General Life

3-Year-Old BFFs Who Battled Cancer Together And Are Now In Remission Share A Sweet Reunion Outside Of The Hospital

Two three-year-old best friends who fought cancer together finally had the chance to enjoy an adorable reunion outside the hospital.

Two kids, Payson Altice and Mack Porter underwent treatment for different forms of cancer at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. There, they became inseparable.

Earlier this summer, however, the children were sent home and they spent weeks away and separated. Fortunately, their parents knew how precious their friendship is and what it means to them and arranged a sweet reunion.

In September 2020, weeks after her third birthday, little Payson was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Mack, her best bud, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma this January. Although they were both treated at the same hospital, most of the time they were they were isolated because of the COVID – 19 pandemic.

Payson’s mom, Traci Barrett, told Today:

“Payson was so isolated. It was so hard to meet people because of the pandemic. She was asking for new toys every five minutes.”

“And then Mack came along!”

Tracy was incredibly grateful that her child found a true friend in the face of Mack.

Mack’s mom, Dani Porter, said:

“I just knew Mack would like her.”

Shortly after their first meeting, the two kids started playing together constantly. Also, their mutual love for Peppa Pig helped them bond. They taught one another things about dancing and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Thankfully, the sweet little BFFs have gone into remission, and doctors released them from the hospital. But, during the time they were separated, they truly missed each other’s company. Ms. Porter explained:

“Every morning, his first question was, ‘When can I play with Payson?’”

When the two of them finally got to meet outside the hospital, their parents captured the heart-melting moment as Mack gave Payson a bouquet of flowers, and they hugged each other warmly and friendly.

Later, they were caught dancing, looking happier than ever.

Mack’s mom told ABC News:

“That was a blessing to just watch our children be children.”

Payson’s mom added:

“During these scary and hard times, no matter what, just look to the children because they’ll lead the way.”

The two best friends have continued to meet up for playdates. They are now excited that they will start going to preschool this fall.

You can support Payson and Mack via their GoFundMe pages:



General Life

Mom Held Her Newborn Baby Girl For ‘Just Minutes’ Before Dying From COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us all many valuable lessons, and unfortunately, it has caused too many tragedies all around the world.

Just days after giving birth to her daughter, one Florida mom died from COVID-19.

After contracting the virus, the mother, Kristen McMullen, 30, was forced to deliver her baby several weeks early following complications with her pregnancy.

It is unknown whether she has received the COVID vaccine. 

Yet, after she started experiencing breathing problems, doctors became concerned, and the baby began receiving less oxygen in the womb. 

The symptoms aggravated over time, so doctors at the Holmes Regional Medical Center in Melbourne had to perform an emergency C-Section to deliver her baby girl, Summer Reign.


Kristen McMullen, 30, held newborn daughter, Summer, for just a couple of photos before she was rushed to intensive care

McMullen took ill with COVID about five weeks before her due date 

For just a few short moments, McMullen was able to hold her daughter, before she was rushed to the intensive care unit after her own breathing took a turn for the worse.

The mother was pictured giving her infant a bottle of milk in one of the few photos she had taken with her newborn child. 

Melissa Syverson, McMullen’s aunt, said:

“She was able to hold Summer for basically just two pictures.

One she had the mask on, and one she took the mask off. They took the quick pictures, she put the mask back on — and then they moved Kristen to ICU immediately after that.”

That was the very first and last time she would ever hold her baby. 

While in the ICU, McMullen’s condition quickly worsened and she developed pneumonia, and she could only see her baby girl through video calls on an iPad. 


The mom was unable to see her little girl in person – only through video calls on an iPad


Dad, Keith McMullen, had been caring for his sick wife while looking after their newborn girl 

Syverson added:

‘She couldn’t interact. But at least she could see Summer while she was being cared for and just look at her. And then her breathing just progressively got worse.”

Eventually, doctors were forced to sedate her and she was placed on a ventilator. Later, on August 6, she passed away. 

GoFundMe page has been set up to help the family with medical bills and to help pay for help to look after Summer

Days before the death of her niece, Syverson said:

“Kristen dreamed of being a mom and after several years of fighting an uphill battle, her and her husband Keith, received the good news that they were expecting. This bundle of joy is the first great-grandchild in the family and we couldn’t have been happier for her and her little growing family. 

About 3 weeks prior to her due date, Kristen started developing COVID-19 symptoms. Things progressed quickly and she ended up in the hospital with an official ‘positive’ test as well as confirmation of having COVID pneumonia. She was in the hospital for 4 days at this point and was sent home with antibiotics. After less than 48 hours she returned to the hospital not able to breathe and worried about her unborn baby.”


Dad and husband, Keith McMullen, with his newborn daughter Summer Reign


A GoFundMe account has been set up to help raised funds to care for baby Summer Reign and pay for her mother’s medical bills 

Hours after returning to the hospital, the baby was delivered with husband and new father Keith doing double duty as he became a dad while still caring for his wife. 

