
Mom Dragged For Using Play-Doh To Demonstrate C-Section Surgery To Son

Mom demonstrates C-section surgery to her 4-year-old son using Play-Doh, and the video sparked a fierce debate online.

As a parent, I can tell you that you never know if you are good enough in showing your kids all the wonders of this world. Do I rush things? Am I being too slow? What if I don’t challenge them enough? What is the best way to encourage their development?

However, things are much easier when you teach them things you are an expert in! When one doctor decided to show her kid how to deliver a baby using Play-Doh for his 4th birthday, she sparked a fierce debate online!

The tag to the video that went viral and currently has garnered over 4.4M views, reads:

“Cesarean #playdoughsurgery pregnant woman for my kid’s 4th birthday.”

Dr.Jessica So, a board-certified dermatologist, popular as @thebreakfasteuron on the internet, recorded a how-to clip to demonstrate a C-section surgery, and since she posted it, she is under fire.

She regularly creates Play-Doh-based YouTube tutorials for her surgery-loving son. In this video, she supervises the boy who slices into the realistic Play-Doh belly with a knife.

The California mom warns him that “it’s going to be wet,” and then he siphons out the “amniotic fluid.” The surgery is performed with lifelike precision using plastic instruments, and she describes the procedure using medical terminology.

In the end, the boy successfully extracts “the baby” — a Spiderman toy — and a balloon placenta, and an applause effect is heard in the background.

So said that the video was partially meant to be a tribute to the medical staff that helped deliver her son.

She said:

“Our little guy just had a birthday (the big 4!), and we reminisced about the eventful, unexpected day he arrived and the flurry of amazing people involved with getting him here safely.”

Yet, many Tweeter users disliked the entire idea.

One critic wrote:

“There is no way to repair this disembodied abdomen, which is part of a human woman. Too much emphasis on the baby. I don’t find it cute, it’s actually a bit frightening.”

Another added:

 “I consider myself a very progressive parent & embrace age-appropriate learning for all topics, but this is just plain unnecessary & quite frankly a little disturbing.”

One social-media medical expert expressed his concern that the boy might even end up slicing his friends’ tummies in the future!

Yet, many others found the video educational, praise her creativity, and believe that it will surely encourage his curiosity.

One fan of it commented:

“Holy COW this is amazing!! What a smart kid, too!!”

Another user added:

 “I learnt more ab birthing a child from this video than I ever did in catholic school.”

One even joked that he finally understood Spiderman’s “real” origin story!

Yet, So is well known for her videos on her YouTube channel, where she has almost 5,000 subscribers. She often shares videos of clay-based tutorials on everything, from kidney transplants to cleft palate repair.

Since their first surgical case in June, So’s so has become so interested, that he claims he wants to become a surgeon.

So said:

“I feel that children are able to understand much more than we give them credit for. And you really don’t find out until you try.

He’s always had so many questions about how the body works and it’s such a fun way for us to connect. Every day he asks if we can do a Play-Doh surgery.”

What about you? Did you find the video impressive or weird?



World’s Largest Fully-Autonomous Drone Unveiled

A US startup has launched a fully-autonomous drone, named the Ravn X, that could launch satellites into orbit every 180 minutes!

Technology advances fast, and it changes the entire world accordingly. By focusing on autonomy and improved logistics, one US-based startup is ‘completely reimagining access to space’!

According to Aevum, the developers of the first satellite- launching drone in the world, their innovation will be able to carry a new payload into orbit every 180 minutes!

Aevum claims that the enormous 80ft long drone, named the Ravn X, is fully autonomous, 70 percent reusable, and can take off and land on tracks as short as a mile long!

The firm works in a partnership with the US Space Force. The drone can take off from any runway to get to high altitude where it establishes a second stage that takes a small cargo the rest of the way to space.

It completes the task of launching the second stage rocket into low Earth orbit, and then returns to its home runway, lands, and then parks up in the hangar. The US Space Force ASLON-45 small satellite launch mission in 2021 is expected to be the first launch of a satellite using the Ravn X.

