
The Average Woman Is No Longer A Size 14

A 2016 study proves that the size of women has increased in the last decades- These findings could hopefully trigger the much- needed changes in the industry and make shopping more inclusive for curvier women.

Women have always been victims of unrealistic body expectations. Nowadays, the media’s unrealistic glorification of the “ideal” body image often triggers a whole range of negative emotions, from self-consciousness about their bodies to frustrations, hopelessness, and depression.

Plus, such unhealthy body standards can be extremely overwhelming for women who may be struggling with body image issues and eating disorders.

However, women can now add more ammo to their fight against it- as a 216 study showed that what we have been told for decades is a lie- and the average woman in America is not the size 14, but between a size 16 and 18!


Shopping can be daunting and tough for larger women, and Deborah Christel and Susan Dunn knew this well. Plus-sized women often feel left out from clothing and fashion, and these women believed that the reason for this was simple- the idea of the “average woman” being size 14 is incorrect.

These two women, both faculty in the department of apparel merchandising, design and textiles at Washington State University, decided to investigate the matter.

After measuring more than 5,500 American women, they found out that in the last two decades, the average waist measurement increased by 2.6 inches: from 34.9 inches to 37.5 inches!

These extra inches equate to between a size 16 or 18, which corresponds to a women’s plus size 20W.

In 2019, the CDC estimated that the average is now 38.7 inches, and this means that women on average in America wear a large or extra-large pant size or a dress size 18 to 20.

Note that the sizes and waist measurements differ between ethnic groups and races, what remains a fact is that the size of women has changed in recent decades.

Now, stores need to follow suit. Stylish fashion is usually unavailable for anyone wearing above a size 12. Therefore, the average women are excluded from the retail shopping experience, and this damages their self-esteem and sense of sense-worth.

Additionally, it costs retailers plenty of potential sales. Yet, even though the fashion industry denies it, the study, published in the International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, proved that the common woman is bigger than before.

Dunn and Christel hope their study will trigger changes in the industry and help curvier women find shopping more inclusive.

Dunn said:

“We hope that this information can get out and be used by industry and consumers alike. Just knowing where the average is can help a lot of women with their self-image. And we hope that the apparel industry can see the numbers and know that these women aren’t going away, they aren’t going to disappear, and they deserve to have clothing.”

She pointed out that larger women are just as deserving of stylish clothing as any other person. Therefore, their sizes should no longer be only available for purchase online or put in the back of a small plus-sized section, but they should be included with the rest of the clothes.

After the findings of the study were revealed, model Sonny Turner decided to support these efforts.

She posted a photo on her Instagram page and expressed her grievances with swimsuit designers specifically:

 “[High-street] bikinis do not cater for women of my body type. [The] majority of online stores don’t either. We need straps that aren’t so tight it’s as though our neck is about to snap off. We need bikini bottoms that don’t give us wedgies when we walk. We need string bikinis that don’t expose our vagina lips.

We need swimsuits that fit over our hips without dragging the neck of the costume down causing neck ache.”

Women of all shapes, curves, and edges, are equally beautiful and handsome, so society needs to stop urging them to feel bad about our bodies. Now.



Teen Who Sold A Kidney For An iPhone Is Now Bedridden For Life

Almost a decade ago, a 17-year-old boy sold his kidney on the black market in China, to find money and buy the newest Apple gadgets. This decision has left him bedridden for life.

Surviving the teen years is challenging for both, the youngsters, and their parents. The rapid physical development is accompanied by huge emotional changes, so this often leaves the teenager excited, confused, uncomfortable, stressed, and struggling to be accepted by others.

Being a teenager in the modern era seems to be an even more difficult emotional assault course. While the most common issues teens faced a few decades ago were findings a career path and starting a family, nowadays, young people face problems unique to their time.

Over the years, society and technology have come on a long way, but teen years remained confusing. One wrong decision in his adolescence has left a young man bedridden for the rest of his life.

Namely, the teenager sold his kidney to buy the newest Apple products!

