
Can You Solve This Tricky Math Riddle? Only Super Smart People Can

Try to solve the following Math problem- It is believed that only super-smart people can!

Puzzles, riddles, math problems, and all kinds of brain teasers are among the best ways to spend your free time and stimulate your brain activity and logic. There is a popular belief that people who are good at them are intelligent and smarter than others.

As our mind needs some exercise just like the rest of our body, the following riddle is a great mental workout! While the math on the surface of the problem is evident, solving it actually requires logic too.

Ready for some mind-stretching?

Give it a try, and then check the answer below:

Was it easy? Scroll down to check if your answer’s correct:













The answer:

The young brother is 16 years old.

You might have got 9 at first, but half the age of four years old means there’s a two-year age difference, and that never changes.

Therefore, 18 minute 2 = 16.



Hilarious Moment German Shepherd Slides Down Icy Pavement On His Belly

Footage shows a German Shepherd sliding on his belly on the icy pavement while trying to get to his owner.

Winter is approaching, and the holiday joy and fun on the snow will come along with it.

However, no matter how idyllic snowy paths and pavements in front of our houses appear, no one can deny the fact that snow and ice cause too much trouble to anyone trying to walk on them!

A video of a German Shepherd that slides down a frosty driveway on his belly, attempting to get to his owner, is another proof of this! The footage was filmed on November 20 in Domodedovo, Russia.

It shows Urgan leaving his warm home and starting to make his way across the icy path.  There is no doubt that the dog gives his best to stay on his feet during those harsh and frosty winter conditions.

He is crouching close to the ground as he slides down the angled driveway.

  • The video was captured in Domodedovo, and it shows a German Shepherd as he leaves his home and begins to make his way across the frozen path

The dog tries to stand, but falls down one more time, and slips down the driveway and into the road. The cameraman is calling to him, and the dog finally stops. Urgan then stands up straight with ease and successfully walks back up the path.

The video has reached thousands of views, with one viewer joking:

‘Sliding out of 2020 be like.’

Another added:

‘The shepherd enjoyed it though.’

What a trip on the ice!

  • The pup eventually picks himself up and manages to walk back up the path



Man Arrives At Nigerian Wedding With Six Pregnant Women ‘Who Are All Carrying His Children’

Controversial socialite attended a Nigerian wedding in the company of six pregnant women, ‘who are all carrying his children’.

Red carpet events, movie premieres, fashion weeks, and weddings are very important for celebs. Attending a celebrity wedding imposes pressure for guests to look better than usual, and even show off.

Yet, if you think that the biggest problem of all A-listers is to find something nice to wear, you are wrong! It turns out that some people believe they need much more to look fabulous enough!

One socialite drew attention on social media after showing up with six pregnant women, who he claimed were all carrying his children! This is not the first time Pretty Mike’ shows his “playboy” lifestyle to the public.

This time, the controversial man told his Instagram followers that he went to a Nigerian wedding, and the photo was ‘no film trick… we are just living our best life’. He then finished his post by adding a string of hashtags that read “#HappyHome”, “#Familyiseverything” and “#babybum”.

Pretty Mike was even filmed feeling each of the baby bumps of his ‘six baby mothers to be’, as they waited in line at the wedding!

  • At a Nigerian wedding, controversial socialite Pretty Mike poses with six pregnant women he claimed were carrying his children

Pretty Mike, whose real name is Mike Eze-Nwalie Nwogu, is a nightclub owner in Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city. He has always been open about having many girlfriends.

Back in 2017, Pretty Mike caused outrage ad was reportedly arrested for putting female guests in chains and walking them on leashes to a wedding.

Afterward, he reportedly signed an undertaking to ‘stop whatever act of putting girls on a leash or any other degrading treatment to ladies and guys’.

In September last year, he posed with five women in wedding dresses, explaining that it was his ‘dream’ to marry ‘two of my exes and three of my current girlfriends’, adding:

“We all have dreams and we all have fantasies.”

  • While waiting in line at the wedding, he was even filmed feeling each of their baby bumps

Yet, his behavior faces harsh criticism, and critics believe the latest stunt is the ‘same madness’ they witnessed times before.

One of them said:

‘This is one reason I must have a heavy military presence at my wedding venue. You’ll not come and chase clout on my special day.’

