
All-Girl Engineer Team Invents Solar-Powered Tent For The Homeless

An engineering team of high school girls invented a solar-powered tent only for the homeless.

Success takes time, sacrifice, devotion, and hard work. A group of high school girls had all of these- and they were victorious! Unfortunately, homelessness is on the rise, and back in 2017, a group of high school students, all girls, decided to address the issue in their own way.

They could not help these people out there on the streets financially, so they initially felt hopeless.

High school senior Daniela Orozco said:

“Because we come from low-income families ourselves, we can’t give them money.”

Yet, they didn’t stop there, and thought of another way to help! These determined girls decided to satisfy another need of the homeless, and provide them a warm shelter for the night!

In the end, they managed to create a tent powered on solar energy, which folds into a backpack for easy travel.

They worked on its design for a full year. The team of 12 girls from San Fernando High School partnered with DIYGirls, which an organization that supports girls in science, technology, engineering, math, and STEM.

They worked hard to create an easily portable, lightweight tent, with LED and antibacterial UVC lights that disinfect it. The tent itself is made out of durable and water-resistant material.

Plus, they made sure they could patent it, and that it will end up in the hands of those in need. The girls wanted to help as many people as possible, starting with the homeless from San Fernando to refugees who have lost their homes.

Former executive and program director and current board member at DIYGirls Evelyn Gomez was eager to help out from the moment she found out about the project.

She has also graduated from San Fernando and then studied engineering at MIT and UCLA.

She knows, from personal experience, the importance of supporting girls and Hispanic students in this field:

“I know in my own education, through undergraduate and graduate school, I was often the only Hispanic person in the room. I think it really places a big burden on your shoulders: I’m not just representing myself, I’m representing my people, I’m representing my community, and if I say something that maybe … doesn’t make sense, then that’s going to reflect poorly on them.

That’s the beauty of having an all-girl team and having the beauty of working within our own community: We have no one else to turn to for answers. We need to come up with the answers ourselves. It’s very empowering.”

When the project started, most of the girls didn’t know each other. During the project, they became great friends.

At first, they depended mainly on Gomez, but over time, they became confident and independent, ready to work on their own. When they encountered a problem, they searched on Google and YouTube to find a solution.

The girls worked on the project six days a week, with no pause during the winter and spring break. Their invention had to undergo strict stress and quality control tests, and their first prototype failed. As a result, they had to start from the beginning again.

They eventually received a $10,000 grant from MIT, so they could showcase their invention at EurekaFest, a convention put on annually there, that presents the work of young inventors.

The feminine team hopes that their creation will eventually get mass-produced, and thus become available to as many homeless people as possible.

Gomez said:

“These girls saw a problem in their community. If we have more young women and more people of color and more people from low-income communities that are able to identify a problem within our communities, then we’re going to be better equipped to solve those problems because we’ve lived through them.

I love to tell the girls that engineering is not only about math and it’s not only about science and numbers. … It’s about identifying a problem and helping people.”

Who runs the world? Girls!



Adorable Highland Cattle Calves Are the World’s Cuddliest Little Cows

The Highland Cattle Calves are a unique-looking breed and they are simply adorable!

Animals can be just as cute as babies, and one breed of fluffy little calves is a great example of this! Although not many of you would expect cows to be fuzzy and warm, these are simply unique!

The Highland cattle calves have long, textured hair, small snouts, tongues, and stature. Plus, they have the longest coifs of any other breed, which cover their faces and hooves and make them look adorable!

These irresistible cuddly-looking creatures are originally from the Highlands and Western Isles of Scotland. Their luxurious fur makes them ideal in places with a harsh climate, strong winds, heavy rains, and cooler weather.

Namely, they have double sets of fur in the coat, an oily layer on the outside, that allows rain to slide off, and an inner layer that covers the body with a downy undercoat. Therefore, even when it is snowy, these cows can forage for food. They use their horns as shovels and dig the snow for buried plants.

Scroll down to see photos of these unique calves, and you will easily fall in love!

They are the sweetest moos you’ve ever seen!



Owl Swoops Into Fire-Fighting Helicopter Mid-Flight To Hitch A Ride Out Of Raging Forest Fire

Owl manages to enter a fire-fighting helicopter mid-flight and escape the Creek Fire in Madera County, California

In a state of emergency or a threat, we all become capable of the impossible. This is what one wise owl did to escape the Creek Fire in the Sierra National Forest, California!

The owl caught a ride in a helicopter mid-flight, at around 12.30 pm on October 11th. The bird managed to push himself through a window, 16-inch by 16-inch in size, and to enter the UH-1 Huey Helicopter piloted by Sky Aviation’s Dan Alpiner.

Then, it sat with him for several water drops as its home burnt below, and it fled away to safety 10 minutes later.

  • An owl entered a helicopter mid-flight to escape the Creek Fire in Madera County, California

  • The owl was photographed by firefighters after it boarded the UH-1 Huey Helicopter

The pilot could take only one photo of the owl, standing on a seat in the helicopter, because ‘it’s not easy to fly a mission and be a photographer at the same time’.

He said:

“It’s an unexplainable and magical miracle for it to stay with you for several water drops, then leave just as it arrived — safe and unannounced.

It kind of spooked me for a second there and we kind of locked eyes and the thing looked around and was chill. And then I was like, “OK then, you are going to work with me”.’

The owl and the helicopter must have been traveling at the same speed for the bird to be able to get into the aircraft safely, according to American Helicopter Flight instructor Matthew Dowdy.

  • The Creek Fire, which started on September 4, is the largest single wildfire in California’s recorded history

He explained that it has to be the perfect timing, adding that “it is just a daring bird.” The wind generated by the blade of the helicopter has the power to overthrow a grown man to the ground.

Alpiner, a helicopter pilot for the Wyoming-based charter company Sky Aviation, posted the photo on Facebook and wrote:

“It’s odd to have an owl enter an aircraft. It’s unheard of to have it enter while the helo is in-flight. It’s an unexplainable and magical miracle for it to stay with you for several water drops, then leave just as it arrived – safe and unannounced.”

Alpiner added that he gets to experience various adventures in the work, but he will take his one with him “ for a long time.”

  • The fire is currently 55 percent contained and is spread over Fresno County in the south and Madera County in the north

The Creek Fire that started on September 4 has expanded on over 337,655 acres, which makes it the largest single wildfire in the history of California.

At the moment, it is 55 percent contained, but it continues to spread over Fresno County in the south and Madera County in the north. The fire has destroyed 856 and damaged 71 buildings. Currently, 964 people are working on fighting it.

Although many scientists think that the cause of the fire is climate change, experts also believe that beetles have contributed to it too, by eating their way through millions of acres of trees across western North America and leaving dry timber which is very easy to burst into flames at any moment.

Scientists maintain that climate change has caused a five-year drought in the state, leaving millions of trees without water and exposed to these creatures.

Cal Fire Public Information Officer Daniel Berlant said:

 “So many of the trees have died creating significant fuel for the fire to burn. Massive amounts of pine trees that have died off over the years due to drought and due to the bark beetle.”

The US Department of Agriculture estimated that since 2010, over 129 million trees have died due to the drought and bark beetle infestations. For that same reason, the Sierra National Forest lost 36.1 million trees over the last five years.



Mother Devastated As Paedophile Who Raped Daughter, 5, Is Spared Prison

A mother was devastated after the rapist of her 5-year-old daughter walked free from court.

The past cannot be changed, and injustice can never be fully corrected. Yet, those who have been harmed hope that at least the system and society will condemn and punish the ones who did them wrong.

Unfortunately, this is not always the case. After he walked free from court with community service, a mother has slammed the sentence handed to the pedophile who raped her five-year-old daughter.

The name of the mom cannot be revealed to protect the anonymity of her daughter. Yet, this woman explained that Callum Haycock, 21, from Kidderminster, Worcestershire, has ‘ripped apart’ her family.

This human monster was found guilty of raping a child under 13 at Worcester Crown Court on October 1 but was sentenced to a three-year community order and 35 days’ rehabilitation requirement.

Also, Haycock was fined £200 and ordered to pay £2,500 to the victim. He will be put on the Sexual Offenders’ Register for five years.

  • A mother has slammed the sentence handed to the pedophile who raped her 5-year-old daughter

The heartbroken mother of the victim said that she saw ‘no justice’ for her daughter and claimed that she will appeal the sentence at the High Court.

She said:

“I ran out of the court and slammed the door behind me, as I walked out of the court I just shouted ‘it’s a f***ing joke’. I see no justice for my daughter in this.

We’ve appealed to the High Court in London. This has ripped our lives apart. We’ve had to have counseling, it’s ruined our lives. It separated me and my partner because we both didn’t know how to deal with it so we took it out on each other.”

She said that the courage of her daughter is the only thing that consoles her.

The girl testified at the trial, and the mother said she was “incredibly brave” and she was very proud of her. She described her daughter as “one of the bravest little girls” she has ever met in life.

  • On October 1, the 21-year-old pedophile was sentenced to a three-year community order and 35 days’ rehabilitation requirement at Worcester Crown Court

The mother continued:

“She will get over this but she will never forget it. It will always be there but she’s not the sort that is going to let it ruin her life. She still smiles every day and gets on with life.

She does wet the bed but we’re going through counseling to try to sort that out. She has difficulties forming relationships with strange men in her life, obviously.

We told her that he’d got to pay her some money, because he’s got to pay her £2,500 compensation, and she turned around and said she wants to give it to the poor.

The police were amazing with us and so were Witness Support. They were very supportive and patient and they handled everything with dignity.”


Health Tips

One In Three People Admit To Only Washing Their Bed Sheets Once A Year

A survey has revealed that a shocking percentage of people only wash their bedsheets once a year or less.

There is nothing better than the feeling when you climb into bed after a long day and finally get the opportunity to relax and get the much-needed rest. Clean and fresh-smelling bedsheets take the experience to the next level, but one survey revealed that not all of us are aware of it.

Namely, Hammonds Furniture spoke to 2000 Brits, and their answers were rather surprising, to say the least. Even 30 percent of them said they wash their bedding once a year or even less, and 38 percent wash their coats that “often” as well.

Experts claim that such bad habits could lead to an increased risk of infections, acne, and smelliness.

  • A survey by Hammonds Furniture revealed that one in three British adults admitted to only washing their bedsheets once every year.

Doctor Aragona Giuseppe, GP and Medical Advisor at Prescription Doctor, said:

“If you do not wash clothing items often you could be at risk of infection or just feeling and smelling unclean. Bedsheets and pillowcases should be washed because if they are dirty this could promote acne, spots, and other skin issues due to the dirty bacteria on the sheets transferring to your skin.”

The survey showed that these poor hygiene habits are not restricted to bedding only. Over a quarter of the participants in the survey stated they washed the cushions and blankets once a year, and 18 percent of them washed their jeans in the same amount.

When it comes to underwear, most of the women said they washed their underpants after every use, while a quarter of men admitted they do that every five uses.

  • The poor hygiene habits were found not to be restricted to bedding only

Interestingly, the survey also revealed that millennials are the cleanest generation, with 17 percent washing clothing after each use, and on the opposite, people that are 65 and above have the lowest percentage with 13 percent.

Kirsty Oakes, Head of Product and Marketing at Hammonds Furniture, said:

“We all have those items on our life laundry to-do lists that we put off, and for some people that can literally be the washing! Especially now that so many of us are working from home and can go for days without seeing people outside our own household, it can be tempting to put the washing off even more.

However, keeping clean is now more important than ever, and that also goes for our clothes, blankets, and bedsheets.

If you’ve found yourself washing things less often than is recommended then set aside time each week to do your washing and try to always stick to it. Make the effort to wear clean, fresh clothes each day (even if you are working from home) and just remember how amazing fresh sheets feel when you climb into bed!”



Tiny Puppy Crawls Into Owner’s Slipper To ‘Stay Warm’ – Taking Social Media By Storm

Millions of people loved the video of a brown little puppy crawling into the fluffy slipper of its owner, to “stay warm”.

The weather is now getting colder, so it would be wise to find someone to cuddle with and stay warm, don’t you think? One little pup from China has already solved this problem, and the solution has melted millions of hearts online!

Footage of a small brown puppy, named Xiao Zhi Ma or “Little Sesame”, shows the adorable dog crawling onto the fluffy shoe and curling up inside so it could ‘stay warm’. The video has garnered over 30 million views within 24 hours!

  • Millions of people on Chinese social media fell in love with the small puppy snuggling up to its owner’s slipper

The clip was shared by the owner of the puppy, who is from north-eastern Chinese city Harbin.

The woman wrote:

“ Haha, this dog would try to rob the slippers from anyone who is wearing them.”

She explained that as it was getting colder outside, Little Sesame was using her furry shoe to stay warm.

In the video, the dog is trying to bite its owner’s feet, in an attempt to take off the furry shoe.

  • The adorable video was shared online by the pet owner from north-eastern Chinese city Harbin, and it became the most trending video on Douyin

  • The brown puppy, named Xiao Zhi Ma or ‘Little Sesame’, crawls onto the fluffy shoe and curls up inside to ‘stay warm’

After the woman took it off, Little Sesame climbed into the purple slipper and curled up, with the head tucked inside! It is heart-melting! Within several hours, the eight-second clip became the most trending video on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok.



We Lose Interest In Those Who Take Us For Granted

“They say ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone.’ The truth is, you knew exactly what you had. You just didn’t think that you were going to lose it.” ~Unknown

While this is a wisdom that we gain over the years, we all eventually learn to practice self-love. Then, all those who fail to see the real us, who do not accept us as we are, take us for granted and don’t genuinely love us, stop being so important in our lives.

The attraction we once felt for them is eventually gone. We lose interest in people who can never accept our flaws, who ridicule our fears and insecurities, those who don’t keep their promises and see us as replaceable.

We all have our weaknesses and we all make mistakes. Yet, it is their selfishness that has actually made them look unattractive in the end.

Those people who don’t get excited when we meet, who make us feel like we have to earn each crumble of their attention, and do not treat us with compassion and dignity, do not deserve to be in our lives.

These people treat us with disrespect, take advantage of our good nature, look down upon us, and make us crawl for their time and love. Over time, we stop caring for those that are not afraid to lose us, and have never appreciated us in the first place.

This hurts. Deeply.

That is why, after numerous struggles to win their affection, we grow apart from them. This is a valuable lesson we all learn in life. These selfish people should not be let undervalue us.

We stop caring about the people who disrespect us and don’t treat us with dignity and compassion.

In case you are the one who keeps doing this mistake and fail to respect others, make sure you learn your lesson too before it is too late and you lose someone really important.

It is easy to get used to all the sweet gestures people do for you, but you should never take them for granted. Thank all those people who love you for all their care and support, do something nice for them, tell them how much you respect them.

None of them is obligated to treat you with love, care, affection, and kindness. They will eventually get tired of trying to show you their love, in case you give them nothing in return.

Instead, recognize their efforts and be grateful for everything they do for you.



That’s Too Wuff! Loyal Golden Retriever ‘Protects’ Crying Girl As She Is Being Told Off By Her Mother

A mother from China posted a video of the reaction of the family pet while she is scolding her 2-year-old daughter

Parents always try to find the best company for their kids, especially when they are smaller. Very often, these companions turn to be the family pets!

It’s not a secret and many experts agree that raising a child together with the family pet has numerous benefits. This little girl from China enjoys them all!

A mother has recently posted a video of the reaction of their family dog named Harry Potter while she spoke to her daughter. While she was speaking in a strict tone to the 2-year-old girl YouYou, the golden retriever was trying to protect her!

The mother, Ms. Sun, 32, had only just bought a tub of facial cream for daughter, but she left it in the living room while she went to prepare lunch. When she got back, she realized that the girl had ruined the packaging while playing with the tub!

She admitted:

“I was honestly really upset. I’d just bought the cream and half of it was already gone. My baby started crying because I was shouting at her quite aggressively.”

Then, the dog wraps his paws around YouYou’s waist and puts his head on her shoulder, looking like he is hugging her. He also bared his teeth while Ms. Sun was scolding You, as some kind of warning to stop.

While the mother initially found the dog’s reaction funny, she later figured out how sweet, heartwarming, and lovable it was in fact.

The video went viral on Douyin, the Chinese equivalent of TikTok. The 5-year-old dog and the little girl are very close and connected, as they grew up together.

Ms. Sun explained that this is not the first time Harry acts in such a way:

“Whenever we speak to [You You] in a harsh tone, he would come over and try to shield her with his paws. He would protect the child with his life.”


When it comes to getting a family dog and having young children at home at the same time, many parents are extra cautious. Yet, dogs can teach a child responsibility and cooperation, and give unconditional love by all means.

Therefore, those who decide to focus on these advantages should carefully choose the breed of the future pet. Keep the age of the child and your lifestyle in mind, so you can choose a pet that will fit with your life and home.

Some of them have limitless patience, others can play all day long. It may be necessary to train the dog and the child for a while, to teach them how to behave well. Several factors are crucial for making the right choice- size, temperament, energy levels, and specific care needs.

According to PetMD, an online veterinarian website, the following breeds are most popular for families who have kids:

-Golden Retriever: confident, affectionate, obedient, smart, kind, and loyal; need a lot of exercise and care of its long coat;

-Labrador Retriever: They are playful, reliable, protective, and loving. They need a lot of exercise like running and swimming

-Beagle: They are smart, happy, calm, friendly

-Irish Setter: playful and energetic, smart, and loving

-Border Collie: gentle, intelligent, sensitive, and predictable

-Poodle: They are proud, intelligent, caring, and loyal.

Moreover, don’t forget the mutts!

Mixed breeds often gather the best qualities of two (or more!) breeds in one dog. They are also cheaper than purebreds.

Once the breed is decided, the challenge may be to find a breeder. Look up at rescue groups if you can find a loving dog there. That way, you are saving an abandoned dog and provide him a warm new home.

At the same time, you will pick your child’s best friend.



Widowed Foster Father With Cancer Only Takes Terminally Ill Children So They Don’t Have To Die Alone

For more than twenty years, a widowed foster father, living in Los Angeles, adopts terminally ill children and gives them all the love and care they need until the last day.

No matter how cruel and heartless this world may seem at times, stories of heroes that live just around the corner restore our hope in humanity. The story of a widowed foster father who is dedicated to caring for terminally ill children so that they don’t have to die alone will break your heart into a thousand pieces!

A 65-year-old man, living in Los Angeles, Mohamed Bzeek, adopts terminally ill children who have no one else, and gives them all the love they need until the last day!

The former Libyan immigrant came to the US four decades years ago and became an official citizen in 1997. Since he started this mission, he had taken care of 80 children, and 10 of them died in his arms.

He finds a way to cope with the grief and pain, as he has vowed to continue his selfless work.

He explained:

“In 1995, we[Mohamed and his late wife] decided to adopt orphans left at hospitals or taken from their families by the state because of violence and pressure. The only house that accepts orphans and children who are about to die in Los Angeles is my house. I have dealt with 80 children since 1989. Ten children lost their lives in my arms.”

It has been reported that whenever the Los Angeles DCFS has an orphan in such a distressing condition, they call this amazing man. He is always willing to accept the child in need of care.

He says:

“They know that I do not hesitate to accept. If I don’t, they are sent to hospitals and don’t have a family or house. However, when I take them, they feel a family atmosphere. They feel safe and are loved until the end of their lives.”

This hero, who has been a foster father for more than two decades, makes sure he creates a loving and safe environment for the children at his home.

At the same time, he also raises his own son, born with dwarfism and osteogenesis imperfecta.

Back in 2017, Mr. Bzeek himself was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. At this point, he was scared too.

He added:

“I had no family with me and I was scared. I felt the same what the kids feel. They are alone. If I am 62 [now 65] and I am scared, what about them?”

Margaret Cotts has established a GoFundMe page to help this selfless man and his work.

Yet, even though the initial goal of the fundraiser was $100,000, people from all around the world, touched by the benevolent widower and his incredible heart, have donated nearly $700,000 so far.

The founder of the page quotes Mr. Bzeek:

“The key is you have to love them like your own.”



The Woman With The Biggest Cheeks In The World Claims They’re Still ‘Too Small’

A 30-year-old Instagram model is the woman with the biggest cheeks in the world- she has no intention to stop injecting fillers soon!

Beauty trends always change over time, but the last several years have seen some rather strange and bizarre looks! Nowadays, the correction of appearance has become an ordinary thing, and plastic surgery has become very popular.

Yet, this often results in some pretty unusual cosmetic procedures.

One 30-year-old girl from Kyiv, Ukraine, is “the biggest cheeks in the world”, after undergoing numerous operations. Yet, Anastasia Pokreschuk believes that her cheeks are still not large enough, even though she has not stopped disfiguring her face since she was 26.

She cannot remember how many injections she has had. So far, she has spent over $2000 on fillers, but she does not plan to stop soon!

She said:

“You may think that they are too big but I think that they’re a little bit small, I need to refresh them again soon.”


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Хочешь меня?😂😂😂 @plastikaistanbul ❤️

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The Instagram model has had fillers in her cheeks, lips, and in the corners of her mouth, botox in her forehead, and chin reshaping procedures.


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Самая моя любимая пацанка @lilviprincess 😘❤️❤️

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Over the years, she has become so addicted to reshaping her face, that she even started doing it herself, and even tried it on her friends.

She has 228K Instagram followers, and she often shared photos of her shocking deformations.


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Не насосала😂

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She explains that she fell in love with her new look after she did the first cheek-job.

Now, she says:

“I love them, I want them to look like this and I’m very happy. I regularly inject other parts of my face myself. I understand that they look weird for other people but I don’t mind.”

She added that she regularly receives hateful messages on social media, but she has learned “to laugh it off and ignore it.”

This summer, she admitted to ITV’s This Morning that even though a worried doctor warned her of the risks, she will not stop injecting herself.

The co-host Phillip Schofield called her a “striking vision and asked her for the reason why she decided to change her face.

She replied:

“I love this look. I was like a grey mouse. My nose was too big. And now I have big cheeks and big lips it looks OK.”

Anastasia didn’t look scared by the dangers of self-injecting, and added that she does it “with doctors”, and she also learns cosmetology in an online school.


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Как думаешь шо будет?😅😍 @plastikaistanbul ❤️❤️

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Yet, viewers did not hide their shock!