  • According to Aevum, the huge drone, named the Ravn X, is fully autonomous, 70 percent reusable, and can take off and land on runways as short as a mile long

  • The drone is 60ft across from wing tip to wing tip, 80ft long from front to back and 18ft high

Alabama-based Aevum explains that their creation will remove the need to risk human lives, as with the help of this technology, satellites could be sent into orbit without a pilot, launchpad, or massive rocket.

The drone is about 80ft long and can entirely autonomously carry satellites up to 500kg in weight, with no costly infrastructure.

It’s not the largest unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) by size, but it wins on mass, weighing 55,000 pounds including the rocket that will drop out of its belly in midair and shoot a satellite into space.

Developers and military indications show that the drone launch vehicle could help scientists to put sensors into orbit swiftly and inexpensively, to perform specific experiments.

Jay Skylus, founder and CEO of Aevum says:

“We are pushing logistics to the next generation with software and automation technologies.”

Mr. Skylus, a trained physicist who founded the company in 2016 after working at NASA and many commercial space companies, went on to explain that military and US officials have stated there is a ‘critical need’ for exceptionally fast access to low Earth orbit, so they started designing a system ‘faster than anybody’.

  • The drone can take off from any runway, reaches a high altitude, deploys a second stage, ad then returns to Earth

‘Through our autonomous technologies, Aevum will shorten the lead time of launches from years to months, and when our customers demand it, minutes. This is necessary to improve lives on Earth. This is necessary to save lives.’

The firm added that the creation of a drone with the capacity to take off, launch a rocket, and land by itself requires a global system of self-operating intelligent systems:

“The autonomous launch architecture optimizes every launch, taking into account variables including weather conditions, air traffic, orbital destination, payload weight, ground crew schedules, and other complex logistics processes.”

Aevum claims that if such a need arises, it could get a new satellite into low Earth orbit every 180 minutes, and do that 24 hours a day.

Phil Smith, an expert in space technology for Bryce Space and Technology consultants, says they were entering a market that is quite packed. Namely, he claims that more than 100 small launch vehicles are being developed around the world – including other high altitude launches like Virgin Orbit. He added that “there isn’t room for more than perhaps three to five or so.”

Yet, the difference between this one and others is that Aevum is a fully autonomous system, that needs no pilots or expensive launch pads to reach low Earth orbit.

The goal is to possess a fleet of fully autonomous Ravn X vehicles ready to take off immediately after notice. This could be helpful in military operations, search and rescue or even to provide communication satellites for large-scale events.

  • The first stage of the launch drone is fully reusable, the second stage takes the payload into space, and the third stage deploys it into a specific pre-selected orbit

  • The drone is about 80ft long and can carry satellites weighing up to 500kg fully autonomously

Skylus said:

“Ravn X is the only small launch vehicle that has been built from the ground up as reusable – 70 percent reusable out of the gate, it will be up to 95 percent reusable in the near future. After making its delivery to low Earth orbit, the UAS simply returns to Earth, autonomously landing safely on a runway and parking itself in the hangar.”

Making systems more reusable is the best way to lower the cost. As the market is packed, the cheapest and fastest solutions have the highest chances to succeed.

  • It is expected that the first launch of a satellite using the Ravn X will be the US Space Force ASLON-45 small satellite launch mission in 2021

It has been reported that sending a payload to orbit with Aevum would be very cheap, a ‘few thousand dollars per kilogram’ – which is an equal price to SpaceX.

Nevertheless, they say that researchers and customers would have more control over the schedule and exactly where in orbit their payload is deployed, in comparison to a big carrier such as SpaceX who fly dozens of satellites in one trip.

Aevum and US Space Force are working as partners, and US Space Force have enlisted themselves as the first customer and will work with the firm to launch satellites soon.

  • Jay Skylus, founder and CEO of Aevum (pictured): ‘We are pushing logistics to the next generation with software and automation technologies.’

