
This Mountain Lion Takes Its First Steps To Freedom After 20 Years Living In Chains

After six years of being listed in the “near threatened” category, in 2008, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed mountain lions under the category of “least concern”.

The group recognizes six species of these amazing creatures throughout Canada and the United States, but despite their reverence in North American culture, their numbers have been dropping.

The wild tribe of the mountain lions has recently gained another member, a lion that had been in captivity for 20 years, and was finally released to taste his freedom.

All this time, the lion had been living in chains, and now has been set free as part of an event that had been a long time coming and garnered international headlines.

Much like the protagonist of the classic Disney movie “The Lion King”, the lion has been named Mufasa.

Although he has a kingly name, he has lived far from a regal life.

For twenty years, he has been chained and lived inside a pickup truck, after being found in an area of Northern Peru.

After ages of being tied to a pickup truck, Mufasa sat under a blanket of heavy chains as wildlife officials worked to cut him free.

It was all recorded on tape by the Animal Defenders International (ADI) group, which played a major role in helping Mufasa finally regain his freedom.

As soon as he was freed, Mufasa stretched out his legs and body fully and freely, for the first time in nearly two decades!

However, the entire operation of freeing Mufasa was far from easy, and it took ADI activists, police officers, and local wildlife officials to raid the traveling circus in Peru.

They acted after receiving a tip on how they had been using wild animals at their shows.

It is believed that Mufasa was captured as a cub.

The rescue operation took an eight-hour standoff.

Activists and officers were eventually ecstatic to witness Mufasa’s freedom finally granted!

According to a statement posted to ADI’s website:

 “It was magical to see him moving about in and out of the trees in his own piece of protected forest. A heavy harness and chains were wrapped around his body and as we cut them away, he stretched, free, for the first time.”

The majestic animal was transported to a rescue center near Lima, Peru for rehabilitation.

Prior to his three-day trip to the Tambopata reserve in the Amazon rainforest, Mufasa was given a clean bill of health.

It is planned for him to spend the rest of his life in this lush, protected habitat.


A special shout-out to everyone who helped to free and preserve this valuable creature!


General Life

FORGIVENESS: Hollywood Actor Hugh Jackman Hugs The Mother Who Abandoned Him As A Child

Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong: The famous actor forgives his mother for abandoning him when he was just a kid, at the age of 8.


Hugh Jackman’s mother, Grace McNeil, left her family in Australia and returned to the UK when the actor was only 8-years-old. Jackman, now 52, has previously referred to his mother’s absence as “traumatic.”

However, as Daily Mail reports, it seems that time really does heal all wounds.

Recently, the famous actor posted an endearing photo on his official Instagram profile with his arm around his mother as the two of them smile at each other. The photo was captioned with the simple, but the powerful word “Mum.”

The actor’s fans rushed to express their admiration in the comments for both the actor and his mother. But when one of his Instagram followers commented: “Ma’am, you have raised a gentleman. My respects to you both,” another one corrected them: “Actually his father raised him.”

When McNeil left her family, she didn’t even say goodbye to her son.

In an interview with Who Magazine in 2018, Jackman confessed his mother abandoning him as a child was a “traumatic” experience.

“It was traumatic. I thought she was probably going to come back. And then it sort of dragged on and on.”

While his father Christopher Jackman raised Hugh and his brothers, Ralph and Ian in Sydney, his sisters, named Zoe and Sonya, went to live with Grace in the UK.

In a 2012 interview with 60 Minutes, the famous Hollywood celebrity shared he still remembers “the morning she left.”

“I remember her being in a towel around her head and saying goodbye. [It] must have been the way she said goodbye. As I went off to school, when I came back, there was no one there in the house.

The next day there was a telegram from England. Mum was there. And then that was it. Dad used to pray every night that mum would come back.”

Even though they had a troubled past, the actor claims he never felt his mother didn’t love him.

Speaking with Women’s Weekly Australia on another occasion, the actor said:

“The thing I never felt – and I know this might sound strange – I never felt that my mum didn’t love me. I’ve spoken about it at length with her since and I know she was struggling. She was in hospital after I was born suffering from post-natal depression. There wasn’t a support network for her here.”

