
Scientists Inject Human Cells Into Pig Embryo To Create First Human-Pig Hybrid

Back in 2017, scientists created the first human-pig hybrid by growing human cells inside early-stage pig embryos. They believe that their findings could eventually save hundreds of thousands of lives.

Every grand scientific discovery is accompanied by a certain amount of skepticism and criticism, but the boldest ones often trigger controversy and opposition as well.

One such lab creation, described as an interspecies chimera, led to mixed reactions, and many people questioning the ethical implications of it.

The word chimera comes from Greek mythology, and it depicted a monstrous, fire-breathing hybrid creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of more than one animal.

There are two ways to create a chimera, either by introducing the organs of one animal into another or by introducing one animal’s cells into the embryo of another at the embryonic level and let them grow together into a hybrid.

Back in 2017, scientists in the US created the first pig-human hybrid in a lab, by growing human cells inside early-stage pig embryos.

They believe that the “breakthrough” could eventually save hundreds of thousands of lives, by creating lab-grown human organs that could be transplanted into people who need them.

After injecting human stem cells into early-stage pig embryos, the embryos were transferred into surrogate sows.

The researchers waited until the first trimester, and over 150 of them developed into chimeras, with the precursors of organs, including the heart and liver. Moreover, they also had a small number of human cells.

Team member Juan Carlos Izpisua Belmonte, from the Salk Institute in California, said:

“Our findings may offer hope for advancing science and medicine by providing an unprecedented ability to study early embryo development and organ formation, as well as a potential new avenue for medical therapies.

We have shown that a precisely targeted technology can allow an organism from one species to produce a specific organ composed of cells from another species.”

Izpisua Belmonte and his team have previously performed similar experiments as well, and back in 2015, they successfully integrated human stem cells into mouse embryos, and thus demonstrated that human stem cells can develop inside other species.

Regarding the pig-human hybrid, Belmonte said:

 “The ultimate goal of chimeric research is to learn whether we can use stem-cell and gene-editing technologies to generate genetically-matched human tissues and organs, and we are very optimistic that continued work will lead to eventual success. But in the process, we are gaining a better understanding of species evolution as well as human embryogenesis and disease that is difficult to get in other ways.”

To prevent further ethical concerns, scientists terminated the hybrid embryos for the pig-human hybrid after 28 days of development.

Yet, proponents of the research argue that such experiments are important and justified, regarding the number of people dying daily while waiting for an organ transplant.

The members of the team discuss the results of their experiment in the video below:



Bankrupt Mother Jumps Off Bridge With Her Son After They Lost Their Home

In February 2019, a mother in Colombia decided to commit suicide and take her son with her, after she struggled financially and lost their home.

Life is beautiful, but it can often get pretty hard, complicated, and too challenging. When one loses hope and strength to carry on, life doesn’t feel like worth living.

Every year, around 800,000 people in the world commit suicide, and suicide is the second leading cause of death in the world for people aged 15 to 24 years.

The tragic end of a mother and her 10-year old son from Colombia last year left everyone heartbroken.

On February 7, the 32-year-old single mom jumped off a 330-foot bridge while holding her little boy, taking both of their lives.

Posted by Click radio 1090 am on Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The tragedy occurred at the La Variante Bridge, in Ibagué, and people who were passing by could not react on time and save their lives. Some of them recorded and took photos of the final moments of the mother and son.

Authorities later explained that the mother, Jessy Paola Moreno Cruz, had financial problems and had just been evicted from her home.

She and her son became homeless for a while after she was no longer able to pay rent. This made her deeply depressed, and she eventually decided to end her own life and take her son with her.

According to media present at the scene, in the last moments before their death, the child was begging his mom not to jump.

Although an ambulance came quickly, all they could do was to take the bodies out of the water. Afterward, a funeral service for the mother and son was held.

Authorities explained that the mother was being threatened by loan sharks.

Posted by Zona Morelos on Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Before her death, she explained her reasons for her decision in a suicide letter she left behind.

It read:

“I cannot tolerate the idea that somebody could hurt you because of what I did, I prefer that we leave and forget this world. I have no hope, I have been defeated and humiliated. The man who told me he loved me left me alone, very alone. They all left me with nothing, everything I worked for, everything I lived for, all I loved, all I gave, it was snatched away in an instant.