Days after the initial posting on the donation website, the aunt shared the tragic news of McMullen’s passing.

She wrote:

‘She lit up the room wherever she was, her laughter was contagious and she will be truly missed every day until we all take our last breath.

We’re so thankful for the time we had with her and thank God for the blessing of her little girl that she left behind.

At this point it’s unclear how much money is needed to cover the insane hospital bills and to help keep Keith and baby Summer figure out how they’re going to move forward through this tragedy.’


‘We’re so thankful for the time we had with her and thank God for the blessing of her little girl that she left behind,’ aunt Melissa Syverson wrote 

She later explained:

‘We really thought with her being young and full of energy and completely healthy we thought she was going to pull through.”

The uncle, James Syverson, added:

‘She was giving it all to the baby and giving it all to fight this illness, and unfortunately the illness won. Absolutely terrible. such a loss all the way around. Summer not having a mom, me not having a niece, Keith not having a wife.

She never got sick, and we assumed like many people that this would just go away just as quickly as it came because with a lot of younger people — she was only 30 years old — that she would breeze through it and be back taking charge of life.’ 

Doctors believe McMullen was infected with the Delta variant.

Dr. Lori Boardman from Orlando Health’s Winnie Palmer Hospital for Women and Babies commented on the increased number of pregnant women contracting the virus:

‘They definitely have pneumonia and are requiring oxygen. the baby doesn’t look good because sometimes the heart rates will slow, we’re having to deliver babies before they’re supposed to be born.

One of the biggest questions I get is ‘Does it increase the risk of miscarriage?’ Data says no. We’re not seeing a negative impact at all from receiving the vaccination,’ Boardman said. ‘We’ve seen the babies getting antibodies from their moms who get vaccinated which protects them.’




Animals General Life Nature


After three years of dedicated research and development, the world witnessed the creation of Manta, a giant catamaran, the first factory boat designed to collect and process large quantities of floating plastic macro-waste at sea.

It is the first concentrated ecology and technology factory ship that can collect, process, and recover large quantities of marine plastic waste —and it’s powered by renewable energy.

The SeaCleaners presents the Manta, its pioneering and eco-friendly sailboat capable of collecting and processing large quantities of marine plastic waste.

This eco-friendly sailboat operates autonomously at 75% without fossil fuels.

This multi-purpose factory boat, propelled by renewable energies, is the newest approach towards the protection of the oceans.


The Manta will be launched in 2024.

The giant catamaran resulted from three-year-old research and development, and due to its biomimetic design, innovative hybrid propulsion system, and power supply from renewable energy sources, it will be able to operate 75% of the time autonomously, without using fossil fuels, with a minimal environmental footprint.

Moreover, the extraordinary vessel will also serve as a cutting-edge scientific laboratory for the observation, analysis, and understanding of ocean plastic pollution and as an educational platform open to the public.

It will be the only vessel of the kind able to manage 100% of the plastic waste collected at sea.

Every minute, 17 tons of plastic end up in the oceans, which is between 9 to 12 million tons annually. The United Nations (UN) reported that in case ambitious actions are not taken, then oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050.

Therefore, one man, a champion, adventurer, and record-holding navigator, Yvan Bourgnon, decided to take action, and stop seeing paradise turned into a dump.

Therefore, he created the association The SeaCleaners and set up a center of expertise dedicated to the construction of a pioneering ship: the Manta, the first sea-cleaning boat capable of collecting floating plastic waste on an industrial scale.

Due to its unique combination of collection means, the Manta will collect both floating macro-waste and smaller debris from 10 millimeters upwards and up to one meter deep.

It will be the first in the world to manage 100% of the plastic waste collected at sea thanks to its onboard factory.

The plastic waste will be sorted manually, treated, and recovered using a pyrolysis energy conversion unit capable of converting all the plastic collected into energy with a minimal environmental footprint.

Thanks to its waste collection and processing capacity of 1 to 3 tons per hour, the Manta will cleanse the oceans of 5,000 to 10,000 tons of plastic waste per year.

The propulsion of the Manta will have a customized hybrid system combining 1,500 m2 of sails installed on automated rigging and electric motors.

A series of on-board renewable energy production equipment (two wind turbines, hydro-generators, almost 500 m2 of photovoltaic solar panels) will produce the needed electricity, as well as an on-board waste to energy unit.

Due to the unique and innovative system, this unique multi-purpose vessel will be able to operate autonomously on average 75% of the time, without using fossil fuels, with an environmental footprint reduced to the strict minimum.

Additionally, apart from cleaning the seas, the Manta will have three other missions, making it a complete solution for combating plastic pollution, both corrective and preventive:

    • In co-development with local decision-makers, to contribute to the transition towards a circular economy in countries affected by plastic pollution, by demonstrating and disseminating innovative solutions for the management and treatment of plastic waste and clean shipping solutions for “green ships” and “smart ships”;
    • Receiving the public aboard for awareness and education actions on plastic pollution ;
    • To host international scientific missions, thanks to its onboard research facilities, on the quantification, characterization, and localization of plastic waste slicks. The data collected will be shared in open Data.

