
61-Year-Old Lady Seeking Advice On ‘Vintage Bottle Stopper’ Mortified To Find Out What It Actually Was

A 61-year old lady from Indiana decided to turn to Facebook and ask netizens to explain the purpose of an object she got- the answer shocked her!

The Internet is the first place we turn to whenever we need some information, advice, or help. While it is extremely useful most of the time, this practice can often end up in some hilarious posts and awkward situations, and it can even have an unpleasant outcome.

When one 61-year old lady decided to write a post on Facebook and find out the use of a mystery glass object she discovered in the garden, things got much more complicated than she ever imagined!

Jane, a devoted churchgoer, posted a photo of it in a glass collector Facebook group, believing it was either an odd chess piece or an antique bottle stopper.  However, the moment the mystery was solved, she was shocked!

Here is what she wrote in the Facebook post:

“Got a friend of my sister that came across a solid glass piece. Since she can’t figure it out she reached out to me and now I’m reaching out to all of you! Hoping to get an idea of what it is. Only thing coming to mind is either a bottle stopper for a decanter or possibly a chess piece.

4.5 inches tall, 1.5 diameter at fat part and 1.75 at base. No significant scratches anywhere does look to have reflective gold coating on it.”

People online were quick to explain, and many of them did not even try to be tactful.

One netizen was the best in carefully describing the purpose of the glass object as “ a stopper… just not for a bottle.”

After the long debate under her post, the 61-year-old Indiana resident learned that the strange object was in fact a sex toy!

She quickly updated the post:

“I am thankful I know nothing of this ‘world’ that uses products such as this and quite frankly, I don’t want to know. Well, my sister and I are both cracking up! But the fact she picked it up and handled it… I don’t think there’s enough soap to wash away that image.”

The post of Jane garnered so much attention, that the moderator had to disable comments simply to keep up. As Jane, her sister, and their friend are all active members of their church, they didn’t want to disclose their names to save their reputations.

The woman explained that the post is real, but as ‘the three of us have clearly lived sheltered lives’, they had never seen one before.

Jane added:

“Now that we all know what it is, we have thoroughly washed our hands (even though two of us never touched it) and are having a good laugh at the education we just got. My sister is very religious and so is her friend and quite frankly none of us knew what it was. Her friend is now horrified!”



Math Problem Has Internet Divided In Feud: Here’s The Correct Answer

A math problem confused people online- Internet users cannot agree on the right answer to the equation

Autumn is the time we love to spend in bed, under the blanket, listening to the rain outside, and enjoying life as it slows down after the busy summer. No one will judge you because you want to get a bit lazy now, but this does not mean that you shouldn’t find time to sharpen your mind and exercise your brain!

Now, we challenge you- a math problem that has the Internet divided into a feud! It has gone viral after netizens cannot agree on the right answer!

Will you give it a try?

After it was shared by Twitter user @pjmdoll, this equation has divided Internet users into two groups- ones that insisted the answer is 16, and the others who believed it is 1.

The first thing they disagree on is whether to apply the principles of PEMDAS or not. The acronym stands for Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction.

In the case of a math problem with two or more possible operations at any given time, PEMDAS dictates the order of what to calculate first, second, and so on.

One user explained this theory:

“I have taught math for almost 30 years; the answer is 16. After the 2+2 is resolved to 4, then the problem becomes 8÷2(4), which is the same as 8÷2×4. Since division is on the left, it must be done first. So, 4×4=16. If it were written as 8 OVER 2(4), the answer would be 1.“

Yet, some Twitter users added that the principle of BODMAS (Bracket, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition, and Subtraction) can also be used.

One user explained this theory as well:

“Answer is 1. (Enough explanations below)

For those who think it is 16 (including math teachers):


Application of BODMAS means removing operators. You should remove brackets first before moving to the next operator.”

Many agreed that the math problem can have two correct answers, depending on the Math principle one has learned at school.

Many have tried solving it by using a calculator, and noted that “ even the machines are confused.“

Yet, experts explain that the problem has been written in a confusing way, intentionally, which is the main culprit for the debate online.

In fact, it could be solved either way, depending on if one is using BODMAS or PEMDAS.

However, Ferndale High School math teacher, Mr. Kelly, claims that the answer is 16, and everyone who got the number 1 was using an outdated version of the order of operations.

Mr. Kelly says:

“When it’s multiplication or division, you move left to right, not right to left. So that’s why some students are confused and multiply before divide. The multiplication does not come first in this situation. The division comes first.”

Here is how to solve the equation:

Divide 8 by 2 = 4

Then, multiply 4 with the sum of (2+2) = 4(4)

You get the answer 16.

When dividing or multiplying, move left to right instead of right to left.

There you have it!



11 Things About You That Will Change When You Lose Your Parents

Life can dramatically change in a blink of an eye, and we can end up losing the most important people.

Since our birth, our parents are our pillars, the ones who raise us with lots of love and care, nurture and guide us, empower, and respect us. No matter how far we end up being from them over the years, they are the ones whose presence is always cherished in life.

Life is unpredictable, and everything can fall to pieces in a second. Sometimes, we can lose our dearest people in a blink of an eye. The loss of someone you love and care for is always really painful, but when the parents pass away, life can never ever be the same again.

Therefore, it is very important that we appreciate them until they are alive, and remember that we should give them all the love they deserve until it is not too late.

Here are 11 things that people experience when they lose their parents:

  • You will realize how much you truly loved them

The sad thing is that you will realize how much you actually loved them only when you won’t have them in your life. Unfortunately, they won’t be able to meet the person you’ve become over the years, to witness your success and be proud of you for it.

  • You will still feel an urge to call them when you have important news to share

When something exciting happens, you will still have the urge to call them and share the good news. Knowing that it is impossible will make you feel empty, over and over again.

  • You will be unable to function normally for a while

The death of the parents leaves one broken, as part of his has been taken away for good. When your parents are gone, a part of you dies with them. You will be emotionally and physically crushed. You will never be the same again. Take the time you need to regain your strength and get back on your feet.

  • You will feel broken and alone

The pain after the death of the parents will never leave you, so you will have to learn to live with it. It will always remind you how much you miss them and need them by your side.

  • You might feel physical pain as well

Sometimes, the body aches when the heart is broken as well. In these moments, you will miss them to take care of you more than ever.

  • You might feel jealous of those who still have the chance to be with their parents

You might even feel envious. You would do anything to get one more hug or kiss from your mother or father.

  • You will feel uncomfortable listening to other people complaining about their parents

You will get irritated when your friends or other people complain about their parents and talk badly of them. You will confront them, in an attempt to explain to them how lucky they are to still have their parents with them.

  • The holidays will never be the same

Your holidays will never be the same again. You will never be able to drink some wine with your father, you will never arrive at home knowing that your mother had set the table and everyone is waiting for you.

Your children will never be able to play with their grandparents again and hear their funny stories.

  • You will learn secrets

After some time, you will start learning things you didn’t know about them, Some of them will make you feel uncomfortable. In the end, you will have to accept the reality that they had been just ordinary people, like all of us.

  • The sadness will never truly go away

Over time, the pain will decrease a bit, but it will never fully go away. You will sometimes cry as much as on the day when they left this world.

  • You will start to appreciate the importance of family

Nobody will love you so strongly and unconditionally as your parents. No matter how many times you’ve felt hurt or not understood, they were there by your side. At this point, you understand how sincere were their words when they said they only want the best for you.

The point of this article is to teach you a valuable lesson in case you are fortunate to still have your parents with you.

Don’t take time with them for granted, and use every opportunity you have to show them how much you love them and how much they mean to you.

Organize your time to be able to do things they enjoy together, visit them regularly, be in touch with them, and appreciate every moment you get to spend with them.



The Coconut Crab Kills Birds And Breaks Bones – And May Have Eaten Amelia Earhart Alive

The largest and incredibly powerful terrestrial arthropod on the planet, the coconut crab, can eat anything on its way- some scientists believe these crabs are related to the disappearance of Amelia Earhart’s remains.

The world we live in can be a strange place indeed, especially when we realize that we share our home with many unusual and scary members of animal kingdom.

Those living in North America don’t have a reason to fear them- but those who love traveling should be careful, as there is a kind of crab that Darwin once described as “monstrous’!