My mistake was to trust the wrong people. I failed the person I love most in my life, I cannot afford to pay for his studies, I do not even have enough money to give him hot food. I have placed him in danger and I am sorry for failing you, son. Every day is more difficult and filled with threats, debt, and lack of love. I cannot do it anymore. I will be told I am a coward, but only God knows the distress of being terrified that someone will hurt you because of me.

If only somebody could help me, but who can lend me the money or even a home? There is nobody. The world is dangerous and I cannot protect you. Every day is grey. My heart beats with anxiety. I cry with frustration and impotence. I am a loser. This time I will not fail you, my son. Nobody will hurt us anymore.”

Sad, tragic, painful!



Woman Flies 1,500 Miles To Meet Her Online Love But Is Stood Up At The Airport

A young businesswoman from Indiana got stood up and was left stranded at the airport, after flying 1,500 miles to meet her online love.

Internet and social media have revolutionized dating, that’s for sure, but this modern era comes with its own risks and challenges as well. A businesswoman learned this lesson in the hard way, unfortunately, after being was stood up by a man she’d met online seven days before.

In an attempt to meet the boy she was so interested in, she ended up stranded at an airport 1,500 miles away from her home.

Jasmine Triggs, aged 23, decided she wanted to meet a man she had been talking to online for a week, so she fled from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Houston, Texas.

Yet, immediately when she got on the airplane, the unknown man known only by the name Jamal, blocked her phone number and left her heartbroken and stranded at the airport.

Jasmine, who owns a baking company, said that the guy asked her to come to Texas after she communicated with him for about a week.

  • After meeting a man online a week ago, Jasmine Triggs, 23, decided to fly from Fort Wayne, Indiana, to Houston, Texas, to meet him

She recalls they were talking until the very same morning she left her home to meet him.

He claims he shared details about his life with her during their conversations, he told her about the school he went to, that he’d been a cheerleader, that he had a robotics company.

Jasmine says they started getting to know each other, and she really liked him, but it was also sexual. He was asking her sexual questions, adding he was anxious to see her and that he had cleaned the living room for her.

The two met each other through an iMessage group chat, and were introduced by a mutual friend who had actually never met the man in person neither.

Jasmine fled for 5 hours, spent $380 for the ticket and the moment she arrived at the airport, she tried to contact him, but her number was already blocked by him.

  • The moment she entered the plane, the man blocked her number

She says :

“When I was on the plane, all my messages were sending to everyone apart from him so he’d obviously blocked me.

I didn’t hear from him all morning and once I landed, I called him, but I realized he’d blocked my number and I was panicking. People from the group chat were calling him and he blocked them as well.”

Fortunately, she managed to contact a friend who lived in the area and stayed with her for several days but she still can’t find the answer to why she was stood up at the airport. After some time, she shared her experience on Twitter to explain to people the risks of meeting up with people they’ve never met in person.

She said:

“Either he thought it was funny or he could have had a wife or girlfriend because he started saying he didn’t know me but he shouldn’t have left me at the airport.

I posted it on Twitter and it went viral so he unblocked us and came back in the chat saying he didn’t know me but everyone knew he’d asked me to go to meet him.

He had people messaging me saying they were his sister, it was just a big conundrum. I don’t even know if he does live in Texas. He has the area code but he has three different numbers.”

  • These are their texts on the morning of Jasmine’s flight.

  • After she arrived, Jamal left the group chat where they’d met

She advises people to FaceTime the unknown person first and make them buy the ticket if they plan to go and meet up with someone.

“I don’t believe in someone paying for everything which is why I bought my own ticket but if you’re going to see them, make sure they buy it because I’m $380 out of pocket and he’s said he was going to pay for everything when I got there.

Make sure they aren’t going to leave you there because if it wasn’t for my friend, I don’t know what I would have done.”

The tweet has garnered more than 70,000 likes and some have even offered to pay Jasmine for her plane ticket.

She said:

“A lot of people have been super kind but I’ve had the occasional troll. Guys have been hitting on me, people have been supportive and offering to pay for my ticket but people have been saying that I’m super dumb.”

Jasmine also added that after her port went viral, Jamal unblocked them all, returned to the chat, and claimed that he didn’t know her, but they all knew he had asked her to go and meet him.



