
Straight Men Can Have Sex With Men And “NOT BE GAY,” Sex Therapist Says

A sex therapist states that a man can have sex with various men and still be straight.
Dr. Joe Kort is a sex and relationship therapist, claims that those men who have sex with other men don’t mean that they aren’t straight.

When a straight man has sex, it only refers to the act.

Dr. Joe Kort says that straight men can have sex with gay, but it doesn’t make them less straight.
The doctor works with straight people, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender personas and couples, and he shared his theory.

His theory is presented through social media platform called TikTok.
“In general, men have more transactional sex with one another. In general, women don’t. So, when men have objectified sex where it’s just about the act, it’s just about getting off, people man-shame them.”

The therapist states that male sexuality is easy to stigmatize.
‘’There is so much man-shaming that goes on male sexuality and so much negative talk and criticism that men don’t share.’’

@drjoekortWhen #straight #men sleep with men it’s a #gay thing not a guy thing. #lgbtq #sexuality #sexualfluidity♬ Sugarcrash! – ElyOtto

Your sexual behavior doesn’t determine sexual orientation, and he says this as gay at the age of 14.
But, this theory faced many critics because they disagreed with it.

Following these comments, Dr. Kort answered:
‘’A straight man can be erotically and sexually drawn to a sexual act. The act doesn’t change somebody’s orientation. The act might be heterosexual, the act might be homosexual, but the identity doesn’t necessarily mean that that’s who they are.’’

@drjoekort#greenscreen If a #straightman has sex with another #man is straight cancelled? #yourmomshouse #tomsegura #sexualfluidity #lgbttiktok #gaytiktok

♬ Sugarcrash! – ElyOtto

According to Dr. Kort, narcissism is one reason that a straight man could have sex with a gay man.
Men seek ‘’adoration,’’ and they want to be worshiped in the bedroom.

Because this is something the women don’t do in bed, a straight man thinks he could find it in a gay partner.
‘’The straight man who is having sex with another man is into it because the guy is into him. It’s all about him.’’

Another reason for this act could be voyeurism. It is a fetish when a particular person gets aroused by observing others during sex.

In defense of his theory, Dr. Kort says that women aren’t available as men regarding allowing someone to watch them.

He summarizes his opinion in the video below:


♬ Sexual Healing – Kygo Remix – Marvin Gaye



Being Single Is Better Than Fighting For The Wrong Relationship

Fighting for the wrong one is exhausting.

Have you ever tried hard to improve a relationship that doesn’t have a bright future? Many people fight for it, even though they know the relationship won’t survive.

Certainly, you cannot save something that was meant to be destroyed. You cannot keep something that wasn’t meant for you. Some people choose to stay with someone and be sad for the rest of their lives. It is resulting from their fear!

They are afraid to be alone. And others choose to stay and fight. They think that people can improve their relationship with a fight, but in fact, they can’t.

As time passes, they will realize that they don’t have a future with that person!

The relationship doesn’t signify your happiness!

Not all people who are in a relationship are happy. Many people are in a relationship, but they are depressed, empty, and unfulfilled. People should be happy in the relationship, but not all are. You shouldn’t mix the points, so if you aren’t in a relationship, it doesn’t have to mean that you are sad! Also, being in a relationship doesn’t mean that you are happy!

Maybe being single is better!

You need to understand that you need to keep choosing your happiness. If your partner contributes to your sadness, it’s better to be single. You can try to be on your own and try to find your happiness! Dating the wrong person will make your lives harder! It isn’t fair!

Your partner needs to have those things you don’t and vice versa. You need to fulfill yourself. That is how you will be happy.

Your happiness is always first!!!

Every relationship has its challenging times. But, you cannot think that the ‘rough patch’ can be months and years of unhappiness. Also, you mustn’t pretend to be happy! We all deserve to be happy and loved, cherished and appreciated.

If in the relationship comes when you don’t feel this way, it’s time for break up.

Being single will help you to find yourself and the things you need!