Fortunately, nowadays, Hugh and Grace’s relationship is blooming. Back in 2011, in an interview for The Sun, he said:

“We have definitely made our peace, which is important. I was always quite connected with my mum. I have a good relationship with her.”


General Life

Quantum Physics Suggests That Death Doesn’t Exist And It Is Probably Just An Illusion

The man has questioned life after death since the beginning of time.

Therefore, there are countless different theories on it, and scientists may have just added an infinite number of other possibilities, just to shake things up!

Robert Lanza, M.D maintains that death is actually a door to an endless number of universes. Lanza argues that during our life, anything that possibly can happen is happening in some universe.

He believes that death does not exist in these scenarios as all of these possibilities are taking place at the same time. The only reason we relate our consciousness to our physical body is because of the energy operating around in our brains.

His book entitled, “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the Nature of the Universe,“ has stirred up quite a bit of controversy online.

This is mainly because his theory regarding everlasting life is quite a bit different than the typical theories surrounding life and death.

Lanza’s background in regenerative medicine and as a science director of the Advances Cell Technology Company has provided him with an extensive background in dealing with stem cells.

He has recently become more involved in physics, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics.

During his studies, he stumbled upon his new theory of biocentrism.

Biocentrism argues that life and consciousness are both fundamental to the ways of the universe.

Lanza further theorizes that it is our consciousness that creates the material universe, instead of being the other way around.

He claims that when we die, we experience a break in the string that binds the mind and body together as one.

At this point, we also experience a break with our connection of times and places.

“Indeed, biocentrism suggests it’s a manifold that leads to all physical possibilities. More and more physicists are beginning to accept the “many-worlds” interpretation of quantum physics, which states that there are an infinite number of universes.

Everything that can possibly happen occurs in some universe. Death doesn’t exist in these scenarios since all of them exist simultaneously regardless of what happens in any of them. The “me” feeling is just energy operating in the brain. But energy never dies; it cannot be destroyed.”

This is pretty fascinating, isn’t it?

The truth is that we can never be certain of what happens after death, but it is simply thrilling to consider all these theories about the other side.

Now, as the huge number of possibilities has just infinitely expanded, things get even more interesting!

Regardless of your beliefs, quantum physics provides multiple viable theories regarding the unknown aspects of the world, and Lanza’s book is definitely an amazing read!



General Life Video

Physicist Claims We Are Actually Living In A Parallel Universe

The concept behind parallel universes is not new, as it has been around for some time now, and it appears that it will not disappear anytime soon.

However, numerous scientists and experts claim that this theory is actually true.

Sean Carroll is among the numerous physicists who have weighed in on this topic, and he has made some interesting comments on the Joe Rogan Experience/podcast a few years ago.

According to him, since tiny particles like electrons and photos don’t necessarily have set location in the universe as a whole, it could be seen as proof of the existence of numerous parallel universes.

Carroll claims:

“What we have empirically are probabilities. You cannot predict what will happen next. But you can predict probability.”

“Physics is stuck trying to understand the fundamentals of nature and the Big Bang.”

“It’s time to take a step back and understand its foundations. It’s time to tackle our understanding of the quantum world.”

“We see our world, and we have an idea of what’s going on,”

“We demand our theories of physics respect that. But that’s really not the right way to think. It’s the other way around.”

Carroll wrote a book, ‘Something Deeply Hidden’, which explains the many-worlds theory and breaks down the reasons why we get the world as we do and other things of the sort.

While the entire concept might appear vague, abstract, and hard to understand at first, the more we do, the more progress we can make to uncovering its truth if there is one.

Here is what Nature wrote about Carroll’s book and his views:

“Carroll argues that the many-worlds theory is the most straightforward approach to understanding quantum mechanics. It accepts the reality of the wave function. In fact, it says that there is one wave function, and only one, for the entire Universe. Further, it states that when an event happens in our world, the other possibilities contained in the wave function do not go away. Instead, new worlds are created, in which each possibility is a reality. The theory’s sheer simplicity and logic within the conceptual framework of quantum mechanics inspire Carroll to call it the “courageous” approach. Don’t worry about those extra worlds, he asserts — we can’t see them, and if the many-worlds theory is true, we won’t notice the difference. The many other worlds are parallel to our own, but so hidden from it that they “might as well be populated by ghosts”.