The Manta will intervene mainly in Asia, Africa, and South America, in areas where marine plastic pollution is particularly dense: coastal areas, rivers, large rivers mouths, and estuaries.

Being a deep-sea vessel, it will intervene rapidly in polluted areas following a natural or climatic disaster (typhoons, tsunamis…).

Currently, a technical consortium of some twenty companies and five research laboratories work on the design and development of the Manta, with the launch and the first collection campaigns scheduled for 2024.

An educational platform

When it comes to its role as an educational platform, after 3 weeks at sea collecting plastic waste, the Manta will visit coastal ports in the area to raise awareness, educate and present the SeaCleaners missions.

Each day in port, the vessel will welcome the public aboard for conferences and activities regarding plastic pollution. A dedicated area of 200 m2 and a conference room for 80 people are on board the Manta to accommodate these events.

A tool to promote the circular economy

The Manta will also serve as a technological demonstration vessel of technological possibilities to encourage and support local actions towards improvements of their waste and recycle management. Its vocation is to support local stakeholders in the development and structuring of local waste management and recovery sectors. Visits will be hosted aboard the Manta with local political, industrial, and economic decision-makers, to adapt to local contexts the solutions presented, in particular the Mobula (small collection boats), the waste-to-energy conversion unit, and the clean navigation technologies, which can be used for the development of “green ships” and “smart ships”.

A scientific laboratory to study plastic pollution

Moreover, the boat will welcome international researchers aboard for long-distant missions at sea, to advance the fight against plastic pollution backed by scientific results. It can accommodate a group of 6-10 researchers, who would be able to make use of workrooms, a dry lab, a wet lab, and the oceanographic equipment necessary to geolocate, quantify and characterize plastic pollution. Research results will be published and data collected will be available in an “open data” platform.

An ambassador boat for the fight against marine plastic pollution

What’s more, The Manta will act as an ambassador to display the affordability and efficiencies of technologies to collect and process plastic pollution. Being a pioneer, it will use the opportunity to encourage other players, show them the ease of use in the technologies, open dialogues with communities, companies, and even countries to mobilize and to take actions to protect the oceans. Its results at sea will help to raise awareness at all levels of society.

In its latest resolutions on marine plastic pollution, the United Nations recommends cleaning up ecosystems in parallel with upstream prevention and awareness-raising work.

Namely, plastic pollution continues to break down into microplastics that are absorbed by marine life, and in turn, end up in our food.

For the first time, recent research at the University of Arizona (USA) detected microplastics in human organs.

Plus, plastic pollution is the main cause of death for marine wildlife: 1 million marine birds and more than 100,000 marine mammals die each year from ingestion or suffocation by plastic pollution.

Therefore, it is high time we sought solutions and took action to clean the oceans.


The design of the Manta consolidates performance and simplicity, and it emulates the manta ray. The Manta ray eats as she swims with her mouth wide open, passing water through her gill arches filtering for zooplankton, jellyfish, and crustaceans. The sailboat passes water between its hulls to filter for plastic pollution feeding its waste-to-energy conversion unit to create energy for its propulsion system, and in turn, cleanses the sea.

The Manta has a three floatables collection system, one central and two lateral towed by two outriggers on each side of the Manta. Therefore, it has a collection span of 46 meters and a collection depth of one meter, for maximum efficiency in the collection of floating waste, without harming marine fauna and flora. Two cranes attached on the main working deck on either side of the ship extract large debris.

Then, the waste is taken to the sorting unit where operators separate it manually according to its nature. Organic matter, like wood and algae, is returned to the water, respecting the marine fauna and flora. Metal, glass, or aluminum waste is stored for return to shore and recycling in local waste management channels. Plastic waste is shredded and compacted to increase its energy efficiency, before feeding the Waste-to- Electricity Conversion Unit.

The Waste-to-Electricity Conversion Unit, named WECU, will convert plastic into electricity, and thus power all the electrical equipment onboard the Manta.

Pyrolysis is used to vaporize the plastic. Since oxygen is not present the materials do not combust thereby producing a synthetic gas « syngas ».The syngas engages the turbine and produces electricity.

The heat and toxic emissions released are recovered to meet thermal requirements and maintain a minimum environmental footprint.

The solid carbon residues which represent 5 to 10 % of the treated plastic, will be stored and distributed to recycling management services on land to produce products, like bitumen, cement, and fuel.

Nothing will be wasted. Plastic will be turned into usable energy rather than storage, which increases the weight of the sailboat and therefore its energy consumption.

Factory boat, ambassadorship, all-in-one plastic decontamination, extraordinary catamaran… the Manta is the epitome of an eco-friendly sailboat.

The preferred propulsion mode will be its sails and rigs, minimizing its energy consumption, its carbon footprint, and its operating costs. It will maintain a high level of energy autonomy and will function 75% of the time without fossil fuels.

