
When You Grow Up With A Strong Mother, You Too Become Strong

There is nothing similar to a mother in this world.

Mothers are not human, they are superheroes!

Having the privilege to have a strong woman as your mother in life has countless benefits, as these beings are quite abundant in this world.

Sadly, they do not get the recognition they deserve, for some reason, but they do not even need it.

These women help their children become the best versions of themselves, and prepare them for the beautiful, yet tough world out there.

What’s best about it, they instill their strength in their children.

A strong woman raises her child showing that standing your ground is important in life.

She tells her children that one has to always stand on their own, and helps them grow and develop.

A strong mom pushes her kid to always do the right thing in life and to have values in life.

When everyone else has jumped ship, the strong mother will be still there to help and comfort her child.

These women are unique and a true treasure to meet.

Yet, they can sometimes come off a bit harsh, but remember that she tries hard to keep you happy and help you choose the best in life.

As a result of growing up under her wings, you too are someone who will be there for the people who need you the most. You will care for them, and you will take a stand for the people who can’t take stands for themselves.

Strong mothers inspire their kids, and teach them that others do not define them.

If you have been blessed to have been raised by such a mother, it means that you are kind, full of growth, and more than ready to take on the world.

Make sure you respect your mother and show her how much she means to you and how much you love her.

She did a great job, and show her that she should be proud of herself.


General Life

Your Kids Didn’t Ask To Be Born And They Don’t Owe You For Parenting Them

Parenting is the biggest blessing in life.

Yet, it is often quite challenging.

One of the most difficult things a parent has to accept is that their child is an individual on their own.

Regardless of the fact that we have created them, and devote our entire lives to them, caring for them, loving them unconditionally, and doing our best to help them whenever they need it, our kids have a life on their own and they do not owe us anything.

Yup, it might sound harsh, but it is the truth.

Of course, this does not mean that they should disrespect us, but we must be realistic when it comes to our expectations.

Our dearest ones should respect and appreciate us, but they shouldn’t wait on your hand and foot.

They do not have to do anything we ask of them.

Just because you brought your child to this world does not mean that you own him.

They are separate human beings from us and should be treated as such. They are not our property.

Your children cannot be or do everything you ask them to.

You might and should guide them in life, but they are not your servants to follow your orders or fulfill your own aspirations.

Let’s be honest, parenting is challenging on its own, and it doesn’t come with a manual, so all parents make mistakes from time to time.

Yet, remember that your role is to improve your kid’s life, and not be hard on them.

Give your children the space they need. Don’t overreact when they do something that annoys you, do not yell at them, do not ground them.

There is always a better way to change things for the better, but it almost always requires patience.

A good parent finds the perfect balance between being tough and being fun.

Do you remember how it was like when you were younger?

Keep this in mind while raising your own kids, and do not let them bottle their feelings.

Teach them to ask for what they want, and to never suppress their emotions.

Be there for them, show them that they always have you to turn to and talk when they need it.

The home should be their safe place, a place of compassion and healing.

The process of growing up is a unique experience for every single one of us.

Guide your children, but do not treat them as your possessions, as they might lash out as they get older, and fight tooth and nail to prove to you that they are their own people.

Carrie Krawiec, a licensed marriage and family therapist at Birmingham Maple Clinic in Troy, MI, explains:

“Anything that feels owed or obligated often comes at the price tag of guilt or resentment, so families should reconsider using ‘owe’ as a method to coerce people and start to use free choice and a sense of autonomy, which yields more gratitude and pleasant feelings.”

Moroever, Anna Poss, a therapist, and owner of Anna Poss Counseling & Psychotherapy in Chicago adds:

“Sacrificing the sense of self to familial expectations is a good way to breed resentment, anger, and pain. Healthy relationships allow you room to be your authentic self. “

Your children should not be a version of yourself. They should be their own, unique persons.

Allow them to make their own choices in life, support their decisions, and be there for them, in good and bad.

You will be surprised by the things they are capable of.

We made them, we love them the most, but we should treat them as clever and beautiful human beings, separate from us, with their own rights and freedoms, and we should treat them as such.

Make sure you watch the video below for a little more insight on this:


General Life

Researcher Suggests ‘People Who Like To Be Alone’ Are Pretty ‘Badass’

We are all different and unique in our own ways, but very often, people who are pretty independent and enjoy their time alone are seen as a bit weird.

However, it turns out that they might be pretty badass!

