Animals Life Nature

Couple FINED For Touching Endangered Hawaiian Seal After Viral TikTok

While on their honeymoon, a couple was fined for disturbing an endangered Hawaiian monk seal.

One couple from Louisiana reached the headlines after a video of a woman touching an endangered Hawaiian monk seal at a Kauai beach went viral on TikTok. Following the popularity gain of the clip, the couple were fined for disturbing the seal.

According to 9GAG, the incident happened while the pair were on their honeymoon.

The husband, Stephan, apologized in a conversation with the Star-Advertiser:

“We’re deeply sorry. We love Hawaii and the culture. We didn’t mean to offend anyone. We respect the ­culture.”

Stephan continued explaining:

“We didn’t see no signs. We didn’t know anything, but I know that’s no excuse. We sincerely apologize if we offended any locals. The last thing we want to do is disrespect anyone or anybody’s culture or lifestyle. That’s something we’re really, really sorry about.”

He claimed he and Lakyn, his wife, are “animal lovers,” and they didn’t wish to “cause any harm.”

He added:

“We’re animal lovers. We weren’t trying to cause any harm or threaten or scare any animals. We’re deeply sorry. We’ll learn from this mistake.”

After seeing the clip Lakyn posted on TikTok, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) contacted the couple to issue a fine of an undisclosed amount. Yet, because harassing a Hawaiian monk seal is considered a Class C felony under state and federal laws, the two of them may have to pay up to $50,000.


Animals Life

Millionaire Spent His Fortune Turning Slaughterhouse Into Safe Haven For Dogs

One Chinese millionaire decided to use his wealth to save the lives of thousands of dogs.

Wang Yan became very rich by running a steel business in the city of Changchun but even that much money couldn’t make up for the pain he felt because he lost his loving dog, who suddenly disappeared years ago.

After looking for his beloved pet for many, many days, someone told him to check the slaughterhouse as a last resort…

Since there are many strays in the streets, it is known that they are being captured, slaughtered and their meat is sold on the market.

Unfortunately, Wang never saw his dog again but the sight that he saw at the slaughterhouse changed him once for all.

He knew that some kind of action had to be done so he made a decision to buy the slaughterhouse and turned it into a dog sanctuary.

According to reports, Wang has spent a big amount of his money on the project. The slaughterhouse cost $400,000, and he finances the shelter personally … even if it means going into debt.

“I don’t accept monetary donations, I only hope that kind-hearted people will be able to donate a few supplies to help,” he told Metro.

And his amazingly kind act has seen wonderful results… Since 2015, he has taken in 2000 dogs from the city and helped 200 of them to find new homes and families that will adopt them.

Isn’t Wang’s act of compassion truly inspiring?


Exercises Health

Only 1 In 10 People Can Spot The Mistake In This Picture! How About You?

If you feel like exercising your brain a bit now, we have the perfect challenge for you!

Namely, there is one image that seems perfectly normal at first, but if you look a bit closer, you can find one pretty major issue!

The thing is, it seems that most people cannot spot the mistake, so would you give it a try?

Yet, things get more complicated, as you’ll need to do it in 30 seconds or less!

Now, set the timer on the phone, and press it- here it is:

Okay.. you’ve seen a large blue car, a garage, a brick building, and a fence. Is there anything else you might notice? But did you spot the mistake yet?

Look carefully. Your brain is used to focusing on things that are not important. Namely, when we visualize things, our brain sends messages to our eyes, telling us what we see.

So, close your eyes for a moment, then open them, and look at the picture again.

Did you figure it out?

No? So, here is a hint: look at the car. There is something not quite right here… Can you spot the mistake?

Still nothing? Now, take a closer look.

Focus on the garage door and the size of the car. There is no way the door will close!

The answer seems easy now, but to spot the mistake, one has to think about the physics of the car, and the space the door would need to swing shut.

Did you enjoy this brain challenge?

If you did, take a look at the following picture- and try to spot the mistake there!

Here is a tip for you: it’s a smaller detail than you might think.

At first, all you see is a common-looking office space, with a desk, a chair, and a few other items inside.

Now, can you notice anything amiss? No?

Here is another tip: look at the desk. Can you spot the mistake yet?

Now, look at the telephone, look at the calendar.

Did you notice it?

Yup, you’re correct!

