General Health Life

Convenient Or Risky? First Implanted Microchips Promise The Public To “Make Their Life Easier”

The future is here, folks. 

No matter how creative you might consider yourself, technology advancements seem to be much faster than your mind- everything that was once believed to be pure fiction, a perfect idea for a sci-fi movie, is already happening somewhere in the world.

Think about it- robots were a fascinating phenomenon just a few decades ago- and now, people are losing their jobs due to machines designed to perform their tasks in a more efficient ( and less expensive) way.

Believe it or not, thousands of people live with implanted microchips already!

Yup, someone with a microchip in their hands might have walked past you, without you even noticing it!

According to proponents of these devices, they ease life. Yet, many others question the safety and security of microchips.

Implanted microchips are increasingly popular in Sweden. They have been around there since2014, and people use them to enter their homes, offices, and gyms, as tickets, to take the train, to store emergency contact details, and for social media profiles.

Jowan Osterlund, former professional body piercer and founder of microchipping company Biohax International, agrees that the implanted microchips make people’s lives easier:

 “Having different cards and tokens verifying your identity to a bunch of different systems just doesn’t make sense. Using a chip means that the hyper-connected surroundings that you live in every day can be streamlined.”

The technology has been adopted by thousands of Swedes, and this wealthy nation has a high level of trust in their companies, banks, large organizations, and their government.

Unlike people in Stockholm, the Swedish capital, who have welcomed this technology, many other places doubt its usage, implications, and convenience.

Urs Gasser, executive director at Harvard’s Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, says:

“This experiment has so far happened in a wealthy country, among very digitally savvy people. And while having a chip may play out nicely for well-educated people in Sweden who are part of a digital hub, I question how this will play out for, say, a worker in a warehouse.” 

Implanted microchips have their pros and cons.

Proponents of microchips explain that their benefits are numerous. They claim they are safe and low-cost, and serve as an additional way to identify people.

Plus, people no longer need to carry all their cards, keys, and other items that are easily lost with themselves all the time.

Implanted microchips also increase the security of various facilities.

Yet, this just the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the microchips are capable of.

Professor Kevin Warwick, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at Coventry University, the first-ever person to have a microchip implanted in his hand back in 1998, maintains that the benefits of this technology for the industry are multiple:

 “There’s the potential of this technology to help dementia patients. An implant could enable sufferers to operate a virtual fence, thereby giving them much more freedom to wander on their own. Conversely, the implants could be used to restrict movement, to act as a tag for prisoners either as a means to stop them leaving an establishment or rather to indicate when they try to enter somewhere off-limits.” 

On the other hand, the primary concern of the opponents to the microchips is the location-tracking capability, which they lack, as well as the potential for hacking.

Smartphones already provide plenty of our personal data, but this is an option every one of us can turn off.

One cannot just unplug this technology as it is implanted into the body.

Human enhancement and bioterrorism researcher Richard Wordsworth warns that the potential dangers of these chips being hacked could outweigh the benefits:

 “Why does this matter for a chip that opens the door to your office? It probably doesn’t. Where it absolutely does matter is in the context of, for example, digital health devices – implants that might be used to monitor patients’ medical conditions or provide regular doses of medication from a built-in drug reservoir.” 

He cautions that hackers could be able to tamper with those functions, like turning off someone’s pacemaker or delivering a lethal dose of a drug.

He is also worried about updates- technology keeps improving, so people would have to remove the chip from the hand and implant a new one whenever this happens.

When it comes to the United States, implanted microchips are not widely accepted. They are even illegal in some states, like Nevada. Arkansas, New Jersey, and Tennessee are all drafting legislation surrounding the microchips.

Yet, some companies have had them implanted.

For instance, employees at Three Square Market in Wisconsin had a voluntary microchipping party, and those who decided to receive them can now operate the vending machine, printers and access the building with just a tap of their hand.

When the event was shared on social media, they were harshly criticized. Judging by the response to their experiment, implanted microchips won’t become mainstream in America anytime soon.