Dad Reveals How He Accepted 11-Year-Old Son’s Dream To Perform As UK’s Youngest Drag Queen

After years of attempting to talk him out of it, one father eventually learned to accept his son’s passion and now supports him in his career as the youngest drag queen in the UK

Being a parent is the biggest blessing in life, but it comes with its own challenges. What many people fail to understand is that the role of a parent is just to guide, care for, and support, and not to create his own reflection, or someone he dreamed of becoming in life.

Fortunately, one father, Darren Butler, realized this before it became too late.

After the birth of his son Fabian, Darren took him in his arms and fantasized about his little man, the times when the two of them would play football together, thought of teaching him boxing, and everything he enjoyed in his childhood.

However, as soon as he turned eight, his son, who lives in Gwent, South Wales, abandoned all the sports and shocked his father by telling him he wants to dress up in the clothes of his mum.

Darren felt embarrassed thinking about his friends’ reactions, and tried everything he could to persuade his son to lay off his latest “phase”.

Now at the age of 11, Fabian performs as one of the youngest drag queens in the whole country, as alter ego Francheska Valley – and Darren takes him to gigs with pleasure and even helps him in his choice of outfits for his performances.

  • Fabian Butler, 11, from Gwent, Wales, performs as his drag alter-ego Francheska Valley

Darren, who works as a machine operator, said:

“I was the opposite when I was younger. When you have your first boy, you have expectations. I used to box as a kid so I always hoped that he would grow up and want to pursue boxing. I would take him to play football with me and you could see that it wasn’t for him.

When he started dressing up, I was in denial, I just thought it was kids being kids at an age like that.

I just thought he was going through a phase but when I spoke to my wife about it and realized that it wasn’t a phase, I was hurt.”

  • His father Darren, a machine operator, have learned to accept his passion for drag

  • Fabian with his parents. He started using his mom’s makeup when he was five.

His wife talked him into going to his first performance even though he didn’t want to go. Yet, when he saw the happiness that his son was feeling on stage, he suddenly realized how much it meant to him.

This brought a tear to his eye and realized that his son can’t live his life according to the expectations and has to live his own dream.

Now, he claims he is the proudest dad in the entire world! Fabian started dressing up when he was just five-years-old, using his mum Rachel’s makeup and jewelry.

  • Francheska Valley in red and gold embellished heels at home

  • Fabian never wanted to follow his father’s footsteps

  • Francheska Valley with blonde locks and a florescent avant-garde makeup

When he would come home from school he would tell his parents how much he admired the clothes of his teachers, and would secretly take Rachel’s clothes and try them on.

His mother, who is a cook, explained that she sees all of this as normal, as she has grown with him through it and there was no need for a formal conversation about that.

As the boy got older, she used to buy him makeup which led to a lot of arguments between her and her husband but Fabian is simply very happy wearing it.

  • The mother, Rachel, explained that she argued with her husband when she first bought makeup for her son

  • Darren now claims to be ‘the proudest Dad in the world’

  • Fabian urges others to do what they love and adds that he is very happy for his dad’s support

Despite Fabian’s wishes, Darren signed him up to a football club when he was six, trying to involve him in sports. However, he explains that Fabian wasn’t happy, he preferred the drama club and gymnastics group.

When he tried to involve him in boxing, he replied that he doesn’t like to get his lip split. The father found it very difficult to accept it, which led to lots of arguments in the family.

  • Fabian as his drag act Francheska Valley with his parents

  • The talented boy became fascinated with Ru Paul’s Drag Race and started experimenting with different outfits

Rachel said:

“When he was seven, he started wearing makeup more often and Darren would tell him to take it off which would leave Fabian very upset. It caused arguments because I would say – look how good he looks! It took a while for Darren to come round to the idea of him wearing makeup.

Fabian would tell Darren that he was just doing his makeup to show him and he was so upset when Darren would tell him to take it off. Sometimes he would go and take it off but there were a lot of tears – it was frustrating for me because I could see how talented Fabian was at doing his makeup.”

  • Darren was ‘taken aback’ by his son’s performance at DragCon in London

But when Darren saw Fabian’s performance with his drama club for the first time in Newbridge, he instantly realized how much talent for performing his boy possesses.

He said:

“He had his own act and performed Ariana Grande’s God is a Woman in front of 200 people on stage. He started drama club when he was nine and this was his first opportunity to perform.

I was really nervous about going but when I saw him performing, it brought a tear to my eye.”