For physicists, the theory is attractive because it explains many puzzles of quantum mechanics. With Erwin Schrödinger’s thought experiment concerning a dead-and-alive cat, for instance, the cats simply branch into different worlds, leaving just one cat-in-a-box per world. Carroll also shows that the theory offers simpler explanations of certain complex phenomena, such as why black holes emit radiation. Furthermore, the theory might help to develop still-speculative ideas about conundrums such as how to combine quantum mechanics with relativity theory.

Something Deeply Hidden is aimed at non-scientists, with a sidelong glance at physicists still quarreling over the meaning of quantum mechanics. Carroll brings the reader up to speed on the development of quantum physics from Max Planck to the present and explains why it is so difficult to interpret, before expounding the many-worlds theory. Dead center in the book is a “Socratic dialogue” about the theory’s implications. This interlude, between a philosophically sensitive physicist and a scientifically alert philosopher, is designed to sweep away intuitive reservations that non-scientists might have.

Nevertheless, non-scientists might have lingering problems with Carroll’s breezy, largely unexamined ideas about “reality”. Like many physicists, he assumes that reality is whatever a scientific theory says it is. But what gives physicists a lock on this concept, and the right to say that the rest of us (not to mention, say, those in extreme situations such as refugees, soldiers, and people who are terminally ill) are living through a less fundamental reality? Could it be that we have to follow Heisenberg’s lead? That is, must we rely on tools for talking about the complexities of reality that philosophers have developed over millennia to explain why the fox has such a tough time reaching those grapes?”

Watch the video below to learn more about the theory from Carroll himself:



Loyal Dog Lies Next To Owner After She Was Hit By A Train. What A Devoted Dog!

There are no words in this world that can precisely depict the love of dogs.

Their love is as sincere as can possibly be, it is incredibly pure and strong. They step up in every situation to save the life of their owner without even thinking about their own life.

A dog is the closest, most reliable animal to man in the world of animals.

One might agree that in some cases, a dog can be even closer to a human being than a human himself.

Actually, there are many times when we think dogs are better than people.

So, here is a story from a couple of years ago,  that will literally break your heart, a story of an astonishingly devoted and loving canine.

One day, the officers spotted something very uncommon near a railway track in Montmorelos, Mexico- a dog sleeping next to a person who had died after falling on the railway tracks.

The unusual event happened at the train station in Montemorelos, in the province of Nuevo Leon, Northeastern Mexico.

It was reported that Victor Reyna Vasquez, aged 57, has fallen off the rail tracks the evening before.

Preliminary investigation has discovered that the man was drinking near the railway tracks the evening before, and he had his devoted dog sleeping by his side.

After the tragedy, the loyal pet refused to move even for a moment, devotedly keeping the corpse of his owner safe.

The heartbroken dog was cuddled up next to his pal and even had to be forcibly removed from the scene so his body could be moved from the tracks.

According to the police and paramedics, the dog tried to bite them when they removed it.

Locals recounted that Victor was an alcoholic, but he lived together with the dog for years.

Nobody knows for sure what happened with the dog in the end, but following the incident, many had requested for the dog to be adopted, rather than put into a shelter.

Netizen ‘Marychuy Zamarron’ wrote:

“We have a lot of things to learn from animals, and now I wonder who is more animalistic, them or us”.

This is just one example of the amazing nature of dogs.

These incredibly faithful beings are ready to be by their owner’s side till the very end.

Their unconditional love is rare in this world.


General Life

Dad Shaves His Daughter’s Hair For Bullying A Girl With Cancer And Pulling Off Her Wig

People online were shocked to read one father’s explanation of his daughter’s reaction to some “stupid teenage ‘he said she said’ nonsense.”

Parenting is far from easy, especially when the child is in the troublesome teenage years.

Yet, as each parent wants the best for their children, they sometimes need to be strict and teach them a valuable lesson the hard way.

This was, at least, the decision of one father, in order to teach his daughter some manners.

Yet, his punishment sparked debate online.

Now, let’s start from the very beginning.

The father wrote a post on the incident, that he later deleted, and it read:

 “My ex-wife and I have a 16-year-old daughter together of which I have full custody (she has moved on with her new family)… My daughter recently got in trouble at school for making fun of a student that lost her hair from cancer treatment. Including pulling off her wig.