Osterlund has had a chip in his hand for more than six years now and claims that concerns about these microchips are not that valid:

 “Microchips are inert and passive, basically like swipe cards that you can’t lose. So I find it ironic when people with an iPhone and a Gmail account get on Facebook to scream about privacy just because they’re freaked out by the incision.”

He agrees that it seems the fear isn’t actually about the tech itself, but more so the inability to turn it off:

“The fear we feel in relation to microchips is less about a particular technology and more about that technology in the context of power and uneven power structures, like employer and worker. And when those dynamics are implanted in our bodies, there is a line we cross that simply feels different.” 


General Life

Woman Who Coughed On Uber Driver Facing Years In Prison

The coronavirus pandemic has changed the lives of us all.

Yet, not all heroes are working in the hospitals, as there are numerous other people who make daily sacrifices to serve others and continue doing their jobs.

When one San Francisco woman refused to wear a mask, and then coughed on her Uber driver, and attempted to steal his phone and mask, authorities criminally charged her.

On March 7, 2021, in San Francisco, three young women called an Uber. When it arrived, one of them, Arna Kimiai, refused to put on her face mask.

The driver, Subhakar Khadka, recorded the entire scene on an in-car camera.

When the woman kept refusing to wear a mask, he pulled over at a gas station and asked her to get out of the vehicle.

The 24-year-old woman and her two friends were upset by the driver’s request to take them where they wanted to go, and started shouting racial slurs, and demanded to be driven to their desired destination.

Kimiai then reached around the back seat and pulled off the man’s mask.

At this point, she coughed on him, and eventually left the car and tried to pepper spray Khadka before leaving the scene.

She was consequently charged by authorities as follows:

  • Assault by means of force likely to produce great bodily injury against a transit operator
  • First-degree attempted robbery on a transit operator for trying to take his phone from the dashboard of his car
  • Battery on a transportation driver and violation of a local Covid-19 health ordinance

The robbery charges were dropped since, but the other charges remain. If convinced, the young woman faces up to 16 years in prison and fines of up to $3000.

One of the two other girls, the 24-year-old Malaysia King, has been charged in the incident as well.

In the video, she can be heard shouting, “I’ve got corona!”.

She was arrested in Las Vegas and returned to San Francisco. She has been charged with battery on a transportation driver and violation of a local Covid-19 health ordinance.

The Las Vegas Police explains that King was arrested for trying to use a fake ID to illegally withdraw funds from a bank account.

The incident shocked and chook the driver, understandably.

He said:

“I never said anything bad to them. I never cursed, I was not raised that way. I don’t hit people, I am not raised that way. If I was another complexion, I would have not gotten that treatment from them.” 

Moreover, Uber banned Kimiai from ever using Uber again. Appalled by her actions, Lyft banned her, too.

Finally, Uber paid Khadka $120 to have his car cleaned, and to remove the pepper spray.

Khadka was supported by the public, and people even launched a GoFundMe page to raise money to help him out. Although the initial goal of raising was $20,000, it has raised over $106,200 so far.

The two girls are awaiting court dates where a judge will determine the final ruling.


General Life

31-Year-Old Mother In Turkey Arrested For Stabbing Her Husband To Death After Repeatedly Beating And Raping Her Is Released

Although it surprised many, the verdict in the Mediterranean port city of Antalya is considered a rare victory for women’s rights organizations in Turkey.

A Turkish woman who killed her husband after he assaulted and tortured her was released by the court in Turkey.

According to activist groups, the slaughter charge brought against the woman showed the way the Turkish state, and much of Turkish society, treat women and girls.

The 31-year-old Melek Ipek was handcuffed and repeatedly raped by her husband.

She testified in court that the man routinely handcuffed her and beat her for hours while threatening to kill her and their children.

Her two daughters confirmed the testimony.

In January, Ipek was arrested and placed on trial for murder. If she had been convicted, she could have spent her entire life behind bars.