Sadly, this boy learns an important lesson the hard way now. After a few years, he suffered an organ failure, and he may never be able to walk again. Back in 2011, Wang Shangkun, 17 at the time, didn’t have money for an iPad 2 and an iPhone 4, but he wanted them so badly.

While on the internet one day, he received a message from an organ harvester in an online chatroom, who told him that he could get him twenty thousand yuan for his kidney.

Shortly afterward, Wang underwent an illegal operation, carried out by two doctors who were also employed at local hospitals. His right kidney was removed and sold to an unknown person.

Wang got 3500 US dollars for the kidney and used that money to pay for his new electronic gadgets. When he returned home, his mother grew suspicious and forced him to confess what he’d done.

She said:

“When my son came home he had a laptop computer and an Apple phone. I asked him where all the money for that came from. When he couldn’t keep it to himself any longer he finally told us. He said, ‘Mum, I sold my kidney.’ When he told me I felt like the sky was crashing down on our family.”

Unfortunately, a few months after the operation, due to the unsanitary location of the operation and for not receiving proper post-operative care, Wang developed an infection in his other kidney.

He eventually experienced renal deficiency. Nowadays, in his mid-twenties, he is confined to bed and must receive daily dialysis to remove the toxins from his blood, as his kidney is unable to filter them.

Ironically, doctors say that he now needs a kidney transplant for himself. After the operation, nine people were arrested, and five of them have been charged, including the surgeon, the person who leased the operating room, and those who were tasked with hunting for donors through online chat rooms.

In China, there is a tremendous organ deficiency and has one of the lowest percentages of organ donation worldwide. Many people consider the human body sacred, so it should be buried as a whole, to show respect to their ancestors.

To meet the demand for organ donations, prisoners were used as donors for a long time. Yet, back in 2015, China publicly committed to stop the practice after being harshly criticized by the international public.

As an alternative, the government established a national organ bank, responsible for finding suitable organs and distributing them to those who need them the most. Unfortunately, critics say it is still easy for people with connections to abuse the system and avoid the waitlist.

In 2016, the Chinese government declared they had completed ten thousand organ transplants.

Yet, an independent report by the International Coalition to End Transplant Abuse in China claims this number is much lower. They estimate that this number is somewhere between sixty to one hundred thousand transplants annually.

Plus, illegal trade with organs is still hugely spread.

The black market is highly prosperous, due to the high demand, and a human kidney can reach a price of over 250 thousand American dollars. People who struggle financially or are in debt are often victims of people who work on the illegal organ market.

The story of Wang proves that this can often cost one his life. Unfortunately, for those in need of an organ, it is the only solution to survive, as most patients die while waiting to receive one legally.

The best solution to the shortage problem is to convince the public to donate organs. This will decrease the demand for organs on the black market, which could eventually end this dangerous trade.

Sadly, it is too late for the teenager who sold his kidney. His life has been changed forever and now, he is left to the mercy of a malfunctioning system.



99% Of People Have No Idea What This Is – Do You?

Most people have no idea what’s the name and purpose of the object in the photo- Can you guess it?

Technology advances over time, increasingly easing our everyday life. This constant progress often leaves out many machines and gadgets that were once very important in every household.

This is why we often don’t know the purpose of certain weird-looking objects that were commonly used back then.

The following photo is a similar challenge- it is said that an estimated percentage of 99% of the people on social media don’t know what this is (ok, maybe, this is an exaggeration?) and the rest 1% who do, are older people.

Some of them may have seen it in the homes of their grandparents.

Take a closer look! Do you have any idea?

I believe most of you weren’t successful. If you don’t know it the moment you look at the picture, chances are you are not going to figure out anyway. However, if you look carefully, you’d see that it’s partially made of crocodile skin. CROCODILE SKIN!

Its name is Hercules Vacuum Cleaner and it has been very popular in the 1930s.

In fact, it was one of the “most precious” home possessions anyone could have. It was very expensive and only the rich people could afford it, as it was sold during the Great Depression.

The product had a big cylindrical tube with a hole on top where the suction pipe was placed. It had sled-like boughs underneath, so it can stand when not in use. It also had a leather handle and was partially made of crocodile skin.