Rachel added that Fabian’s eyes filled up with tears and he said that he is so glad his father is here to watch him.

She has advised him to show his dad what he is capable of and he went and gave an awesome performance. After the show, Darren gave him the biggest hug and there were tears of joy from both of them.

Now Fabian is enjoying his father’s full support, who even takes him shopping for new outfits.

Darren says that he is going to charity shops with him, looking for heels and jewelry, and he states that he is definitely making progress. He now gives Fabian compliments when he likes his makeup and he fully supports him.

  • Fabian at age eight, into his drag alter ego, Francesca

When they went to DragCon in London in January, the father was taken aback by the number of other drag queens coming up to him and telling him how they wished they had a father who supports him in the same way he supports his son.

He claims that in this way, he understood how difficult it must have been for his son until he learned to accept his passion. There, Fabian “did a lip-sync in front of 7,000 people to a Ru Paul song and people wanted to take pictures with him.”

The boy explained that one has to know what he loves the most in life, no matter the age, and has to live in his own way.

He added that he is thrilled that his father supports him, and his favorite thing, which means a lot to him, is when his father tells him he loves him. His biggest wish was his father to support him and be proud of him, and the entire situation brought the family together.



Engineer Captures Incredible Footage Of Southern Lights From Antarctica

Before the coronavirus pandemic, an Australian engineer captured the Southern lights while on a trip to Antarctica.

The world we live in is one spectacular place, full of wonders, waiting for us to discover them. Unfortunately, the travel restrictions due to the coronavirus pandemic have severely affected tourism and have prevented numerous adventures from happening.

An Australian engineer traveled to Antarctica before the lockdown, and his incredible photos of the Southern Lights illuminating the night sky have fascinated people!

The phenomenon is a result of the disturbances in the magnetosphere due to solar winds. In the clip, it all begins with strong bursts of yellow and green, and as the sky starts to lighten up, they slowly disappear over Davis Station.

  • Footage reveals the bursts of green in the sky above the Bureau of Meteorology’s Davis Station

  • It all started with bursts of yellow and green, and as the sky started to lighten up, the lights disappeared.

  • The phenomenon is caused by disturbances in the magnetosphere due to solar winds

Aurora Australis, or the Southern Lights, can also be seen from Tasmania, Point Lonsdale, in Victoria, and Queenstown, in New Zealand.

It is much more challenging to find a viewing location for watching the Southern Lights than for the Northern lights. The best time to do so is in September.

While the camera captures the shades of blue, purple, green, and red lights of auroras, photographers reveal that to the naked eye, many people see just bursts of white lights.

  • The Southern Lights, or Aurora Australis, can also be seen from Tasmania, Point Lonsdale, in Victoria, and Queenstown, in New Zealand

  • Finding a location for watching the Southern Lights is a true challenge

  • According to photographers, to the naked eye, many people just see bursts of white lights

Back in 2017, James Garlick, photographer, explained:

“To the naked eye, an aurora will look more like a white flickering light. It could be mistaken for a cloud. It’s not until you do a long exposure with the camera that the colors are revealed.”

During the World Space week, Patrick James, BOM’s engineer stationed on Davis, shared the footage. Together with 23 other people, he has been stationed in Antarctica since October 25, 2019.

He said:   

“That timeline means we’ve completely dodged COVID-19 so far and literally have no idea about social distancing or what world awaits us on our return in March.”

  • The footage was shared by Patrick James, BOM’s engineer stationed on Davis.

  • He has perfected his skills to capture auroras while wintering in Mawson Station during another Antarctica stint working for BOM

  • He explained: “A sturdy tripod ensures long exposures remain sharp, while a good pair of gloves is vital for keeping the feeling in your fingers to operate camera buttons when it’s -25 °C”

Yet, he developed his skills to capture auroras while wintering in Mawson Station during another Antarctica stint working for BOM.

He revealed his secret:

“A sturdy tripod ensures long exposures remain sharp, while a good pair of gloves is vital for keeping the feeling in your fingers to operate camera buttons when it’s -25 °C.”

  • According to James, his main role at the station is maintaining and servicing the meteorological equipment

  • James Garlick, a photographer, said: ‘To the naked eye, an aurora will look more like a white flickering light’



Adorable Six-Month-Old Dachshund Puppy Becomes A Social Media Star Thanks To Her Unusual Coat

The unusual dappled coat and dazzling blue eyes of a six-month-old dachshund puppy keep charming the world.