Numerous researchers have investigated the character traits of people who like to be around other people and those who do not throughout the years that individuals.

Many of them suggest that the preference to spent time alone does not make one weird- in fact, it might just indicate that that person just enjoys his own company, and that is a great thing!

Being alone is not a bad thing, and many experts claim that it can be very positive!

One researcher, Bella DePaulo, claims this.

Namely, she is a 60-year-old single woman, and she loves being on her own.

DePaulo explains that on the ‘desire for being alone’ scale, developed by Birk Hagemeyer, those who score higher on their desire to be alone tend to feel relaxed when alone, whereas those who score lower are uncomfortable when alone.

Even though many people tend to stereotype those who are alone as being seemingly strange or unsettling, that’s not the case for those who like to be alone.

DePaulo wrote:

 “If our stereotypes about people who like being alone were true, then we should find that they are neurotic and closed-minded. In fact, just the opposite is true: People who like spending time alone, and who are unafraid of being single, are especially unlikely to be neurotic. They are not the tense, moody, worrying types.

People who like spending time alone, and people who are unafraid of being single, are also more likely than others to be open-minded. People who are unafraid of being single are more agreeable than people who are afraid of being single. (People who like spending time alone are no more or less agreeable than people who don’t.) And people who are unafraid of being single are also more conscientious than those who are afraid. (The results were not consistent for people who like spending time alone.)

The question I am asked most often about the personality of people who are single is whether they are more introverted. The one relevant study suggests that they probably are. But research on single people typically includes all single people, whether they want to be single or not. The studies I’m describing here tell us about people who are unafraid of being single (or who like spending time alone).

People who are unafraid of being single were more extroverted than those who are afraid of being single. Perhaps this finding is consistent with research showing that single people, on average, have more friends than married people do, and do more to maintain relationships with friends, neighbors, siblings, and parents. But again, the research on the social ties of single people includes all single people, not just those who are unafraid of being single.

People who like spending time alone were not any more or less extroverted than those who do not, but they did score as less sociable. Those two scales (extraversion and sociability) measure similar things so it is odd that they did not produce consistent findings.”

DePaulo also claims that single people or those who prefer to be alone are more helpful, caring, connected, and not selfish in any sense of the word.

Back in 2017, she even published a book going over ‘The Badass Psychology of People Who Like Being Alone’, and it helped many people to change their attitude and start feeling better for themselves.

This is a part of the preface to this book ‘Alone‘ :

“A loneliness panic has swept the nation and the world. For years, the popular press and the annals of academia have been spewing out warnings, in increasingly alarmist tones, that loneliness has reached epic proportions, and that it is killing us.

But amidst all the angst about loneliness, something profoundly important has been overlooked: Some people like being alone. They like their time alone. They like living alone.

In many nations all around the world, the number of people living alone has reached record levels. More and more people are also dining alone, traveling alone, and making their way in public places alone. Studies of married couples in the U.S. show that their lives are less enmeshed than they once were. Some couples are even living apart, in places of their own, not because far-flung jobs or other externalities have forced that upon them, but because they want their own space.

For unknown numbers of people, being alone is not just a preference – it is a craving, a need. Deprived of their time alone for too long, they begin to fantasize about it. Nothing feels quite right until their need for solitude is replenished.

Who are these people who like being alone? Stereotypically, they are the weirdos and the freaks, the scary loners planning shocking acts of violence. New thinking and fresh research upend those caricatures. We now have a better idea of the true personalities of people who like being alone, and they are, well, totally badass.”

What do you think? Do you agree? Do you prefer being on your own most of the time?

Watch the video below to hear more from DePaulo:




General Life

Woman Writes Her Own Obituary Before Dying And Bans Her Family From Attending Her Funeral

We all have the right to live our lives the way we choose, and one woman, kept this right until her last day, and chose the way she would part from this world. 

One woman decided to do one final thing before she left this world and show her family what she thought of them.

While many praised her courage to stand her ground, others believe that her action is utterly shameful.

When she knew the end was near, Maria Paz Fuentes Fernandez shocked her family by taking away their chance to wish her well on her final journey.

The woman started planning her funeral, and made the guest list!

The list excluded the names of her family members, and only 15 people were given a green light to attend the funeral.

After she died, the obituary was printed in a newspaper.

The paper said:

“Since my family has not been by blood for a long time, I declare in my last will and testament that only the people mentioned below can attend my funeral service, be it at the funeral parlor, church or cemetery.

