
Would You Cycle For An Hour Every Day If It Powered Your Home For 24 Hours?

A man from India designed an electric bike that can power numerous poor homes with no or little electricity.

The world needs more people willing to use their power, mind, and wealth, and ease the lives of the less fortunate. This is what one man from India is trying to do by innovating various solutions to common problems.

His Electric – Battery Equipped – Bicycles could provide free electricity to 1.3 billion people living without electricity due to extreme poverty. Meet Manoj Bhargava, the man who found a way to bring light to millions of very small homes with no or little electricity around the world in a completely free way!

He claims that The Hans Free Electric™ bike could cover the energy needs of a small home in rural India, lighting and other appliances for an entire day.

He says:

“The Free Electric is made with standard bike parts, which makes it easily fixable by any mechanic around the world. The bike is cheap, clean, and practical in terms of providing energy to those who need it most on a global scale. Our target is, to begin with India, but really it can be used anywhere. There are 1.3 billion people around the world who are still living without access to electricity.”

Bhargava dropped out of Princeton University after a year as he was bored, and continued to live in an ashram in his hometown in India for 12 years.

He uses his time to help his community and the poor. The electric bike is not his only innovation, as he struggles to make seawater drinkable, develops a way to boost body circulation, and tries to provide unlimited amounts of geothermal energy through a graphene cable.

He says:

“If you have wealth, it is your duty to help those who do not have it. Make a difference in people’s lives. Don’t just talk about it.”

When it comes to rural households in India, this bike “has enormous potential and opportunities”, according to Ajaita Shah, CEO of Frontier Markets, a company that sells solar lamps and lighting systems in India.

The pedal turns a generator that produces electricity, which is stored in a battery.

Bhargava said:

“It’s so simple that we think we can make it for $ 100. A bicycle repairman can customize it anywhere.”

Apart from this bike, the team of this amazing man has come up with innovative ideas in health, water, and energy. Their medical device “Renew ” acts as an auxiliary heart by sending blood from the legs to the body.

Moreover, they have also designed the “Rain Maker” as a way to deal with the drought. It converts 1,000 gallons per hour of all kinds of water to drinking water! Bhargava does not stop here either.

He dreams of making the world independent of fossil fuels, which emit greenhouse gases. He believes that pollution is our biggest problem, and not climate change. Therefore, his solution is this: draw the heat that is deep inside the Earth.

Geothermal energy is already widely used in some countries, but he has a new approach. Instead of using steam mixed with chemicals to bring this heat to the surface, Bhargava will pump it with a graphene cable, since the graphene is a great heat conductor, and it is more durable than steel.

He says that we won’t need to change the existing infrastructures once the heat is brought up. It could simply be distributed from existing units instead of coal, oil, or gas.

He maintains that in this way, geothermal energy could replace 85% of fossil fuels today. According to the maps, half of the world has so much underground heat, that could be distributed to the other half, with the help of graphene cables.

He even joked that “someone would kill him”, noting that this idea could disrupt the geopolitical map!

When asked about his charity work and his altruism, he simply replied:

“I like the job. Ιt is not retribution. It’s gotta be this, otherwise ‘what else’ can I do?”



14 Year Old Girl Dies In Sleep After Phone Explodes On Pillow While Charging

A 14-year-old teen from Kazakhstan died after her phone exploded on her pillow during her sleep.

As technology advances, apart from the benefits, society encounters new, unknown problems that need to be dealt with.

While it might initially sound like something perfectly normal, and we do daily, in this case, keeping the phone on the pillow while trying to sleep ended up in a tragedy.

One 14-year-old girl, Alua Asetkyzy Abzalbek from Bastobe, Kazakhstan, died in her sleep after her phone exploded! The girl put her phone on the pillow and listened to music.

It was plugged into a nearby power socket, so when it exploded, it caused a severe injury to the head of the girl, and she died instantly. Alua’s family found her in the morning and called the paramedics. Unfortunately, nothing could be done to help the teen.