As its missions require low speeds, the hybrid propulsion system allows movement at low speeds (between 2 and 3 knots) while maintaining maneuverability. An optimal way to combine propeller propulsion units driven by electric motors and automated rigs, equipped with a very large sail area (over 1,500 m2).

The latter are improved Dynarig rigs, specially designed to lower the energy bill and the ecological footprint of sailing yachts.

Plus, the Manta will have on-board renewable resources that will supply electricity, with the aim to increase self-sufficiency with minimal environmental impact and reduce consumption of fossil fuels:

  • Two wind turbines, located at the stern, will generate up to 100 kW of electricity;
  • Nearly 500 m2 of photovoltaic solar panels, installed at the bow, will generate approximately 100 kWp (kilowatt-peak) of electricity.

Two-thirds of the panels will be located on a fixed surface, one-third of the panels will be attached on retractable wings, which render the appearance of the ray, hence the name the Manta.

  • Two hydro-generator, located under the vessel, will generate up to 100 kW utilizing their rotors when the boat is under sail propulsion.
  • The Waste-to-Electricity Conversion Unit will generate up to 100 kW

To ensure low-speed maneuvering and ensure the safety of the crew, the Manta is also fitted with two diesel engines

The principles of energy management of this extraordinary machine are efficiency and simplicity. Pyrolysis consolidates these principles and is the cleanest and most eco-friendly technology available for processing and recovering plastic waste.

The toxic emissions released by this process are treated by an innovative filtration system, thereby, reducing CO2 and other pollutants into the air.

This filtration system conforms to the strictest standards of the European regulatory requirements, being the cleanest and most environmentally friendly technology for processing and recovering collected plastic waste, with very low external emissions.

Pyrolysis satisfies all criteria for sobriety and efficiency in energy management onboard the Manta.

Being the only deep-sea vessel capable of traversing the oceans nonstop, The Manta will intervene rapidly anywhere in the world and address areas polluted following natural or climate disasters.

It will intervene in endemic-polluted areas, and in coastal areas where the concentration of waste is the densest, i.e. in the estuaries or mouths of the most polluted and polluting rivers.

Numerous studies suggest that 80% of marine pollution begins on land and enters the waterways that lead to the oceans.

Between 0,41 and 4 million tons of pollution present in the oceans come from rivers.

Researchers claim that 88% to 95% of the pollution originates from 10 of the most polluted rivers in the world, mainly in Asia and Africa:


Moreover, areas ravaged by natural disasters lead to massive inflows of pollution into the ocean.

Therefore, the Manta will prove beneficial to respond rapidly in response to natural or climatic disasters.

Satellite images obtained by collaborative partners and exploratory missions carried out by the association will target the areas of intervention.

Moreover, the SeaCleaners will also rely on data provided by the goodwill of other specialized associations and organizations supporting clean-up efforts.


Diet & Weight Loss Health Health Tips

28 American Foods That Are Banned In Other Countries

Our health is largely affected by the foods we consume.

All health experts, doctors, and nutritionists point out the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, rich in nutrients and fresh produce.

Unfortunately, many of us just cannot resist certain foods that seem to contribute nothing good to our health, but their taste pleases all senses!

Namely, junk food, sweets, and highly processed packaged foods are in almost every kitchen cupboard and fridge in the US.

Are you aware, however, that there are some foods or ingredients that are so dangerous, that other countries have banned them?

This is a list of American foods banned in various countries throughout the globe.

After reading this article, you may want to reconsider buying these products next time you’re in the store!

28 American Foods Banned In Other Countries

When you mention American food, most people will say things like fast-food burgers, fries, and enormous sodas.

The country is known for producing large, “extreme” foods (hi freak shakes), but not so much for fine quality. In reality, some American foods that you might even eat on daily basis are in fact so bad for you, that other countries have banned them.  

  1. Brominated Vegetable Oil: Common Soda Ingredient

There could be more than just a shockingly high amount of sugar in your soda or sports drink. Many times, an ingredient called brominated vegetable oil is also present there. It is flame-retardant and can be a reason for many health problems. Because of this, it is banned in several places, most notably Europe (yes, the entire continent) and Japan. In 2014, Coca-Cola and Pepsi claimed that they were removing it from their beverages, but in the end, there isn’t much regulation on it. Check your labels (it has to be listed), particularly if drinking smaller, lesser-known brands.

  1. A Hormone Added To Milk

To this day, a hormone known as rBST is still added to some US dairy. It has been causing many health issues in the cows themselves, although it is still not known what effects it has on the health of humans. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Europe have banned it.

  1. Food Dye In Boxed Mac N’ Cheese

Though banned in Norway, Finland, and some other countries, you can still find yellow #5 and #6 added to some packed macaroni and cheese in the USA. These two dyes can cause hyperactivity in kids. Always read your labels and do not buy brands that contain this chemical.