Lt. Col. Ryan Rose, Chief of the Space and Missile Systems Center’s Small Launch and Targets Division at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque, New Mexico, stated:

“I’m excited to see the bold innovation and responsiveness in development today by our small launch industry partners to support emerging warfighter needs.

The US Space Force is proactively partnering with industry to support U.S. space superiority objectives. Having a robust U.S. industry providing responsive launch capability is key to ensuring the U.S. Space Force can respond to future threats.”

Mr. Skylus added that their software has automated much of the necessary launch paperwork and the startup only needs 10 percent of the staff normally needed for a rocket launch.

He said:

“What we’re proving is agility, flexibility, responsiveness, and operational efficiency.”



A Blind Orangutan Mother Was Found With 74 Air Gun Pellets In Her Body At A Palm Oil Plantation

Last year, rescuers found a blind orangutan mom in a horrible state, together with her malnourished baby. The tragic case emphasized the devastating effects of deforestation due to the high demand for palm oil.

The high demand for palm oil, due to its low price and versatility, has major effects on our eco-system.

It is biofuel, but has been and continues to be the main driver of deforestation of some of the most biodiverse forests in the world, destroying the habitat of numerous endemic and endangered species like the orangutan, pygmy elephant, and Sumatran rhino.

Following numerous others, one event has pointed out these devastating effects of the palm oil plantations on the environment once more.

Back in March 2019, rescuers found an injured Sumatran Orangutan was her malnourished baby at a palm oil plantation located in the Subulussalam district of Aceh province, situated on the island of Sumatra.

The mother was in terrible condition, wounded, blinded, and with a lot of broken bones.

The team immediately took them to a quarantine center, but tragically, the young orangutan, who was found in “serious traumatic and malnourished conditions,” died on the way.

When they saw the mother orangutan, veterinarians were shocked.

The information center stated:

“This orangutan, that we named Hope after thousand hopes for her future, is one of the most tragic orangutans that we ever come across.”

The X-rays have shown that she has about 74 air rifle pellets in the body, many of them in the eyes and thus blinded her. Her collar bones and many others were also broken. She had wounds from a sharp object on the right arm.

The information center added:

“Sincerely speaking, we were very shocked by finding the result. 74 air rifle bullets, damaged eyes, fractured bones, sharp tool wound and not to mention a deep traumatic condition, yet she doesn’t give up.”

The Sumatran Orangutan Conservation Programme (SOCP) then explained that the orangutan was recovering after many surgeries, but losing her baby while she was still breastfeeding has had a major mental effect on her.

Yenny Saraswati, a veterinarian, said:

“Hopefully Hope can pass this critical period, but she cannot be released to the wild anymore.”

They added:

“We know she will be able to get through all of this, as she is one true fighter.”

Orangutans face numerous challenged and hardships in both, Sumatra and Borneo. The orangutan conservation program explains that people use air guns to kill or shoot orangutans or other animals to ward them off.

In the last decade, the vets have treated over 10 orangutans, extracting about 500 air gun pellets from their bodies. According to the IUCN Red List, there are only 13,500 Sumatran orangutans left in the wild.

The main reasons for the dramatic fall of their population are habitat loss and human intervention.

However, such tragic events should remind us that it is high time to stop these malpractices and conserve these endangered animals. There is always a way. Saving their lives is the least we can do for them.



Bodybuilder Who Fell In Love With A Doll Marries Her | She Has A ” Tender Soul Inside & Loves Georgian Cuisine”

Yuri Tolochko, a bodybuilder from Kazakhstan, married Margo the doll, who he claims is the love of his life.

People should be allowed to love whoever they choose, isn’t this right? It sounds absolutely okay not to let others define love for you. Just love, as this world needs more people who love each other.

But what comes after human love is replaced with life-like objects? Technology advances at an extremely fast pace, changing the ways we communicate and interact, and easing our everyday life.

Yet, the story of a bodybuilder and actor, Yuri Tolochko from Kazakhstan, and the love of his life, Margo, the doll, is beyond the understanding of many.

In today’s world, people fell in love over features, qualities, and so many things, but this man fell in love with a doll.