To everyone else who never cared during my life, I want you to carry on living far away from me, just like you were before.”

Many praised this unorthodox way of saying goodbye, but others criticized it.

The strange obituary was printed in the El Progreso newspaper in Lugo, Galicia, and it quickly went viral, sparking all kinds of reactions.

Some said she was brave while others thought her way of parting from life was a “disgrace.”

One person wrote:

“If they left her alone during her life, they can get lost with their hypocrisy, well away from her funeral.”

Another said:

“Great lesson from this lady putting them in her place.”

A third commented:

 “My respect and total admiration for Mrs. Maria Paz, rest in peace.”

A Twitter user wrote:

“She’s completely right. If they weren’t here for her in life, she certainly doesn’t need them in death. Now they’ll have to go without playing the role of grief-stricken victims with their crocodile tears.”

Another person commented:

“When she asked them for help or support they just tossed her to one side. So why should they now go and cry for her if they couldn’t even be bothered to see her in life?” 

Also, many disagreed with her actions and saw her as an “unhappy, spiteful woman.”

One commenter wrote:

“Dying bitter has to be one of the saddest ways to die, truthfully. Things like this highlight the importance and beauty of forgiveness.” 

Yet, another person replied:

“She didn’t die bitter. She died happy, with 15 people by her side who had always been there for her.”

What do you think?


General Life

Siblings Reunite For The First Time After FATAL Car Crash Killed Their Parents And Baby Sister

After losing their parents and their 2-month-old sibling to a car crash, four siblings reunited for the first time. 

On April 7, 2018. Near Sterling City, Texas, a horrific car accident led to a tragedy.

The parents, Jim and Karisa Clemens, as well as their 2-month-old daughter, Juliana, lost their lives, leaving their four children behind.

All of the four siblings, Angela, Zachery, Wyatt, and Nicholas, suffered critical injuries.

After the crash, the three eldest children were rushed to a Fort Worth hospital.

The oldest one, Angela, 8 at the time, suffered severe head trauma leaving her in a week-long coma and broke both her legs.

Zachery, 5, broke his back and suffered many internal injuries.

The third sibling, Wyatt, 4, suffered several strokes and was initially left partially paralyzed on his left side.

Nicholas, 2 at the time, was treated at the hospital for his injuries and released a few days later into the care of an aunt.

When Angela woke up after a week in a coma, the first person she asked for was her brother. In May 2018, Teresa Burrell, the siblings’ great aunt, said:

 “So we knew she had remembrance of her family. It’s really hard with brain damage to know where you’re headed. But we are very hopeful from where we were a couple of weeks ago.”

Yet, when Angela, Zachery, and Wyatt saw each other for the first time since the accident, everyone regained their hope.

It was a heart-wrenching moment.

Burrell said:

“It was what they really needed. They just are grieving and were comforting each other.”

Terribly, during his recovery, little Zachery began showing signs of depression.

Therefore, the hospital threw an ice cream party to cheer him up. The special guests at the party were Angela and his brother Wyatt. Their great aunt shared:

 “They sang silly songs and it was like night and day. He just improved. All three of them being together just lifted his spirits. He just cheered up.”

The journey to recovery of the siblings was incredibly challenging, but they received tremendous help from a  fundraiser that raised nearly $300,000.

Burrell said:

“So many good people, from all different kinds of faiths, have united their prayers on behalf of these children, and we’ve felt it. We felt it as a family and we’ve definitely seen it in these children. We’ve just seen it. It’s just been a miracle and it’s been amazing.”

It was reported that the children now live with their grandmother, Susan Skillicorn, and her husband, Richard, who also have a teenage daughter named Jaycee.

Skillicorn is still grieving the loss of her daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter, but she is focused on making the Clemens children feel “loved and secure.”

She explained that the children have “a bond there that I don’t know that we could ever understand.”

We wish the entire family lots of love, luck, and health in life! Stay united, you heroes!

May God be with you all!




General Life

Owen Wilson Pays $25,000 a Month for His Baby Who He Has Never Met

Celebrities keep telling us they are much different than the perception we have for them based on their roles in the public.

Unfortunately, this is often the case, but in a negative connotation.

Namely, many of all those fans of Owen Wilson don’t have a clue that their favorite actor is not the best dad out there,

In fact, he is a very poor father figure when it comes to his daughter.