Apparently there is some pre-existing bad blood between the two of them, but I don’t think that even begins to excuse her behavior.”

The man went on to explain that his daughter was seeing the other girl’s ex-boyfriend, and this caused things to get heated between the two, and added:

 “At some point the other girl mentioned how my daughter’s boyfriend was just using her for sex (this was actually a big shock to me as I had no idea she was sexually active) and called my daughter a sl*t. That’s what escalated the situation and resulted in the wig incident. Supposedly they have been arguing in class ever since my daughter started dating the guy in question. Basically just stupid teenage ‘he said she said’ nonsense.”

Yet, the man continued to explain that he felt the need to teach his daughter a lesson so he gave her two options, with the first being:

“I will throw away every single piece of electronics she owns and never buy her another again (this was just to coerce her into choosing option 2).”

The second option was :

“She will go to the hairdresser and get a cue ball haircut. As in, a completely shaved head, as bald as the hairdresser can do.”

The girl chose option 2, so she was forced to go to school bald and was not permitted to wear a wig.

The father said:

“Everyone thinks I went way overboard. Her mother went ballistic at me saying it will make her the target of bullying (kind of the point, teach her some compassion).”

Many people online agreed with the mother, claiming that this is not a fitting punishment for his daughter’s lack of empathy.

One person wrote:

“Your daughter is a bully because you are a bully. I seriously doubt this is the first time you used abuse and humiliation to ‘teach her a lesson.’”

Another commented:

“There’s a term for what you did. It’s called child abuse. Taking away her electronics would have been an appropriate punishment. Grounding her would have been an appropriate punishment. Disrespecting her right to bodily autonomy and humiliating her is not an appropriate punishment. She’s unlikely to learn from it and if anything it risks perpetuating a cycle of bullying.”

A third person wrote:

“That is a form of abuse. There are other ways to discipline her. Humiliation is never the way to handle a problem with children. Before anyone asks, yes I have children, five in fact.”

Another one continued:

“Yes. Poor role model. Violence and abuse only begets more. So many other ways to have positive result.”

However, a lot of people agreed with the man instead.

One person said:

“I support your decision completely. You’re her parent so you have every right to do this, it’s not abusive, it’s real life. If she’s comfortable attacking someone for something they have no choice over she needs to see how it feels.”

Another commented:

“This is an appropriate punishment for that behavior that will hopefully result in one child being compassionate and thinking empathetically before they start bullying people.”

A third wrote:

“She will see what kind of impact actions like hers have on the victim and that will teach her a very important lesson.”

Many believe the dad made the right choice.

Some other user said:

“Too bad she didn’t learn compassion earlier. Hopefully this lesson works.”

Another commented:

“Good for the dad. Obviously he did not teach her the bullying. Disciplined for bad behavior is not being a bad parent. I applaud him for taking responsibility as parent.”

So, what do you think?

Let us know in the comments!



General Life

Dubai Is Making Its Own Fake Rain To Beat 50C/122F Heat

Numerous countries around the world are struggling with the scorching temperatures that keep increasing every summer, but Dubai seems to have the genius solution!

Namely, Dubai creates “enhanced rain” to combat the 50C/122F temperature problem.

As a response to the hellish summer, the National Center of Meteorology from the United Arab Emirates city has started using drones that fire electrical charges into clouds, causing them to clump together and create precipitation.

The NCM has shared clips of monsoon-like rain drenching roads and igniting flashes of lightning.

‘Cloud-seeding’ has played a major role in creating more showers in the country, where there are usually only four inches annually.

Cloud seeding is one of 9 different rain-making inventions the country has been using since 2017.

Some of the other inventions include spraying salt or other chemical substances into clouds to force precipitation.

While some scientists suggest the efficacy of cloud seeding, studies have suggested that rainfall can be increased by as much as 35%.

The technique has also been used in countries like China and India.

It is also a solution to rainfall and potential flooding in places as seen in Jakarta, Indonesia, last year. 

Professor Maarten Ambaum, from the University of Reading – who has been working on one of the projects in the UAE – claims that the Emirates have had enough clouds to form conditions that allow for rain.