The statements were confirmed by forensic experts. After it overheated from charging, the phone, whose brand was not disclosed, exploded. The death of Alua broke the hearts of many. She will be missed.

Sadly, the cause of her death is not as unique as we would all like to believe.

Liliya Novikova, 26 – dubbed Russia’s “most beautiful poker player”, was found dead from a suspected massive electric shock in her bathroom. She was allegedly blow-drying her hair in the bathroom, but at the time, she has been using her mobile.

An ex-soldier from Britain reported that the back of his Android handset ‘flew off and caught fire’ when he tried to manually reset the device. One man in India was being filmed on CCTV when the phone in his pocket blew up and burnt his leg.

Similarly, while she was driving, the phone of one woman in Shanghai’s Minhang district in East China exploded on her car’s dashboard. This was caught on camera too.

Although it may sound like out of a horror movie, a phone explosion can happen more often than you think. And this has been explained by scientists.

First of all, it is not the phone that causes it, but the battery. While most phones use lithium-ion batteries that are usually able to be overcharged safely, a manufacturing default can lead to an explosion.

Plus, constantly overcharging a phone can eventually hinder its performance. Don’t panic yet, as your phone is unlikely to explode, as it has built-in safety features to prevent such accidents.

Yet, in case the battery is damaged or impacted in any way, these features can also be influenced. The battery is probably damaged if it is swollen, deformed, or overheats all the time.

High temperatures and environments, long phone calls, using apps that are demanding for the CPU, charging, and running multiple tabs, can also shorten the life of the battery.

To stay on the safe side, make sure you always remove the phone case while charging, keep it out of direct sunlight or in a hot car for too long, and don’t charge it while it is in a bag.

Moreover, avoid getting the phone wet or damaged, and using the wrong or cheap knockoff chargers.



Horrifying- Shocked Tourists Watch As Bears Maul Chinese Zoo Worker To Death (Video)

A bear killed a worker at the Shanghai Zoo in front of tourists who watched the entire thing from the bus.

Numerous people claim that zoos should be closed, and animals should be allowed to enjoy their freedom, return to their roots, and express their true nature. One recent incident stirred this debate once more.

Namely, a zoo worker was mauled to death by bears in a Chinese zoo, in front of the horrified tourists. The accident happened on October 17th, in a part of the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, called “wild beast area”.

Animals roam freely there, and visitors are allowed to observe them only from specialized tourist buses.

The video of the incident, which shows a group of tourists screaming while watching the bears gathering outside, was shared on the Chinese social site Weibo and it quickly went viral.

The Shanghai Zoo confirmed the death of the worker, who was later identified as an animal breeder. On its website, the zoo said that it was “extremely distressed that such a tragedy occurred”, and it also “apologized to tourists for any inconvenience caused”.

The “wild beast area” has been temporarily closed, and the zoo has announced that it will tighten its security measures.

The incident sparked a storm of comments on social media, with many condemning the safety measures of the zoo, and others expressing their concerns for those who witnessed the accident, saying they would be “deeply traumatized”.

Although animal attacks on workers at a zoo in China are rare, they are not completely uncommon.



North Carolina Restaurant Serving Tarantula-Topped Burgers

A restaurant in North Carolina offers its customers a burger with a tarantula on top!

Are you a gourmand? Do you enjoy food? Do you get excited every time you are about to try some exotic dish, something you have never tried before, a new taste, a newly created recipe?

If you think burgers can surprise you no more, think again! What do you think of one topped with a tarantula?

Yup, this sandwich exists, and it is not so far from you- in Bull City Burger and Brewery in Durham, North Carolina! This burger was created as one of their crazy concoctions included in their annual “Exotic Meats Month”.

Throughout the year, the restaurant offers its customers various unusual meats, such as camel, bison, alligator, python, venison, goat, caribou, turtle, reindeer, bugs, elk, yak, emu, kangaroo, etc.

April is the Exotic Meat Month, and it is seen as a chance for people to “experience tastes that other cultures enjoy every day”, to learn about new flavors, and “increase their cultural awareness”.

When it comes to the “Tarantula Challenge”, the tarantula on top of the $30 burger is served right down to all eight of its legs. Apart from the oven-roasted tarantula, the burger is made of beef, topped with gruyere cheese, and spicy chili sauce.

The restaurant makes only one such burger a day during this month, so those interested must enter a raffle, and if their name is drawn, they have 48 hours to claim your spot.

Those who can eat the entire sandwich get a special t-shirt as a reward to be used for proof later. People who have tried tarantula say that it resembles shellfish in taste.

So, would you try this burger or you find it too awkward and gross?

Many factors determine what certain culture regards as tasty or strange. First of all, the environment where we live and the animals that live there. Next, we must mention the family we live in, as well as the religious and cultural contexts.

Yet, just think about it.. do you think that our diet is something everyone on this planet sees as normal and delicious?

Billions of people out there would agree that we eat many crazy foods, they find them too salty or too sweet, or too cheesy, many wonder why our food is always packed in boxes..

This was just to prove a point.. What we think is “normal” is actually just “normal to us”.

So, don’t be surprised that someone would enjoy a dish of tarantula-topped burger in a blink of an eye, and comments that it is simply mouth-watering!

So, adventurous eaters, would you give this burger a try?


Health Health Tips

How To Fix Your Sleep Problems With Science

Scientists show the way you can treat common health issues by changing the sleeping position.

If you love to sleep, you will be delighted to learn that you can treat and prevent numerous health issues during the time you enjoy your zzz’s. This is the time our body needs to rest and recover, and regain strength for the following day.

Therefore, the quality of sleep we get every night is crucial and can dramatically affect our lives.

Unfortunately, we are living in a sleep-deprived society, and while most of us rarely get the recommended hours of sleep due to stress or too much work, many people out there also suffer from sleep problems.

Yet, scientists claim that no sleep problem cannot be fixed. In most cases, the changes we need to make are simple and easy, like adjusting the sleep position, the pillow, or the temperature in the room.

The position we sleep in can have a huge impact on our health, and here is how to fix some of the most common issues we face as a result of sleeping in the wrong position:

Shoulder Pain

Avoid sleeping on the side if you wake up with pain in the shoulder. Sleep on the back, with a small pillow beneath the painful shoulder. Also, hug a pillow, to keep your shoulder in the correct alignment.

Neck Pain

Your neck pain might be a sign that you need to change the pillow. Replace your pillows at least every two years. Many people claim that latex ones are the most comfortable.

Back Pain

These are the most beneficial positions to sleep in case you experience back pain:

  • Back: In case you sleep on the back, place a pillow under the knees, and a small, rolled towel under the small of the back.
  • Side: Those who sleep on the side should place a pillow between the legs, and draw their knees up slightly.
  • Stomach: If you have back pain and enjoy sleeping on the stomach, put a pillow beneath your pelvis and lower abdomen.

Trouble falling asleep

There are many reasons why you struggle to fall asleep at night, like stress, a heavy last meal, poor sleep conditions, and so on. In this case, make sure you consider these suggestions:

  • Establish a pre-bed routine, like reading a book, turning off all the screens in the bedroom, having a cup of soothing tea, etc.
  • Don’t consume caffeine in the afternoon
  • Exercise in the morning, not in the evening

Inability to stay asleep

Numerous factors can affect your ability to stay asleep, so consider making the following changes:

  • Don’t drink alcohol before bedtime
  • Make sure the bedroom is not too hot, as the ideal sleeping temperature is between 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 Celsius) and 70 degrees Fahrenheit 21 Celsius).

Inability to wake up

There is a simple solution that will help you in case you just cannot wake up in the morning. Scientists call this “social jetlag”, which is the discrepancy between work and free days, or social and biological time. All you have to do is to set the alarm for the same time every day, even on weekends, so that your body can get used to getting up at that time.