Yet, those who recognized this strange object were happy to comment and share the experience with others:

 “My nana had one. Hard as hell to maneuver around the house.”

Another wrote:

“I had a couple of them. Super good cleaners!!”

There are not many known facts available online about the Hercules vacuum cleaner. It was a manually-operated machine, and it did not need electricity.

Maybe the name “Hercules” was given to highlight the idea that it could clean “the impossible”!

People confirmed it was outstanding at swiping dirt, although it was difficult to move around. Similar to many older models of vacuum cleaners, this thing had to be pumped by hand.

Well, that’s a tricky one!

It looks harder than sweeping with a broom and I believe it was used only from time to time, probably when people wanted to clean their homes for special occasions.

Most of us were lucky to have a modern vacuum cleaner at home since we were kids. Yet, their technology was subjected to numerous changes over the decades, since their invention in the 1800s.

The first vacuum cleaner was invented by Daniel Hess of West Union, Iowa, in 1860. It used a rotating brush to swirl up dirt.

Back in 1869, Ives W. McGaffey upgraded the model and created the ”Whirlwind. This model needed cranking before it was able to start working. It had a fan that was driven by a belt, but it was huge and hard to use.

The first powered vacuum cleaner came to the scene in 1898 and was invented by John S. Thurman.

Ever since, vacuum cleaners have become very modern and mass-produced.  Nowadays, there is a vacuum in every household, and they are very handy when it comes to cleaning around the house.



“Only Geniuses Can Solve” The Viral 11×11 = 4 Puzzle. The Correct Answer Explained

We have a new way to challenge your brains- Try to solve the following puzzle!

We all have different affinities, but I believe many would agree that there is no such thing as a bad time for a good book, an old wine, and a tricky brain teaser! To all geniuses out there, we have a new test to challenge your brains!

It is said that “only geniuses” can solve the following viral “IQ test”, so would you give it a try?

It has been viewed millions of times, with people arguing over the correct answer. Therefore, if you come up with the solution, you should be proud of yourself!

Here it is:

11 x 11 = 4

22 x 22 = 16

33 x 33 = ?

Did you figure it out?

If you are entirely confused, or even if you did solve it, but still need to check your answer, watch the video below:



Women Are Realizing They All Have the Same Freckle On Their Wrist

One Twitter user shared photos of her wrist, and the wrists of her friends, and soon realized that a lot of women have the same freckle on their wrists too.

Social media platforms serve numerous purposes, and often, they help us solve mysteries, discover secrets, find an old friend or a distant relative, or share some amusing information.

When Twitter user Los_Writer wrote about a mark that many people have as adults, his tweet received thousands of responses.

Namely, the post proved that a lot of people have wounds from being stabbed with a pencil as kids! Similarly, the post of Twitter user Aaryn Whitely shocked many and it quickly went viral!

She posted photos of her wrist, along with the wrists of a few friends, claiming that every woman has a freckle in the middle of their wrist.

She asked:

“Ladies… you got a freckle on the middle of your wrist or is this a myth.”

It turned out that a lot of women have a freckle in the same exact place. Many women shared photos of their freckles, and showed their excitement and shock in their comments.

People were shocked by the discovery!

Many said they have never even noticed their freckle before the meme went viral.

One user wrote:

 “Yeah, this is wild.”

Another added:

“I was like ‘nah’ but apparently I keep my wrist freckle under my watch.”

Others followed:

“I was like haaaa not me. Then I looked at my left wrist!”

“Okay.. but why do we all have this?!”

The reason for this phenomenon is unclear.

 NYC-based dermatologist Dr. Bobby Burka, says:

“Freckles are simply skin cells that form melanin, or melanocytes, that have either appeared, or darkened, due to sun exposure. Melanin is a pigment, or color, that helps protect skin from exposure to the sun by reflecting or absorbing harmful ultraviolet rays. It’s exposure to those rays that causes some melanocytes to create more melanin, which is why the darker spot develops.”

