehydration leads to improper bodily function, which results in stress, accumulation of toxins, and other health conditions.

We hope that all the above was enough to make you start living a healthy life. This routine will provide amazing results in the first month you start consuming the healing water, and the sun will sure shine brighter for you in the mornings.

As we already explained, the recipe is quick and easy to make – all you need is some warm water and half a lemon.