He was attending the celebrity wedding of Nollywood actor and comedian Williams Uchemba and his girlfriend Brunella Oscar, which was attended by numerous other celebrities as well.

In a follow-up video he posted, he is smiling in bed with four women, and gets a rub down in the shower from at least two. In the post, he asks his followers to think of a name that describes his “thrilling lifestyle”.

What about “outrageous’?


Animals Life

Florida Man, 74, Wrestles Alligator To Save His Puppy In Viral Video

A brave 74-year-old dog owner jumped into a pond and saved his dog from an alligator.

Dog lovers know that canines are the most loyal and fun companions a person can have in life. Therefore, responsible and loving dog owners care for their pets in the best way possible- even if this means that they have to risk their comfort to save them!

A surveillance camera caught the shocking moment when such a man, the 74-year-old Robert Wilbanks, jumped into a pond to rescue his puppy from being eaten by an alligator!

Wilbanks was walking his 3-month-old puppy, Gunner, when, all of the sudden, an alligator jumped out of a pond nearby and grabbed it.

The retiree, led by his instincts, immediately jumped into the pond to save his Cavalier King Charles spaniel! The brave man wrestled with the small gator, and opened its jaws to set the puppy free!

The entire scene was filmed by a surveillance camera, and the video shows Wilbanks releasing Gunner, that escapes away while his owner holds the alligator’s jaws open.

Wilbanks explained:

“We were just out walking by the pond and it came out of the water like a missile. I never thought an alligator could be that fast. It was so quick.”

Wilbanks revealed that catching and holding the alligator was not too difficult for him, but opening its jaw wide was “extremely hard”.

Remembering how he got the adrenaline rush and instinct to rescue his puppy, the man simply said that he sees his puppy as his child, “so there was no second thought whatsoever”.

Gunner suffered a puncture injury in his belly after this unpleasant event, but it was successfully treated by a vet. Additionally, Wilbanks noted that his hands had been “chewed up” and that he had to receive a tetanus shot.

Be that as it may, the retiree declares that he does not want the alligator to be dislocated from its habitat.

The regional policy director of the Florida Wildlife Federation, Meredith Budd said:

“We live on a shared landscape […] We don’t just want to tolerate wildlife, but, rather, we want to thrive with wildlife on a shared landscape.”

Wilbanks agreed, adding that he understands that the alligator reacted according to its nature to survive, and the pond is in fact its home.

He noted that he didn’t request for it to be removed from the pond, and added:

“They’re part of nature and part of our lives. We do need to be aware they are wild animals. They’re not here for our benefit. We’re very lucky to share this space with them.”

Nowadays, whenever he takes Gunner for a walk, Wilbanks keeps him on a leash, and 10 feet away from the pond.

Yet, he emphasized the importance of informing other pet owners about the danger, “ to make sure that they keep them away from the edge of the water”.

Gunner, you are one lucky dog to have Mr. Wilbanks by your side!



When Your Mom Is Gone, You Will Realize She Was Your One True Friend

Since their very first encounter with us, our mothers remain our best friends in life. 

Our family is the only place in the world where we can truly be ourselves. We all go through different stages in life, but our home is always the safest port after a storm.

Therefore, no matter how complex or challenging our relationship with our parents can be at a time, those people are the ones who will remain our best friends until the last day. The role of the mother in every person’s life is predominant.

Sooner or later in life, we all realize that our mothers are our wisest advisors, best guides, strongest supporters, most loyal friends, and truest fans.

A mother will never let her child down. Her love for her children never fades, so we should never trade her for anything. No one loves the child more than the mother, until her final day on Earth.

Once she is gone, all these things come to light.

She is the woman who brought you into this world, gave you everything she had to raise you into a happy and satisfied adult. Your mom was there at your lowest and your highest, holding your hand since the day she gave birth to you.

Think all these things through before it is too late. Your mother won’t be here forever- so don’t risk regretting things later in life. When she’s gone, you will understand her value in your life, but unfortunately, you won’t get the chance to make things right then.

Make sure you strengthen your bond with your mother now, if you are lucky enough to have her still in your life. Don’t think twice before you use every opportunity you get to visit her, call her, and show her how much you love and respect her.

