
How Mind-Eating Parasites Found In Cat Poo Are Creating A Global Intelligence Gap

Due to global warming, parasites are no longer restricted to developing countries. As they thrive, they rapidly evolve and can have dangerous effects on human intelligence and intellectual capabilities.

The consequences of global warming are increasingly felt all around the Globe, and it seems that it cannot be stopped. Experts worry that it might even get aggravated, due to industrialization, its main trigger.

Global warming affects third world countries the most, but the parasites that were considered to thrive mainly there are now easily transmitted across the continental borders.

These parasites thrive in warm regions, and the temperatures in the United States are steadily on the rise. Many of these dangerous parasites, called “third world” parasites, such as Toxocariasis, Cysticercosis, and Cytomegalovirus, are becoming endemic to the US.

In the last several years, toxocariasis has affected up to 2.8 million people Americans. The retina-scarring parasite is mainly found in the feces of dogs and cats, and it causes fever.

It is common around the inner cities of the states, and numerous residents there have decided to abandon their pets or take them to regular checkups much more frequently than ever.

Yet, anyone can come in contact with feces from a stray dog or cat, so it doesn’t have to be the pet to transmit the parasite at home.

One of the most dangerous intercontinental viruses, Cytomegalovirus, affects nearly 35,000 newborn babies in the US every year. It is transmitted via bodily fluids and causes congenital defects in around 8,000 of them.

Cysticercosis, the tapeworm pig menace, is believed to be prevalent at the time, leading to 170,000 cases every year, and thriving steadily in the Southern US border regions and Latin America.

The symptoms it causes include migraines, blurred vision, and recurrent seizures. It is mostly found in pork meat.

Apart from the concerns in terms of our general wellbeing, parasites greatly impact our intelligence and intellectual resources. Parasites evolve and develop new variants and strains rapidly, and become more resistant and harmful.

The effects of their evolution can be extremely harmful, as the side-effects of the diseases they cause could be highly neurological. This is expected to result in reduced human intelligence and intellectual capabilities, especially in the newborns.

Diminishing human resources and capital will eventually lead to decreased international and global productivity. Since the effects of these ailments are long-term, they will also affect education and acculturation.

Similarly, a chlorovirus called ACTV-1, discovered by John Hopkins bio-scientists, initially thrived in plant algae. Over time, it developed a new strain that can live in human bodies and organs, leading to Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) in 30% of the affected persons. This in turn led to poor calculation skills, short attention span, mild dyslexia, and several other cognitive disabilities.

According to The American Scholar:

“When compared with those who did not harbor the virus, those infected were about 10% slower to make calculations and had a reduced attention span, suggesting that the virus compromised their ability to calculate, to focus, and to process visual information — disadvantages in the classroom, on the job, and in other familiar learning situations.”

These disturbing findings only emphasize the need for greater access to health care and hygiene once more.

We should all contribute to preventing the evolution and prevalence of such parasites, as they could severely threaten public health and reduce human intelligence and capital.

The government should funnel more efforts and money into the discovery and control of parasites and parasitic diseases, while we should all be extremely careful and dedicated to the cleanliness of our surroundings.

Yet, many agree that the only real solution to this issue is environmental thinking, as the right method to lower global warming.  Global warming is here and no one can deny it.

But is it here to stay?



Woman Wakes Up To Find A Cow Stuck On Her Backyard Trampoline

After escaping her shed, one cow tried to jump over an in-ground trampoline and ended up stuck in it. Her owners were called to come and rescue her.

Even those with unlimited imagination don’t expect to open the front door of their house and see a cow trapped in the backyard trampoline, do they? Yet, strange things do happen, my friends!

Recently, around 40 cows escaped a South Gippsland property in Victoria one night, but most of them were soon returned to their sheds. Only one of them remained missing, but she was soon found a kilometer away!

Namely, this runaway ended up trapped in an in-ground trampoline, while she was trying to leap over it, and the shocked Kay Laing saw her!

  • A runaway cow tried to jump over a trampoline and ended up stuck in it

The resident of South Gippsland, in southeastern Australia, Laing, quickly called the cow’s owners, and they came to rescue her with their tractor. The animal was sitting on the backyard trampoline, waiting for her owners to help her.

Laing explained:

“I don’t know how long it took to get them off but we were back in bed by 3.30 am. I’m tipping she would’ve been pretty terrified.”

In the end, the cow was removed off the trampoline, uninjured. She walked over a kilometer back home.

  • Surprised resident Kay Laing called the owners of the cow and they rescued her with their tractor



7-Year-Old Autistic Boy Handcuffed And Taunted Face Down For 40 Minutes In School

Footage shows an incident that happened at a school in North Carolina- a police officer handcuffed and threatened a 7-year-old autistic boy, for spitting in the classroom

School is vital in the lives of our kids, and the start can be quite challenging for them, you must agree. Therefore, apart from the determined and dedicated teachers, parents also hope that when at school, their children at school are stimulated, protected, and guided by all adults working there.

Unfortunately, things are not that perfect all the time.

A policeman working at a school in North Carolina argued with a 7-year-old boy with autism, and it has been caught on camera. In the 40-minute video, the little boy is handcuffed and threatened by the police officer, while the other staff members simply observe them.

Now, the mother of the little boy is suing the city of Statesville, the Iredell-Statesville Board of Education, and the officer.

The video has been released just recently because of the lawsuit of the boy’s family, but the incident actually happened in September of 2018 at the Pressly School in Statesville, North Carolina.

The boy, who was identified only as “L.G.”, had an individualized education program that catered specifically to his autism diagnosis, learning disabilities, and behavioral issues, and he worked with a special education teacher and behavioral health specialist.

School Resource Officer Michael Fattaleh noticed the boy spitting while inside a safely-monitored “quiet room”, and decided to do something about it.

As the body camera recordings show, the police officer arrived in the room, while two staff members restrained the young boy by his arms. He grabbed the kid right away, put handcuffs on him, forced him to lay on the ground with his face down, and interrogated him like he was an adult criminal.

He says: “He’s mine now!”

Then, he turns to the boy, and threatens:

“Don’t move. You spit on me, I’ll put a hood on you.

I’m not playing that game. I don’t do the spitting. I don’t mind the walking. I don’t mind the occasional shove. But you don’t spit here. He’s going to get charged. If you, my friend, are not acquainted with the juvenile justice system, you will be very shortly. You ever been charged with a crime before? Well, you’re fixing to be.”

The members of the staff didn’t do even a single thing to help the poor boy, and the officer kept traumatizing the boy. That lasted until the boy’s mother showed up.

The mother, identified as “A.G.,” asked him:

 “How can you charge a special needs kid with a count of assault?”

Then she explained to them that he has autism, as well as separation anxiety, which must have been triggered by a busy day at school. Since the event, the police officer has resigned from his workplace at the school.

The mother has pulled the boy out of school and quit her job to home-school her son.

Court papers reveal that on Sept. 10, 2018, the mother of the boy informed the employees at the school, including the teacher, that he had recently been prescribed a new medication, which could affect his behavior at school the following day.

The predicted thing happened, and her son grew “agitated and verbalized being stressed out,” so he was placed into a “quiet room” to calm down, in the company of teachers and his behavioral health specialist.

The suit continues to explain that shortly afterward, the staff in the quiet room “communicated to a school resource officer that they were OK and did not need assistance.”

Therefore, they were not concerned for their safety.

Fattaleh, the police officer, did not face any repercussions for his actions. His attorney Ashley Cannon, explained that an independent review of the incident was conducted by the state’s Bureau of Investigation, and that “ there are no active investigations or criminal proceedings related to the matter.”

Last month, it was reported that police officers from Salt Lake City shot a 13-year-old boy with autism 11 times. It was all because he ran away from them when they came to his door after his mother was having difficulty with him. One of the officers who were present on the place expressed that the affair was none of their business, but the others decided to intervene.



Heartwarming Moment Rescue Piglets Try To Nurse From Fellow Rescue Kitten

A litter of thirsty piglets befriend a four-month-old cat and try to nurse from him.

True friendship knows no boundaries nor species- and this adorable group of companions, piglets, and a cat, proves it! A video reveals the amazing moment when rescued and thirsty little piglets tried to nurse from a cat!

Adrienne Jacobs, 32, recently rescued piglets from a breeder but soon figured out that it is too early for them to be taken off nursing. Adrienne runs the Wild Things Sanctuary in Union Point, Georgia.

The little piglets soon became friends with a cat named Mac, also a rescue, and quickly became fond of each other and started napping together.

Suddenly, one day, they started to nurse from the 4-month-old cat, and he let them! The entire thing left Adrienne very much surprised.

  • Footage shared by Adrienne Jacobs, 32, who runs the Wild Things Sanctuary in Union Point, Georgia, shows the moment a litter of thirsty rescue piglets tried to nurse from a rescue cat, Mac.

  • Adrienne rescued the piglets from a breeder and realized they had been taken off nursing too quickly

Adrienne said that her cat, Mac, loves them, and “he begs them to cuddle up with him”.

In the sweet clip, the trio of piglets can be seen lying beside a rather relaxed-looking Mac – who keeps his head nuzzled towards them.  After the nap, in the next clip, one piglet can be seen affectionately nibbling Mac’s ear, before the protective cat puts his arm around its body.

The footage from day four explains:

“For anyone wondering if the cat enjoys it – can you hear him purring?”

  • In the adorable clip, the piglets are affectionately nibbling the ear of the cat and nuzzling up to her

  • The piglets started trying to nurse from the four-month-old cat, and Mac let them

Adrienne explains that they are his best friends, and adds:

“People keep asking, what’s going to happen to this cuddle pile once the piglets turn into big pigs – and this is your answer.

Nothing changes!”

At the end of the video, the pigs, now looking grown-up, are still napping with their cat friend, just like in the beginnings when they were saved and first met their best buddy.




Incredible Moment A Game Bird Attacks A Red Squirrel In Battle Over Nuts

Photographer captures striking images of the fight between a red squirrel and a pheasant- over some nuts!

I don’t think many of you would hardly find an explanation for a fight over nuts, but think about it this way- what if someone stole a dish of your favorite meal, right in front of your face?

Would you fight back? I know someone who would! A video of the dramatic fight over some nuts between a red squirrel and a pheasant surprised many netizens!

Louise Phillips, 40, from Dunfermline, Fife, who pictured the struggle, had left hazelnuts out for the squirrels. Yet, the hungry pheasant attacked while trying to get at some bird seeds that had been left out previously.

  • Louise Phillips, 40, from Dunfermline, Fife, put out hazelnuts for the squirrels, but the hungry pheasant attacked in an attempt to get some old bird seeds

  • Phillips explained that the squirrel attacked first, but the pheasant fought back

Louise was shocked!

The photographer explained that she was at a hide in Blairgowrie, Perthshire, where she managed to document the dramatic fight.

She said:

“I rented the hide for the day to try and see the red squirrels. The pheasant just sauntered in to get in on the food.

There were some hazelnuts but the pheasant was eating some bird seed that had also been left out.”

  • She was at a hide in Blairgowrie, Perthshire, where she documented it all

  • Louise said: ‘It was the squirrel that attacked first and the pheasant jumped and clawed back in reaction’

She continued:

“The squirrel wasn’t happy with the pheasant in his face. It was the squirrel that attacked first and the pheasant jumped and clawed back in reaction. It lasted just seconds then the squirrel backed off. I think it realized it had bit off more than it could chew.

I didn’t quite believe what I saw – I was quite surprised.”

And who wouldn’t be?



Dad Refused To Give His Newborn Son With Down Syndrome To Foster Care After His Wife Left The Two Of Them

The mother wanted to give the son to foster care, so the father decided to raise the baby with Down Syndrome on his own.

The month of October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month. People with Down syndrome face many challenges and many prejudices during their lives. If these children grow up in a happy and healthy family, they have every chance to live a normal life.

Unfortunately, many babies born with this syndrome are abandoned by their parents, out of their fear of the unknown.

Yet, an increasing number of parents are embarking on a mission to raise awareness for it and to educate current and future parents of children with trisomy 21, their capabilities, and importance.

All of them agree that their children are special, kind, positive, and full of unconditional love. One such parent is Evgeny Anisimov, a 33-year-old Russian, who decided to fight for his son and keep him in his life.

He was eventually abandoned by his wife after the birth of their baby after he refused to leave him in an orphanage. Shortly after the birth of the baby, a minute and a half, precisely, the doctor suspected that he might have Down Syndrome, and the analysis later confirmed it.

Although Evgeny too was shocked and upset, he never considered leaving little Misha, who was born with pneumonia.

When asked about his reaction as soon as they received the diagnosis of their son, he explained:

“I didn’t know what to do when I learned of the hypothesis that my son had Down Syndrome. I thought my task now was to turn off emotions, ignite thoughts, support my wife because I believed it would be more difficult for her. The results of the analysis were promised in a few days, and until then, I decided not to say anything to her. “

He added:

“I remember that upon learning that my son has Down Syndrome, I left the hospital and cried, but not for long. Later, I was a little embarrassed by these tears. In my life, after all, nothing had changed, in general. I was still with two arms, with two legs, my professional knowledge had gone nowhere.

My determination, activity, curiosity, and so on—everything was with me. Everything happened as I planned, my son was born. But the child is special, his life and future destiny are already very significant. And I’m roaring here!

This is some kind of selfishness! Is it not fair? No, it is my responsibility. You did not have an amniocentesis—it is clear that the probability was low, but still. You wanted a child, so you took responsibility for it. After all, there are many options: autism, cerebral palsy, genetic mutations… And Down Syndrome is not the worst, as I learned later.”

The night when he got home, he started investigating the matter further, as he had no previous knowledge of the diagnosis. He searched the Internet and learned that in Europe, people with Down syndrome are “ well socialized and can live and work independently. “

On the other hand, his wife was not ready to take care of a child with special needs. She insisted that the baby should be left in an orphanage. At this point, Evgeny was willing to part with her if necessary, but he was determined to raise his son alone.

He tried to convince her that they could overcome the situation together, but the conflict separated them.

He later commented:

“When I made the decision, I had not yet thought about the likelihood of an optimistic scenario. I thought: well, he’s going to enjoy the sunrise, I’m going to take him out to barbecue, he’s going to live his life. Yes, maybe he seems unhappy to someone, but he will have his own life. At no time did I think of leaving my son in an orphanage, that would be inhumane.”

He explained that he and his wife had a good and trusting relationship, and he now understands that she was then scared, but “the rubicon was already crossed and it was too late to retreat from the scenario.”

Evgeny is now the single father of little Misha, and he is constantly planning the days for Misha to have as many activities as possible, to stimulate his physical development. He strongly believes in his son’s intellectual potential and works hard with him.

This father says that although he is portrayed as a hero in the media, he is just a normal person, who struggles to raise awareness for children with Down syndrome. He claims that being with his son, “even alone, is a normal act for a normal man.”

He offers his support and hopes he will inspire parents in a similar situation to not be afraid, as “everything will be fine.”



Incredible Moment A Determined Little Koala Is Spotted Swimming Across A River

Footage of an adorable koala swimming across a river won the hearts of many.

Nature always finds a way to amuse us, and often, a short trip to the nearest forest can turn into an unforgettable adventure. This happened once again recently, on October 6, when a childhood educator took the children she was looking after on an excursion in the forest in north Victoria.

The group noticed this famous Australian marsupial taking a swim in the bush.

She said that it had been a one-of-a-kind moment, and explained:

“We noticed a koala having a drink of water, then it began splashing in the water and setting off to swim across the other side of the river bank. We were unsure if koalas swam, but what a great experience that you don’t see every day.”

  • A group of children on an excursion saw a brave koala swimming across a bushland river in Cobram, in north Victoria, on October 6.

In the video, the cute koala can be seen wading off a pile of rocks and then jumping into the water and swimming forward in the river.

The woman documenting it all says:

“You can see him swimming.”

The children were very surprised, shouting with admiration.

In another video, the koala manages to cross the river and almost reach the bushland on the opposite shore.

The woman said:

“Look at that guys!”


  • Before the swim, the koala drank from the river



Boy Genius, 12, Is Set To Study Aerospace Engineering At Georgia Tech

Tween prodigy is set to make history as the youngest student to study aerospace engineering at Georgia Tech.

Since his birth, a boy from Marietta, Georgia, acted far differently from the rest of the children at his age. Now, only 12 years later, he is about to make history!

Earlier this month, the 12-year-old Caleb Anderson, met with the school’s president and is expected to gain admission to the prestigious Georgia Tech this fall. Administrators were shocked by the advanced knowledge and stunning ability to learn and memorize complex information of the boy.

The mother of the tween, Claire Anderson, admitted:

“I don’t think anything Caleb has done has been normal for us.”

When he was only four weeks old, Caleb started mimicking his mother’s speech!

By the time he was nine-months-old, Caleb could sign more than 250 words using American Sign Language. By the age of two, he could read the Constitution, and one year later, he gained acceptance to MENSA.

Caleb speaks four languages, English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin.  Yet, he is highly modest and says he is not really smart, but he can ”just grasp information quickly.”

Hilariously, he added:

“I have this distinct memory of going to a first-grade class and learning there, and everyone was way taller than me because I was two – I could barely walk.”

  • Caleb Anderson, 12, will become the youngest student to study aerospace engineering at Georgia Tech

  • The prestigious university is known for its aerospace engineering program

  • Caleb finished high school by age 11 and has spent the past year taking classes at Chattahoochee Technical College

Caleb advanced to middle school fast but faced challenges when it comes to his teenage classmates. He said the kids there looked down on him, and treated him like “ an anomaly.”

He completed high school at the age of 11 and has been studying aerospace engineering at Chattahoochee Technical College for the past year.  Yet, as he has his sights set on Georgia Tech, Caleb visited their labs and met with the school’s president, Angel Cabrera.

Professor Mark Costello, chair of the university’s School of Aerospace Engineering, commented that the boy is “ a perfect candidate” to come into their program and be very successful.

Caleb hopes to attain an internship with Tesla founder Elon Musk.

  • This fall, the boy is set to transfer from to Chattahoochee Technical College to Georgia Tech.

  • Caleb meeting Georgia Tech faculty during a visit there.

  • Caleb during a tour of Georgia Tech’s aerospace engineering facility

His parents are looking forward to the holistic college experience at Georgia Tech.

Yet, they also stress the importance of other lessons outside of the classroom:

“We want to make sure that when he is an adult, he’ll make a great husband, a great father, a great friend.”

  • Caleb speaks four languages and hopes to go on to attain an internship with Elon Musk

  • His mother claims they now teach him other lessons: ‘We can teach him about compassion, kindness, and looking for good in others’

Caleb’s mom, Claire, has a Master’s degree in education, while the father Kobi is an IT salesman. Unlike other parents, they can no longer help their son with his homework.

Claire said:

”Both of us are not rocket scientists. We had to learn there are other things that we can teach him about compassion, kindness, and looking for good in others.”

  • Caleb’s parents Kobi and Claire stress the importance of life lessons outside of the classroom



Autistic Boy, 12, Left In Intensive Care After Bullies Made Him Drink Bleach

A 12-year old autistic boy was given a drink, allegedly mixed with bleach, and he collapses, while the boys flee.

Unfortunately, children can at times be very cruel. Yet, all practical jokes and pranks need to be properly-dosed, harmless, in order not to lead to serious consequences and irreversible damage.

This could have been the case with an autistic boy, who fought for his life after being given a can of drink believed to have been mixed with bleach. While their mother was sleeping, Ronnie Phillips, 12, from Crawley in West Sussex, and his brother, Jimmy, 11, sneaked out of their home.

The mom, Danielle Potter, explained that her boys met up with some older children. The older ones gave Ronnie a drink, claiming it was gin.

The family believes it has been bleach added to the alcohol, while it is yet to be confirmed.

  • While their mother was sleeping, Ronnie Phillips, 12, from Crawley in West Sussex, sneaked out of his home with his brother Jimmy, 11

Then, the poor boy collapsed on the street and the older children ran away. The mother explained that they stayed out all night, but it was reported that the police found them in the morning. Ronnie’s little brother was left traumatized by the incident.

He started screaming for help, believing his brother was dead and stayed by his side until a woman eventually found them. She helped them until the emergency services were called.

Ronnie was rushed to St George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London, where he was put in an induced coma in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit.

  • After being given alcohol mixed with a dangerous substance, and collapsed, Ronnie was rushed to St George’s Hospital in Tooting, south London, where he was put in an induced coma in the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit

Since then, he has been taken off life support and will go home soon.

His mother wrote a post on Facebook:

“I just want to make people realize the dangers of drink, drugs, playing stupid games, and running away leaving a child to die. Kids will be kids but this sort of stuff is just ridiculous and dangerous.”

An investigation has been launched to go into the events that happened on the night Ronnie collapsed after having the drink.

Ronnie’s grandmother, Tracey Willmor, has launched a fundraiser to support him following the shocking incident, and wrote:

“He is now awake but can’t understand why no one likes him and would do this to him when he thought they were his friends. I want to show him that people do care and are not all nasty.”



Utah Hiker Chased By Cougar In Terrifying 6-Minute Video – And He Behaved Just Right

While running near his home, a 26-year-old man came across a family of mountain lions, and the cougar chased him for 6 minutes until he managed to scare her off.

If you like running or jogging, you have surely stumbled across something unusual on your regular routes, or you have had an experience worth telling everyone about.

However, one Utah hiker has absolutely the best story ever! His encounter was rather unpleasant, to be exact, as he ran into a family of mountain lions, and the mother chased him for six minutes!

What’s more, it is all documented on video!

Kyle Burgess, 26, was running close to his home along the Slate Canyon trail near Provo when he suddenly noticed a group of wild kittens. He believed they were bobcat cubs, as they are a common sight in the area, and started recording them.

Yet, after a while, their mother came to the scene, and then he figured out that they were in fact mountain lion cubs, and their mother was extremely protective. He was terrified when she started charging at him!

His fear was evident on the audio of this unpleasant event, which shows him yelling at the mountain lion as he stalked him through the rocky path. He kept on yelling to scare her away, but as she continued following him, he talked to her calmly.

Nevertheless, she became even more aggressive after three minutes, started hissing, growling, and lunging at Burgess, swishing her tail and flashing her teeth violently.

In the video, he says:

“OK, this is when I f**king die. Come on, dude. I don’t feel like dying today.”

He then started screaming back at the cougar, shouting and cursing at the big cat while slowly backing away. At this point, he admits being very scared, adding that his heart was racing.

After a 6-minute-long chase, he quickly leaned down to grab a rock and threw it straight towards the cougar, which made her quit the chase and run back to her cubs.

Luckily, he managed to escape unharmed. Apart from the extreme fear he felt, he was amazed by the beauty of the aggressive mother, even though she was very strong and frightening.

He says that from today’s perspective, it feels like a dream to him.

“My emotions were a jumbled mess. So it was kind of like … ‘K, well this is going one of two ways. What’s the outcome going to be?’”

After the video went live on Instagram, it quickly spread around social media, and now, the hiker is in the center of viral attention. As expected, social media users attacked him for trespassing the cougar’s environment or shouting at the mother cougar.

However, the experienced hikers and people have praised his actions as just the right way to face the threat.

Scott Root, who works as a conservation outreach manager for the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources described Burgess’s actions as “awesome”.

The official met Burgess on Monday as DWR officers came to the area to find the cougar family, but the animals seem to have moved on.

Root said that he thinks Burgess did everything in the right way, making a lot of noise, simply staying large and loud and backing away from the area and not going towards the mother and her kittens.

Yet, it would be best for hikers to carry bear spray and bring a friend for such trail runs.

Root added:

“In that situation, with that mother mountain lion who’s being very protective, as you can tell, I would not take my eyes off of her and I wouldn’t bend down. You want to remain large and you want to remain making a lot of noise. And that’s what he did.”

Kate Remsen, who works with the Living with Lions, explained that the mountain lion was not stalking Burgess. She added that” these mountain lions are not going to actively attack a human being unless they need to defend themselves or they’re scared”, and this mother just attempted to push him away from her cubs,

Although such encounters are rare, she agreed that Burgess did many of the recommended things in that situation.