He maintains that the tech works ‘like dry hair to a comb’ since it uses a drone to send out electrical charges into the clouds, which helps the drops of water to mix and form precipitation.

He explained:

“When the drops merge and are big enough, they will fall as rain.”

Learn more from the video below:




After 8 Months, He Travels 310 Miles To Reunite With Stolen Dog – Heartwarming Reunion

After a missing dog was found 310 miles from home, he was finally reunited with his owner. 

Back in June last year, Bandit, a one-year-old Malinois Shepherd, went missing from his home in Côte-d´Or (France).

His owner, Farid, was terribly shaken by this, and spent months looking for his canine best friends.

Unfortunately, his search didn’t provide positive results for months.

Yet. Eight months later, Bandit was found by a good Samaritan on the side of the road.

The poor dog was stolen when he was only 4 months old.

The dog was found without a collar at 310 miles from home, but he was luckily equipped with a microchip, which helped him to eventually be reintroduced to his owner.

The reunion was well-organized, and the two best friends were finally together, overjoyed!

Due to the incredible, life-saving work of the shelter, a good Samaritan, and a microchip, Bandit and Farid are now able to continue living their lives together.

When Farid heard the good news, he immediately took the road to pick up Bandit. 

He said:

“I’m so grateful for everyone who had a hand in his recovery and I cannot stress enough the importance of chipping your pets. Having Bandit home is simply a miracle that would not have happened without that chip. Bringing Bandit home was one of the happiest days of my life.” 

Watch the heart-melting video of the two friends below. Farid shared it, noting that it had been a long journey for the two of them, but he was beyond happy to have his beloved dog back.


General Life Nature

Teenager, 16, Clears 18 TONNES Of Rubbish Dumped By Fly-tippers On Country Road

A teenage boy has cleared more than 18 tonnes of garbage dumped by fly-tippers on a country road after being disgusted at the mess.

The locals gave Daniel Lewis, who is 16, the nickname SuperDan after his one-man operation to clean up the streets around Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales.

He set up litter picks and a community skip scheme to provide free skips to villages that are near his hometown.

But his biggest mission was to clear up a country road which was infamous for fly-tipping – and collected more than 18 tonnes of rubbish, with furniture, children’s toys, and old clothes among it.

In the last year, this is the third time he has tackled the spot called Bogey Road in Merthyr Tydfil.

Daniel Lewis, 16, nicknamed SuperDan by locals after his one-boy mission

He cleared up a country road notorious for fly-tipping – and collected over 18 tonnes of waste that included furniture, children’s toys, and old clothes

This is the third time he has tackled the spot known as Bogey Road (pictured) in Merthyr Tydfil in the last year

The teenager said: ‘I was walking up near Bogey Road in Merthyr last week when I noticed there was a lot of old tires and litter that looked absolutely terrible on the side of the road.

‘I had already been up to this spot on clearances three times in the last year or so, and seeing so much of it dumped up there again was very annoying and frustrating for me.

‘There was just so much of it, and to see how fast it builds up is crazy, to be honest with you. I contacted a number of local businesses that have been helping me with my projects recently and we agreed to get it all cleaned this week.

‘We started at around 7 am with a grab picker lorry, and it took us a good three or four hours to get it all cleared and transported to a refuse site.

‘I’m just hoping now it’s done we won’t have to go back to this spot for a good while. Of course, it can sometimes feel like you’re fighting a losing battle when you see the mess left just weeks after a clean, but I’m not going to give up on the amazing beauty spots we have here in Merthyr.’

Daniel said: ‘We started at around 7 am with a grab picker lorry, and it took us a good three or four hours to get it all cleared and transported to a refuse site’

He added: ‘I’m just hoping now it’s done we won’t have to go back to this spot for a good while. Of course it can sometimes feel like you’re fighting a losing battle when you see the mess left just weeks after a clean, but I’m not going to give up on the amazing beauty spots we have here in Merthyr’

Daniel already has many other projects lined up for the future around his hometown

Daniel, who is a passionate lover of nature and wildlife photography says he has an intention to continue with the cleanup of his hometown, and has many other projects waiting for the future.

Last week he also collected around 130 old tires from the same place, arranging for all of them to be disposed of with the help of donations from local businesses.