Like all of us, she must have struggled a lot in life so you can get a shot at a good life. Mothers love us unconditionally and selflessly and don’t expect anything in return, so reward yours with your time and affection every single day.

No one will ever love you in the same way your mom does.

Hence, whenever she needs it, support her. Acknowledge her efforts, cherish her, and return all the love she raised you with, as if you don’t, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life.

Show her that her endless love and care shaped you into a grateful, affectionate, emphatic, and intelligent human being. Even if she has changed over the years, don’t forget that she still loves you the same, and will never stop, until her last breath.



Scientists Manage To Kill Cancer Cells With Ground-Breaking DNA Editing

Israeli scientists have just made a major breakthrough in cancer research, claiming they have used Nobel Prize-winning tech to successfully eliminate cancerous cells in mice, while leaving healthy ones intact.

Cancer is the leading cause of death worldwide. A lot of people are diagnosed with and die from cancer each year, and many others struggle to combat the disease daily.

Therefore, the entire world eagerly waits for advancements and findings in the area that would help save more lives.

The CRISPR Cas-9 gene-editing system is used to make laser-sharp alterations to DNA. This year, its creators, Jennifer Doudna and Emmanuelle Charpentier, won a Nobel Prize for Chemistry for their amazing discovery.

The paper by professor Dan Pee, published in the4 Science Advances journal, revealed that with the help of their system, Tel Aviv University scientists have managed to treat cancer in animals.

According to Peer, who is the head of the Laboratory of Precision NanoMedicine at the university, the process is a “more elegant chemotherapy” and claimed that there are “no side effects”.

He said:

“We believe that a cancer cell treated in this way will never become active again. This technology can extend the life expectancy of cancer patients and we hope, one day, cure the disease.”

Plus, Peer added that the procedure can eliminate a tumor in a matter of three sessions:

“This technology can physically cut the DNA in cancerous cells, and those cells will not survive.”

Peer explained that he hopes that this treatment can soon replace chemotherapy, which is linked to numerous damaging side-effects.

He and his team intend to develop a treatment for all cancer types in humans in the next two years. The trials were conducted on mice who suffered from glioblastoma, brain cancer, and metastatic ovarian cancer.

The treated mice were given a double life expectancy from the rest, with a 30% survival rate. The system is currently only being implemented for rare cell diseases that have already been taken out of patients’ bodies.

To personalize the treatment, the patient needs to undergo a biopsy. Peer added that they would administer a general or direct injection into the tumor. This injection contains messenger RNA that encodes the “tiny scissor function” for snipping the patient’s DNA.

The system identifies cancer cells and a lipid nanoparticle.

Peer concluded:

“When we first spoke of treatments with messenger RNA twelve years ago, people thought it was science fiction. I believe that in the near future, we will see many personalized treatments based on genetic messengers, for cancer and various genetic diseases.

The technology needs to be further developed, but the main thing is we have shown that this can kill cancer cells.”

Watch the video below for more information about this system:



Officials Discover Mysterious 12-Foot-Tall Monolithic Metal In Desert

While trying to count bighorn sheep in the desert during a flyover in a remote south-eastern area of the US state, wildlife resources department workers noticed a strange object firmly planted in the ground.

If you are a Space Odyssey fan, the Utah desert will become your dream destination after reading this article! It turned out that the desert kept quiet about an incredibly strange object within it for too long!

Namely, Last week, a crew with the state wildlife resources department was aboard a helicopter that belongs to the Utah Department of Public Safety when they noticed a mysterious monolith showing out of the dirt below.

The bright metal figure was approximately 10 to 12 feet tall, and it was firmly situated in the ground, suggesting it wasn’t just dropped from above.

Officials indicated the possibility that the figure could have been built by an artist or a huge admirer of 2001: Space Odyssey – as the mysterious thing looks like the machines described in Arthur C. Clarke’s story!

  • Worker with Utah’s wildlife resources department saw a shiny metal monolith, firmly planted in the ground.

The unmarked object is positioned inside a red rock cove. Yet, out of the fear that amateurs could get in danger trying to get a closer look, the workers did not reveal details about its exact location.

The crew was in the secluded zone to count bighorn sheep when they discovered the mysterious object.

Pilot Bret Hutchings said:

‘One of the biologists is the one who spotted it and we just happened to fly directly over the top of it. He was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, turn around, turn around!’ And I was like, ‘what.’ And he’s like, ‘There’s this thing back there – we’ve got to go look at it!’