Coconut crabs are huge crustaceans with hard shells and massive pincers, and look like out of a horror or sci-fi movie! These crabs have a diverse diet, and can eat anything, including fruits, birds, and even larger animals!

Some experts believe that they are behind the disappearance of Amelia Earhart, too. Coconut crabs are the biggest terrestrial arthropod in the world. They can weigh up to 9 pounds and can have a leg span of up to three feet.

The massive claws on the front-most legs can break open coconuts and lift objects that weigh up to 64 pounds!

These claws are some of the most powerful weapons in the animal kingdom. While coconuts make up the majority of the diet of these crabs, they will eat anything on their way!

Fruits, birds, pigs, corpses of other crabs, and even their own exoskeleton after they shed it. Coconut crabs live throughout the Indian and Western Pacific oceans, with their largest population being situated on Christmas Island in the Indian ocean.

You can also encounter them on Seychelles, the Cook Islands, in particular Pukapuka, Suwarrow, Mangaia, Takutea, Mauke, Atiu, and smaller islands of Palmerston.

Yet, don’t let this spoil your vacations there!

Coconut crabs will only bother people when they are provoked. They are scary-looking and terrifying, but actually, they should fear humans more. In fact, we have killed them to near extinction, and it is possible that the only person they have ever killed is Earhart.

The mystery surrounding this pilot keeps scientists and historians puzzled for years. Some think she crash-landed in the Pacific ocean during her round-the-world flight and drowned. As her remains have never been found, this is the most plausible explanation.

Yet, The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) has another theory.

On July 2, 1937, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan tried to land on the Pacific Island, Howland. The group believes they landed on Nikumaroro instead, as they couldn’t find it.

According to this theory, Noonan eventually died, the plane floated off the reef, and Earhart remained the only human on the island.

Three years later, 13 bones were found on the island, and they were sent to Fiji to be examined as experts thought they belonged to Amelia’s skeleton, but they got lost on the way.

At this point, TIGHAR believes that coconut crabs have scattered the bones around, after consuming Earhart’s body after she died. They dragged her bones back to their burrows.

To test their theory, TIGHAR placed a pig carcass on the place where they believe Earhart might have been. After some time, as expected, the crabs, along with several strawberry hermit crabs, swarmed the body, and in about two weeks, they had removed most of the flesh.

After a year, the crabs had dragged some of the bones sixty feet, and they couldn’t find all of the remains.

Back in 2001, possible signs of an American castaway on the island were unearthed, including the remains of several campfires, a jackknife, a woman’s compact, a zipper pull, and glass jars.

In 2017, the forensic dogs brought to the site by TIGHAR signaled that they had found a place where someone had died. Although they didn’t find any bones yet, the group believes they will eventually find what they are looking for, and locate the place where the coconut crabs carried Earhart’s remains.



Strong Women Always Fall For Emotionally Unavailable Men

Psychologists explain why many strong women waste their time on emotionally unavailable men and here are some tips to break this pattern.

To find strength in any given moment in life, in the best and the worst, is not an easy task. Strength requires extraordinary endurance, so a strong person is flexible, adaptable, tenacious, and independent.

If you have ever met a strong woman in your life, or consider yourself one, you know perfectly what we are talking about. An impressive, unbreakable human being.

Unfortunately, these incredible women are often unhappy when it comes to love, as they are drawn to emotionally unavailable men.

Apparently, although strong women seem to have it all together from the outside, they have their own insecurities just like everyone else. They are just better at disguising them.

Psychologist Seth Meyers claims that they actually fall into a Relationship Repetition Syndrome, and they do “emotional chasing”. Namely, they chase after validation from men who will not give it to them. A strong woman will continue pursuing it from such a man, as she wants to be the one who “changed” him.

Now, let’s define emotionally unavailable men.

These guys won’t commit or settle down, and are either ones that cheat all the time, or they are already in a relationship or married. Plus, men who are interested in a woman but pretend to be with her for other reasons fall into this group as well.

In the beginning, such a man shows his interest, but after a while, they will end things with one call, or a message. These men can return from time to time, and then disappear again the next morning.