Namely, the 51-year-old actor had three children, each with a different woman, and while he sees his two sons somewhat regularly, he has never met his daughter.

Wilson pays $25k a month in child support, but he even refused to acknowledge her as his own at first.

His two sons are from two previous relationships.

His daughter was born in October 2018, and his ex, Varunie Vongsvirates, had to file a paternity petition in court in May 2018, as Wilson refused to believe that the little girl, named Lyla Aranya Wilson, was his.

In July 2018, the actor said he didn’t want visitation rights since he did not think baby Lyla, despite the incredible resemblance she has of her father, belonged to him.

Therefore, he ordered a DNA test, which proved that Wilson is the father.

This showed that he has a financial responsibility towards her, so the courts ruled that it was time he starts supporting the child.

Now, Wilson pays $25,000 per month to his ex for Layla’s care and expenses and added his daughter to his Screen Actor’s Guild medical insurance.

Moreover, he also had to pay a one-time amount of $70,000, for a night nurse, labor coach, and his ex’s lawyer fees.

Yet, all decisions related to the child are legally made only by her mother.

As of right now, Wilson wants nothing to do with his daughter or his ex.

Vongsvirates and Wilson signed documents agreeing that they would not slander each other online, in interviews, or in public. The mother has full custody, but a few times, she has mentioned that she still wants her daughter to meet her father.

She was asked whether she has a message for her ex, and she admitted:

 “You should see your daughter, she’s incredible, you’re really missing out. She looks just like you.” 

According to the mom, Layla needs her father and she deserves his time and attention just as much as his two sons, Ford and Finn.

Let’s just hope that Wilson will come around, and give his daughter all the love she deserves from her own dad.



General Life

Kids Traumatized After Parents Hire Bigfoot For Daughter’s Birthday Party

One girl’s 6th birthday turned out to be nightmarish for her and her friends!

Every parent wants the best for their kid.

Our children’s birthdays are as exciting for us as they are for them, you’ll agree, and we always give our best to make the day special for them.

However, things not always turned out as we had planned.

This happened at the birthday party of a child from Oklahoma.

The mother of the kid, Brett, said she normally celebrates birthdays with a beautiful birthday cake.

Yet, for their daughter’s 6th birthday, she and her husband decided to invite a person dressed as Mrs. Bigfoot to the party.

Unfortunately, Bigfoot scared the beans out of all the children!

The mother said:

“We just thought, I mean she came with balloons and a bow and a tutu, so I thought ‘oh this will be cute and fun.’

Well, my kids did not have that reaction. They hit the ground like a tornado was coming. It was like they were on fire or something.”

With balloons and presents in his hands, the big ape peeked through the windows and terrified the poor kids who were playing inside!


That one time we hired Bigfoot Schenanigans to surprise our sweet girl for her birthday party and it went epically wrong!!! 😂 #bigfoot #parentfail

♬ original sound – D E S I G N E R S + B R E W

When Mrs. Bigfoot entered the house, the parents went to hug her so the children would see that she is actually friendly.

Yet, Brett concluded:

“They all ended up hugging her and taking fun pictures with her, really fun, cute pictures at the end.

I would just recommend it for a good time because obviously by the video my kids thought so too.

But they don’t want her to come back though.”

Watch 2 News Oklahoma’s report on the story below:





Fake Mother “Facing Eviction With Three Kids” Tricks The Public And Raises $200,000

After she tricked the public into believing she was facing eviction with her three daughters and thus raised more than $200K from concerned strangers, a woman from Las Vegas had to clarify things.

Apparently, she was actually just their babysitter.

CNN reported the fake story about Dasha Kelly, and raised her up in the eyes of the public.

However, the 32-year-old had to eventually admit that she is not the real mother of the girls, but she was just taking care of them for her boyfriend.

Kelly then told CNN that she wanted to “tell everybody thank you so much” after she realized how much cash had been raised for her “family”.

She additionally explained that she lost her job in a casino a year ago due to the coronavirus pandemic.

So, she decided to launch a GoFundMe to raise $1900 in order to pay her back rent she said she owned.

However, things developed in an surprising direction, when, within only 24 hours, over 2700 kind strangers donated and helped her raise more than $170,000.

CNN later reported that the real mother of the three girls came forward to complain about the situation.

Shadia Halo, the biological mom, was “understandably upset” by Kelly’s actions.

Yet, Kelly defended herself by claiming that she sees herself as a parent to the children.

She even appeared on the news station along with Missouri Congresswoman Cori Bush who told her she loved her and “will not stop working to make sure you and every person in our country has what they need to thrive”.

Kelly told the congresswoman:

“I’m just so fortunate right now, this is beyond me.

When I put that up, I never thought that anybody would have reached out, especially CNN, and to hear that a congressperson — my story reached you — this is just amazing.”


Since the fundraiser raised more than $200,000, Kelly had to clarify that she is not the children’s real mother.

As a result, a representative for GoFundMe said that no money has been withdrawn and it will stay frozen until they can get a clearer picture of the situation.

Political commentator Matt Walsh has an in-depth report on the story in the video below:





Death Row Dog Freaks Out When He Realizes He’s Being Adopted Into a New Loving Family

I don’t know about Santa and the elves, but I am absolutely sure that Christmas wishes do come true!

The story of a little pup is another proof of it!

Namely, the 8-month-old dog was waiting to be adopted or euthanized when a miracle happened!

Benny had been staying at the Carson Animal Care Center in Gardena, California since November.

He wound up at the shelter, and as time went by, he was waiting for one of the two things to happen: to be adopted or to be euthanized.

At the shelter, he was already listed in the death row and was about to become another victim of the overcrowding problem.

Yet, the pup’s Christmas wish did come true- and one family picked Benny to become their pet!

Benny was thrilled!

His reaction was absolutely adorable!

If you ever consider getting a pet, make sure you contact your local shelter to get your best friend as soon as possible. Choose adoption over shopping.

Those shelters, as well as Humane Society chapters, ASPCAs, and city pounds, will provide all the info you need on the adoption procedure.

Benny had been staying at the Carson Animal Care Center in Gardena, California since November. The 8-month-old pup was waiting for a forever family to come in and adopt him.

At the shelter, like many other dogs, Benny was listed in the death row.

Yet, miracles do happen!

One day, a family came in and saved him, and his Christmas wish came true!

Benny’s reaction to “being sprung” is absolutely adorable!

Watch the video on the link below:




Mother Gets Revenge On Partying Staycationers In Caravan Next To Hers By Covering Their Roof With Bread So They Were Woken Up By Screeching Seagulls At 7AM

This mom took revenge on a bunch of noisy neighbors who ignored her complaint to keep their music down.

Heather Minshull, 37, had to get creative and think of suitable revenge for her noisy neighbors. Because they were rude enough to refuse her demand to keep their music down, she was determined to teach them a lesson.

As Daily Mail reports, the annoyed mom-of-two said that she and her family had enjoyed a blissful break in Wales at the time. But, during their final night, a partying group ruined their stay by blasting out Beatles’ hits at top volume, and not wanting to turn it down.

Even though there was nothing she could do to stop the night party of her rude neighbors, Heather had an idea how to get back at them. She lobbed a leftover loaf of bread onto the top of their roof. The many seagulls attracted by the free food, who raided the party gang’s roof at 7 in the morning, did the remaining part of the job.

“Payback’s a b*tch.”

She posted a witty TikTok video of the birds already devouring the bread and screaming so loud to wake up the party people. Heather captioned the video with the words “Was I wrong? I think not!!😂😂“ and “Payback’s a b*tch!!😂“

She explains in the clip:

“So we’re on holiday in Wales in this lovely static caravan, it’s really nice, on this lovely peaceful resort. Well, it was peaceful until last night, our final night, when these idiots show up, 12 o’clock at night, music blaring…They were blasting out Beatles, but that’s not the point.

The kids were asleep. So, I asked them to keep it down, but they didn’t. It went on for hours. 

So 7 o’clock this morning when I woke up I got them back. I checked there was no one around, and I launched a tonne of bread on the caravan roof so that this would happen.”

Her words are followed by a shot of the caravan roof where seagulls were already munching on the free food.

The annoyed mom was clearly delighted with the result of her little payback act, as she later says: “Brilliant! Wakey!”

She was on holiday with her husband Craig and their children Toby, 11, and Tilly, 8, at a caravan park in Towyn, Wales. Heather claims she has no regrets about executing her revenge plan, continuing:

“The group woke up straight away. There were three lads in the caravan, one came out looking extremely rough as the birds went for it on the roof. They were all looking angry and rough and clueless over what was going on.”


#payBack #IWin 😂😂

♬ original sound – HeatherPupMum

So, what are your thoughts on this? Was she right? Did her noisy neighbors deserve what they got?