The  helicopter then turned back and landed and the team went into the cove to explore.

Hutchings said:

‘We were thinking, Is this something NASA stuck up there or something? Are they bouncing satellites off it? We were kind of joking around that if one of us suddenly disappears, then the rest of us make a run for it.’

  • Officials assume it has been created by an artist or a huge fan of 2001: Space Odyssey

  • The crew went in the area to count bighorn sheep

  • ‘We were thinking, Is this something NASA stuck up there or something? Are they bouncing satellites off it?’ said Department of Public Safety pilot Bret Hutchings

  • To show its size, state workers climb the monolith to give a sense of its size.

Jokes aside, Hutchings’ opinion is that the object is most likely some kind of artwork, done by “ some new wave artist” or  “ somebody that was a big [2001: A Space Odyssey] fan.”

  • Department of Public Safety pilot Bret Hutchings said that the unmarked object ‘is about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying,’

  • The monolith is located inside a red rock cove, but the exact location has not been revealed, to prevent others from endangering themselves trying to get a closer look

‘Land art’ is common in Utah, with strange installations that kept occurring far from population centers in the 1960s and ’70s. The most famous, built by artist Robert Smithson in 1970, is called Spiral Jetty. It is a 1,500-foot-long coil that is completely made of mud, salt crystals and basalt.

It is situated on the northeastern edge of the Great Salt Lake near Rozel Point, and it appears and disappears depending on the level of the water.

  • Utah has a history of ‘land art,’ unusual installations far from population centers.

However, up until now, no one has called to claim to be the creator of the monolith.

Hutchings concluded:

“That’s been about the strangest thing that I’ve come across out there in all my years of flying.”

The workers left everything in place, after recording a video and taking photos of the mysterious creation.

Looking for answers, photos were posted to social media, and most observers presumed it was installed by a sculptor. Many even added that it resembled the work of late minimalist artist John McCracken.

There were some otherworldly theories as well. What do you think? Any ideas?

  • Bighorn sheep live in the southern half of Utah

Nevertheless, the strange metal object seems to not affect the bighorn sheep that reside in Utah’s southern half.

In early December, their mating season, the sheep are less cautious of humans, since they are focused on courtship and breeding. Therefore, they’ll allow vehicles to get closer to them than they normally would.

The population of bighorn sheep was dramatically reduced to under a thousand in the 1970s, but conservation efforts have helped increase their number in recent decades.



NASA Finds Evidence Of ‘Megaflood’ On Mars – Raising Possibility Life Once Existed

Sediment data collected by NASA’s Curiosity Rover indicates that floods of unimaginable magnitude washed through Gale Crater on Mars around 4 billion years ago.

I cannot recall a time when life on Mars was not the subject of a lively debate. The Red Planet has been in the center of our attention for too long.

We are eager to find out whether we, Earthlings, have always been this special, living on the only habitable environment in the Universe, or there once was ( or is?) life on Mars as well.

Scientists believe Mars was not always the global desert it is nowadays, but a new study found that in its distant past, this planet actually had significantly more surface than previously thought.

A team of researchers from Jackson State University, Cornell University, and the University of Hawaii worked together with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), to examine sediment data captured by the Curiosity Rover.

Scientists believe that the ‘raging megaflood’ the Rover has identified was likely a result of an asteroid or comet hitting the planet, heating and unleashing ice stored on the Martian surface.

78ft-deep water raged across the crater at 32-feet per second, creating gigantic ripples that are tell-tale structures familiar to scientists on Earth. According to co-author Alberto G. Fairén, this raises the possibility that life once existed there.

Namely, on our planet, “there is life” wherever there is water, so four billion years ago, microbial life may have developed on Mars too.

  • Scientists believe that the ‘raging megaflood’ was a result of an asteroid or comet hitting the planet, heating and unleashing ice stored on the surface of Mars

  • This close-up image of rocks reveal changes in the bed interval, indicating that water once flowed through the area

Ezat Heydari, one of the co-authors, explained that those massive ripples, called antidunes, are up to 30ft high and spread about 450ft apart.

Fairén said:

‘We identified megafloods for the first time using detailed sedimentological data observed by the rover Curiosity. Deposits left behind by megafloods had not been previously identified with orbiter data.”