If you believe you might be an emotional chaser, here are the characteristics of these people according to Dr. Seth:

  • You usually choose partners who ultimately won’t commit and settle down or who will cheat on you
  • In your relationships, you are the one that is always more emotionally committed
  • You tend to change yourself according to the desires of your partner
  • You work hard out of the fear that your partner will leave and find someone else
  • You feel like your partner has all the control and power in the relationship
  • You feel like you got lucky, and as if your partner were more interesting or desirable than you are

If you realized you are one of these unfortunate women, don’t despair, as there are easy ways to break the cycle, and find true love. According to Dr. Seth, you need to do some introspection- think about the patterns you tend to follow in terms of relationships.

Think about the reasons for them:

  • What is the most important trait you want to find in a man?
  • What is the purpose of a relationship?
  • What have you learned from your past relationships?
  • What are the warning signs, in the form of traits, that indicate you should avoid a man?

At this point, you need to vent about everything that hurt you in the past, all things that left scars, everything that made you angry and disappointed. Open up and discuss this issue with your friends and family, and let them help you in the search for the one that will bring your smile back.

Spend more time with happy couples, talk to them, ask them about the things that keep them together, let them advise you and support you. Remember, bad habits are hard to break, but you are patient, hard-working, resilient, and willing to find love in life.

Therefore, go for it!



Can You Solve This Math Problem That Went Viral In Japan?

This Math problem went viral in China because many people found it very difficult to solve.

As the pandemic measures and restrictions have mainly locked us inside our homes, we must regularly find activities that will jog our minds. Therefore, we decided to share one math problem that went viral in China, due to the inability of people to solve it.

The human mind seems to be slowing down, as back in the 80s, 90% of the 20-year-olds in Japan managed to solve it, but several years ago, only 60% of them were successful in it.

So, we are challenging you now!

Remember, it has been a long since we did math without a calculator. So, if you try to get the correct answer by using the calculator on your smartphone, you will probably be given a wrong answer.

The reason for this is that the solution lies in the basic principles of solving equations we learned many years ago.

Do you remember the Order of Operations or the acronym BEDMAS?

  • B – brackets
  • E – exponents
  • D – division
  • M – multiplications
  • A – addition
  • S – subtraction

Now, use this principle and try again.

If you still find it difficult, let’s break it down a bit more. Complete the fraction first, which is ⅓, or essentially 1 ➗ 3. Now, continue with the BEDMAS rules.

There you go!



One Million Moms To Boycott Oreo Over Ad Campaign Showing Queer Kids With “Proud Parents”

One Million Moms has set up a petition to boycott Oreo and its parent company, due to the new ad that encourages families to take pride in their gay members

Our world changes very fast these days. What might have been stigma not so long ago, is nowadays a sign of pride or acceptable difference.

While we might not be wise enough to judge whether the direction we are heading in is right or wrong, we must accept the reality that we have already reached a point of no return.

An Oreo campaign showing queer kids and their “proud parents’ has recently sparkled hot debates.

Due to the LGBTQ+ agenda campaign, One Million Moms, a conservative advocacy group created by the American Family Association, has set up a petition to boycott Oreo and its parent company, Mondelez International.

The campaign features a new rainbow cookie and a commercial in which parents take pride in their daughter’s homosexual lifestyle after she brings her girlfriend home to them.

The advertisement is a result of the collaboration with PFLAG, and it encourages other families with gay members to express their pride, by using the hashtag #ProudParent.

One Million Moms claims that it is “pushing the LGBTQ agenda on families.”

The statement read:

“Oreo and parent company, Mondelez International, have begun airing a gay pride commercial which has absolutely nothing to do with selling cookies. Mondelez International is attempting to normalize the LGBTQ lifestyle by using their commercials, such as the most recent Oreo ad featuring a lesbian couple, to brainwash children and adults alike by desensitizing audiences.”

In case Mondelez, previously known as Nabisco, continues to support the gay agenda, One Million Moms plans to boycott all of the company’s products, which include numerous brands like Sour Patch kids, Triscuit, Chips Ahoy!, Ritz, and Wheat Thins.