Yuri says he had met Margo in a bar, while she was sitting in another man’s hands. Yuri claimed that he saved her and since then, they’ve been inseparable. They started a relationship and soon, they decided to get married.

Nevertheless, Yuri thinks that Margo had self-esteem issues after they have revealed their relationship to the public, and the love of his life “began to develop a complex”.

He said:

 “When I presented her photo to the world, there was a lot of criticism and she began to develop a complex so we decided to have plastic surgery. She has changed a lot. At first, it was hard to accept but I got used to it later on. It was at a real clinic with real doctors.”

The couple gladly shares their relationship with the world and posts pictures on their profiles. They regularly go on dates, spend some quality time together and with friends, and go on vacations.

The unusual pair even received an invitation from Comedy Club, a Russian TV show, to talk about their relationship. Regardless of the name of the show, Yuri’s followers take their love seriously.

The couple dated for eight months when they decided to take their relationship to the next level. Yuri sees Margo as a human being, and he said they even argue as usual couples do.

He revealed that “she swears but there is tender soul inside”, loves Georgian cuisine, and enjoys eating khinkali. The bodybuilder even found Margo a job as a waitress!

Yuri defines himself as “pansexual”, meaning he can fall in love with, “a soul, an image, a character, or a person.”

He said:

“ I like the process of sex itself. And gender, sexual orientation is not particularly important here.”

The love story of the couple keeps shaking the Internet. While many doubt it, others claim that people like Yuri are unable to create an intimate relationship with an actual human being, and should see a psychologist.

According to Psychology Today, agalmatophilia is “a sexual paraphilia in which individuals derive sexual arousal from an attraction to (usually nude) statues, dolls, mannequins and/or other similar body shaped objects”.

However, Yuri has never doubted his love for Margo. They had originally planned their wedding ceremony for March 2020, but it was postponed because of the COVID pandemic.

At the time, Yuri wrote an Instagram post:

“Dear friends, our wedding has been postponed due to self-isolation. As soon as the mandatory quarantine is lifted, we will plan the wedding within a few days.”

After a while, he got into a fight and had his nose broken. After recovering from the injury, they organized their wedding in November. The strange couple tied the knot in the presence of friends and family in a romantic wedding ceremony.

Yuri wore a black tuxedo, standing proudly next to his bride, dressed in a plunging white lace gown. They even posed for photos and spent a lovely evening of drinking and dancing.

Congrats..I guess.

What do you think? Any comments?



Waitress Who Was Denied Customer’s $2,000 Tip Has Money Paid By Boss

After being inundated with abuse, the restaurant boss decided to pay the waitress the money she was previously given as a tip.

Media can have a strong influence and shape the way we perceive events and people in our society. Their power has been proved a million times before. This time, after sharing her story with a local news network, one woman corrected the injustice she experienced.

After being publicly criticized, the boss of a Texas waitress gave her the money from the$2000 tip she previously failed to receive.

Namely, Emily Bauer, 21, was working at Red Hook Seafood and Bar in San Antonio, when she was given the huge tip from an unidentified male customer. However, at the end of the shift, her bosses denied to give her the money, claiming that they could not process tip amounts larger than $500.

The mom-of-two then told her story to a local news network, and since then, the restaurant has been severely criticized by the public.

However, the establishment’s owner, John Cheng, had a different theory of the story. He said that the customer’s card had declined, so he couldn’t pass the $2000 gratuity on to Bauer.

Yet, several days later, he decided to resolve the issue and pay the woman $2000 out of his own pocket.

He said:

‘It’s Christmas time, and everybody is struggling.  ready to give it to her as a Christmas gift.’

  • Even though she was previously denied to get the money, after days of criticism, Texas waitress Emily Bauer has been given $2000 by her employer

  • The mom-of-two was shocked when she received the check. Apart from the tip, the mysterious man also left a sweet message wishing Bauer a merry Christmas

  • The incident occurred at the at Red Hook Seafood and Bar in San Antonio (pictured)

  • Restaurant owner John Cheng claims he has decided to pay Bauer $2000 of his own money as a ‘Christmas gift’

Restaurant management explained they have been inundated by abuse, as people believed they have stiffed Bauer out of the money on purpose. One employee said that they had ‘zero customers’ all day due to the entire thing.

Therefore, the restaurant management decided to write a Facebook post and prove that the $2000 gratuity never went through on their system.

It read:

‘Let me say the gentleman’s card would not let us post [process] the tip.

We tried multiple times, Emily tried, managers tried… Visa could not force a $2000 tip on his card, it was invalid then later declined. We cannot charge a card $500 four times it’s impossible and it’s a fraud.’

They added that the man who had left the tip called to check if the waitress received the money:

‘The Gentleman called after he left that evening asking if Emily would be able to receive her tip he was told by management that the tip would NOT process and if he could come by & pay her in cash or a check written out to her he said ‘ok’ then hung up quickly.’

Emily later said:

“The fact that the owner of my job is willing to give it to me, even though it wasn’t his mess-up, I can’t thank him enough for that.”

  • In a Facebook Post, the restaurant management claims the man’s credit card declined the $2000 tip

The identity of the generous man remains a mystery, so it now seems to many that he had played a prank by writing the enormous sum on the bill.

Over the weekend, he left the once-in-a-lifetime tip after Emily kept apologizing for the service “being slow.” She explained that he understood her, as he has owned restaurants.

Yet, she was shocked to see the $2,000 tip on top of a $69.01 bill, along with the note:

 “Merry Christmas! Keep working hard!”

As her boyfriend got laid off due to the COVID-19 pandemic, she said that she wanted to spend all the money on Christmas presents for her two sons, a 2-year-old and a 5-month-old, and added:

“We had such a rough year. I was praying for something like that happening.”



Hero Locals Rescue Three Elephants Helplessly Trapped In Muddy Swamp Using Diggers

Three elephants got stuck in a muddy swamp in India- locals rescued them by using diggers to claw out the mud.

Treating animals with whom we share our planet with love, care, and respect is the least we can do for them. Ensuring animal welfare is a human responsibility, but sadly, not everyone is aware of this.

Yet, images that show locals while helping a group of elephants stuck inside a deep swampy pond will restore your faith in humanity!

Three elephants got stuck in the pond in Lakhipur of Goalpara, northeastern India, and the locals were quick to gather around the water and help. The elephants can be seen standing in the watery mud which nearly covers their entire bodies and writhing around.

  • Three elephants got stuck in a swampy pond in Lakhipur of Goalpara, northeastern India

  • Locals used diggers to create a slope for them to walk up and thus rescued them

They are struggling to get away from the mud, but the depth of the steep-edged pit and their enormous size makes them unable to do so.

Therefore, two diggers are starting to dig out walls and create a slope in the pond, so the trapped animals could climb out.

The pit where the elephants got stuck had been previously dug out for the needs of the local electricity department. Unfortunately, it caused huge stress to the elephants.

  • Onlookers were delighted to see the poor animals emerge out of the water to safety

Onlookers watched the rescue mission all the time, and in the end, the three animals were successfully saved. Locals cheered as the poor elephants emerged out of the water and were again free to return to the wild.



A Mom Is Outraged After Finding Padded Bras Being Sold For Young Girls

While shopping, one mother noticed padded bras on the racks in the girls’ section. Enraged, she shares photos of her find on Facebook, and a fierce debate ensued.

Times are changing rapidly, but do we know the exact speed of these shifts? Many parents publicly speak about their disapproval of the fast-changing era, fearing that many of these “revolutions” can have a dramatic and devastating effect on new generations.

The find of one mother has sparked a fierce debate online.

In August 2018, Illinois mom Angela Fellars went shopping at Nordstrom, when she noticed something strange- Padded bras in the girls’ section. She took photos, and quickly posted them on Facebook, pointing out her rage against the product.

She captioned the post as follows:

 “These are padded bras for SIX-YEAR-OLDS — WTAF, Nordstrom & Calvin Klein?”

She then commented:

“Rare F-bomb drop on a public FB post. But it’s warranted.”

Her post has brought up a massive debate online, with people commenting whether the bras are appropriate for young girls, or not.

Angry and confused, she asked netizens whether it is normal to sell bras, labeled 6-6x, when little girls at that age do not even need the padding at all.

Her sentiment was shared by many parents, who spoke about their concerns over the over-sexualization of children and dressing them like mini-adults.

Jody Nerhood Edwards commented:

“This is MeToo era and no swimsuits in Miss America … but padded bras 4 6ers?”

Michelle King added:

“I’m confused. Why would a six-year-old need a bra. Maybe they’re mislabeled?”

However, while many claim that the label 6-6x stands for the age of the children (6 years old), others believe that it is a size and doesn’t actually correspond to age at all.

Some explained that girls are hitting puberty earlier and earlier these days, which is not far from the truth. Nowadays, girls are starting puberty as early as eight years old now and getting their periods around 13.

Other parents said that they actually liked the pads, as they didn’t want their daughters’ nipples showing through the fabric at the beginning of their adolescence period.

One user wrote about her daughter:

“Ana only got bras because her nipples would show through the shirt materials she liked. And then they would still poke out with the simple bras. So the little pad was needed or she was really self-conscious.”

User Ashley Smith had a different explanation:

“So, some of these are being used as sports bras for dance studios (they wear shorts and a sports bra only) so I buy the padded / lines ones for my little vs the thin ones.”

One mother wrote that the entire fuss about it is ridiculous:

“Having 2 daughters there’s nothing wrong with this. It isn’t a padded bra for adding size or a lift. It isn’t even underwire. It’s for comfort and discretion. Geez lady, get a grip.”

Many users commented that the bra’s padding is removable, so they can simply take it out. At the end of the day, every parent chooses the best for their children. Eventually, all girls will start wearing a bra.

What we strongly advise parents is to explain to their daughters the reasons behind wearing a bra, and the different types of bras.

Don’t judge other parents, but make the decision that feels right for you and your daughter. If she wants to wear a bra, find out the reason for it.

Don’t speak badly of those who allow their kids to wear bras, especially not in front of your children, in order not to teach them the thing you are trying to avoid, the over-sexualization of the female body.



Trove Of Ancient Arrows Dating Back 6,000 Years Is Discovered On Norwegian Mountain

Researchers have discovered a collection of nearly 70 arrows preserved by ice on a Norwegian mountain slope.

The Earth is a treasure trove, waiting for us to investigate it, discover, come up with conclusions, and learn. Recently, researchers have found a collection of ancient artifacts in a Norwegian ice patch, which has melted due to climate change.

They have discovered nearly 70 arrow shafts, shoes, textiles, and reindeer bones on a mountainside in Jotunheimen, about 240 miles from Oslo. Radiocarbon dating has shown that the oldest arrows date from around 4100 BC, and the most recent from 1300 AD.

These findings indicate that the area was once a popular site for reindeer hunting.

At the same time, the different amounts of weathering on the objects, as well as their seemingly random order, confront the conventional belief that ice patches are like photographs, sealing things in place and time as they were deposited.

  • Researchers have found 68 arrows in a Norwegian ice patch. This one is a 1,300-year-old arrow discovered at Langfonne.

The team discovered 68 arrows in all, and some of them still had the arrowheads attached. The material of the heads varied, including iron, slate, quartzite, mussel shell, and even bone.

Some of them had the twine and tar used to affix them to a wooden shaft still attached. Most arrows dated to 700 through 750 AD, but some of the oldest were around six millennia old!

  • A 4,000-year-old arrowhead made from quartzite.

  • A 4,000-year-old arrow shaft. Radiocarbon dating showed that the oldest arrows are from around 4100 BC

  • An aerial photo of Langfonne’s three separate main ice patches.

Archaeologist Lars Holger Pilø, now a researcher at the Innlandet County Council Cultural Heritage Department and a co-author of the new study, said:

“This is earlier than finds from any other ice site in Northern Europe, about 800 years earlier than Ötzi,’ the 5,100-year-old ice mummy found in the Tyrolean Alps in 1991.”

Researchers also found a well-preserved shoe over 3,000 years old, as well as fabric, which, according to Pilø, may have been used to package meat.

The Langfonne ice patch was first uncovered in 2006 when hiker Reidar Marstein found a leather shoe from the early Bronze Age there and reported it to Pilø.

Experts then thought that new layers of snow added to a patch, with older layers near the core and newer layers closer to the surface.

Pilø said:

‘The idea was, ice is like a time machine. Anything that lands on it stays there and is protected.’

  • The Langfonne ice patch was first discovered in 2006

  • Arrows found at Langfonne-the nock end of an arrow and a partially preserved arrow shaft in four fragments

However, further research has discovered that the ice melted and re-froze many times over the millennia, and during this time, it shifted the arrows around from their original locations.

Therefore, older artifacts should have been in the same condition as newer ones, in case the patch acted as a time machine.

However, the Neolithic arrows were broken and heavily weathered, meaning that they had been exposed to the elements at various times.

  • Archaeologists taking samples and artifacts from Langfonne.

It was reported that the 14th-century arrows ‘looked as though they were shot just yesterday’, which ‘ led to a suspicion that something had happened to them while inside the ice.’

  • Langfonne ice patch, from the top of the mountain

Pilø explains that it is not easy to obtain information about the people who used these artifacts, as apart from the role as a preserver, the ice can be ‘ a destroyer of history’ at the same time.

However, as Langfonne, now split into three smaller patches, continues to thaw, researchers might find out more on the subject.

Montana State Parks archaeologist Rachel Reckin, who was not part of the research team, says:

“Time is of the essence, and we’re trying to be good scientists while doing the best we can with the data we have. Every piece of this puzzle that helps us understand the complexity of these processes is really helpful.”

Pilø explained that in the last two decades, Langfonne has retreated dramatically, and this is visible in the landscape.

It is currently less than 30 percent of the size it was 20 years ago, and only 10 percent of what it was at its height, he said, during the ‘Little Ice Age’, between the 15th and 20th century.



Adorable Puppy Sneaks Up On A Firefighter And Surprises Him With A Kiss During Training

Footage shows an adorable scene when a young puppy gives a firefighter a surprise kiss during his training

Dogs are the best, and I can list at least a million reasons for it! However, nothing compares to their warm hugs and wet kisses when we need them the most!

One firefighter received one of these kisses while training and the adorable scene was caught on video!

The heart-warming clip of the puppy kissing the firefighter while he is working out during a training session is recorded in the Chinese city of Chengdu.

It shows the officer in his uniform crawling on the ground on all fours as the puppy is running around him.

The dog initially jumps up and down next to the man, and all of the sudden, it gets to the firefighter’s face and gives him a surprise kiss, before it leaves cheerfully.

  • Before the surprise kiss, the sweet pup jumps around the firefighter

On November 26, the video of the scene, which took place at a fire brigade in Chengdu, Sichuan Province in south-western China, was shared on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter.

It is not known whether the playful puppy is training to become a service dog or not, but the short footage has touched many hearts.

  • The adorable footage has melted many hearts after it was shared on Weibo, the Chinese equivalent to Twitter

One fan wrote on Weibo:

 ‘So cute. The pup turned around and ran away proudly after a successful sneak attack.’

Another person pointed out: ‘(The puppy) was so happy!’

A third user asked: ‘Are they planning to train it into a rescue dog?’

This video comes after another one, which showed one service dog that became famous for participating in a tandem skydive with its handler, as part of its preparations to become a paratrooper.


Animals Life

Another 45 Puppies Rescued From China’s Meat Trade Arrive In The US

Two days in a row, an American charity saves puppies from the illegal dog meat trade in China and transports them to New York, to meet their new families.

As many as 30 million dogs a year suffer from the dog meat trade across Asia, so ending this cruel business is extremely challenging and requires a genuine understanding of the situation on the ground and a multi-layered strategy.

An American charity has been operating “boots on the ground” there and has been saving dogs from the illegal dog meat trade in China for four years now.

No Dogs Left Behind works hands-on with local activists through emergency response, pulling dogs directly from slaughterhouses, dog meat trucks, wet markets, and traffickers.

A week ago, they rescued 34 puppies and flew them to New York to meet their new owners. The next day, the second shipment of dogs arrived at JFK Airport. The air was filled with joy for the survivors from China’s meat trade!

No Dogs Left Behind, a charity founded four years ago, has a shelter in Beijing, and it has been on a quest to rescue dogs from China’s meat trade and find people in the US who will adopt them.

The 34 dogs from the first shipment were introduced to their new owners at the airport on Friday evening, and on Saturday afternoon, an additional 45 dogs arrived at JFK, flying with Air China.

  • No Dogs Left Behind goes on with its work- rescuing puppies from China and transporting them to the United States

  • Floyd seems happy with his owner, Instagram user ‘avonjunkies’

  • Tiger is another dog that got a chance for a new life in the U.S.

  • Tiger enjoys the meeting with his new adopted family

  • Excited for a car ride in the fresh air towards a new home

The families waited for their new puppies at the airport, and some of them have arranged the adoption from China months before.

Instagram user ‘avonjunkies’ posted about the arrival of his new pet, called Floyd, and said he was ‘eternally grateful’ to No Dogs Left Behind because they made it happen.

Another one, ‘dancehalllovenyc,’ posted on their Instagram Story, ‘Tiger getting ready to go home’ and put three heart emojis and a picture of Tiger getting into its carrier.

It was reported that several dogs have sadly died before they could get on the plane to the United States. No Dogs Left Behind is investigating the matter, as they didn’t get any explanation about the cause of their deaths.

  • Excited to meet the new family!

  • No Dogs Left Behind brought 45 new dogs over to the United States on Saturday afternoon

  • The day before, the charity brought 34 dogs from Beijing to New York

  • They plan to bring another 135 dogs to the United States in 2021

No Dogs Left Behind continues the work and plans to bring a total of 135 dogs to the United States soon.

Jessica Bush posted a video and photo of one of the adoptions on Facebook, writing:

 ‘What a day! Met the new adopted member of our family Lola from No Dogs Left Behind at JFK today, as they came in from China. Thank you, Jeffrey Beri, and your wonderfully compassionate team. Lola is adapting very quickly! We love her. Carly Weinstein so very happy!’

  • No Dogs Left Behind activists confront meat traffickers in China

  • They threaten the authorities and thus manage to rescue the dogs

  • Lola found a happy home after being rescued. Carly Weinstein with her new pet

The founder of No Dogs Left Behind, the 56-year-old Jeff Beri, and his team, have saved thousands of dogs. They have to use various tactics to save the pups from certain death. They often have to use drones to track the meat sellers.

Beri said:

“This by far is the largest transport that we have done. 

These dogs… are my heroes, the adopters are my heroes who’ve waited for their dogs for almost a year now, and every dog that walks the streets is an ambassador for the cruelty-free movement that we’re fighting for.

Dead, on the plate, skinned alive, boiled alive, blowtorched, beaten to death. Doesn’t matter whether it’s a poodle, whether or not it’s a German Shepherd, a Golden Retriever, a mutt, doesn’t matter if it’s a Chinese dog, they don’t care.”

The activists usually confront the illegal traffickers directly and threaten to turn them into the Chinese authorities where they could face heavy penalties.

Beri explains:

“The fines exceed the cost of the meat, which is why they turn them over.”

The mission of the charity “extends beyond borders worldwide, advocating for the creation and enforcement of animal welfare laws, and raising awareness for a cruelty-free, sustainable world in which no animal is violated, exploited, tortured or slaughtered for commercial goods or profit.”

Great job, No Dogs Left Behind!

People like you make a change in this world!