Get prepared- for you are going to fall in love! Thanks to her irresistible looks, one attractive dachshund puppy keeps enchanting the world! Many claim she looks like a chocolate chip cookie, so she is absolutely delicious!

The adorable 6-month-old dachshund, Honeydew, lives in Los Angeles, California, with her owner Heather Bruegl, 23. People instantly fall in love with the chocolate and cream dapple coat of her pet, so Heather and her pet are often stopped on the street.

  • Due to the remarkable gold and brown coat, this adorable dachshund can be mistaken for a chocolate chip cookie!

  • Instagram followers can see Honeydew all dressed up in various costumes

  • In this picture, the puppy is wearing a fluffy animal cap on her head

  • Wearing a doggy dressing gown, Honeydew enjoys the comfort of a bed

She explained:

“We always get stopped when we are out! Many people will say that they have “never seen that coloring before.

A lot of people will ask if she is an Australian Shepherd/Dachshund mix but she is actually a purebred long-haired miniature dachshund.”

Honeydew is an Instagram celebrity, with over 196K followers, garnered since May 21.

She is undoubtedly a rising star!

On the account, they are delighted to see their favorite puppy in different outfits, like leopard print, or a ghost costume.

  • Honeydew sitting on a wall wearing a leopard print safety harness

  • She is so cute in this strawberry jacket with a flower crown on her head

  • Honeydew has over 196,000 followers on Instagram and growing

  • Is this Honeydew all curled up or a chocolate chip cookie?

Heather works in social media management and consulting, and she took her pet home on May 25 this year, when she was only 8 weeks old.

Previously, when Honeydew was between the ages of 4 to 8 weeks, she often visited her.

When she eventually took the puppy to take her home, she realized that she hated car rides.

Therefore, she gave her a handle of a paper grocery bag to play with during the two-hour-long journey home.

Yet, as soon as they arrived at her new home, Honeydew instantly became a member of the family!

She snuggled together with Heather’s other two dachshunds, Holly and Hazelnut.

  • Honeydew lives in Los Angeles, California, with her owner Heather Bruegl, 23

  • The cutie in a striped carrying vest

  • Honeydew enjoys the taste of banana and loves her toy one

Heather said: “

“She is one of the happiest, sweetest dogs I’ve ever had. She loves everyone and every dog.

She always makes me laugh on a daily basis whether it be because she is barking at herself in the mirror or popping up out of her toy bin. I work from home so we are together 24/7. Honeydew is a total cuddlebug on the sofa while I do my work.

I love taking Honeydew to have playdates with other dogs as often as possible. She enjoys sprinting around and playing with other puppies like her!”

  • Honeydew pokes her nose out of a bag as she is carried around town

  • She is waiting to be taken on a walk!

  • From time to time, the impressive doggy barks at her own reflection in the mirror



World’s Oldest Female Skydiver Dies Aged 88 After Completing 1,100 Solo Parachute Jumps

At the age of 88, the oldest female skydiver in the world, Dilys Price, passed away, after completing more than 1,139 solo parachute jumps.

The world has become a sadder place after the death of the oldest female skydiver, Dilys Price. During her life, the inspirational 88-year old woman had completed over 1,139 solo parachute jumps and raised tens of thousands of pounds for charity.

Back in 2013, at the age of 80, this retired teacher from Cardiff, became the Guinness World Record holder for the oldest female solo parachute jump. Her first skydive was at the age of 54, for charity, and afterward, she completed over 1,139 solo parachute jumps all over the world.

  • Back in 2013, Price became the Guinness World Record holder for the oldest female solo parachute jump

  • People remember her as a ‘force for good’

  • She founded the charity Touch Trust for people with learning disabilities

Before her first jump, this remarkable woman was terrified of heights, but she later said that she couldn’t ‘imagine life without it’.

She had a background in dance, and she founded the charity Touch Trust, which provides creative movement programs for people with learning disabilities and other vulnerable groups.

Due to these efforts, she was awarded an OBE in 2003 for services to people with special needs.  At The Pride of Britain Awards 2017, she also received a special recognition award.

Following her death, her nephew Mark James Parry paid tribute to her on social media:

“Very very sad that my Aunt @DilysPriceOBE has passed away. She touched many with her incredible personality and truly lived life to the full.