When people are alone, they think about themselves. We realize who we are and what we want during this period. At this point, you will see what makes you happy, and you will create your happiness.

If you need time to find happiness, take your time. That is how you will become independent, self-sufficient!

We create our happiness!



Woman Decides To Grow Moustache And Unibrow To “Weed Out” Bad Dates

A woman from Denmark is all over the headlines once she decided to let her mustache and unibrow grow.
Eldiga Jaganjac is 31-year-old, and she is from Denmark. Eldiga is a brave woman who wants to ‘weed out’ potential love interests.

We are all exhausted from society’s expectations of women’s looks, especially when we talk about facial hair.
Eldiga was tired, so last March, she stopped with facial hair removal.

She wants to stop the judgmental human very fast.
Eldiga wants to weed out the more conservative people from the very beginning.

She said:
“I don’t care what people think. It’s a personal choice for everyone to make themselves, and I wish that people wouldn’t care no matter how a woman chooses to look. “

Because the world we’re living in is full of people with complexes. They use criticism to cure their complexes. Eldiga had to bear harsh criticism, but she is a brave woman!

“I’ve had people come up to me on the street telling me it was cool, and a few yelling at me.”

“That was uncomfortable at first, but if some people have nothing to do other than yell at strangers, then so be it. I don’t want to waste my energy on someone who clearly has too much time on their hands.”– Eldiga explained.

See how she looked like previously.

She continued and said that her main focus is on the challenges she needs to do and not on how she looks. If those people who laugh at her don’t like her, she doesn’t care because, as she says, she will never see them again.

But, in case she sees them, she said:
‘’And if I do, I still don’t care.”


Life Nature

Bride Has Her Wedding Gown Cut Into 17 ‘Angel Gowns’ For Babies Lost Too Soon

We all know that the wedding gown is worn only once, and then it stays in the bride’s wardrobe for the rest of her life. A new trend came out, and many brides don’t keep the wedding gown, but they use the material to create Angel Gowns!

Maybe the wedding dress and the bride have a sentimental relationship, but it can be reproduced and worn many more times.

With the latest trend, brides aren’t keeping the wedding dress, but they use it for various purposes! They reproduce the wedding dresses to show respect to the lives lost too early! These dresses are Anger Gowns.

Wedding dresses become Angel Gowns!

Many women decided to donate the gowns to be reproduced into angel gowns. They refused the idea to keep the wedding dress in a box for the rest of their lives.
These reproduced gowns are made to show respect and consolation for those families that lost their babies before their time.

Below we present you more about these dresses’ magic and touching stories.

Inspirational techniques to reuse your wedding dress.

On Facebook, there is a group called Quilting. There Justi Bates shared a beautiful story.
She shared a post with a picture. The picture included one little dress with lace. The tiny dress was placed over a box that contained more of the same dress.

She said:
“Today, I received my wedding gown back. I sent it off earlier this year to be made into angel gowns for babies that don’t make it home from the hospital, and I’ll be donating them to the NICU at Vanderbilt. Seventeen little gowns were made from my dress, and as beautiful as they are, I pray they are never needed. “

Angel gowns are created for tragic events, for burying newborn infants!

People use these dresses for prematurely born babies who died shortly after childbirth.
A newborn may not have many clothes, and for sure, they don’t have clothes or anything that will ease the parents’ grief.

A few services worldwide produce angel gowns for these desperate moments.
Many hospital NICUs offer angel gowns to grieving families rather than buy an outfit for the burial of their child.

The tiny gowns are made of new material, but they are often made of recycled bridal dresses.
The reason hiding behind this inspiration is the emotion attached to the wedding dress and the ornaments on it.
The dress is made with happiness, and maybe that will contribute to easing the parents’ despair, to put happiness on their child.


Almost every wedding dress is made of lace, silk, or pearls. These materials are linked to the significance of the special occasion.
When the child wears it, it shows how important and beloved the child is, even though they died long before their time.

Bride’s dresses are large so that many little dresses can be made out of one.

Special Ending!