One Million Moms has boycotted LGBTQ+ initiatives in the past as well, such as the gender-inclusive Mattel dolls and Hallmark’s latest gay-supportive films.

Watch the new Oreo ad below:



German Shepherd’s Eyes Water After Being Forced To Eat Spicy Food By Owner During Live-Stream

The owner of a German Shepherd filmed the moment he gave his pet spicy food, while tears stream from the dog’s eyes.

What most of us would certainly agree on is that if one has decided to own a pet, the animal has to be treated with lots of love and care. Our pets are not our marionettes, toys, or any sort of objects for fun. They are living beings that need to be treated with respect.

Therefore, animal abuse and violence, in any guise, must not be tolerated. Netizens are horrified by a new viral trend in China that involves cruel treatment of dogs, by giving them excessive amounts of food, including harmful items against their will.

The poor canines are given giant bowls of meat, snacks, candy, and peppers. One particularly disgusting video shows a German Shepherd being fed a bowl of spicy chili while tears stream from his eyes.

The dog is given what looked like a Chongqing chili chicken, or La Zi Ji, a regional dish known for its extremely spicy flavors.

Spicy foods are very dangerous for dogs, and while the smell was probably the main culprit for his eyes watering, it is unlikely that the dog felt the hot flavor, but it might have seriously damaged the digestive system.

On the video, the owner of the dog wrote:

 “He is enjoying it very much.”

Overfeeding the dogs can be extremely harmful to the pets.

Worryingly, the video is part of a harmful viral trend that opposed the new campaign launched by the Chinese government.

This campaign attempts to reduce food waste as a way to mitigate food shortages due to the pandemic and damage to the food crops caused by floods. This put an end to ordering additional dishes from restaurants, and things like Mukbang content.

According to President Xi Jinping, the amount of food that goes to waste in the country is ‘shocking and distressing’, so he advised people to order one plate less than the number of diners when eating out – dubbed the ‘N-1’ system.

He said:

“Waste is shameful and thriftiness is honorable. Who knows that of our meal in the dish, every grain comes after hard toil? We should still maintain a sense of crisis about food security. The impact of this year’s Covid-19 pandemic has sounded the alarm.”

The campaign criticized mukbangers, social media influencers who eat too much food for their audience on a live-stream, and many Chinese platforms started to blur these videos to discourage viewers.

BBC China media analyst Kerry Allen said:

“Users have started removing their eating videos manually. But even then, they risk still being shamed online as their previous videos could be saved by others.

Social-media users have leaped on the opportunity to start naming and shaming those who were once part of the niche that has overnight been rebranded as ‘wasteful’ and ‘vulgar.’”

Yet, numerous Chinese citizens dislike the ban, and as a sign of protest, social media influencers started something which might be called ‘A doggy Mukbang”, and they over-feed their dogs to generate exposure online.

Netizens are outraged to view these videos, claiming they are cruel and evil.

Since the harsh criticism that followed the posting of the video with the German Shepherd, the owner deleted the video and later claimed that he knows chilies are not healthy for dogs, but his pet ‘really enjoyed eating it’.

Let’s just hope that this sickening trend comes to an end as soon as possible.



Columbia Professor: There’s A 50% Chance We’re Living In A Simulation

David Kipping, Astronomer at Columbia University says the odds are” from a little bit better than 50-50 that we are real to almost certainly we are not real”

People have been questioning the explanations of our life, the universe, and the creator of our existence since forever.

While many live their lives by taking contemporary theories and traditions for granted, others suspect the things we are being told, and believe the truth is far from what we actually know.

The mystery of our existence puzzles numerous scientists, philosophers, researchers, physicists, and technologists since the beginning of times. Do you believe there is a possibility that we actually live in a simulation?

Back in 2003, Nick Bostrom of the University of Oxford, curated a seminal paper, aptly named ‘Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?’, which explains his own theories and ideas.

He reveals his Trilemma, as follows:

He shares his theory that simulated life cannot be done if society is already on the brink of extinction or is already extinct. There is no possibility of further technological development.

Moreover, usually, advanced civilizations are not interested in creating reality simulations. Last, but not least, he is almost certain that humans have been living in a simulation this entire time.

Think about it… Are we just players in some kind of video game?