  1. Pink Slime

Can you remember the pink slime scandal of 2012? Well, that “beef” that some try to present as good, healthy ground beef is in fact banned in Canada and the whole European Union. This additive to lower fat content in ground beef is exposed to ammonia during its processing. This can cause many health problems to people.

  1. Genetically Modified Foods

To this day, a lot of debate still takes place about genetically modified foods (GMOs) and their health, safety, and efficacy. Numerous countries have banned them, including most of the EU, Russia, several Latin American countries, some of Asia, and four countries in Africa. Specifically, the EU has banned several American GMO products, with corn, soy, and papaya being among them.

  1. Chlorine Treated Chicken

As US authorities claim, chlorinated chicken is safe for consumption. The chickens are treated with chlorine to remove harmful bacteria. The EU and UK, however, don’t agree on that, and they have banned it since 1997.

  1. Pork

US pork is banned in 160 of the 196 countries in the world. The reason is that much of it contains the growth hormone ractopamine. It allows companies to produce more meat with less feed used. This drug makes many pigs grow so large that they can barely stand or walk. They end up in terrible suffering at slaughterhouses, being trampled, dragged, and electrically prodded.

  1. Certain Bread Products

Wraps, rolls, bread crumbs, bagel chips, and flatbreads made in America contain a chemical by the name of potassium bromate. It is an oxidizer that helps bread rise. It causes kidney and thyroid cancers in rodents. It is banned in Europe, Canada, and China, so don’t try to find American bread products there.

  1. Frozen dinners

Azodicarbonamide is yet another chemical additive in US bread that is banned in Australia, the UK, and most of Europe. It is also present in frozen dinners and packaged baked goods. Another leavening agent, scientists say it causes cancer in rodents. Actually, it has been banned in the European Union for more than a decade.

  1. Sugar cane

US sugar cane is treated with the weed killer Atrazine. Suspected to cause birth defects, reproductive tumors, skin sensitization, and muscle degeneration, the European Union has banned it. Also, Atrazine easily leaks into waterways where it damages wildlife and the environment.

  1. Fat-Free Products

Much of the fat-free snacks in America are made fat-free by using a thing called Olestra. Not only has it been linked to gastrointestinal disease in children and terrible diarrhea in adults, but it also has been shown to increase appetite. This is the reason both Canada and Europe have banned it.

  1. Chewing gum

Chewing gums in America contain the preservative butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA). Causing cancer in rats, it’s also an ingredient in cereal, baked goods, packaging, cosmetics, snack foods, meats, butter, dehydrated potatoes, and beer. It’s banned in Japan, the UK, and most of the countries in Europe.

  1. Salmon

The pink color in wild-caught salmon is because of the carotenoids in their diet. But the American farmed salmon, do not eat a natural diet. As a result, the farmers feed them synthetic astaxanthin. This can potentially cause eyesight damage and because of that, it is banned in Austria and New Zealand.

  1. Fruit loops

Fruity Pebbles too! If it wasn’t already a familiar fact, Fruit Loops are made from artificial dyes, and many of these dyes have adverse health effects on both children and adults, among them cancers and healthy DNA mutation. That is why Norway, Finland, France, and Austria have all banned them.

  1. Fake Blueberry

The artificial dyes used to make the artificial blueberry you see in NutriGrain bars, toaster waffles, and most pre-packaged fake blueberry-containing foods are made from petroleum. They have been suspected to cause brain cancer, nerve cell degeneration, and hyperactivity. Norway, France, Finland, Austria, and the UK have banned it. Many of these blueberry snack foods still can be found there – they just contain real blueberries.

  1. American M&Ms

Next time you visit a country in the EU, make sure you read the list of ingredients on a package of M&Ms. You will notice ingredients such as red cabbage, lemon, and radish. Well, the food dyes used in American M&Ms are banned for use in the EU, as they are worried about the risk of hyperactivity in children among other health risks. 

  1. Maraschino Cherries

In the United States, Maraschino cherries get their bright red color with the help of Red Dye 40. This dye is also added to grenadine and many cherry pie mixes, but it is banned in France, Belgium, Switzerland, and Denmark over health and safety concerns. 

  1. Apples

It turns out that in the United States, the saying “ one apple a day keeps the doctor away” is far from being true. Namely, non-organic apples here are coated in a chemical-filled wax to give them that super shiny appearance and those chemicals have been related to certain cancers, and as a result, they are banned in the EU.

  1. Chocolate Milk

Many American chocolate brands contain a chemical called carrageenan, which is an emulsifying agent used to stabilize and thicken many processed foods. Yet, studies have shown that it can lead to heart disease-causing inflammation, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s diseases. Therefore, it is banned for use in baby formula but is still added to various ice creams, salad dressings, soy milk, and some meat products. Yup, it is banned in the EU. 

  1. Ketchup

All Americans know that ketchup is bad for us, but we still love it!

A decade ago, France banned ketchup in all school and university cafeterias for two reasons: health and the protection of their own cuisine. 

  1. Potato Chips

BHT is often added to our favorite chips, to keep them fresh and crisp is banned in the UK, Japan, and many European countries. 

  1. American Cheese

Numerous dairy products in the United States are rich in the hormone Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), which is a synthetic version of the natural one used to increase milk production. In cows, it can lead to inflamed udders and infertility, and in humans, it can cause various types of cancer. It is banned in 30 countries. 

  1. Coffee Mate

If you enjoy your morning coffee with a little (or a lot) of Coffee-Mate coffee creamer in our cuppa’, we have to inform you that it contains trans fats from cottonseed oils and hydrogenated soybean that can lead to heart disease. Due to this, it is banned in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Hungary, Austria, and Switzerland. 

  1. High Fructose Corn Syrup

Although it is not fully banned, the use of HGCS is restricted in the EU and the UK, due to its connection with obesity and Type 2 Diabetes. Yet, here in the United States, it is still common, especially in fizzy-sweet soda drinks. 

  1. Palm Oil

Apart from high quantities of salt and sugar, most commercial peanut butter is filled with palm oil. This oil endangers our health, and additionally, its cultivation is one of the top causes of deforestation in the Amazon. Consequently, many European countries have banned it. 

  1. Artificial Sweeteners

Many sweets advertised to be suitable for people with diabetes or those who want baked goods without sugar contain artificial sweeteners that the EU officially banned in 2017-2018, due to their different side effects.

  1. Stevia

The EU and UK still have a firm ban on the low-calorie sweetener stevia, as a result of the lack of evidence that it is safe to consume. Certain studies suggest that it could contribute to male infertility and some cancers. 

  1. Trans Fats

Scientists keep warning us that trans fats can increase your risk of heart disease, by lowering your good cholesterol and simultaneously raising your bad cholesterol. Due to these concerns, much of the EU, Canada, and Brazil have banned or at least put very strict regulations on it. 





General Life

Confusing ‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Puzzle Has Left Fans Of The Show Stumped

Every Internet user is familiar with the popular wheels of fortune. With all of those all-too-tempting advertisements flashing a wheel of fortune with a whole bunch of luxurious prizes that you can win, but all you get instead is a virus or maybe a couple of them- really fun, isn’t it?

But, what do you think about the wheel of fortune puzzle TV show?

What we are talking about here is quite similar… except that the chance of getting any computer viruses is much lower because it is the wheel of fortune puzzle show that goes on TV in the daytime, named the Wheel of Fortune – ironically.

This show aired first in 1975, is loved by all domestic workers, the parents that stay at home, the adults who work from home who simply can’t stay in silence so they leave the TV playing in the background (but, in fact, it’s there for you to stare blankly at whilst you pretend to be working).

I’m certain that this game, along with all game shows that air on TV during the daytime has reached its all-time peak since the streaming movies showed up, seeing as we spend so much time in our homes now during these days of the pandemic… there is a name for a reality show somewhere in there…

The wheel of fortune puzzle

Surely every one of us has had the opportunity to watch this show, but there was a recent show that poised a particular riddle that was so perplexed, it has gone viral! While we are quite sure that everyone has tried to solve it … they have failed badly but in the funniest ways! We present you a few examples we have collected, for your amusement – so enjoy!

The picture above is the dreaded wheel of fortune puzzle. It is a kind of a game of Hang-man… but the hanging is gone. There are a few given letters of the alphabet, with a few blank spaces and you are supposed to fill in those blanks. If you consider the letters that are given you can imagine the humorous answers that people have given!

Here are a few examples

@MrMunk00 thought the answer might be; “ DUCK AT WORK” and he said that he “was trying to think of a situation when “DUCK AT WORK” would make any kind of sense, and really only zookeepers and park rangers could find the relevance in this one.” – we are totally behind you on that, Mr. Munk! Unless you are fortunate to have a lovable duck as a pet and also to be able to work from home!

@twittersgoodboy thought that the missing words would make up the words; “SUCK IT DORK”, but we think that might be the most obvious option… try better next time, @twittersgoodboy!

@davegrapes also had an amusing idea… stating that it is; “PICK AT PORK”. Well now, if you would like a roast pork feast, we can’t argue with that and we understand this guess! In fact, it would be most logical!

Now that you have seen some of the hilarious opinions, what would your guess be about solving this puzzle? Let’s see what are your thoughts, it could be very interesting! Don’t hold back! Have you found the true answer when others couldn’t?

Write it down in the comments section and let’s spread the fun!


Exercises Health

How Many Squares Do You See In This Image?

Our brain loves to be teased.

Brain exercise is as important as any other body exercise, and what’s better about it, it is much more fun!

Brainteasers are a great way to keep your brain in shape, so we chose one that will challenge you!

Let us know, how many squares do you see?

Brainteasers are very important for your wellbeing, as they promote brain elasticity and memory retention.

Therefore, feed your brain with challenges, water it with puzzles, and exercise it with games, optical illusions, and brainteasers!

Take a look at the picture below and count the squares in it!

How many squares do you see?

Keep in mind, not everything is as it seems. Our brains tend to focus on one thing and thus overlook certain aspects of images and remove certain information.

Therefore, take your time and look away from the image for a few moments.

Do this several times, to check if you have missed anything previously.

Next, you can remove the colors from the squares for you to see the answer more clearly.

Maybe seeing the picture in monochromatic mode helped you? 

The answer is…11!

The picture below should tell you everything you need to know.

So, did you enjoy this? If you did, test your skills with the next one, from Playbuzz, and let us know how many squares do you see in this tricky challenge?

While it might appear simple at the beginning, the longer you look at it, the more squares you will notice. Take your time, and count all the squares you can spot.

When done, try to solve this super difficult problem.


The answer is 40.

Look at the grid. Eight small squares, 18 single squares, nine 2×2 squares, four 3×3 squares, and 4×4 squares.



General Health Life

90% Of Viewers Couldn’t See The Mistake In This Picture! But Can You?

If you believe that you are a detail-oriented person, and have a keen eye, you surely enjoy solving quizzes, various riddles, and puzzles.

Now, we offer you a chance to show your detective and sharp-eyed skills, and test your capabilities with 10 picture riddles!

Can you spot the mistake?

If you managed to do so, here are 10 more picture puzzles that will test your skills right now!

Come on!

#1 Tricky Trains

At first glance, this is just a photo of two trains, but there is a mistake you need to spot here as well.

Namely, the cars on the train are wrong, the one on the left only has passenger cars and no head cars, while the second one has two head cars and no cabooses at all.

Did you get it? Now, let’s move on!

#2 Bunch of Grapes

Here is a lovely drawing of grapes… And another plant. Yet,  the leaf in the background is actually not from a grapevine, but it resembles a fern. Obviously, it doesn’t grow next to grapes like this.

#3 On the Kitchen Table

Can you find the mistake here? This is a cozy photo of cookies and tea. Take another look.. Yup, the “min” and “max” labels on the kettle are flipped. Max should be on top while the min should be at the bottom.

#4 A Quick Peek at the Calendar

Did you notice the discrepancy between the dates on the two calendars and the computer? On the screen, it says what could only be the actual date of August 4, 2017. Yet, computers are designed to stay updated on the proper date, so it is highly unlikely the person in the picture could have a calendar for the next year. So, the mistake lies in the conflicting years of 2017 and 2018.

#5 English Homework

This one would be easy if you are familiar with classic literature. Take a look at the stack of books next to the child. The Hound of the Baskervilles was actually written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle as part of his Sherlock Holmes series. Yet, Charles Dickens did write Great Expectations and Hard Times.

Spot the Hidden Item

Now, here are several more chances to test your sharp eyes. Now, you’ll need to spot the hidden item that doesn’t belong with the rest of the pattern. Do your best before peeking at the answer!

#6 Find the Hidden Moth

The last thing anyone wants in a bunch of scattered clothes is a fabric-eating moth!

#7 Find the Hidden Corgi

Dogs are eager to dig up your hard work. This little brown pup is up to no good, it seems. Note that its color blends in with the pots, so take extra care to search for its little face.

#8 Find the Hidden Dancer

Once again, the hidden figure is the same color as the things around it. Find the graceful dancer pirouetting through a field of pink, wacky-necked flamingos.

#9 Find the Hidden Tutu

The dancer has left her tutu behind, and it’s now blended with watermelon of the same color. Yet, note that the tutu has no black seeds or green rind!

#10 Find the Hidden Ghost

This one is perfect for Halloween! Its creator, Hungarian illustrator Gergely Dudás, is great at drawing these hidden object picture puzzles. Enjoy the last challenge!


Beauty Life

The Supermodel Who Is World’s Most Beautiful Woman, According To Science

Since the time we were kids we were told that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This means that people’s perception of beauty is different. Yet, science claims something else about that. As this doctor claims, science can be used to determine who is, actually, the most beautiful woman in the world. Here is science’s choice.

Plastic Surgeon Uses Science To Determine The World’s Most Beautiful Woman

In their own way, everyone is beautiful. People also become more or less beautiful when you start to know them better– personality really makes a difference. Still, there is something to be said as to what is “objectively beautiful” – what the majority can agree on is beautiful at first glance. In the opinion of the European renaissance architects, the “golden ratio” is the physical measurement of, well, perfection.

Modern scientists have used this rule to mathematically explain why some people are viewed as beautiful and others aren’t. Plastic surgeon Dr. Julian DeSilva, who is based in London, used this ratio to scientifically determine who is the most beautiful woman in the world. The answer is supermodel Bella Hadid.

The Golden Ratio

As said before, the golden ratio was first developed by ancient architects to help them build their perfect masterpieces. According to this ratio the perfect female face:

–       Is 1.5 times longer than it is wide

–       Is equidistant between the hairline to the middle of the eyes, then to the bottom of the nose, and finally to the bottom of the chin.