An inspiration to all. Truly grateful that I got to call her my Aunt. We will miss you.”

  • After her first skydive at the age of 54, Price completed more than 1,139 solo parachute jumps all over the world

Moreover, Cardiff Metropolitan University, where Price was an honorary fellow, called her a ‘force for good’, and wrote on Twitter:

“We’re saddened to hear of the passing of Dilys Price.

An Honorary Fellow and true friend to the University, Dilys was a force for good and an inspiration to us all. We send our condolences to the family.”



Feisty Cat Fights Her Own Reflection After Seeing It In The Mirror For The First Time

A cat owner from China filmed the reaction of her feline when she first looked at herself in the mirror- and it is hilarious!

Our mirror teaches us a lot of things about ourselves, and sometimes, the look at it can be terrifying. One feisty kitten is well aware of this!

After seeing herself in the mirror for the first time, a two-year-old British shorthair from China, named Qian Wan or ‘Hundreds of Thousands’, suddenly became hostile!

The feline is caught on camera while confronting her enemy in the mirror, hissing and scratching the furniture in an attempt to fight her own reflection. She becomes aggressive and launches a full-on attack at the reflector.

Her owner then jumps to hold the mirror, and trying to calm her down:

“Hey, hey, that’s enough.”

  • A feline called Qian Wan or ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ in China was filmed while trying to fight her enemy in the mirror- herself

Her owner, known by her surname Deng, 27, posted the video on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok, and it went viral.

Ms. Deng, 27, explained that this was the first time the cat saw herself in the mirror and added:

“[She] gets very jealous. She can’t stand being with other cats and often attack them. She also gets into fights with dogs.”

  • After seeing herself for the first time in the mirror, the cat became aggressive

To prevent her cat from getting angry again, Ms. Deng started turning the mirror facing the wall when it is not used:

“I tried putting the mirror in the bedroom and forbade her from entering the room. But it wouldn’t work. is so curious that she would try everything to come in when she’s not allowed to do so.”

She also explained that she named the cat ‘Hundreds of Thousands’ hoping that it would make her a handsome profit from the business she has with her husband.

  • The reaction of the cat is hilarious, and the video of it went viral on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok

The hilarious reaction of the cat amused millions of people online!

We all understand why, don’t we?



Hilarious Moment Tiny Kitten Stops Corgi ‘Sibling’ From Leaving Its Cat House

Hilarious footage shared by the owner shows the way one tough feline teaches the puppy an important lesson- who rules at home

Love is the foundation for a happy family, true, but everyone has to know who is the boss out there! At least one ‘tough’ American shorthair kitten believes that it is its responsibility to teach its Corgi sibling this lesson!

In a hilarious video, Seventeen, the four-month-old cat, is seen stopping the two-month-old pup, nicknamed Beng Beng or ‘Bouncy’, from leaving its cat house.

The owner has shared similar videos before as well, and apparently, Seventeen often wrestles and kicks the puppy during their playtime! No need to ask, the feline wins every single time!

  • A ‘tough’ American shorthair kitten from Lianyungang city of north-eastern China keeps showing the Corgi who is the boss of the house

  • Their owner shared hilarious footage of the way Seventeen shows Bouncy who rules at home

The funny footage was shared by their owner, from north-eastern Chinese city Lianyungang. The furry siblings were playing together in the cat house, but at one point, Bouncy probably had enough and wanted to leave.

However, this was not something the pup can decide on his own, apparently! When the little Corgi wanted to get out of the cat house, Seventeen can be seen holding Bouncy’s neck to prevent it from moving.

Plus, the cat even stuck out its paw to cover Bouncy’s eyes and push his head back inside. For a few seconds, Bouncy tried to resist, and eventually gave in and stopped the fight.

  • Other videos shared by the owner show that this is not the first time the feline teaches the puppy a lesson

  • The amusing video delighted hundreds of thousands of social media users on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok

The hilarious fight among the pets delighted hundreds of thousands of social media users after the video was shared on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok.

One user joked:

‘So funny! This reminds me of when my girlfriend doesn’t let me go out with my mates.’

Another commented: ‘Hahaha what a feisty, bossy cat with its submissive, cute little puppy!’



7 Things Your Tongue Is Trying To Tell You About Your Health

Changes in the feel or look of the tongue can reveal a lot about your health and indicate certain health issues.

Our bodies are the only true home we’ll ever have, so we need to take proper care of them. While we might often ignore or misunderstood them, our body always sends up messages that signal when something out of the ordinary is happening within it.

Therefore, if we learn to follow these guidelines and understand the signs our bodies send, we can treat any health issues on time and prevent major complications. The tongue is often the first place where we should look, as its appearance can reveal a lot about our general health.

Dr. Imogen Bexfield, Medical Director at White Swan Aesthetics explains the look of a normal, healthy tongue:

“The color will vary from person to person, but generally it should be pink with little bumps on it that are called papillae.”

Here are the 7 most common changes in the tongue that indicate that you should consider calling your doctor:

1. White Plaque on your Tongue

The swollen papillae on the tongue lead to plaque, as the debris, bacteria, and dead cells lodged between them create a white coating. This condition is known as papillae hypertrophy or inflammation, and can result from:

  • Dehydration
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth
  • Mouth breathing
  • Fever
  • Smoking or other oral tobacco use
  • Excessive alcohol use
  • Low roughage diet
  • Mechanical irritation from sharp tooth edges or dental appliances

2. Geographic Tongue

In this case, the tongue has reddish, smooth patches, surrounded by white borders. It is not contagious, usually causes no symptoms, and does not lead to any long-term health conditions.

It can last for weeks and even years.

Geographic tongue is more common in people who have psoriasis and Reiter’s Syndrome, women who use hormonal birth control, people under emotional stress, in the case of allergies, in diabetics, or in those who have a certain vitamin deficiency.

3. Strawberry Tongue

When the tongue is red, bumpier than usual, with swellings that make it look like a strawberry or raspberry, it might be a sign that you have some of the following conditions:

  • A food or drug allergy
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • Scarlet fever- a bacterial infection which mostly occurs in children aged between 5 and 15, and may develop when a person has strep throat
  • Kawasaki disease- it causes inflammation of certain arteries and is most common in children
  • Toxic shock syndrome- it is a rare complication, caused by bacteria, and is usually a result of the use of tampons or nasal gauze packing
  • Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)- this is a rare complication, which can occur in children infected with COVID-19

4. Black Hairy Tongue

While this condition looks alarming, it is harmless, painless, and temporary. It is a result of the accumulation of dead skin cells on the papillae (tiny projections) on the surface of the tongue. Being longer, they trap tobacco food, yeast, and bacteria, leading to bad breath.

These are the most common causes of it:

  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Dry mouth (xerostomia)
  • Regular use of mouthwashes that contain irritating oxidizing agents
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Excessive alcohol, coffee, or black tea use
  • Antibiotic use that had caused changes in the normal bacteria or yeast content of the mouth
  • Eating a soft diet that does not rub dead skin cells from the tongue

5. Lichens Planus

This chronic inflammatory condition affects the mucous membranes inside the mouth and causes red swollen tissues, white lacy patches, and open sores on the tongue or inside of the mouth.

Speak with your doctor in case you notice it, as experts cannot specify its exact cause and it might increase the risk of mouth cancer. It is not contagious and usually develops when the immune system attacks the cells of the oral mucous membrane.

6. Thrush

Oral thrush, or Oral Candidiasis, is caused by the excessive buildup of the fungus Candida albicans on the lining of your mouth.

It causes creamy white lesions on the tongue, and often on the inner lining of the cheeks, the back of the throat, the roof of your mouth, and even on the gums or tonsils as well.

It is not a serious issue in people with a healthy immune system, but it can cause serious systemic candida infection in people who are immunocompromised.

It can be prevented by avoidance of sugar-rich foods, good oral hygiene, maintaining stable blood sugar, and treating conditions like dry mouth and vaginal yeast infections.

7. Blisters

Blisters on the tongue that do not heal are a reason to visit your doctor as well, as they might indicate mouth cancer. Oral cancer can also cause symptoms like loose teeth, growths in the mouth, unusually whitish or reddish patches of skin in the mouth, issues swallowing and chewing, numbness in the face or neck, and difficulty speaking.

In most cases, the symptoms revealed by the changes in the appearance of the tongue indicate minor health issues and problems easy to treat.

Yet, some of them could be life-threatening, so make sure you always consult your doctor.