In a conference back in 2016, Elon Musk said:

“The odds that we are in base reality is one in billions.”

David Kipping, Astronomer at Columbia University, took a hard look at Bostrom’s “trilemma and replied:

 “Musk is right if you assume [propositions] one and two of the trilemma are false. How can you assume that?”

Kipping turned the trilemma into a dilemma by collapsing the last two points into one. He explains that the first two propositions of Bostrom would yield the same outcome- that mankind is not living in a simulation.

He added:

“You just assign a prior probability to each of these models. We just assume the principle of indifference, which is the default assumption when you don’t have any data or leanings either way. Then you are only left with the simulation hypothesis. The day we invent that technology, it flips the odds from a little bit better than 50-50 that we are real to almost certainly we are not real, according to these calculations.”

Therefore, he concludes that it’s about a 50 percent chance that either hypothesis is true.

He opposed Musk’s statement, and Bostrom agrees with his analysis, adding that it “does not conflict with the simulation argument, which only asserts something about the disjunction.”

He also maintains that it is problematic that Kipping chooses to attach equal prior probabilities to the physical and simulation hypothesis:

“The invocation of the principle of indifference here is rather shaky. One could equally well invoke it over my original three alternatives, which would then give them one-third chance each. Or one could carve up the possibility of space in some other manner and get any result one wishes.”

Yet, if some kind of super computer that controls mankind did exist, it would be capable of fabricating anything into our reality, so we would never know we are actually living in a simulation.

Kipping said:

“It’s arguably not testable as to whether we live in a simulation or not. If it’s not falsifiable, then how can you claim it’s really science?”



More Women Embrace Facial Hair To Show Beards Aren’t Just Men’s Affairs

In the past few years, there has been a significant development within the body confidence movement, and many women have decided to push back against the stigma surrounding facial hair.

Beauty standards and fashion trends change over time- but there is one thing that never goes out of style-being yourself. Psychologists keep reminding us that there is one relationship that needs to be developed and nurtured all the time- the one we have with ourselves.

Therefore, being able to accept and love yourself is something that could be learned, and more people are becoming aware of its importance. Recently, women with visible facial hair have decided to raise their voices and stand up for themselves!

Throughout history, these women were seen as sideshow attractions. Society has taught the masses that all women are hairless and smooth, but in reality, female body hair is very common, as around 40% of women grow facial hair.

Yet, the stigma surrounding this issue has numerous negative consequences, and one survey of 1,000 women showed that 30 % of women with unwanted facial hair suffer from clinical depression.

Moreover, 25 percent of them believe it has held them back from a promotion, and over 40% of them claim that it has affected their ability to form relationships. As a result of this, an increasing number of women are struggling to push back against this stigma, by embracing the hair that grows naturally on their bodies.

Harnaam Kaur: The Bearded Lady

If you haven’t already, meet Harnaam Kaur, a model, Instagram celebrity, and life coach. This 27-year-old girl suffers from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and one of her symptoms is known as hirsutism, which causes excessive facial hair growth.

Back in school, Harnaam was bullied by other kids. Nowadays, she is a successful young woman, and the first bearded woman to walk in London Fashion Week in March 2016.

She was also featured in the Guinness Book of Records for being the youngest woman to have a full-grown beard.


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Scars show that we went through something hard and we survived! They add to our story- they add value! But that doesn’t mean we need to go through pain in order to have a successful life. We all deserve a love that doesn’t involve being broken and abused first! God knows I struggle, I struggle so damn hard. I am tired of going through everyday pain that this world throws at me and convincing myself that it’s all a lesson- we all deserve a break sometimes! This world will make you want to change, it will make you feel like you’re not enough. Not good enough, not skinny enough, not pretty enough, not tall enough, not fair enough, not handsome enough….aahhhh I can go on! Your power comes from within, it comes from the whole damn human that you are! It comes from the light that resides within, and it comes from you standing up and owning who you truly are- fuck the world! I’ve been facing my demons recently and now they just bloody chill with me 😂 📸 @djqueene 💄 @nadia_persian

A post shared by Harnaam Kaur (@harnaamkaur) on

She is open and proud about her life. She has become a spokesperson and representative for the “Eff Your Beauty Standards” campaign, which advocates greater acceptance of diverse body types, launched by plus-sized model Tess Holliday.