Yet, the courageous mother was supported by women’s rights groups and other supporters who claimed she acted in self-defense. They maintained that she should have been given treatment and a psychiatric evaluation after she was detained.

In this way, they believed that authorities will realize she was a victim.

To support her cause and raise awareness of the issue, an image of the battered and bruised Ms. Ipek was widely circulated online.

Fortunately, a judge agreed that the woman killed her husband in self-defense, and she had the right to protect herself against the constant torture, and Ms.Ipek was released.

She was embraced by her two sobbing daughters as she walked out of the courtroom.

Just moments after she was released, Ipek said:

“It’s extraordinary. But I never wanted it to be like this.”

Women’s rights are a major issue in Turkey, as it is said that violence against women is extremely common there.

Activists claim that the hard-line conservative ideals of the current Turkish regime under Recep Erdogan aggravates the issue, so the authorities refuse to get involved in domestic disturbances which are often considered personal domestic matters instead of crimes.

The rights group, We Will Stop Femicide Platform, claims that over 300 women were murdered by their families or partners in Turkey last year.

Many claim that this number is much higher, but many murders are not properly recorded or are ignored.

Berrin Sonmez, an activist and commentator on women’s issues, says:

“In Turkey, at least three women are being killed every day. More importantly, we observe that murders of women have become more violent.”

Turkey decided to withdraw from The Istanbul Convention, a convention aimed at combating gender-based violence and femicide, and this move outraged many.

The Turkish state claims that the reason for this is the fact that women are already protected by domestic Turkish laws.

Yet, many activists believe this is just a way for Erdogan to appeal to his extreme Islamic voter base.




Man Builds Park Stairs For $550, Irking City After $65,000 Estimate

There are times when you just have to take things into your own hands if you want something to be done. 

That’s precisely what this man from Toronto did when his community garden was in desperate need of new park stairs. Now, the city has threatened to remove them.

In the summer of 2017, Adi Astl of Etobicoke in Toronto, Canada just couldn’t watch his friends and neighbors struggle, slip, and fall down the steep hill that leads down to their community garden in Tom Riley Park anymore. He had no more patience to wait for the estimated $65,000 to $150,000 city project to solve the issue, so he got in action by himself.

“To me, the safety of people is more important than money,” he said. “So if the city is not willing to do it, I have to do it myself.”

 Astl, who is a retired mechanic, built the staircase for only $550, with the help of contributions from his community. He even hired a homeless man to help him with that task. Soon after he finished, he was notified by the city that they were threatening to tear it down.

The entire community was grateful to Astl for doing that job and was not satisfied with the city’s decision to tear the stairs down.

“I’ve seen so many people fall over that rocky path that was there, to begin with,” Astl’s wife, Gail Rutherford said. “It’s a huge improvement over what was there.”

One of their neighbors slipped last year and broke her wrist when she was navigating the hill. After that incident, many people were angry because it was taking too long for the city to actually do something to solve the problem.

“We have far too much bureaucracy,” said Dana Beamon, a member of the community. “We don’t have enough self-initiative in our city, so I’m impressed.”

Even with all this, it didn’t take long for city bylaw officers to cordon off the park stairs with caution tape.

Mayor John Tory explained that the reason why the city was not satisfied with the work was Astl’s custom build. The biggest concerns were safety and accessibility. It was stated by the city inspectors that the steps were not built according to code. Three principal problems with them were :

– Unsafe railing

– Uneven incline

– No foundation

The mayor also indicated that the hill is in fact a shortcut to the garden from the parking lot and that there is another accessible path that goes to the garden.

Tory did agree that the quoted project expense looked pretty high for what it was. Yet, he did say, that even though it should cost far less than the estimated $65,000, it would be more expensive than Astl’s $550.

“I think everyone will understand that it will be more than $550,” Tory said. “We just can’t have people decide to go out to Home Depot and build a staircase in a park because that’s what they would like to have.” 

Seemingly, the city based the first estimate on projects in other parks, but, Tory asked his personnel to revisit the project and come up with something much more sensible.