The date is wrong! September only has 30 days, not 31, as the calendar says.

These two pictures offered some great brain workout for today!

Now, enjoy the rest of your day!


General Life

11 Signs Of Genuine Intelligence That Can’t Be Faked

One person can sometimes act like someone he truly isn’t and get away with it.

Yet, some things cannot be faked, and intelligence is one of them.

Many people dream of being perceived as extra smart, use big words or flex their ‘geeky’ hobby, but it all seems ridiculous in the eyes of those around them.

True intelligence isn’t a flex.

Here are some strong indicators that scientifically correlate to higher intelligence:

  1. Rhythmic signs of intelligence.

Swedish researchers found that individuals who were good at keeping time scored higher on intelligence tests and surveys. They believe that this is because timing is important to brain processes that are responsible for problem solving and reasoning.

  1. Empathy

Empathy is a crucial component of emotional intelligence. Of course, the ability to acknowledge and understand your own emotions is also important to emotional intelligence, but the ability to see through someone else’s perspective is fundamental.

  1. Valuing solitude

While many regard people who enjoy being alone as being awkward or strange, a 2016 study showed that people who exhibited greater intelligence were less likely to feel satisfied by socializing frequently.

Namely, socializing means less time to spend in contemplation, or in pursuing your interests and goals.

  1. You are a night owl.

A study that involved more than 20,000 people suggested that there is a strong connection between staying up late and intelligence. Namely, the higher your IQ, the later you will likely stay up. The study reads “more intelligent individuals are more likely to be nocturnal, getting up later in the morning and going to bed later in the evening, than less intelligent individuals.”

  1. You question everything.

Intelligent individuals tend to question things and don’t accept anything at face value. Sophie von Stum from the University of Edinburgh in the UK co-authored a study called “The Hungry Mind: Intellectual Curiosity Is the Third Pillar of Academic Performance” says that “If you’re intellectually curious, you’ll go home, you’ll read the books.” She also claimed that she felt like the “curious ones” had the most potential for development.

  1. Intelligent people know they don’t know everything.

The great Socrates once said:

 “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”

We cannot assume we know and understand everything, but we need to remain curious, open-minded enough to question ourselves and the world around us. Intelligent people don’t assume they have all the answers.

  1. They worry.

A small study in 2011 found that people with high IQs spend more time worrying since they understand the potential threats and obstacles in their way, and want to be prepared. Yet, at the same time, they were also less likely to worry about things that were unlikely to happen. If this sounds confusing, look at it this way: those who have a higher IQ are more prone to prioritize their fears and worries and focus on the ones that they need to.

  1. They’re adaptable.

Intelligent people know that one has to adjust and change according to the environment. Our bodies evolve and adjust, and our perspective has to as well. Otherwise, life becomes too difficult to manage.

  1. They have self-control.

In a 2009 study, participants had to choose between two financial rewards, a smaller payout immediately or a larger payout in the future. Those who chose the latter were more likely to have a higher IQ.

  1. They procrastinate.

Intelligent people may procrastinate more as they prioritize more important tasks over less important ones. In reality, they do not push things to the side, but they are worried about what’s more important instead.

  1. They look at the big picture.

Intelligent people are more likely to have existential confusion compared to others, they tend to consider situations from many different angles. Yet, they are not anxious, they lust prefer to be prepared for anything.




9 Common Wounds Daughters Of Unloving Mothers Share

Although some might be adept in dealing with the consequences, it is a fact that those children who have been raised by an unloving mother face numerous struggles throughout life due to it.

However, no matter how distinct their stories might look like in the first place, these kids share a lot of things.

It is true, your unloving mother may have been different from someone else’s unloving mother but that does not mean you are different from others who had the same problems during their childhood.

Here are some things that most daughters of unloving mothers tend to go through.

While these things are more intense for some, and nowhere near as prominent for others, these issues are all there and happening.

As the years go by, we start seeing just how much of an influence our upbringing has on us, and well, growing up without the necessary love might have damaged you more than you want to admit.

The good thing about it all is that, if you accept the reality and acknowledging these things, you can change them.

Now, these are 9 common wounds most daughters of unloving mothers tend to face in life:

  1. They never feel good enough.

As a result of their mothers beating them down, they always have the feeling that anything they do is not good enough. And with making more efforts, they feel even further behind. Their accomplishments never amounted to anything in the eyes of their mothers and even now it has an impact on them.

  1. They don’t quite know how to set proper boundaries.

The daughters who grew up with mothers who refused to or didn’t know how to love them are also not quite good at setting boundaries. On many occasions, they have difficulties saying ‘no’ and let others walk all over them. They are more or less used by others throughout their lives and it’s quite sad.

  1. They don’t feel like they deserve to be happy/content.

If you grew up in such an environment, you probably don’t quite feel like you deserve happiness as a whole. You feel like you are not able to do enough and you are not worth it. Even in moments of happiness, you close yourself off and shut things down without even knowing it.

  1. They feel like even those who care for them are pretending.

These daughters can’t control their emotions well. In many cases, they can’t really realize who is using them and who really cares for them. They think everyone around them is pretending even if they’re not because they don’t feel worthy of the compassion people show towards them.

  1. They don’t see themselves as they are.

Daughters of unloving mothers struggle with their self-image. They don’t see the real picture of their personality, they see themselves through the eyes of the mothers who didn’t love them. They feel like they will fail each time and in some cases, this makes them not even try.

  1. They struggle with dating because of the cycle they find themselves stuck in. 

As an unloved daughter, you might be attracted by the wrong types of people. When it comes to dating you are always ending up with the ones who hurt you the most over and over again. This is a toxic cycle that you find very hard to get out of, and you end up questioning yourself if you should be trying at all.

  1. They avoid painful situations and are always defensive.

As a result of everything they’ve been through, these daughters are quite defensive. They can’t manage painful situations well and avoid them as much as they can. This is not the best solution for you, but it is what you’ve always done and in many ways the only way you know how to cope.

  1. They struggle with trusting others, big time.

Because these women had no one to trust, to begin with, they have difficulties in trusting others as a whole. You have to really try hard to prove yourself to them before you reach the point where they will start to open up to you. Getting close to these kinds of people is a very complicated thing.

  1. They are very sensitive, to a fault.

If anything is certain about this kind of women, it is the fact that they are sensitive. They see this as a bad thing overall, but sometimes it is not wrong. Yet, the manner of reacting to it is wrong. They should just accept it and not try to hide their feelings from other people, and even themselves.


General Life

‘I Don’t Want To Babysit My Grandchild Without Being Paid’

Having a baby is much more than parents imagine before getting one.

Yup, it is much better, and much harder, let’s admit.

Moreover, being a parent and a normal, modern, and properly socialized human being often demands help from someone close.

And who’s better for looking after the new cute baby than a grandparent?

I know my parents look forward to me calling them to ask them to come over and spend some time with my son while I need to go shopping or go out to see a friend.

However, it turns out that not all grandparents are so thrilled to babysit their grandchildren!

Namely, one grandmother took to Reddit to ask if she’s in the wrong.

This was a quick overview of her post:

“My daughter is 29, she has a 1-year-old son and will be returning to work soon. She works 5 days a week, about 7-8 hours a day from 7:30 am-3 pm, and asked me if I would be willing to babysit her son either 2 or 3 days a week.” 

Okay. So far, so good.

Yet, the woman continues:

“Of course I am open to spending time with my grandson, but I explained to her that I would like payment of $12/hour. She understood my need for payment but then lowballed me with requesting $10/hour because she claims that she cannot afford it even with her $22/hour job.

I’m not a daycare, I have my own life, I work for myself and I think she should understand that I’d be giving up my time when I work from home, and if I’m going to be giving up that time then I need money to replace that time I’m giving up from my job. 

I love my grandson, but as I stated above, I’m not a daycare.”

This unusual post surprised many people online. Some pointed out that asking for money wasn’t the issue, but that the grandma seemed like she just didn’t really want to babysit her grandson.

One user had a sharp viewpoint:

“YTA dude,” writes u/MeggieKat87, using the subreddit’s internal abbreviation lingo to indicate that the grandma is in the wrong (YTA = you’re the asshole).

The top comment went on to say that the woman should simply say she can’t or doesn’t want to babysit and not demand two-thirds of her daughter’s income.

The user added:

“To clarify, you’re not TA for asking for compensation, you’re TA because it’s clear you don’t want to do this.”

Others agreed.

YTA,” writes u/SevsMumma21217. “Not for asking to be paid. After all, 24 hours a week is basically a part-time job on top of your actual job. You should get paid. No. You’re TA for trying to screw your daughter out of 2/3 of her paycheck.”

Another user asked for more information:

“What are your qualifications to insist on $15 an hour?” asks u/CajunKC. “Current CPR, pediatric CPR, current first aid certification, at least an associates degree in early childhood development? In my area these are the qualifications for paid child care workers who earn that much who also manage more than one child at a time.”

Let’s be honest, this is another, roundabout way of saying YTA.

Another user, u/AbraKadoobra, suggested that the counter-offer of $10 was fair.

“You’re asking her for 2/3 of her pay to take care of your grandchild,” u/AbraKadoobra writes. “Her offer at $10/hour is almost half of her pay! How is that lowballing you? Even at that price, she’d be making just $12/hour – how is she supposed to support both herself and her child at that rate?”

However, many understood the grandma, and supported her attitude.

The user u/BitterSyllabub wrote:

“I’m appalled at how entitled these comments are. A GRANDPARENT IS NOT FREE CHILDCARE! So don’t have kids expecting to pawn them off on your aging parents. If they want to that’s fantastic but to expect it is selfish beyond words.”

One woman agreed:

“Yes, I pay my mother to childmind twice a week for me while I work. She is retired and she does not owe me free childcare. It also locks in the days I need and brings a level of formality to the arrangement which is needed so I have stability throughout the working year. It’s not market rates so that is the benefit I get – cheaper childcare and my daughter gets one on one care from someone who loves her. For ad hoc babysitting no she does not charge me but I give her petrol money and if it is over a mealtime sometimes give her some cash to take herself, my dad and my daughter out for a meal if that’s what they want to do.”

Another user wrote:

“Should you pay grandma? Yes, if asked. Kids are hard work. I am extremely lucky that both my mother, and my mother in law are willing to step in and watch my daughter so that my wife and I can work. We can’t really afford childcare, and they do so much for us. They deserve to be paid, and if they asked I would, and if I couldn’t afford it I would just have to look for alternatives. Right now I mostly pay them back in smaller ways. I cook for my mom once in a while, I call her regularly to stay in touch outside of childcare, stuff like that.

It sounds like you have a different problem though. Grandma isn’t entitled to watch your kid for free, but it sounds like you really need to apply for state help here. There are resources to help you, google for them in your state. You might be able to find a more agreeable childcare solution, or at least get some help financially.”


“If it’s consensual and works for them, fine, but otherwise I think it’s wrong. Your children are your responsibility and no one else’s. If others want to help or you made some prior agreement, as they owe you a favour, OK. You are not owed babysitting, however, just because you are family. I don’t buy into that whole “blood is thicker than water” claptrap — I believe that family is what you make of it. Family can consist of biological relatives but it can also be a couple, a single person with pets, etc.

My cousin is (was?) like this. Unless things have changed in the last two years, she has relied heavily upon her mother to take care of her kids. It showed when she stayed with me and my parents while I was living at home.

It seemed to be harder for her to cope without her mother there to help. I once got asked to watch her toddler for “just 5 minutes” while she cleaned out a borrowed car and she ended up taking at least 30 full minutes.

My paternal grandma is the kind of person who would most likely babysit as often as possible. Her whole life has been about babies and kids, since she had 7 of them. Most of what she knows is about cooking, cleaning, religion and children.

My aunt once remarked that Grandma would spend all day with her grandkids if she could.”

In the end, this grandma surely got the answer she needed, and let’s just hope she found the best way to navigate the issue.

It is probable that she didn’t really want to babysit her grandson, as she sounds like a busy person herself.

Therefore, these people might have helped her consider her true feelings on the issue.

Yet, a nice conservation with her daughter, while having all these suggestions in mind, will surely iron things out.



General Life

Mother of 14-Year-Old Influence Deleted Her Social Media Accounts With 1.7 Million Followers Because It’s ‘Unhealthy’

The mother of a teen influencer from Brazil deleted her daughter’s Instagram and TikTok accounts, claiming that social media are “unhealthy”.

The 14-year-old influencer, Valentina, went by the name Nina Ros on social media, and had 1,7 million followers combined.

The mother, Fernanda Rocha Kanner, explained that she didn’t want her daughter to judge herself based on ‘online feedback’.

Valentina had gathered over 1.7 million followers before her mother intervened.

Yet, Fernanda maintains that her role as a mother was ‘not to be your buddy’, and adds that she hopes that Valentina will eventually realize that the action taken was for her own good.

The determined mother said:

“I don’t think it’s healthy even for an adult and much less for a teenager to base her self-discovery on online feedback. It’s hard enough for you to find out who you are at 14 years old. When there are two million you’ve never seen in your life thinking they know you, it’s even more dangerous. It’s easier to lose yourself.”

She admitted that her decision was ‘radical’ but ‘necessary’.

She decided that she had to act fast when she went through her daughter’s accounts and came across ’30 identical selfies and little dances that anyone can do’.

She said she didn’t want Valentina ‘to grow up believing she’s this character,’

She said:

“I don’t want her advertising flammable polyester clothing made in China. I don’t want my brilliant daughter doing her daily dances like a trained baboon. It’s a sad generation for which this counts as fame.”

Her daughter said of the event:

“I obviously wasn’t very happy. I got quite angry.”

Yet, when she was asked whether she intends to return on social media, Valentina said:

“At the moment, I don’t want to. It’s going to be something that’s only going to get in my way and it will only make it worse.”


General Life

Kind Student Gives 3 Bags Of Clothes To Bullied Classmate Who Wore The Same Outfit To School Every Day

People online praised a mind-hearted student for helping out a fellow classmate who was being bullied at his school.

The student, Brayden, shared the story with the online magazine Understanding Compassion, and explained the way he helped another student, whose name is being kept anonymous.

Namely, he said that his fellow student was continually bullied for being poor and only having two sets of clothes to come to school with.

Brayden added:

“He’s one of my friends but we’re not super close. He gets bullied and hit weekly and it’s heartbreaking cause there’s nothing he can do about it; he’s dealing with financial issues. I remember last year he only had 2 outfits cause he just didn’t have the money to buy clothes.”

Therefore, Brayden decided to help his friend in need, and gave him three full bags of designer clothes that he no longer needed.

He added:

“Some back story to this kid, his name is [Anonymous]. [Anon] has been bullied pretty much since the start of middle school he’s constantly s*** talked on, hit on and looked downed upon because of his size, the way he acts and his wealth. [Anon.] is honestly a great kid… Yes he does very stupid stuff and play fights and get[s] in trouble a lot but I can tell that’s just a way he uses to cope with his pain. Back in 8th grade (last year) he would only wear the same 2-3 outfits because he didn’t have the money to buy the clothes and it pained me seeing that.”

The kind-hearted student shared:

“People knew what he was going through but he was still constantly bullied and picked on, the beginning of the year he tried to hang himself because he was getting punched by a kid (I won’t name). I don’t want to get deep into it but he’s a sweet kid and I just wanted him to know that people care for him and that I know his pain and I want him to feel welcomed. Please spread positivity like this around, [for] people who don’t have much[,] too much negative s*** [is] happening in this world right now.”

Brayden’s act of kindness not only helped the boy in need, but it also showed him that he is important, valued, loved, and appreciated. This is a story of true friendship and acceptance.

Brayden shared a video where he gives the gift to his friend, and he can be heard saying:

“You got joggers, these are all Nike, Adidas and Hollister shirts. A Hollister sweatshirt, it’s all really nice. And you have more joggers in here. And, I even bought you a Champion sweatshirt, so… this is yours. And… this is all yours bro. You can keep the bag.”

Watch below:



9 Incredible Facts About The Relationship Between Mother And Son

Undoubtedly, the relationship of any child and their mother is a strong one, but when you’re a son, things are not quite the same.

The bond mothers tend to grow with their sons is a thing that those who have not witnessed it personally, can’t fully understand.

If you have a little boy to raise then you’ve probably noticed already how special your bond with him is.

That bond grows stronger with every new day.

Let’s go over some things about that connection between a mother and a son that should not be overlooked, and you should be aware of them.

9 Things About The Mother-Son Relationship That Should Never Be Forgotten:

  1. This connection in itself teaches the boy how to treat women later in life.

As you raise him and he gets older, he learns about how should his behavior be towards other women. He learns that he doesn’t like seeing you upset and that teaches him not to hurt the women close to him in his life. He wants to be the protector, not the one who harms women.

  1. Having a loving mother behind him will drive him more towards success.

The more you care about him and nurture him, the more he will bloom in life. Allowing him to have his own expression and supporting him when he needs to be supported, will bring out a side in him most will never see. You as his mother can be a crucial factor about it.

  1. Your connection will enable you to pass down lessons you’ve learned.

During his childhood, your son will learn a lot from you. The more you share your life experiences with him the more he may come to understand. He can and should hear your life lessons, without a doubt.

  1. Mothers help with emotional intelligence.

He will become much more emotionally intelligent if you encourage your son to express his emotions properly. If you force him to bottle things up as most people do with their sons, it can result in him feeling left out and unhappy. He needs to know he can always rely on you when he feels pain and he is hurt inside.

  1. The more he sees things affecting you the more he will make efforts to change them.

Being your son, surely he doesn’t want to see you hurting. The bad things that happen in your life will have an impact on him because he will see how they affect you. Even if you can’t always see that, he wants to protect you more than you could ever imagine.

  1. The more time he spends with you the better he will be at expressing himself.

When we spend time with our mothers we realize that it’s OK to have feelings and that expressing ourselves is a normal thing. We learn from them that if we express ourselves in the right way, others can really see who we truly are, and that is an incredible thing.  

  1. Because you are his Mother you’re the first woman he’s ever loved.

You are the first woman he ever loved, because you are the woman that brought him to this world. He is your child and from the very moment he saw you, he knew you are there to love him. He knew he could always count on you and even now, he still does.

  1. You from an early age teach him to keep his own well-being in mind.

Mothers are crucial in their kids’ life, and they teach them a lot. One of the most important things the sons learn from them is that they should always keep their well-being in mind. Of course, you should help people but not at your own expense, and if you’re going to do good in this world, you must ensure you have what you need.

  1. The stronger your connection is, the more he will come to you in times of need.

The stronger you bond with him the more he will come to you in times of need. While this might not sound like something that important, it is very good to know that your child can feel comfortable enough to open up to you about his troubles. This  closeness is very precious and important, and nothing can compare to it.



This Mountain Lion Takes Its First Steps To Freedom After 20 Years Living In Chains

After six years of being listed in the “near threatened” category, in 2008, the International Union for Conservation of Nature listed mountain lions under the category of “least concern”.

The group recognizes six species of these amazing creatures throughout Canada and the United States, but despite their reverence in North American culture, their numbers have been dropping.

The wild tribe of the mountain lions has recently gained another member, a lion that had been in captivity for 20 years, and was finally released to taste his freedom.

All this time, the lion had been living in chains, and now has been set free as part of an event that had been a long time coming and garnered international headlines.

Much like the protagonist of the classic Disney movie “The Lion King”, the lion has been named Mufasa.

Although he has a kingly name, he has lived far from a regal life.

For twenty years, he has been chained and lived inside a pickup truck, after being found in an area of Northern Peru.

After ages of being tied to a pickup truck, Mufasa sat under a blanket of heavy chains as wildlife officials worked to cut him free.

It was all recorded on tape by the Animal Defenders International (ADI) group, which played a major role in helping Mufasa finally regain his freedom.

As soon as he was freed, Mufasa stretched out his legs and body fully and freely, for the first time in nearly two decades!

However, the entire operation of freeing Mufasa was far from easy, and it took ADI activists, police officers, and local wildlife officials to raid the traveling circus in Peru.

They acted after receiving a tip on how they had been using wild animals at their shows.

It is believed that Mufasa was captured as a cub.

The rescue operation took an eight-hour standoff.

Activists and officers were eventually ecstatic to witness Mufasa’s freedom finally granted!

According to a statement posted to ADI’s website:

 “It was magical to see him moving about in and out of the trees in his own piece of protected forest. A heavy harness and chains were wrapped around his body and as we cut them away, he stretched, free, for the first time.”

The majestic animal was transported to a rescue center near Lima, Peru for rehabilitation.

Prior to his three-day trip to the Tambopata reserve in the Amazon rainforest, Mufasa was given a clean bill of health.

It is planned for him to spend the rest of his life in this lush, protected habitat.


A special shout-out to everyone who helped to free and preserve this valuable creature!