Harnaam says:

“My diverse body has shaped me as a person. Most importantly, with or without my beard, I am still powerful. I love my body and the way that she has formed, now I am here to help show others that they can love and cherish their bodies too.”

Yet, she also explains that the stigma around female facial hair is being affected by the media industry, advertising, and porn. She adds that we will consider right the thing that we continuously see.

Plus, the more this image differs from us, the more we will try to change ourselves.

She says that things have started to change in the last few years:

“I believe that more and more women are beginning to realize and understand their worth. There has been such a great development within the body confidence movement which is allowing women to become more and more confident and comfortable within their own body; and so they should.”

Harnaam adds that she will never shame one body against another, as everyone should feel included in society.

She also adds that living with facial hair can be very hard due to the imposed beauty standards, so one has to be mentally strong to embrace it and be proud of their true self.

Harnaam concludes:

“I am pro-choice. The issue comes when one body shape and size is being put on a pedestal and is being portrayed as the norm. I would personally never force anyone to keep or remove anything in their body. I live by one rule ‘my body my rules’ and I hope everyone does too.”


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Thanks to @audreygelman @the.wing and #nomansland for having me in their first issue. Photos by @amy_li

A post shared by JD Samson (@jd_samson) on

Harnaam is not the only woman who has decided to speak out and challenge societal expectations.

Sophia Hadjipanteli and Scarlett Costello also support the #unibrowmovement, and Nova Galaxia, Shelly Riner, Little Bear Schwarz, J.D. Samson, and Femina Flower all sport facial and body hair proudly.


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Lol can someone update me on what fashion is going to do this season in September 😅😰😷

A post shared by Sophia ☠️🧿 (@sophiahadjipanteli) on

Nova Galaxia wrote:

“Women shouldn’t have to shave if they choose not to, but what about those of us who have way more hair than what is considered socially acceptable? What about us women with dark, thick tummy and chest hair? What about us women who are fully capable of growing a big, bushy beard?”

Hirsutism affects between 5 and 10% of women. The hair in women with this condition grows coarse and dark, and usually appears on the face, back, and chest.

In some cases, it is a result of a process called virilization, which is also characterized by balding, acne, deepening voice, increased muscle mass, reduced breast size, and enlargement of the clitoris.


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The way he looks at me 😍 The universe just knew I needed you @king.kai.singh 🤩 Our relationship is so toxic. I love him, but I hate being around him hahaha sounds like a crazy marriage if you ask me! This boy does my head in! Who knew that raising a dog would be this hard? I am exhausted. I feel like I haven’t slept properly in years. I wake and walk like a zombie. The hardest thing is that I feel like I don’t have time for myself and self care anymore. Taking care of myself was a big part of my life, it’s how I kept sane in this bastard world – I used to dedicate one day a week to just do me and all the things that made me happy. Since having Kai home, I feel like I’ve given a lot of myself to him mentally and emotionally. I love him a lot, and he’s come into a household that adores him, but his biting is out of control. I’ve done everything possible to try and stop him. I’m not looking for suggestions because I promise you I’ve probably already tried them. I spent hours doing my research and implemented many techniques into his training. I was speaking to my neighbour today and she laughed when I told her that people have been telling me to ‘just tell him NO!’ because even she knows it’s beyond that now. He’s a very confident dog- I love that about him! He’s a very dominant dog – He better soon realise that I own his ass and I’m the pack leader. As annoying as he is, his puppy face makes me melt. I mean look at them eyes. He loves going for walks, he enjoys meeting new people, I’ve seen improvement in him when I voice certain commands, and his forever wagging tail shows me that he’s just a happy puppy! All these scars, wounds and marks will be worth it dear boy! One day, some day!

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Yet, the main cause of hirsutism remains hyperandrogenism, which is when a woman has excessive levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) accounts for three out of every four cases of hirsutism. This is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age and leads to prolonged menstrual periods or excess levels of male hormones.

It can also be a result of obesity, the use of certain medications, and diseases of the ovaries, adrenal glands, or the pituitary gland.