Acid Reflux

To prevent the uncomfortable acid reflux during the night, sleep with the head elevated, or sleep on the left side, to position the stomach below your esophagus.


Snoring can be a result of alcohol consumption, medication, smoking, body weight, and nasal congestion. Try to sleep on the side instead of on your back, and use an extra pillow to slightly elevate the torso.

Leg Cramps

Leg cramps during the night can be very unpleasant, and in many cases, they are just a result of stress or dehydration. Therefore, in case you experience them, forcefully stretch your calf muscle, wiggle and massage your leg, or force yourself to walk.

To prevent them in the first place, you should drink plenty of water during the day, and reduce the consumption of alcohol and caffeine. If you sleep on the back, use pillows to keep your toes pointed upward. If you sleep on the stomach, leave them to off the end of the bed.

In case you suffer from sleeping problems, you should initially pinpoint the issue, and then address it, as sleep is vital to our health.



Man ‘Walking Awkwardly Through Airport’ Had Seven Gold Bars Hidden Up His Bum

An Indian man was found carrying seven gold bars hidden up his bum on the airport- he was allegedly trying to avoid tax on gold.

Being properly prepared before a flight is very important, and the thing that takes most of our time is, of course, packing. We often want to carry more things, we then worry that our bags won’t fit in the overload bin, and so on.

But what if you were to take something really valuable with you? Believe it or not, one man did something outrageous while trying to hide the gold he was planning to take with him on the flight!

This Indian man had stowed seven gold bars up his bum!

The staff discovered him after he had just traveled on a GoAir flight between Dubai and Kerala. After he was noticed to walk awkwardly through the airport, he was taken into custody, and to their shock, they found a kilogram worth of gold hidden inside the man’s rectum!

This man thought he would be able to travel with seven gold bars placed inside his butt!

It was later speculated that the man was trying to get the gold into Kannur Airport to avoid a gold tax, as there is an 18% tax on gold in Kerala for the amount of gold that he was planning on bringing with him.

He intended to smuggle the gold bars and avoid the payment of the tax, but in the end, he had to pay the tariff regardless of the inconvenience he went through.

In a Facebook post, the AIU wrote:

“AIU Kannur seized 1470gm gold in compound form (1316gm extracted) from a passenger who arrived from Dubai by flight G8 4013.

The gold was concealed in his rectum.”

People try to smuggle gold in various ways, so this is not something strange to airports. The practice is commonplace among people traveling from Arabic states to India.

Yet, in most cases, it is a small amount of gold, that can be easily hidden. What this man decided to do is a very desperate, or should I say, brave, move!

Nevertheless, with tons of security at the airport, your journey will probably turn into a nightmare if you are trying to smuggle something similar. Plus, tax evasion is a crime, and many people who have tried to evade taxes have eventually got their punishment.

When it comes to the tax on gold in Kerala, many believe that it is unfair and there is an ongoing debate on the subject there. It is expected that the entire thing will be finally resolved on February 18th.



Girl, 2, Sends Mum’s Nudes To Entire Contact List

A two-year-old girl took photos of her mother while preparing for work, and she sent the nudes to 15 people on Snapchat, including ex co-workers and university classmates.

A curious and playful toddler can be real trouble. Now, imagine that..and add a mobile phone to the picture! Yup, the daughter of a 30-year-old mom from Ohio, US, turned one Monday morning into a real nightmare!

While she was drying her hair and preparing for work, Emily Schmitt allowed her little daughter Carsyn to play with her mobile.

At one point, she noticed that the 2-year-old girl was photographing her as she stood naked in front of her, and in the next moment, she received a message from a colleague saying “thanks for the nude”!

Actually, the child had sent the nudes to 15 people, including her mother’s old university friends, former clients, colleagues, and someone she knew from an old job.

Ashamed, Emily apologized to everyone, and some confirmed that they got a nude, while others explained that all they got was a shot of the foot of Carsyn, or the ceiling.

Although she felt extremely embarrassed, Emily decided to share the story online and give people a chance to get a good laugh during these” dark, twisted” times.

She said:

“I was mortified. I literally think I died for a minute then came back to life so I could tell people what happened. It’s so funny – this child of mine is wild. We just say she’s feral – she cannot be tamed.

My parents own the real estate brokerage that I work for. To make matters even worse I walked in the next day and my dad, who’s the broker, was like ‘oh look, here comes the company porn star’.

I was like ‘okay, I quit. I’m done’”

When she received the all from her friend, Ashley, who warned her of the incident with the nudes, Emily had been preparing to go out for a house viewing. After the call, she found out that the photos were sent to 15 contacts on Snapchat, including a university friend who had a crush on her mom back in the days.

Emily added:

“Luckily it was Snapchat so we’ve got to find the positives. It didn’t save and no one took a picture or screenshotted it. It’s gone forever. That’s a small comfort after everyone seeing my butt in the morning.”

Yet, netizens simply loved the story and it quickly went viral! Many shared their embarrassing stories with Emily to comfort her.

HA! I wish the entire world could actually meet Carsyn. They would laugh 100x harder. My little sweet feral child.

Posted by Emily Schmitt on Friday, October 16, 2020

She says everybody is laughing and continued:

“99 percent of people are bursting out laughing because they know it could happen to them. Other people are sharing stories about how their toddler went on Facebook Live while they were naked. It’s not just me.

When I called my husband, Derek, he burst out laughing. He said ‘only Carsyn would do this’.

He said ‘I’m upset Carsyn didn’t send it to me’.”




Emotional Moment 12-Year-Old Delivers Her Own Baby Brother Captured On Camera

A 12-year-old sister was allowed to deliver her baby brother, and the entire thing was captured on camera.

The delivery of new life in this world is the biggest miracle we can ever witness. The experience is just unbelievable, a mixture of fear, pain, love, confusion, and extreme joy.

Every birth story is unique, and the one that happened several years ago in Mississippi is surely something special!

Back in June 2017, Jacee Dellapena was about to become a big sister for the first time. Yet, there was a little problem- she was too short to see much, and she was worried she wouldn’t be able to witness the birth of her brother.

With permission from her mother, the doctor let the 12-year-old girl assist him.

She later explained:

“I was nervous I was going to mess up… but it was the best moment of my life. He let me actually push down and pull the baby out… I was like, wow, like I’ve played fake doctor before, but this is, like, the real thing, this is the real deal.”

The brave sister even cut the umbilical cord with the help of the doctor! The little baby brother Cayson Carraway was born at 7 lbs 6 oz.

A friend of the family, Nikki Smith, caught the moment on camera and posted the photos on Facebook. Until the present day, they have been shared more than 337K times!

The post has garnered over 44K comments, and while most of the reactions were positive, some did not agree with the doctor’s decision to let Jacee be a part of the procedure.

They were worried about two things, the safety of the baby and the possible emotional and mental impact of the whole experience on Jacee.

Meet Jacee! This 12 year old helped deliver her baby brother and the emotions on her face is too amazing not to share!…

Posted by Nikki Smith on Wednesday, June 7, 2017

However, Nikki maintained that this was a special moment for the two siblings, as well as the whole family:

“There is absolutely nothing wrong with allowing her daughter to witness this beautiful moment. It’s not for everyone but Jacee was a rockstar and helped deliver a newborn!”

One thing is for sure, the “beautiful moment” was the beginning of a bond that will last forever! The moment a woman gives birth is the most important in her life, and every story is significant, heartwarming, and inspiring.

Here are several more birth stories from women around the globe:

Sophie, 31, from London

When she was 20, Sophie had a job as a receptionist while she saved money for university. She had no plans to have a baby, but suddenly she found out she was six months pregnant.

She wasn’t prepared and had no support from her or her husband’s family. Yet, her boss told her to relax, as things will be just fine.

When she felt the first contractions, she thought it was just a false alarm. Yet, she quickly figured out it wasn’t and went to the birthing center.