Maybe you can see that out of one bridal dress; they produce 17 small. But the dresses are ornamented with different materials. The services also offer various clothing styles for girls, boys, and infants of different ages. There are multiple sizes and styles.
The bride’s decision to give her dress for transformation is an easy one. She won’t put it on ever again. Unless she wants her daughter to wear it at her wedding, it is an entirely different story.

Donating the wedding dress will bring you happiness because you know that you contributed to someone in their most difficult times to ease the pain.



Florida Man Uses Stimulus Check to Start Thriving Home Garden to Feed His Community

In the coronavirus outbreak, American citizens received federal stimulus checks as help. Numerous people, the federal stimulus, spent it on the essentials like food, rent, mortgage, utilities, etc.

But, on the other side, we have those people who are ambitious and spent their stimulus on a long-term project. The man is from East Tampa, Florida. He invested in building his garden at home to produce his food.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Michael Chaney, aka “Spirit Mike,” dedicated his time to gardening. It wasn’t always like this. His focus on gardening became total dedication since the pandemic outbreak when the supermarkets couldn’t handle the citizens’ requirements. All started as a hobby, and currently, gardening is his passion!

With the first stimulus check, he bought pots and started growing tomatoes. He asked for advice from the seasoned gardeners at A Land of Delight Natural Farm. He purchased some materials and a couple of pieces of advice from there.

Currently, Michael Chaney grows tomatoes, collard greens, ghost peppers, mustard greens, strawberry guava, eggplants, onions, papaya, cashew, apples, sugar cane, lemon, yucca, and lettuce, etc.

His land is three acres.

“I do bio-intensive gardening, which means planting as much as you can in a small space. I specifically picked these types of fruits [dwarf plants] because they grow fruit fast.”

From his interview, we can conclude that moringa trees are his favorite. These trees are precious because of the benefits they have, high amounts of vitamin C, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties.

“That is the Michael Jordan and the Kobe Bryant together,”
“If you were stranded somewhere and all you have his this and water, you would not only survive, you would thrive,”
“I don’t work out. All I did was add this to my diet and add flaxseed fiber, and I lost 65 lbs.”

Also, Chaney said he owns chickens. He purchased them for $3 for one chick.
As he explained, his goal is to make zero food costs.

“So, my food scraps go into the soldier fly larvae bin; they eat that and produce more larvae. Those larvae get fed to the chickens. The chicken produces eggs; I sell the eggs and eat the eggs; life is good.”

”The successful gardener has planned his garden to manage it easily!
You must plan your garden. Do your research before you put a dollar down because you want your dollar to go as far as it can,”

Michael Chaney calls his garden “New World Growers,” and it is an example of self-determination and food independence!


General Life

12 Things You Only Understand If Your Grandma Has Always Been Your Best Friend on Earth

Are you one of those lucky persons who grew up with their grandparents?

If yes, you know how blessed you are to have your grandma by your side. These women are the most special in our lives, and we can see how wonderful one woman can be.

We will tell you a dozen things to understand if your grandma is your best friend!

Since the day we are born, our grandparents are with many of us. They are our first best friends! Our parents ask for their guidance throughout their parenthood. Can you think of the person who was your first babysitter? It was your grandma/grandpa, of course!

Those persons took care of us when our parents had to work!

What is the best with grandparents? 

We can do all the things that our parents don’t allow, with them. They spoiled us!

Besides, you can read twelve things about why our grandmas are the best!

  1. She makes us happy – and we make her happy!!!

Journal of the American Gerontological Society surveyed in 2014, and it resulted in the conclusion that grandparents who spend their time with grandchildren had a lower risk of depression. Also, grandparents provide the ill children faster recovery!

“If there’s somebody they trust and know is always on their side, that’s a huge emotional plus for the child. They have somebody around who’s comforting; who hugs them and sits with them and reads with them.”


  1. It is the same when we are adults!

We learn from grandma, and we teach her something, too.

We acquire many skills from our grandma. Maybe she is a good cook, and we learn how to cook. Here are all those family recipes traditionally passed from generation to generation.

She may be a businesswoman, and we will learn how to business.

No matter what they taught us: We have all learned something more about life from them to live our lives better.

In case you didn’t know, we have brain-boosting effects on our grandparents only by being with them.

A study showed that the grandma who babysits her grandchildren has better brain functions.

  1. We have a better life. Grandma has a longer life.

In 2016 a survey was done by the journal Evolution and Human Behavior. The survey included 500 elderly grandmothers, from 70 to 103 years old.

Those who said that they were with their grandchildren lived significantly longer than the others.

Also, some grandparents took the responsibility of raising their grandchildren resulting from death, addiction, divorce, etc. They are heroes!

Another research was done in 1960 on animals, resulting in the same statistics. Females live long past reproductive age. Grandmothers help their daughter to have more children. They are taking care of the children, so the daughter can have more time for having more children.

But, let’s not exaggerate; these benefits last only to a certain point.

If a woman reaches a state where she cannot do the daily task, she must look for someone to help her, away from the young ones.


  1. At grandma’s, you will never be hungry!

No one cooks like my grandma! There we eat our favorite dishes! She knows what we want, and she prepares everything!

In grandma’s house, we can find our favorite cookies, desserts, etc.

  1. You help your grandma, and she helps you too!

She lives long enough to transmit us some of her wisdom! This crucial person in our lives can teach us everything beginning with love advice to removing a stain from our jacket.

The world is moving, grandparents cannot keep up with the latest inventions like technology and all on the internet, but they can teach us something we cannot find there.

  1. Grandma is always here for us.

Who cheers for you all the time? –Grandma! She is always here in your happiest and your most challenging situations. If you are happy, she is happy, and if you are sad, she is sadder!

  1. We always have fun with grandma.

She was a parent, and now she is a grandma. They have to relax and play with you! Grandma is fun. We all want to hang out with her!

  1. If you have a problem, tell your grandma.

As we previously mentioned, she is here for us in our most challenging situations. If you have a problem and want to tell someone, go and tell your grandma! She is the best listener!

  1. Grandma hugs the best!

There isn’t any other person on this planet that hugs like my grandma. Once I am in her arms, I feel like the most loved and important person in the world! She provides me security!

  1. Grandma’s house is the safest of all.

As I said, she makes me feel safe. Don’t tell me that you haven’t been hiding from your parents in your grandma’s house. You are safe there so, relax.

  1. Grandma gives us courage.

If you think that you aren’t good at something, go and ask what your grandma feels about that. She will encourage you like no one ever did! For her, you are the best at everything!

  1. The grandmother keeps us grounded.

We all need to be humble. Young people are keen on overpraising themselves. In this situation, she will remind you that she changed your diapers!


You need to respect your grandma! She is a treasure!

Grandma is the best! If you still have one, you are fortunate!

I am proud of my grandma!





Can You Spot The Panda Hidden In These Elephants?

Can you find the panda among all those elephants??

You have only one minute!

Before you start looking at the picture, I want to know whether you loved Where’s Waldo?

Maybe I don’t know about you, but I loved Where’s Waldo.

I am a seeker, and this kind of challenge entertains me and exhilarates me.

Because we know that you are fans of this kind of challenge, we created a task for you!

Can you find the panda? 

Well, I have practiced throughout my entire childhood, and I consider myself an expert! But, this task was arduous! Seriously, I spent an hour trying to spot the panda among all those elephants!

Did you manage to spot the panda??

If your answer is positive, then congratulations. You are a pro!

In case you didn’t manage to find the panda, don’t despair; we’ll give you a hint!

Hint: Pay attention to the right side of the photo!

It is too hard, right?

Answer: You can find the panda if you look at the seventh row starting from the bottom. Once you found the seventh row, take a look at the second face from the right side, you will see the panda!

If you failed to do the task, don’t despair! In the future, we will share more tasks similar to this one! You aren’t bad at this. The problem here is that the panda blends perfectly with the elephants!