Even though the city removed Astl’s stairs, they replaced them with a version that they approved. Yet, Astl was not bitter with that, because he was just happy that he was the reason something got done about this matter at last.

“I was relieved last night when the mayor phoned me… to thank me to help the city to realize what they are doing is not the right thing,” he told CTV News Channel in July 2017. “A whole big stone fell from my heart and said, ‘Now we’re going to get somewhere in helping people be safe.’”

For Astl, the project wasn’t about defying the city or trying to do anything that will upset someone. He just detected a problem that wasn’t being solved and solved it to protect his community.

In a written statement that the mayor released just before the reconstruction began, he expressed gratitude to Astl for his help in initiating the completion of the project.

“I want to thank Mr. Astl for taking a stand on this issue,” the mayor added. “His homemade steps have sent a message that I know City Staff have heard loud and clear.”

It was estimated that the new steps would cost $10,000 and they were built in a couple of days. The mayor promised that future project estimates would be much more sensible.

“We’re also going to take a look at how this process works today so that we can make sure that these kinds of crazy estimates don’t become just a continuous part of how things happen because they shouldn’t,” Tory said.

So now the residents of the Tom Riley Park area of Etobicoke have a safe set of stairs right next to their community garden, thanks to one man – Adi Astl.



General Life

Say Goodbye To Cashiers: Walmart Store Switches To Self-Checkout Only

Things are changing fast these days. 

Things that were completely normal and expected a while ago seem to rapidly become obsolete.

Now, Walmart is experimenting with a self-checkout-only model.

If things turn out well, more locations may make the switch.

Is it time to say goodbye to cashiers?

Namely, a Walmart store in Fayetteville, Arkansas is testing using self-checkout machines only.

If they need help, customers can speak with the self-checkout hosts at the front of the store, who can even check out customer’s groceries for them.

Last year, when they started the test, the company announced that if this proves successful, it will roll this out in stores across the country.

Although they didn’t give a precise time, they explained that it will depend on several factors, including input from employees and customers.

According to Walmart representatives, they intend to make the entire process as easy as possible for all, customers and associates.

The massive interest in self-checkout machines is due to the cost savings.

For instance, a report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation showed that it costs about three dollars to check someone in at an airport at a staffed desk. When a customer uses an electronic terminal, that cost is reduced to just fourteen cents.

Supporters of these machines also claim that numerous customers enjoy the privacy and autonomy that they provide.

Christina Forest, a senior project manager for Fujitsu, which makes self-checkout machines, maintains that some people like to be in control of what’s going on and have a more private experience:

“If I’m going in and buying something that’s maybe a personal item, I might prefer to buy it on my own without help.”

Of course, there are a lot of people who dislike the use of self-checkout machines. Some customers are beginning to resent doing “unpaid work”.

Many customers face difficulties while using these machines, and end up in need of help anyway.

In this way, self-checkout ends up taking much longer.

Many are also worried that such a practice would put cashiers out of work.

However, on their website, Walmart explains the new system as a “full check-out experience”.

A greeter at the entrance will lead customers to the self-checkout area and employees will help them through the entire process.

They claim that this new style of cashing out will be more personal, not less.

John Crecelius, Senior Vice President of Walmart U.S. Innovations Development, says:

“By nature, individual lanes make the checkout experience transactional, but being face-to-face, the interaction becomes a relationship. We want to make it a personal experience.” 

Fayetteville Store Manager Carl Morris added that the new layout seems to be having a positive effect on the employees and their customer service.

“We will go to any register, and we will help you in any fashion you want, whether it’s checking out one item or all the items. Any questions you have, we’re right there for you.”

The new much more open-concept layout of 34 self-checkout machines is always open and much more adaptable to changes in customer flow than the traditional lanes.

Plus, they no longer have the problem with the lack of staff when a normally quiet time suddenly becomes busy.

Employees at the Fayetteville location claimed they are now happier at work, more productive, and working together more.

Front end team lead Matt Downing said:

“Now they [the checkout associates] get to run returns out to the store. They get to go to produce and bring someone a fresh apple that’s not bruised. They feel like they are a part of the store now.” 

So, it seems that one thing is for certain: Self-checkout machines are here to stay.


Animals General Life

Scientists Used Human Genes to Make Monkey Brains Bigger, and It Worked


By putting human genes into monkeys, scientists managed to stimulate the growth of their brains. 

Even though chimps are our closes living relatives, their brains are three times smaller than ours.

It is presumed that the size of our brains makes us the dominant species over our primate cousins.

But what if we could increase their brain’s size? Would it make them smarter?

The size of our brains has evolved. The human brain was once around the size of a current chimpanzee brain, and over time, it tripled in size, so we now have the largest and most complex brains of any living primate.

Yet, the brain size of our ancestors only increased in small increments for the first several million years of human evolution. Therefore, they were able to do simple tasks, like making primitive tools.

The human brain started evolving rapidly about eight hundred thousand years ago, and for the next six hundred thousand years, it continued this trend.

Most scientists believe that this was a result of the increasingly unpredictable environment, and the larger and larger brains helped people to adapt.

Moreover, one of the main differences between our brains and chimpanzee brains lies in the temporal cortex. Humans have dramatically more white matter in this brain area, meaning that we have more connections between nerve cells, and a greater ability to process information.

The evolution of the neocortex was one of the biggest changes that happened to the human brain during the time. As the human brain was rapidly growing, the cranium (aka- skulls) couldn’t keep up, so the brain became cramped, and the neocortex began folding. This is the reason why the human brain is distinctly wrinkled, unlike the brains of other animals.

The neocortex accounts for about 76 percent of the brain’s volume, and it is extremely important, as it is involved in higher functions like spatial reasoning, language, sensory perception, generation of motor commands, and conscious thought.

Numerous scientists believe that the enlargement and subsequent elaboration of this brain area is the secret behind humans’ mental abilities.

Yet, they do not know the reason behind this change and the thing that made it happen, so they placed human genes into monkeys to find out.

Scientists have identified a specific gene, unique to humans, ARHGAP11B. Its expression might have been what gave the human brains the extra oomph they needed. 

Therefore, researchers from Germany and Japan, from Germany’s Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics in Germany and Japan’s Central Institute for Experimental Animals, introduced this gene into the fetus of a marmoset monkey to investigate whether it would make their brains grow.

And it did!

The ARHGAP11B gene caused the monkey fetus’ neocortex to enlarge!

Other studies have also shown that the same would work in mice and ferrets as well. T

Yet, this was the first time scientists have used the gene in a non-human primate.

They also introduced it in the same quantity as what is present in a typical human. 

This confirms that this gene played a key role in our evolution as human beings. 

Michael Heide, the lead author of the study, explained that once they put human genes into the monkeys, their neocortex got bigger and began to fold. He added:

“Furthermore, we could see increased numbers of basal radial glia progenitors in the outer subventricular zone and increased numbers of upper-layer neurons, the neuron type that increases in primate evolution.” 

We have to mention that such experiments on primates often raise numerous ethical questions. Plus, the introduction of human genes into monkeys adds a whole other layer to those questions.

This was why the scientists limited their research to only monkey fetuses. After one hundred days, they removed the fetuses via c-section.

The study coauthor Weilend Huttner added that it would be irresponsible and unethical to go past that point and have monkeys born with human genes:

“We confined our analyses to marmoset fetuses because we anticipated that the expression of this human-specific gene would affect the neocortex development in the marmoset.”

So, to sum it all up:

  • After putting human genes into the brains of monkeys, researchers confirmed that the ARHGAP11B gene likely caused neocortex expansion during human evolution.
  • The experiment was ended once they got the result due to ethical concerns. Therefore, it is still unclear whether this brain growth has made the monkeys smarter.

Therefore, the study has given us a better understanding of our own history. Such studies help us understand how we came to be, and why we are the way we are.


General Life

Man Gave $4 Million Dollar Apartment Complex To Let Homeless Women And Their Children Live For Free

Rick Steves became a millionaire thanks to his European travel guides and series.

Yet, he doesn’t feel comfortable living large while many others live in poverty.

So, to help homeless women and children, he decided to buy an entire apartment complex. Steves gave away the $4-million complex called Trinity Place to the YWCA, and 24 people could be settled in the apartments. The complex has become a safe place for women, mainly single mothers, where they could receive guidance and settle their lives.

Namely, he bought the apartment complex back in 2005 and adapted it to be appropriate for poor families.

 “Twenty years ago, I devised a scheme where I could put my retirement savings not into a bank to get interest, but into cheap apartments to house struggling neighbors,” Steves wrote on his blog.  “Rather than collecting rent, my ‘income’ would be the joy of housing otherwise desperate people.”

He teamed up with the YWCA and the Rotary Club of Edmonds to renovate the apartments, receiving some extra assistance from the Gates Foundation and the local government. Then mothers and their kids could move in. From 2005 to 2016, the complex was pretty full. At first, Steves wanted the complex to be his ‘retirement egg nest,’ but until retirement, other people should use it. But, he officially gave the apartments to the YWCA in 2017. His next step was to inspire other people.

“Working with the YWCA and the Rotary Club of Edmonds, we publicized this creative way of putting a fortunate person’s retirement nest egg to work in a powerful way in hopes that others would be inspired to do the same in their communities,” he wrote.

Some of the mothers in the complex were separated from their children as a result of their unlucky circumstances, such as drug addictions. They made efforts to rebuild their lives. Trinity Place allowed homeless mothers to reunite with kids who have been placed in foster care.

Rick Steves takes part in other charity projects as well.

He sees the results of climate change everywhere, during his extensive travels, such as droughts in Ethiopia and snow melting in the Swiss Alps. Steves admits that the travel industry contributes to these problems, including the company that he owns.

Because of that, he donates $1 million annually to organizations that fight climate change. The name of the program is Climate Smart Commitment. In fact, he donates $30 per his customers; as experts claim, that sum of money could reduce a traveler’s impact on the environment. And because the company gets approximately 30,000 customers per year, that amounts to about $900,00, which is rounded up.

“It’s not an issue of can we afford it,” he said. “If we are in the travel business, we are contributing to the destruction of our environment.”

To date, the money goes to Project Concern International, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America World Hunger, and Bread for the World.

Even though the Trinity Place project began in 2005, it continues to help people until the present day. It’s touching to know that there are good people out there who want to make life easier for others. Rick Steves hopes other multi-millionaires would follow his example to help less fortunate people than themselves.

“Everyone says if you consume more, you’re happier,” Steves told in a video interview. “But that’s not the mark of a very thoughtful person.”

Alternatively, he decided to “invest” in assisting people and the community. And there is not another thing more valuable than improving people’s lives. Steves suggests people should “consume vicariously” to find happiness with their fortune. Meaning, the satisfaction of riches is really from helping others, not trying to consume more by oneself.

“The gap between rich and poor in our country continues to widen,” Steves noted in his blog post. “And I believe needs — such as affordable housing — will only increase as budget cuts are implemented. Organizations like the YWCA will need to pick up the slack. If our country truly wants to be great, we need creative thinking connected with our hearts. And it’s my hope that love and compassion can trump values of crass commercialism, greed, and ‘winners’ beating ‘losers.’”


General Life

How Many Of You Actually Recognize These Gadgets? Have You Ever Used One?

Time flies, and changes happen all the time.

If you stop to think about the way things have changed in the last few decades, you would be fascinated by the huge progress technology has had over time.

Yup, there are so many things you used daily in your childhood, and your kids won’t even know their purpose!

The change in modern innovation is extraordinary, and even though life was much simpler before, we now have the world at our fingertips!

Therefore, we should appreciate what we have today and enjoy the ease of living.

As a result, numerous old gadgets and inventions have become obsolete, so here is a list of things to remind you just how far we have come and how much we truly have to be grateful for.

Take a look at the following images and try to remember the names and the uses of these gadgets!


Do you remember what this was? It’s a needle threader, a handy tool that would be of great help when you struggle to thread a needle!

These brightly colored gadgets are tailor’s chalks, developed to draw on fabric when making adjustments or putting a garment together.


Would you like to see some other strange gadgets that were once present in every household?

Here they are:

Etch A Sketch

The 80’s kids loved them!

Record Adapters

This device helps records fit onto record players of varying sizes.

Overhead Projector

These projectors were used by teachers to show their students a visual aid to the classroom, and they came paired up with special plastic sheets.


Parker Brothers created this handheld tic tac toe gaming device, and believe it or not, it was designed by NASA!

Church Keys

Useful silver-colored gadgets were used to open containers and bottles.

Wonder Sauna Hot Pants

A creation from the 70s, these pants were offered as a device to help you decrease your waist size by making you sweat.

Corn-on-the-Cob Holders

This is an incredibly handy tool, that will help you pick up hot corn on the cob so much easier.

Bead Hair Bands

These cute baubles were something all girls had back then! Oh, I bet you remember, they hurt- a lot!


This was like a status symbol back then, and all cool kids listened to their favorite bands on cassette tapes on the go!

So, did we bring back valuable memories?



People Are Buying This Ripped Bodysuit To Avoid Hitting The Gym

An innovation we all needed badly these days!

Has the lockdown made your beach body just a dream?

All the stress, anxiety, and restrictions due to the pandemic have changed the way we all think, look, and live our lives in general.

Therefore, do not despair, because the perfect solution for you has just become available at the stores!

You can now get a suit for your whole body that will make you look absolutely amazing!

Yup, you read it right!

Taobao is one of the retailers that sell medical-grade silicon suits that can be used on various occasions.  

You can purchase either an upper body, lower body, or full bodysuit, depending on what is your desire to put the accent on.

The suit for half of the body that doesn’t even include bulging biceps and triceps goes for nearly $200 on eBay.

Yet, when you consider everything, that’s not such a big amount of money if you think how much time you’d need to build such a body by working out in the gym.

So, no need (and no time) to wait! Buy one now and watch how others envy you!



Viral Video Of FAILED ARMED ROBBERY Shows The Bad Guy Squealing Like A Pig While Running Away

An armed robbery gone wrong: Teen trying to rob a man in broad daylight gets what he deserves.

A video getting extremely popular on the internet shows armed teenage boys attempting to rob a person in the middle of the day. But, as Blaze Media reports, the criminal act goes terribly wrong for the aggressor. Within moments, the teenager goes from a confident guy with a gun to a crybaby.

The video clip of the failed robbery attempt was posted on the subreddit “Public Freakout,” which has over 3.2 million members. After that it spread all around social media, being watched millions of times.

According to the person who put the video on the internet, the incident happened in San Leandro, CA.

In the video, a teenager in a white T-shirt can be seen running towards a man in the street. The teen then attempts to frighten the man and rob him by pulling out a gun.



Yet, the situation changes in a blink, as the man manages to hit the gunner with a punch, lock him up in a bear hug, and get him on the ground squeaking like a piglet. The other teenager screams from a safe distance: “Let him go! Let him go!” while watching the whole thing.

After the robber makes series of squeaking noises, the man releases him and lets him go along with his friend. Then they run away, clearly regretting their attempt.

People argue in the comments that the man should not have set the robbers free. One of them said:

“F**k letting him go, next time he will try a woman or elderly folks. I get it by that b***h scream he is most likely a teen but if you’re man enough to pull up on people then you’re man enough for a few broken bones that will heal while you wait in jail.”

Some people compared the strange squealing noises from the teenagers to a young owl’s cry for help, with others saying they resemble an injured pig. 

However, one person explained it just about right, saying:

“That’s the sound of regret.”