At first, the midwife said that she wasn’t dilated enough and need to go back home. However, the situation developed very rapidly, and her contractions began coming in an interval of three minutes.

Her husband went to buy them kebabs, and shortly after the meal, she felt like she had to use the toilet. As it turned out, her baby was ready to come to this world. She pushed for 27 minutes and gave birth to a baby girl.

Nimishi, 30, from Mumbai

Nimishi wanted a natural birth, and there was no possibility of using a midwife in Mumbai at that time. She and her husband flew 800 miles to a natural birthing center in Kerala when she was 36 weeks pregnant.

She was diagnosed with gestational diabetes on the second day there. The efforts to control her insulin levels failed, so she knew that she would have to give birth in a hospital.

When her water broke, she was in labor for three days, and as the meconium in her discharge became quite green, she was told she would have to do a cesarean section. After a one-hour drive to the hospital, in pain, she laid on the operating table while 30 to 40 students watched.

She gave birth to a sweet boy and is still determined to deliver her next child at a birthing center.

Leslie, 29, from America

Leslie did not have a good family life. When she was 14, she wanted to find a committed relationship to leave her family home, so she got pregnant. She was homeless at the time, so she was put in a maternity home when the courts found out about the situation.

When she was at her cousin’s softball game, she realized she was in labor. The doctors at the hospital told her that, in fact, she had been in labor during the past three days. She didn’t want to have an epidural, but, the nurses and doctors insisted and did that anyway.

The baby was adopted by her aunt after birth.

For the next two births, she felt equally out of control, so when she was pregnant with her fourth child, she decided to give birth at home with her husband. They had done all the research and they were ready. Regardless of that, just like in the case with her second and third child, the government took their baby after birth.

She gave birth to her fifth child in a tent in a Texas park. Even though she had unusual contractions, the two of them didn’t call an ambulance, because they were afraid that the baby might be taken away from them again. Her husband helped her give birth right on the spot.

Anita, 38, from Ghana

Anita’s mother used to be a midwife, so when Anita was getting ready to have her second child, she went to be with her. When the time came, her mother took her to the hospital and then returned home to take some things for Anita.

All of the sudden, before the pushing began, the midwife told Anita to cross her legs because she had to go somewhere, and didn’t give a further explanation at all. Anita held as long as it was possible, but eventually, she had to scream to the janitor outside to get the midwife because it was not possible to wait anymore.

The midwife got back, Anita opened her legs, her water broke, she pushed hard, and she gave birth to a little girl.

Sima, 42, from London

Sima wanted to have a cesarean section. Not content with that decision, her midwife and consultant tried to change her mind. Yet, she was determined, as she made that choice because she had a traumatic birthing experience with her first child three years prior.

Two weeks past her due date, she was induced, but the baby reacted poorly to the drugs. Her daughter’s heart rate crashed three times and in the end, she had to have an emergency cesarean.

Therefore, she booked her cesarean for the second baby five weeks before the birth. She was entirely calm and even excited on the way to the hospital.

She was allowed to choose the music she wanted to listen to in the operating room. After 15 minutes from the start of the procedure, with no trauma and stress, the baby girl was pulled out to the song Tears Dry on Their Own by Amy Winehouse.



The “Ultimate Pleasure Experience” Male Love Robots Could Replace Men For Good

High-tech male robots can be a perfect replacement for a human boyfriend!

I know you have said that you are sick of men a thousand times before, but wait a second and think..are you really? Because now, we have a choice, girls!

Technological advancements tend to revolutionize our way of living in all aspects, and it turns out, scientists have also given us an option when it comes to our love life.

While many grow worried about the consequences of love dolls on our human-to-human relationships, others are eager to grab the opportunity and bond with someone (or something), without having to deal with all the stress such a relationship would otherwise cause.

Brace yourselves, men, as women are about to meet Mr.Perfect! The Ultimate Pleasure Experience male robots make all our dreams come true!

We might have got used to dolls, okay, but a robot? Wow!

These male robots are specifically designed to behave like true gentlemen, and they can even engage in verbal communication. I’m impressed! Currently, a few popular companies are making these love robots, particularly “Real Doll”.

The robots can move in any direction and pace, and the user can control him by a regulator. The company also explained that the best part is that the robot can be used endlessly, for as long as one wants, at whatever speed, and for whatever purpose, without the battery getting drained!

The high-tech robot can understand the need of the woman, and the goal of the creators was to design a product that would outperform real-life males and make women choose them as lovers over blood-and-flesh males.

Therefore, the erotic piece of technology would also have a personality and the intelligence to understand the needs of its female partner. Each robot has been programmed to engage meaningfully in conversations, and it is also reported that they all come with a personal backstory.

Each robot is designed to be unique, designed to serve the need of the woman in any way. Therefore, the robots vary for every female partner, and they will be able to act just like a human boyfriend!

Okay..this is tempting.. A perfect partner even if you stay imperfect?!

Well, things are not that simple after all. These dolls and robots are extremely expensive, so only the ultra-wealthy can afford them.

What’s even more important, experts share their concerns that these human-life dolls and robots can seriously harm humankind, as they can pose a threat to our relationships.

Masayuki Ozaki is a perfect example of this. Even though he is married, this man found solace in the arms of his love doll. His ultra-realistic silicone dummy, called Mayu, lives in the same house with him, his wife, and their teenage daughter.

The doll has caused unending arguments between the couple, and in the end, they decided to declare a delicate truce.

Ozaki, a psychologist, explains:

“After my wife gave birth, we stopped having love and I felt a deep sense of loneliness. But the moment I saw Mayu in the showroom, it was love at first sight. My wife was furious when I first brought Mayu home. These days she puts up with it, reluctantly.”

This man admits being turned off by human relationships and explains that even though it has destroyed his marriage, he is happy with only Mayu.

“They’re very selfish. Men want someone to listen to them without grumbling when they get home from work. Whatever problems I have, Mayu is always there waiting for me. I love her to bits and want to be with her forever. I can’t imagine going back to a human being. I want to be buried with her and take her to heaven.”

Yet, he is not the only one to destroy his marriage for the love doll. Senji Nakajima, 62, claims there is no woman as perfect for him as his rubber girlfriend Saori.

He loves bathing her and taking her surfing or skiing. He refused to give Saori up, even though this meant that he would lose his wife and children:

“Human beings are so demanding. People always want something from you — like money or commitment. My heart flutters when I come home to Saori. She never betrays me, she makes my worries melt away. I’d never cheat on her, even with a prostitute, because to me she’s human.”

He also added that it is highly unlikely that he would reconcile with his wife, adding that he doesn’t want to destroy what he has with Saori. He explained that he would no longer be able to bath with Saori, snuggle up with her and watch TV if he did.

All I can say is.. The world is changing so fast!



Adorable Seal Can’t Stop Cuddling A Plush Toy That’s His Mini-Me

An earless seal at a marine conservation facility in Japan keeps hugging and cuddling the plush version of himself- he even gives his best friend a piggy-back ride!

Get ready, for you are about to get some serious heart-melting! Numerous animals are incredibly cute, kind, affectionate, and playful, their babies are simply adorable, but the seal you are to meet today tops them all!

A rescued earless seal lives at the Okhotsk Tokkari Center in Japan’s Hokkaido Prefecture, which is the only marine conservation facility in the country, and it specializes in sheltering earless seals.

The staff at the center gifted the seal a stuffed toy, and he fell in love with this plush version of himself!

He cannot stop cuddling it!

The seal is hand-reared since it was rescued after an injury. The staff was surprised to him hugging his mini-me all the time, cuddling him, and even giving him a ride on the back!

They thought this story is simply too adorable not to share with the world, so they posted the photos on Twitter, and the seal soon became a celebrity!

The seal and his best friend are simply charming!

This loving earless seal gives his stuffed buddy a piggy-back ride!