–       Has ears the same length as the nose

–       Has the same width between the eyes as is the length of the eye itself

As professor Kendra Schmid claims, who first talked about this ratio in 2009 on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the majority scores between 4 and 6. No one has a 10 score, but Bella Hadid was the closest out of all. Her score was 94.35% accurate to the golden ratio.

The World’s Most Beautiful Women

Of course, it is difficult to really compare the supermodels between them. Anyway, nothing will ever get in the way of people trying. According to DeSilva’s research, the list of the most beautiful women in the world (according to science) is this:

  1. Bella Hadid – 94.35%
  2. Beyonce – 92.44%
  3. Amber Heard – 91.85%
  4. Ariana Grande – 91.81%
  5. Taylor Swift – 91.64 percent
  6. Kate Moss – 91.05 percent
  7. Scarlett Johansson – 90.91 percent
  8. Natalie Portman – 90.51 per cent
  9. Katy Perry – 90.08 percent
  10. Cara Delevingne – 89.99 per cent

To make this list, De Silva used computerized facial mapping techniques.

Like It Or Not, The Ratio Is Real

Many of us believe that what we consider beautiful is a result of what the media, movies, television, and the internet shows us. While these do influence us in some ways, the reality is that there are certain ratios and symmetry that people naturally prefer. Researchers have discovered this right away from the time we are born.

The fact that babies are drawn to the same types of faces that adults regard as beautiful is a very significant point. This is because babies have not yet been shaped by cultural influences. They don’t like something because somebody told them they are supposed to, they like it because they really do.

All this aside, just because your face doesn’t automatically match this so-called “golden ratio” of beauty, doesn’t mean that you aren’t beautiful. Nor does it mean that you aren’t worthy – worthy of love, happiness, and success. Don’t let these numbers and someone else’s opinions convince you in the opposite.








General Life

Woman Is Duct-Taped To Her Seat After Trying To Open Plane’s Door In The Middle Of The Flight

American Airline flight attendants duct-taped a woman to her seat during a flight, and it was caught in a video. Apparently, it was done after the woman tried to open the door of the plane during the flight.

A passenger recorded the video after the plane was safely on the ground, and in the video, you can see the woman taped on the seat with her mouth covered. She appears to be noisy and shouting for help.

It is believed that she suffered a mental breakdown and started shouting hysterically. After she tried to open the door from the plane, she attacked some members of the crew, who explain that there wasn’t another solution to the situation but to restrain the woman.

The flight’s route was from Dallas Fort Worth, Texas, to Charlotte, North Carolina.

American Airlines, an airline that has been sharply criticized before over its treatment of passengers, confirmed that the incident happened during one of their flights.

The airline had reported to fellow passengers that the female passenger ‘had an outburst’ and that there was a ‘bad situation on the plane’.

They said in a statement that the passenger had created a safety and security incident and had attacked crew members, also attempting to bite them.  

The statement said:

“While in flight from Dallas-Fort Worth (DFW) to Charlotte (CLT) on July 6, the crew onboard American Airlines flight 1774 reported a potential security concern after a customer attempted to open the forward boarding door and physically assaulted, bit, and caused injury to a flight attendant.”


“For the safety and security of other customers and our crew, the individual was restrained until the flight landed at CLT and could be met by law enforcement and emergency personnel.”

Although flight attendants are trained in handling this kind of situation, there does not seem to be a precedent for taping people to their seats. It is nearly impossible to open an airplane door while it is in the air.






Man Gives His Paralyzed Husky Pool Therapy To Help Relieve The Pain, And Help Him Walk

We have all heard a doggy horror story once or twice before, where owners have let their dogs down when they needed them the most, and whether that be through serious acts of neglect or abandonment, the outcome is always saddening.

With stories like these happening all the time, it is often easy to forget the millions of amazing dog owners out there who are giving so much love and affection to their pets. So even though we can’t give guarantees your eyes won’t get wet reading Kane’s story we can at least promise it will be in a positive way.

Kane’s legs suddenly stopped working and the owners had no idea what to do.


The love between a dog and its owner is very big so when Siberian husky Kane developed age-related pain all of the sudden, and paralysis in his two back legs his owner didn’t want to put Kane down. Even though he was too old to survive the strain of an operation and there was a very big chance that he may never be able to walk again, his owner decided to do everything in his power to make sure the old pal was comfortable.

After much time spent researching and a slew of pain medication that in the end didn’t give such a good result, they discovered water therapy.

With nothing to lose and Kane’s life in jeopardy his owner took the dog to a local pool for an assisted swim and saw a change at once.

The dog who had been suffering from acute chronic pain was unexpectedly relieved from the pain with the help of the weightless effect water has on the body and after a few sessions in the pool, a miracle happened, he regained his ability to walk!

In the heart-melting video put on YouTube by Kane’s owner found at the footer of the article, the dog can be seen walking again with little help from doggy mobility equipment and even without help!

Congratulations to Kane on getting well and applause to his owner who didn’t want to give up on his best friend!

Check out the amazing video:

Please share this heartbreaking story with your close ones!