Yet, the mysterious freckle hit does look pretty crazy, don’t you think?

Take a look at your wrist now. Do you have the same freckle as all these people?



This 75-Million-Year-Old Rock Formation In Thailand Looks Like A Crashed Spaceship

If you ever go to Thailand, make sure you visit the spectacular 75-million-years old rock formation in Bueng Kan.

Many people love to travel the world, as it is one of the best ways to open your mind.  This Earth is home to many wonders. Travelling takes us out of our comfort zone and throws us into new, undiscovered places, where we can learn, embrace adventures, and share meaningful experiences.

It challenges us and teaches us to adapt to and explore new surroundings. Being exposed to new places, people, traditions, history, and cultures, is very important for creating a wider world view.

If you ever go to Thailand, we have a suggestion for you! There is a rock formation there, that, depending on how you look at it, resembles a lot of things.

Some claim it looks like a crashed spaceship, while others maintain it looks like a family of blue whales, and this is where it gets its name -Three Whale Rock.

The 75-million-years old rock formation in Bueng Kan, Thailand’s newest province, Hin Sam Wan, or Three Whale Rock, is a sight definitely worth seeing! The tops of the rocks are eroded from people walking on them, so they look like metallic copper.

Yet, note that you have to be in good physical shape, at least to an extent, as you will need to do some hiking to get some pretty amazing views from the top!

There are nine different trails you can choose from, and every single one offers different things: nature, waterfalls, and wildlife. You won’t make a mistake whatever you choose!

When on top of the Three Whales Rock, you can see the beaches of Mekong, the Sadok rapids, the Phu Wua Forest, the Bang Bat Brook, and the mountains of the Pakkading district of Lao People’s Democratic Republic.

However, plan to spend the entire day there, as both, the sunrise and sunset from the top are exceptional!


Every year, millions of tourists visit Thailand, so the country focuses on protecting its most valuable resource.

Back in 2011, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) created the 7 Greens Initiative to promote sustainable tourism all over the country.

The 7 Greens initiative’s guidelines are established to help manage tourism in a way that protects the natural landscape and wildlife so that tourists can enjoy tourist sites like the Three Whale Rock for many years in the future.

Being respectful and responsible as a tourist is essential. Whenever you go, make sure you treat people who live there and their traditions with respect, appreciate nature and wildlife, do not throw litter and do not take things from the places you visit.

Moreover, it would be useful to do some research prior to your visit to a place, to learn and understand the culture of the area better.



93-Year-Old Veteran Sleeps In Car After Fleeing Wildfire, Then Stranger Says ‘You’re Coming With Us’

A couple of California offered their home to a 93-year-old veteran, whose town was burned to the ground.

Life is unpredictable, and often, a single event can easily turn all things upside down. The devastating Camp Fire two years ago left destruction and death behind, so countless families have been forced to leave their homes and seek their safety somewhere else.

The fire has left numerous people homeless and uncertain if their homes still exist. Among the many, the flames also engulfed the hometown of a 93-old-old World War II veteran, Lee Brundige.

The man lived in the home his late wife designed in Paradise, California, and he had no idea that the fire was coming, but his gardener started banging on his windows to wake him up.

Fortunately, the old man heeded the evacuation warning, and he initially ended up in Oroville, in a parking lot with other evacuees about 11 miles south of the fire. There, he met Tracy Grant, a woman who was helping feed the group of newly uprooted people.

Grant offered the veteran a hamburger, but he was too humble and refused it, explaining that someone else could benefit from it more. Grant asked him if he had a place to stay, but he insisted on sleeping in his car.

She said:

“I didn’t like leaving him there, but he’s very independent. So I made sure he had blankets and a pillow. I stayed with him until about midnight.”

Although she was deeply concerned, she respected his wishes. Yet, the next morning, the sheriff gave evacuees an ultimatum, evacuate, or risk your life.

At this point, Lee had to make a decision and accepted Grant’s offer. Lee went to live with the kind woman, her boyfriend Josh Fox, and their two dogs, Cash and Axel.

Grant then said they have no problem to offer Lee their home as long as he needs it, and they were not sure whether his home has survived the fire. They have then contacted Lee’s son, to work together and ensure Lee’s happy and peaceful future.

Meanwhile, they have learned more about their new roommate.

Grant added:

“We found he has many friends and is loved by his community. He can stay with us as long as he would like.”

These stories restore our hope in humanity and encourage us to recognize the good amidst all the bad. We can make the world a better place by just spreading goodness and happiness.

Even when we don’t have much, we can do much for others. We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need.



If You Can Find The Woman Hiding In This Photo, You’re Considered To Have An Above Average IQ

We challenge you to find the woman hidden in the photo of Jörg Düsterwald, a German artist known for his incredible body art.

Puzzles, various challenges, optical illusions, and games have been amusing for people since forever. Yet, it seems that this year, due to the coronavirus pandemic, people have more time and a renewed interest to try out their skills.

Therefore, we decided to challenge you with one painting. Some claim that those who can find a woman in it in less than 5 seconds have an IQ higher than the average, but there is no scientific evidence that confirms this claim.

Still, would you like to try it?

Do you struggle to find the woman?

Here is one clue: take a look at the base of the tree, in the bottom right-hand corner. How about now?

Still not? Here is some additional help:

Jörg Düsterwald, an artist from Germany, is known for his amazing body art. For over 20 years, he has been painting on human bodies, so his subjects perfectly blend into whatever background or scene he puts them in.

Initially, he posted the image of an old gated stone fence, which is surrounded by fallen leaves and trees. Then, he challenged his followers to find the hidden woman in it.

In fact, the woman isn’t hiding at all, she’s sitting right in the front of the picture. Painted skillfully to blend in with the tree and the leaves on the ground, there is no wonder you cannot easily find her!

Here she is!


Animals Life

Moment Gigantic Alligator Is Seen Stomping Across Florida Golf Course

Golfer Jeff Jones filmed a gigantic gator stomping its way across the Florida golf course before submerging itself in the lake nearby.

Golf is exciting on its own, but no other golfer has ever experienced the thrill Jeff Jones did at Valencia Golf and Country Club in Naples! Netizens were shocked to watch the video of a massive gator he spotted stomping its way across the Florida golf course!

As Hurricane Eta swept through the area, the golfer filmed the gigantic beast strutting across the fairway before submerging itself in a nearby lake.

In the terrifying video, one golfer can be heard:

‘Holy …This guy out for a stroll – oh, my God!’

  • People online were terrified to see a gigantic gator caught on video while stomping its way across a Florida golf course

  • Golfer Jeff Jones recorded the massive beast at Valencia Golf and Country Club, in Naples

Florida Fish and Wildlife estimate there are around 1.3 million in the region, and the biggest ever caught reportedly measured up to an amazing 17.4 feet long! The one in the footage is extremely large as well, and people online could not help but asking numerous questions about it.

Alex Hoffman wrote:

‘That is Godzilla, that is not a gator.”

Josh Helmuth agreed it’s no gator, but a ‘walking, living dinosaur.’

One lifelong Floridian admitted he has seen several gators in his life, but “never one that big”, with a tail that must ” weigh 100 pounds.”

  • These gators can grow up extremely large, and the biggest one ever captured in Florida measured up at a staggering 17.4 feet-long

  • The one caught on video was not far off the record measurement

Many were puzzled by the length of its legs, and others explained that alligators use a high walk while moving longer distances, but they are typically seen in a crawling posture, which they tend to use when traveling short distances.

Some users joked about the huge creature not wearing a mask during the pandemic, and one added:

‘Where is he going? Mar-A-Lago is the other way.’

Joking aside, the sight must have been a real-time horror!


Nature Plants

Forest Garden With 500 Edible Plants Requires Only a Few Hours of Work Per Month

Martin Crawford, a pioneer in forest gardening, shows the world a way to plant a food forest, and grow more than 500 plants with a few hours of work a month.

Gardening is one of the most beneficial hobbies one can develop. In addition to providing nutritious veggies and fruits for the entire family, and beautiful flowers to decorate the home, gardening is great for our health, the community, and the environment.

It boosts our strength, heals and empowers, improves mood and memory, lowers stress, and helps us fight diseases. The coronavirus pandemic has brought many concerns, and cut us off from social gatherings, so a lot of people started cultivating gardens.

This impulse is an amazing idea, but keep reading to discover a way to maximize your yields and minimize your efforts!

Have you ever asked yourself why some plants prosper better in forests, on their own, without any special care than in our gardens? For instance, no one trims, nourishes, or waters the wild veggies, and yet they grow better than our garden plants ever could if we weren’t so devoted to them.

It turns out, we may be doing things improperly. The diversity of the forest gives the plants the needed flexibility to deal with the harsh climate conditions and environmental factors that influence their growth.

It is one of the crucial factors in maintaining a productive ecosystem with natural stability.

The monoculture approach we take leaves the soil in a poor state for agricultural practices after only a few years. Namely, flatly planting the same crops in one garden drains the soil of some of the essential nutrients and creates additional compounds that might affect growth and production.

Plus, the absence of diversity increases the risk of diseases. The best way to prevent this and help the soil renew the needed nutrients is to try crop rotation.

Yet, the inconsistency in produce makes this approach unfit for many commercial farmers. Therefore, to address the problems caused by monoculture, people have invented forest gardens.

They imitate natural ecosystems and include dozens of varieties and species of plants to boost diversity and production.  Martin Crawford, a pioneer in forest gardening, is a British author, and the founder and director of the Agroforestry Research Trust, a UK-based agroforestry non-profit.

He maintains that monoculture is slowly harming the soil by taking away its nutrients:

“What we think of as normal, in terms of food production is actually not normal at all. Annual plants are very rare in nature, yet most of our agricultural fields are filled with annual plants. It’s not normal. What’s normal is a more forested or semi-forested system.”

Back in 1994, he started growing his extensive forest garden with countless stems and seeds from various plants. Every year, he added more species, and nowadays, over 500 edible plants are growing in the astonishing ecosystem in his garden.

He explains there are two categories of plants in the food forest:

  • directly useful plants, which include fruit trees, veggies, all types of nuts, tuber plants, timber, and logs on which mushrooms grow.
  • indirectly useful plants, or system plants, which boost the function of the system, such as flowers that boost pollination, mineral-accumulating plants, and nitrogen-fixing plants

He says:

“With such a diverse system, whatever happens with the weather, most of your crops will probably do fine. Some may fail, some may do better. That’s very important going into the future because we don’t know exactly what’s going to happen to our weather. So by having a diverse system, it gives you maximum resilience.”

There are about seven vertical levels of growth in a forest garden, as follows:

  1. Canopy trees,
  2. Smaller trees,
  3. Shrubs and bushes,
  4. Perennials,
  5. Groundcover layers,
  6. Root crops,
  7. 7. Vines (climbers).

The different layers give each other support, diversity, sunshade, wind, and storm protection. The main advantage of the food forest is its timesaving quality, as Crawford needs only a few hours every month for maintenance.

Just like wild forests, it takes care of itself. The different types of plants provide diversity to fight against diseases and resist climate changes. Furthermore, while it may not seem easy at first, in the long term, the food forest is much more efficient and gratifying than the gardens we are used to.

Of course, you’ll need to work harder in the early months and perhaps years of cultivating the garden. It would also be more expensive at first, but in a while, your food forest will require very little maintenance.

As Crawford notes, the forest plants are “more like being out in nature than being in a cultivated garden”, and adds:

“It can seem overwhelming, there are so many species. You shouldn’t let that stop you from starting a project, because you don’t have to know everything, to begin with. Just start, plants some trees, and go from there.”

Watch the documentary below to learn more about forest gardens:

The short film was a huge success, as an increasing number of people have become interested in food forests in the past few years. Therefore, a feature-length documentary is now in the works.

“ Edible Landscapes, The Food Forest Revolution” is a documentary film aiming to inspire people all over the world to learn about and plant food forests.