  • In one instance that water entered Gale Crater, and after mixing with water coming down from Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, it produced massive flash floods

Heydari added that the antidunes they have found are identical to the features formed by melting ice on Earth about two million years ago. The stocks of frozen water on Mars had to be subjected to a significant impact event to release carbon dioxide, methane, and the ice as water vapor.

According to researchers, the mixture of water vapor and gases has led to a short warm and wet period that could have resulted in the development of life.

The paper claims:

“The warm and wet climate persisted even after the flooding ended, but its duration cannot be determined by our study.”

The condensation from the heat generated by the impact is believed to have created clouds of water vapor which caused torrential rain – possibly across the planet.

Earlier, a study that used data from Curiosity demonstrated that about four billion years ago, there had been storms that filled lakes and rivers with rainfall on the planet.

These long-lived bodies of water indicate that the crater, as well as Mount Sharp within it, were capable of supporting microbial life.

  • Curiosity sent back images and data for scientists to examine

In one instance, this water entered Gale Crater, and when mixed with water coming down from Mount Sharp in Gale Crater, it produced gigantic flash floods.

The deposits left behind on gravel ridges around the crater can be seen on Mars today.

  • Graphic showing the terrain studied by Curiosity and where layers and antidunes have been spotted

  • The Gale crater and its various topographic features, including the mountains and ripples produced by activity on the planet over billions of years

Fairén concluded:

“Early Mars was an extremely active planet from a geological point of view. The planet had the conditions needed to support the presence of liquid water on the surface – and on Earth, where there’s water, there’s life.

So early Mars was a habitable planet. Was it inhabited? That’s a question that the next rover Perseverance … will help to answer.”

Curiosity has been roaming Mars for over eight years (2950 sols or 3031 Earth days). Its successor, NASA’s Perseverance rover, which launched from Cape Canaveral on July 30, is scheduled to reach Mars’ Jezero Crater on February 18, 2021.


Animals Life

Heart-Stopping Moment 10ft Hammerhead Shark Stalks Unsuspecting Swimmer In Miami

While flying his drone over the waters off of Miami, one man captures a shocking scene- a 10ft hammerhead shark starts circling a man swimming

Swimming in the clear blue waters in Miami is certainly an exciting experience! However, what one man, although unaware of it, underwent recently, was electrifying!

While the unnamed man was enjoying the waters in Florida, drone footage caught the moment when he was approached by a 10ft shark! In the video, the gigantic hammerhead lurks just underneath the surface!

The incredible scene was captured by local Jason McIntosh, 41, who was flying his drone over the waters, 25 meters away from the area on November 15.

  • Drone footage captured the moment a man was swimming in the waters, and a hammerhead started circling him

  • The scene was captured on November 15 in the waters off of Miami, Florida

He said:

“I was flying the drone just checking out the south beach for taking pictures. My passion is to shoot wildlife in the ocean.

I’ve seen hammerheads out there in the shoreline before, but my eyes lit up when I saw the guy floating backwards swimming with the shark starting to circle him. I had no way to warn him.”

In the video, the man seems completely at ease, gently paddling on his back, unaware of the danger nearby.

At one point, he even puts his thumb up to the camera!

McIntosh added:

The shark was in its ocean. You can’t forget it’s their ocean, not ours. We are in their environment when we are in their ocean.”

  • The man floating in the water was clearly unaware of the danger

  • The shark eventually swam off, leaving the man unharmed

He later shared his video to his Instagram page (@jasonmac7), and followers have inundated it with comments ever since, claiming it is “epic footage.”

Mick Fanning, a three-time world surfing champion, who survived a shark attack while competing in Jeffreys Bay, Africa in 2015, was also blown away by the one-minute clip, and commented:

‘Holy s***, wow!!’

Fortunately, as far as McIntosh knows, the shark eventually swam off, leaving the swimmer unharmed.

  • Jason McIntosh, 41, recorded the footage and posted it on Instagram

  • His followers were shocked by the clip

  • Many were amazed that the shark left the man unharmed

  • Others praised the high quality of the footage, as it clearly shows the shark

Hammerheads are known for their ability to make very sudden and sharp turns, but according to National Geographic, they are relatively harmless to humans. These sharks love warm waters, so they often cruise in shallow water or near the surface for extended periods of time.