Daniel added: ‘I have to give a big thank you to all the local businesses who have helped me clear this mess up over the last few months, as without them providing free services or sponsorship helping with the costs of collecting and disposing of the waste it wouldn’t be possible.

‘Bryn Group of Gelligaer sponsored the tipping costs and allowed me to tip all 18 tonnes of waste for free.

‘Hopefully, people start to take notice and stop fly-tipping in the area now, as it will look a lot better for all of us if they do.’

The boy has also collected around 130 old tires from the same area, organizing for all of them to be disposed of with the help of donations from local businesses

Daniel said: ‘I have to give a big thank you to all the local businesses who have helped me clear this mess up over the last few months, as without them providing free services or sponsorship helping with the costs of collecting and disposing of the waste it wouldn’t be possible’

Daniel’s mother Lesley Lewis is ‘incredibly proud’ of the work her son is doing

Ms. Lewis said: ‘We’re so proud of what Daniel has done, and it’s amazing to see all of the hard work he’s put in during the last few months to clear up the mess here’

She added: ‘He’s always been involved with volunteering projects and other things like this ever since he was young, and the pride he has for the smaller communities is what inspires him to do it I think’

Ashley Edmunds, 32, works with his father at TJ Edmunds and sons where they have use of a skip and grab lorry, and explains that it was terrible to see the mess on the road, when they arrived on the spot.

‘It was shocking to see it like that when we arrived, and to be honest this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to fly-tipping in Merthyr at the moment. It’s an issue that does seem to be getting worse as more and more people keep leaving their waste on the mountains,’  Ashley said.

Leslie Lewis, Daniel’s mother, is ‘incredibly proud’ of the job that Daniel is doing – and also to see the pride he has for the area he lives.

The proud mother said: ‘We’re so proud of what Daniel has done, and it’s amazing to see all of the hard work he’s put in during the last few months to clear up the mess here.

‘He’s always been involved with volunteering projects and other things like this ever since he was young, and the pride he has for the smaller communities is what inspires him to do it I think.

‘It’s very important to talk about the issue of fly-tipping, and highlight how bad it has become.’


General Life

Children Who Do More Chores Are More Successful In Life

Parenting can be very challenging at times, as it does not come with a manual.

Therefore, we often make mistakes that we are not aware of, and very often, they result from our tendency to be overprotective or fail to acknowledge the importance of responsibilities.

Thus, even though we might believe that we do our kids a favor when we do all the housework alone and let them enjoy their time or finish their school work only, it turns out the opposite!

Namely, scientists suggest that giving your kids at least a shortlist of things to do at home is a great idea, as it will help them grow up to be successful.

Julie Lythcott-Haims, an author and a former Dean of Freshmen at Stanford University, shares this wisdom with the rest of the world.

She maintains that we can all raise successful kids without overparenting which is something a lot of people I know need to work towards a better understanding.

She wrote:

“After hundreds of talks with parents around the world, here’s what I’ve come to. We parents are the lucky humans given the humbling task of raising a child. We’re supposed to be alongside them, guiding them, giving them more and more room to try, learn, grow, persevere, achieve. But, these days, we can tend to get in the way, by micromanaging our kid’s path or by outright dragging them down it. We think we know what we’re doing—but we end up depriving them of developing self-efficacy. And that leads to anxiety and depression. So. We have to get our act together. We have to get out of our kid’s way so they can develop the skills and smarts they’ll need in order to thrive as adults. “

Julie claims that when it comes to raising children who become successful as adults, chores are important.

This was proven by the Harvard Grant Study which has gone for over 75 years, as it showed that people who do more chores and housework as children are happier later in life.

Happiness is closely tied to success.

Lythcott-Haims maintains:

 “The Harvard Grant Study [finds] that professional success in life…comes from having done chores as a kid. And the earlier you start it the better…If kids aren’t doing the dishes, it means someone else is doing that for them. And so they’re absolved of not only the work, but of learning that work has to be done and that each one of us must contribute for the betterment of the whole.”

In this sense, parents can make two mistakes: either refusing to assign chores to their kids, or refusing to let them have time to themselves.

The wise thing to do is to find the perfect balance to ensure the child’s proper development.

Watch the video below for Julie’s Ted Talk:
