
This Simple Puzzle Will Show How Terrible Everyone Is At Math

Puzzles are among the best ways to stimulate your brain and provide some pretty efficient exercise.

If you want to test yourself, then you might find this simple puzzle harder than you thought at first. It may seem easy at first, but in fact, it is troubling even some of the smartest people.

Do you consider yourself capable of solving it?

Try This Simple Triangle Puzzle

This puzzle’s question is: how many triangles are in this picture? You have to consider every single shape that the bigger triangle contains. Think about the triangle’s components. The more you look at it and try to solve it, this simple puzzle turns into a real enigma. Do you think you know the answer yet? Take a guess or a few. Some people have tried at least a few times before giving up.

Your math skills have been truly tested here, and how sharp your eye is at seeing finer details.

Other Challenging Puzzles

If you want another test to try your math skills further, you can do that with the following math test.  This simple little test gives you a menagerie of math problems with multiple-choice as the answers. It demands capability from you to answer with multiplying, division, addition, subtraction, percentages, and even decimals. Some of these tasks might be easier than others but it’s completely based on your math skills. A very small number of people have been able to score a 100% on this test.  Check if you can be one of them, and also without a calculator!

On the other hand, if you’re looking for something that isn’t related to math, this puzzle is connected with how literate you are. If you’re an articulate person then this might be a piece of cake for you. Your only task is to try to guess which letter(s) are missing from these given words. Also, you have multiple choices for an answer so it really makes you question what could be missing from these words. It is not that easy at all, especially if you’re the kind of person that doesn’t like to read that much.

But, be fair and don’t cheat, and don’t use google as help! Because you are not getting anything from cheating, besides cheating yourself and missing on knowledge. You learn more through your mistakes than through false success. Think about these little tests as a way to improve your knowledge and your skills!



General Life

ROASTED: Woman Says She Was Raised To Take Care Of Her Husband, Gets 14 Responses

If a woman decides she wants to take care of her husband, why is that such a bad thing?

At first hearing, when a woman chooses to spend her day doing her husband’s laundry and cooking him food seems precisely the thing our equality-focused generation should NOT be doing.

Women, especially in North America, have made gigantic moves in the fight for gender equality, such as breaking the stereotypes and changing our perceptions of women’s place in society. When we look back at the 1950s, the progress in society is obvious, and we have moved forward to seeing women as intellects and equal citizens.

That is a wonderful thing, but it can’t be denied that there is still a lot of work in front of us to reach a gender-equal world. There’s still a glass ceiling, a pay gap between men and women, the same expectations about how we are supposed to look and behave, and more.

That is the reason it’s so undeniably irritating when we see a woman like Brylea Kay who is basically saying, ‘Nah, I’m good.’

Firstly, let’s point out, we use Twitter as a platform where we can share our opinions. Furthermore, it’s a political platform in nature, so Kay decided to share her views about her ‘role’ on June 10.

Yes, it’s old-fashioned; that is clear, but as women, shouldn’t we be free to have our opinions and make our own decisions about our life? If she wants to take care of her husband, great, if she’s telling other girls they need to take care of their husbands, not that great.

So let me repeat the question that I asked before if a woman decides that she wants to take care of her husband, how come it is something that bad?

Be that as it may, all that matters is Twitter users think it is and they have some really funny reactions to it. Here’s 14:

Seemingly, taking care of your husband is a call for help

Right up there with pre-gaming a dance recital… yikes

Undoubtedly, this user thinks this is about as cringeworthy as possible.

One person on Twitter can’t possibly figure out why someone would CHOOSE to take care of their husband

What a terrible role model

Moreover, this woman has been labeled as a bad influence on her daughters.

Being old fashioned = No sexy time

This response could be a little in left field, as shown above.

If you take care of your husband, in reality, you are simply a maid

Ridiculously, this woman is now being put on the same level as a maid.

Just out here, raising a full-grown man

What’s more amusing are the people comparing her to his mother.

Hobbies out of the question, just husband sitting

Where would we be without the inevitable ‘so do you have any hobbies, or?’ question.

Her Morning responsibilities

No doubt at all, women have transformed into alarm clocks.

Their mommas are the ones to blame?

All things taken into consideration, this boy who is only 11 years old may be more independent than this woman’s husband.




General Life

Only One In Seven People Can Get This Right – How Many Holes Are In This T-Shirt?

We have a new brain teaser today, and this is one that made many people frustrated.

In this round of “what do you see in this photo?” you need to point out the number of holes in this t-shirt. Will you manage to give the correct answer?

How Many Holes Are in This T-Shirt?

This shirt looks quite normal and simple, but it has got the internet up in arms. The question, how many holes are in the shirt?

There are four possible answers:

  1. a) 2
  2. b) 4
  3. c) 6
  4. d) 8

But which answer is the correct one? Take a look below and give your best!

What is your opinion?

The Answer

Well, it’s time to reveal the correct answer.  Unfortunately, if you guessed that the shirt has two holes in it, it is not the right answer. Also, it is the same situation if your guess was four and six.

Yes, the correct answer is D! This shirt has eight holes!


Now, if you think about it, you might be kicking yourself for forgetting that the neck, arms, and bottom openings in the shirt are technically holes. But what about the seventh and eighth hole?

Like so many people before you, you probably overlooked the detail that if the holes torn in the middle of the shirt go all the way through, then there are technically four holes ripped through the torso – two on the front side and the other two on the backside.

You smacked yourself in the forehead because you didn’t think of that, didn’t you?



WE HAD NO CLUE: Owen Wilson Pays $25,000 a Month for His Baby Who He Has Never Met

If your opinion about Owen Wilson is based on a conclusion from the roles he has played in the past, you’d likely think that he is an awesome father.

Sadly, this doesn’t seem to be the entire truth. He has three children with three different women, and he sees his two sons relatively regularly.

Yet, he has never met his daughter – despite paying an amount of $25k every month in child support.

Owen Wilson, aged 51, has two sons from two previous relationships. But, he refused to acknowledge his most recent child at first. The child was born in October 2018, and the actor’s ex Varunie Vongsvirates had to file a paternity petition in court in May 2018. This came as a result of Wilson’s refusal to believe that he was the father of the little girl, named Lyla Aranya Wilson.

In July 2018, the famous actor said he didn’t want visitation rights because he didn’t believe baby Lyla was his child, despite the unbelievable resemblance the two of them have. Wilson ordered a DNA test instead. Certainly, the results from the test proved that he is the father.

Once the results proved that he is the father and consequently has a financial responsibility towards the child, the courts ruled that he has to start supporting his daughter. So, now he pays $25,000 per month to his ex for his daughter’s care and expenses and added her to his Screen Actor’s Guild medical insurance. Wilson had to pay a one-time amount of $70,000, too, which covered a night nurse, labor coach, and his ex’s lawyer fees.

Yet, all decisions about the girl – medical, education, etc., are lawfully made exclusively by her mother. As of right now, it looks like the actor doesn’t want to be involved with his daughter or his ex in any way.

The former pair signed documents in which they agreed to not slander each other online, in interviews, or in public. Even though the mother has full custody, she has revealed a few times on the internet that she still wants the girl to meet her father. To a question if she has a message for her ex, she answered this:

“You should see your daughter, she’s incredible, you’re really missing out. She looks just like you.”

Vongsvirates says that her daughter needs her father and that she deserves his time and attention, similar to his two sons, Ford and Finn. Hopefully, Wilson will come to his senses, and Layla won’t have to grow up without her father’s love.


General Life

Father Outraged After Teacher Cut His Daughter’s Hair Without Permission

One day, seven-year-old Jurnee Hoffmeyer returned home crying with her haircut.

Her father, Jimmy Hoffmeyer, was shocked. In two days, this was the second “haircut” his daughter received. On March 24, a schoolfellow snipped her hair with scissors on the school bus, into a “one side cute”. Her father complained to the principal and brought Jurnee to a salon for an asymmetrical cut (to hide the choppy lengths), but the daughter returned home with even shorter hair. And in this case, a teacher cut Jurnee’s hair to even it out.

After the haircut at the school bus, the school told the father that “the little girl stole the scissors off the teacher’s desk, and they were going to talk to the parents and deal with it accordingly.”

Jurnee is biracial and has amazing golden curls. The school librarian was the teacher who had cut Jurnee’s hair and is also a licensed cosmetologist, but as the principal claims, the most that could happen is a note in the librarian’s work file.

“She [the principal] said she didn’t have the authority to do anything,” Hoffmeyer said. “She kept asking me what she could do to make it go away.”

He even filed an incident report with the police, but until now, no one followed up with him. Also, he received a call from the district’s superintendent, which offered to send apology cards to the family.

“I got mad and hung up,” explained Hoffmeyer, who’s biracial, too, while Jurnee’s mother is white. Meanwhile, the classmate and teacher who cut Jurnee’s hair are both white.

“Our kind of hair, you can’t just wet down and cut it because and that’s when I feel like they should have, even if they were trying to do it in the kindest of their heart, once they have seen the outcome, they should have been like, yeah we messed up,” Hoffmeyer said. “We should probably call him and let him know what just happened.”

But, he found out about the haircut only when his daughter came home, crying and afraid. He also struggled to discover what happened precisely.

 “I’m not one to try to make things about race,” he said. “I’ve pretty much grown up with only white people, myself.”

As the U.S. Census shows, about 4% of 25 000 residents of Mount Pleasant are Black. There are bills in progress to modify Michigan’s Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to make it illegal to discriminate based on hair texture and styles.

When the classmate cut Jurnee’s hair, he didn’t think too much of it. “I mean, I chalked it up because it was a child, and you’re not thinking of any serious consequences having to do with a kid,” Hoffmeyer said. But he lost his patience the second time. “After that teacher cut her hair, she was so embarrassed. So embarrassed. Because she had to go back to class like that.”

He contacted the school over and over again to find out exactly what happened but he didn’t get any answer to his questions at the start. Even though the school apologized, they didn’t want to show him the video of what happened during both haircuts.

“I would like them to own up to their responsibilities,” Hoffmeyer said. “Like, we’ve been asking as a public apology, for the most part, to let Jurnee know that yes they acknowledge that it was wrong and that it should have never been done and that she should never have been through something like this.”

Since then, District Superintendent Jennifer Verleger confirmed the story and further said that Jurnee’s teacher knew about the librarian’s plans to give her the haircut. The haircut was given without Jurnee’s parents allowing it, or permission from the school’s administration. As it seems, the teachers thought they were helping the student, claiming Jurnee asked for a haircut because she didn’t like her hair at the moment.

“Regardless of their good intentions, these actions were unacceptable and show a lack of judgment on the part of our two employees,” Verleger said in the statement she issued. ”Both are being reviewed for further disciplinary actions in accordance without school policies and procedures.”

Since the incident, they have apologized to the Hoffmeyer family for their behavior. Soon after, her father moved Jurnee into a different school and is thinking about enrolling her into private school. Hoffmeyer is also working with the National Parents Union, which is a national network of parents that advocate for improvement in the quality of life for children. The director of policy and legislation of the union, Christina Laster, believes the teachers involved were directly and openly criticizing the girl’s hair texture and style.

“I believe that perhaps what took place — and based on my communications with the family — what really took place is that children started to adopt that same judgmental mentality about Jurnee’s hair, which then turned into this incident that really got out of control quick.”


General Health Life

After 16 Years; 18 Miscarriages, 48-Year-Old Mom Welcomed her ‘Miracle Baby’

A miscarriage is an extremely painful experience, particularly for women.

Lauren Warneford went through 18 miscarriages and lost all hope to ever give birth and have her dream come true.

However, back in 2017, she and her partner got what they call their miracle baby.

Nowadays, Lauren wants to help other women with a problem like hers.

For 16 long years, Lauren and her husband, Mark, tried to have a baby together. They spent over $100,000 on IVF treatments, and have nothing else but 18 miscarriages. At last, Lauren and Mark at the age of 48 and 55, respectively, got their miracle baby.

Every separate pregnancy, Lauren would suffer a miscarriage at around the 14-week mark. She was crushed every single time. In the end, they found out that Lauren had a condition called “killer cells.” It is a condition which causes her body’s own cells, the ones which are supposed to kill cancer and other dangerous cells, to also attack embryos and killing them. In 2010, this pair from the UK decided to give up their hope of ever getting a child of their own.

However, after five years, they were given a sliver of hope: Embryo donation in the Czech Republic. They decided to try and went there. The treatment was successful, and after a very tense pregnancy, their son William was born by c-section at 37 weeks.

“I must have done a pregnancy test every day for the first three months,” Lauren said. “I was absolutely terrified; sometimes, I would take one twice a day. At one point, I had to go to the hospital because I had high blood pressure, and even though the doctor said I was okay, and the baby was fine – I didn’t leave because I was terrified.”

Finally, the two of them felt enormous relief when they could finally hold their miracle baby William in their arms. Certainly, being new parents at their age has its challenges. They have less energy than younger parents, and strangers are often confused, thinking they are William’s grandparents. But even with all the challenges in front of them and the money they spent, nothing would make them give up their beloved child.

Lauren released her book Baby Dreams in the summer of 2020. In the book, she explains her devastating experience with miscarriages and ruined hopes. She also then talks about IVF and encourages women to take those treatments. She wants to give hope and some significant information to other women trying to have children of their own, by telling her own story.

“I want to help others who are struggling – I don’t want women to suffer in the way that I did,” Lauren says. “Now my mission is to help other women. I don’t want them to suffer. I think if women were to talk about this more often and being more open it wouldn’t be so taboo and it would help society. I would like to address that and help women feel more comfortable.”


General Health Life

Magic Mushrooms Are Decriminalized in DC as of Today

So is Ayahuasca.

DC Initiative 81, which passed with enormous support last fall, goes effective on Monday, March 15. Under the Entheogenic Plant and Fungus Policy Act of 2020, natural psychedelics including magic mushrooms, ayahuasca, and mescaline are decriminalized, and so arrests for their possession or use is not important for DC police anymore.

The law passed through a 30-day Congressional review period and a threat by US Representative Andy Harris, who prevented the District from completely legalizing cannabis after a 2014 ballot initiative that passed with support from 70 percent of DC voters, to obstruct it. Harris, who set off a metal detector near the House floor this January, while carrying a hidden gun, had framed the matter as a public safety issue.

The initiative was raised by Melissa Lavasani, who claims natural psychedelics helped her defeat anxiety, severe depression, panic attacks, and suicidal ideation after her second child was born. The top executive at Dr. Bronner’s soap company, David Bronner, helped with the finances for the campaign, which had to overcome the restrictions caused by the pandemic to gather signatures and get on the ballot last fall.

On Monday, Lavasani’s Plant Medicine Coalition announced it would offer community grants to organizations that offer education, training, and other work that supports the use of natural psychedelics, which have manifested fascinating results in the treatment of depression, anxiety, PTSD, etc.

Last September, Johns Hopkins’ Center for Psychedelic and Consciousness Research was opened.


General Life

People Are Roasting Cinnamon Rolls Over A Campfire And It’s Pure Genius

Summer is miraculous in many different ways, but bonfires and camping make it really special. 

If you have vast experience in camping and bonfires, we are here to tell you that you might not know it all, after all.

You might be an expert in hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, and sausages, but you’ll be impressed to try this summer’s new hit- cinnamon rolls over the campfire!

Don’t waste your time, and try this new form of cinnamon heaven as soon as possible!

You can make campfire cinnamon rolls with a can of refrigerated cinnamon rolls.

Just skewer the rolls and place them over the campfire where there’s a low flame to slowly toast the pastry, for about 15-20 minutes, until it’s golden and baked all the way through.

You can drizzle icing over the buns and enjoy them while they are hot.

The icing will melt and become sweet and smoky deliciousness, while the outside will remain crispy and gooey.

Place the bun on a stick in its regular round shape or if you are in a hurry, wrap the dough around the skewer for a cinnamon twist.

In case you decide to bake all of the cinnamon rolls at once, put them in a greased pie tin or pan placed on a rack over the campfire.

Also, you could place the pan on a grill heated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Leave the rolls to cook for 20–30 minutes, rotating the pan from time to time. Once the crust turns golden brown, remove them from the fire and drizzle with icing.



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Bake Cinnamon Buns in an Orange

Oranges can be a perfect baking pan for singular cinnamon buns. Plus, it adds a subtle citrus flavor to the treat. Here is how to bake Campfire Orange Cinnamon Rolls:

  1. Cut the oranges in half, scoop the fruit.
  2. Place an unbaked cinnamon bun inside each orange half.
  3. Wrap the orange half in aluminum foil and place on a rack over the fire to cook, for 25-30 minutes. You can also place it near the fire and rotate it halfway through the baking time.
  4. Unwrap the cinnamon buns, drizzle with icing and add orange zest if desired. Campfire Cinnamon Rolls From Scratch


    • 1 package (2.25 teaspoons) active dry yeast
    • 1/4 cup warm water
    • 2 tablespoons honey
    • 1 1/4 cups warm milk (100-110 degrees F.)
    • 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted and cooled
    • 2 large eggs
    • 2 teaspoons kosher salt
    • 5 1/2 cups all-purpose flour


    • 6 tablespoons unsalted butter, soft
    • 1 1/2 cups brown sugar
    • 1 tablespoon cinnamon
    • Optional: 1 cup raisins and 1 cup chopped pecans


    • 2 cups powdered sugar
    • 1–2 tablespoons water



At home directions:

  1. Mix the yeast with water and honey. Let it rest for five minutes until it starts bubbling. Add the melted butter, salt, eggs, and milk.
  2. Mix in five cups of flour by hand or with the dough hook of a stand mixer. Knead for about 10 minutes, until the dough is smooth and elastic.
  3. Butter a mixing bowl and add the dough to the bowl. Let the dough rise at room temperature for an hour.
  4. Punch the dough down and roll it out onto a lightly floured surface to a large rectangle.
  5. For the filling, mix brown sugar, cinnamon, pecans, and raisins.
  6. Spread softened butter over the rolled-out dough. Sprinkle the filling evenly on it.
  7. Roll the dough up into a tight cylinder. Cut it in half.
  8. Oil a large freezer bag, add the logs to the freezer bag, and leave them in the freezer overnight.

When camping:

  1. Transport the frozen dough in a freezer or cooler.
  2. A day before cooking, slice the logs into 6 even rolls while they are still firm.
  3. Butter a large Dutch oven and arrange the rolls in it. Let them rise for at least 3 hours.
  4. Build a fire, add some charcoal, scoop about 12–15 coals to the side of the fire and place your Dutch oven on them. Next, place 6–8 coals on top of the Dutch oven.
  5. Bake for about 35-40 minutes.
  6. Remove the pot from the fire and let them cool.
  7. Drizzle on the glaze.

Bon Appetit!




General Life

Single Dad Adopts Teen Abandoned At Hospital: ‘I Had No Reason To Let Him Go’

The day when Tony Mutabazi was adopted out of the foster care system was a day filled with happiness and joy.

Sadly, when he was 11, Tony was abandoned by that family. He was hopeless and I despair, and just then, he was rescued by single dad Peter Mutabazi.

At the early age of two, Tony entered the foster care system. There was no information on his birth parents, and he lived in foster homes for the next four years.

When he was four years old, a couple from Oklahoma adopted him. Sadly, after seven years, they decided that either they weren’t able to care for him or perhaps that they simply no longer wanted to. They left Tony at a hospital, told him they would not return, and drove away without telling why.

Tony’s foster care worker Jessica Ward called Peter Mutabazi on January 16, 2018. Peter had been a foster parent for three years.

She called him to ask if he could just take Tony for the weekend. But, after hearing Tony’s story, Peter knew he couldn’t just leave him in the system again. He is aware that it is very difficult for older children to be adopted.

“Once I knew the parents’ rights were signed off and he had nowhere to go, I [knew] I had to take him.”

He fostered Tony for two years until the adoption papers were signed at last. Tony had a family at last, at the age of 13.

Tony’s story touched Peter deep inside because when he was growing up, he had an experience like that. When he was just a 10-year-old boy, Peter ran away from his abusive parents in Uganda and was entirely alone. Fortunately, he, too, found someone to be a parental figure for him and help get him through school.

“They became my sponsor, my family. I grew up with the poorest of the poorest people on the planet,” Peter explained. “I grew up where no one told me to dream, that there was no future for me.”

When he became an adult, Peter immigrated to the United States and he is now a US citizen. In the last three years, Peter has fostered 12 children and works for World Vision United States, providing help to kids who live in disadvantaged and difficult places.

If love at first sight exists, then this was exactly that. Peter explained that when he met Tony for the first time, he knew right away that he wanted to become his legal father.

“He’s the nicest, smartest kid I’ve ever had,” Peter told “Good Morning America.” “From day one, he’s always called me ‘dad.’ He truly meant it and he looks up to me.”

Peter had all of the resources, financial capabilities, and space in his home to adopt Tony, so there was no hesitation at all. Now the two of them live in North Carolina and Peter is helping Tony overcome his childhood trauma. Now, they also have another foster child in their family.

Peter and Tony share a beautiful story. Sadly, there are thousands of kids in the American foster care system who didn’t have that kind of luck.

At the moment, on any day, there are approximately 443,000 children in foster care in America. Children spend an average of two years in the system, with many of them staying as long as five years or more.

Children entering foster care are not as young as anyone would expect, either: The average age for kids entering the system for the first time is eight years old. Many of these children live in family settings, yet, eleven percent of them live in group homes and institutions.

Every year, over 10,000 children leave foster care not because they are adopted, but because they are too old for the system. Chances are that these children will become homeless, unemployed, or incarcerated, more than any other population group.

How can you help foster kids?

There are more ways to help kids in foster care:

– Become a foster parent yourself.

– Consider adopting a child.

– Donate to children’s rights groups that directly support children in foster care.

– Donate to foster families.

– Volunteer with organizations that support foster kids. (For example, CASA)

– Become a mentor for current and former foster kids. (Try Foster Care to Success)

– Become a respite foster parent: This is someone with the necessary qualifications and background check to watch over foster kids so their foster parents can have a much-needed break.

There are numerous ways you can help foster children so that more kids will end up happy like Tony with Peter. Always keep in mind that the more kids we help, the more of them will be able to have a positive influence on the future of the United States and the entire world as a whole.


General Life

Mark Zuckerberg And Priscilla Chan Purchase Another 700 Acres In Hawaii, Owning Now A Total Of 1,300 Acres Of Native Hawaiian Land

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook CEO, and his wife, Priscilla Chan, have obtained another part of Hawaiian land.

This is Zuckerberg’s second major purchase of land in Hawaii, after the first one provoked enormous controversy.

The new buying is for 600 acres of real estate with a value of around $53 million.

The land is described as composed of several properties and a ‘reef, sea, avian, flora and historical collections in their unaltered native habitat’.

Bought from the Waioli Corporation, the firm said of the buying:

“We know that this land will remain in their trusted hands and that Mark and Priscilla will act as responsible stewards of Lepeuli today and in the future.”

Earlier, a huge controversy has been raised over Zuckerberg’s first purchase of 700 acres of land, which in most part belonged to indigenous people who did not have formal title deeds and consequently did not legally own that land.

As an answer to the protests from the natives, Facebook’s CEO launched a series of legal challenges to overtake the homes from the families by making them sell their land at public auction.

Kapua Sproat, a Law Professor at the University of Hawaii who is originally from Kauai, said about the happening then:

“This is the face of neocolonialism. Even though a forced sale may not physically displace people, it’s the last nail in the coffin of separating us from the land. For us, as Native Hawaiians, the land is an ancestor. It’s a grandparent. You just don’t sell your grandmother.”

After enormous public complaints, Zuckerberg dropped the lawsuits and apologized for his deeds.

He has stated that he does not plan to evict anyone from the old land he owns or the new land. This is the statement he released:

“Waioli does essential work promoting conservation and cultural preservation and we are mindful of their legacy with regard to this land. We are committed to honoring the current ranching lease to Paradise Ranch and extending the existing agricultural dedication.”

Mark is a passionate surfer and has often visited the islands to surf in the world-famous waves off the coast of Hawaii.