This is not the first time a shark has been seen in Miami’s waters recently, as two weeks ago, CNN reported that a 2,000lb great white shark was seen nearby.



Mom Shares Her $9.28 Paycheck She Got After Working For 70 Hours As A Waitress And Internet Has Mixed Response

Mom Shares A TikTok Her $9.28 Paycheck After Working For 70 Hours As A Waitress

After working for 70 hours as a bartender, one mom from Texas shared her paycheck to address an important issue. Our hectic lifestyles have made us all more self-centered and selfish than before.

However, we should remember to never take things for granted, live life with empathy, compassion, and understanding, as it is the only way to make the world a better home for us all.

While on your short lunch break, while enjoying your family time in the local restaurant, when out with friends, or whenever you get your coffee-to-go, use the time to think about the people who work there.

It turns out, tipping is much more than just an act of good manners towards service providers. It can be of great help.

According to the Federal Fair Labor Standards Act:

“The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees who receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate.”

If you never knew, some workers get a minimum wage of $2.13 per hour, most of them working as restaurant and bar servers. For more than 29 years there is a debate in the United States that if a person earns at least $30 per month in tips and the sum evens out with the regular minimum wage, the $2.13 wage is acceptable.  This law is absurd and unfair as it takes a person’s hard-earned tips into account, tips that should be theirs only, earned with fair and hard work. Workers have to depend entirely on the kindness of customers to pull through.

Therefore, the “subminimum wage” section of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) has to be reviewed, to ensure the financial safety f of every single person who pays taxes. Hospitality workers deserve it.

One mom from Austin, Texas, decided to raise the voice and address this issue.

She posted a video on TikTok and explains that when federal taxes, social security, and medicals are taken away, at the end of the working period, one could be left with barely $10!

Aaliyah Cortez has a child to take care of and she’s expected to be exceptionally kind to customers to earn enough tips to get a satisfying salary. After working for over 70 hours at a bar in Austin, the mom couldn’t take it anymore and she made a TikTok video to show the world the day federal policies mistreat her.

She shows her working for 70.80 hours that week. She was supposed to earn $150.11, but after her social security, Medicare, and Fed Income Taxes were deducted, all she had left was $9.28.

She explained that after all deductions, she always earns between $4 and $11.

Aaliyah wrote:

 “I cannot afford to live off of $2.13 an hour, so I solely rely on the generosity of my customers.”

The goal of the video wasn’t to send a message that she is entitled to her customers’ kindness, but she simply recorded it to present the cruel reality hospitality workers have to deal with.

Every single day, she serves hundreds of people, and she earns almost nothing at the end of the day, except for her tips. Therefore, she asked people to always give tips to servers, waiters, and bartenders as policies have mistreated them badly.

Aaliyah explained:

“It’s tough being a working mom for me right now just because I’m going through a custody battle. I would love to spend time with my son, but I have to make a living so we can have a good life once the custody battle comes to an end.”

Her post opened a debate online, with some people pointing out the fact that she earned $708 in tips, which belonged entirely to her. They explained that many people with regular jobs that pay up to $14 per hour could not make that much.

Yet, Aaliyah quickly defended herself, adding that those earnings are not stable, so she could count on them, and she depends on numerous factors, like the flow of customers that day, the impression she leaves on them, their goodwill.

She adds that is hard to depend on other people’s generosity. Next week, she might get only $ 35. What could she do then?

She said: 

“Honestly, every time I open a check I just chuckle a little bit. My coworkers and I will compare checks to see who got the least amount and we’ll just laugh because it’s ridiculous how little we get paid. I would just like to add that I love my job and I’m fortunate enough to make enough to get by, but it’s tough to think that if an emergency comes up it could really hurt me financially. I just wish we all had stable and consistent paychecks.

It’s important to tip because we literally rely solely on those tips. We’ll be greatly appreciative and it’s just nice to be compassionate and understanding that this is just how laws are set up, and if you’re going to restaurants that do abide by these laws, you are feeding into the broken system. We don’t like relying on the customer but until the laws can get changed, we still need to be paid. Whatever you do, Don’t. Forget. To tip.”

Here are the responses to Aaliyah’s post:
