
23-Year-Old Mother Of 11 Wants To Have Another 100 Children To Form The ‘World’s Largest Family.’

Russian woman announced that she wants to have 100 children. Her name is Christina Ozturk, a 23-years-old, and so far, she has got 11 children. The following births, she wants to be from surrogacy over the next 20 years or so.

She has a husband, Galip Ozturk, who wants one hundred children. They intend to become the largest family in the world.
Christina gave birth to her first child even before she met Galip. The rest of the children are from Galip, and currently, they live in Georgia. In this country, birth via surrogacy is legal.

Do you know what surrogacy is?

Well, a female egg and male sperm are bond together and put into the body of a volunteered female, who receives money to carry the child until it is born.

Several of Christina’s children were born this way. Christina said:
“At the moment, I have ten children with the latest addition, Olivia, who arrived at the end of last month. I gave birth to my eldest daughter Vika myself six years ago. The rest of the children are genetically ours from my husband and I but were carried by surrogates.”

According to the parents, all the children will live with a family that owns a hotel.

Christina continued:

“I don’t know how many they will eventually be, but we certainly don’t plan to stop at 10. We just not ready to talk about the final number. Everything has its time. The clinic in Batumi chooses surrogate mothers for us and takes full responsibility for the process. We are not personally acquainted with surrogate mothers and do not have direct contact with them in order to avoid problems after pregnancy. All communication takes place through the clinic, we only monitor health indicators. I make up a dietary menu for mothers so that the food is complete, and I look at the test results.”

According to the experts, all the surrogates that would carry 100 children would cost around $1 million.

A million questions emerged from this decision. Many people worldwide ask how they could look after so many children and give them the needed attention. The only solution for this problem is if the parents hire multiple professional child-carers.




At 99, Betty White Puts All Fear Aside To Kiss A Giant Grizzly Bear

Betty, two days ago, celebrated her 99th birthday. If you ask Betty White about herself, she would tell you: ‘’I’m still going strong!’’
Good for you, Betty!

If there was a list of the most beloved actress, Betty White must be there holding the top position. Her contagious charisma deserves all awards for the huge success.

Her birthday is on January 17, 1922, in Illinois. When she was a child, her family moved to Los Angeles, California. At the beginning of the 1950s, Betty started working in a local TV station and launched her first show called ‘’Life With Elizabeth. ‘’

Her most tremendous success was with the role on the ‘’Mary Tyler Moore Show.’’ The show showed her charisma, sweet smile, and sharp wit.

Also, White’s role in ‘’The Golden Girls’’ secured a special place in the audience’s hearts. In this show, we could see the lives of elderly female friends. It was among the top-rated shows made of seven seasons. They won seven awards, and White got an Emmy.

She continued her career during the years.

In 2010, her career experienced a blossom when she showed up in a comical candy bar advertisement for the Superbowl. White is the oldest person who hosted Saturday Night Live. There, she nails it!

Elizabeth spoke for Newsweek:
“It was the scariest thing I’ve ever done. It was really funny stuff, but it was a challenge.”

Maybe she is a great actress, but her heart is whole with her charity work. Regarding this issue, Beth said:
“I have to keep acting so that I can afford to keep doing my charity work!”

Moreover, animals are her weakness. White has collaborated with the Los Angeles Zoo and the Morris Foundation for 40 years.
“I’m actually the luckiest old broad alive. Half my life is working in a profession I love, and the other half is working with animals.”

Tom Sullivan also commented on her personality.
“I believe Betty White can charm the savage beast. Though Betty always treats people with dignity, respect, and charm, she has a far closer relationship to animals than she does people.”

And another friend also said:
“Betty is going to be remembered as a very kind person, a loving person, an extremely terrific actress, and comedian. But I think she really wants to be remembered as one who gave most of her life to animals.’

After so many years spent among animals, we cannot say it is weird that she loves them so much.

You can see Elizabeth white next to a giant bear Bam Bam in the video below in LA Zoo.

If you want to see the video, click here.


Animals Life

Little Girl Serenades Her Beloved Cat One Last Time Before He Passes Away

Do you know Bailey?

He is very popular, so maybe you have seen it on ABC News, CBS News, and The Ellen Show. It has Facebook and Instagram accounts, and millions of people visit them. The whole story started with a sweet video.

This story has its end, and it will end in the same way it started.

Loving Bailey!

In August 2018, Bailey became famous from a video of Erin Merryn’s daughter Abigail singing the song ‘’You Are My Sunshine’’, gently touching his head.

Both of them are so sweet, and the owners describe the cat as the most affectionate, loving, sweet, tolerant cat.

Bailey is Ms. Merryn’s pet for 14 years. They first met when she was in college and hidden him in her dorm room.
Ms. Merryn regards him as a lottery win!

“I have always said if everyone had a Bailey, there would be a lot fewer people in this world lonely or depressed. I always told people there was a little human inside Bailey.”

Saintly Patience

Abigail adores the cat, too. She includes the cat in every activity that she plays with her sister. Bailey is even included in the dress-up game.
Have you ever seen such a fantastic cat??

Merryn told PEOPLE:
“It was an inseparable bond of laying on him, pushing him in strollers, giving him baths, taking baths with him, sitting in high chair feeding him with bibs on, laying in their laps with his full attention as they read to him or sang to him, sitting at a desk and playing school with them, lemonade stands, picnics on the front porch, and Halloween costumes,”


Unfortunately, we, the people, met Bailey right before he died. But, it was a pleasure knowing you.
A couple of months after the video share, the cat passed away due to kidney failure. In his most challenging time, the cat was surrounded by the family and died peacefully at the vet’s office.

Merryn explained the goodbye process.
“I could not stop crying when he passed. It was one of the worst days of my life, and I have had some pretty terrible life experiences,”
‘’A part of the awful part of that day was not only losing my precious sweet boy but having to tell my 4-year-old Abby that we had to say goodbye to Bailey because he was really sick and they can’t make him better. The look in her face I will never forget.”

Those who own a pet know how devastating it is to lose it.

The Final Video

From the day when Abigail learned how to talk, she sings the song called ‘’You Are My Sunshine’’ to Bailey. The family shared another video, the last one when Abigail sings this song to Bailey as a goodbye, and her sister Hannah helps her.

“I was stunned to see the love from people around the world and amazed the power of the Internet has for people on the other side of the world able to find joy and laughter from a cat they have never met,” –Merryn concluded.



Life Video

Touching Bodycam Footage Shows Cop Hugging Scared Suspect After Chase

We can see how one intense police chase spanning two counties in Kentucky has an unexpected overturn of events through footage.

The police chief hugged the driver.

Everything started with a woman called Latrece Curry. The pursuit began when she was shaken following a domestic dispute accompanied by her husband; they left their home before the police arrived.

When the deputy found her, she started a hot chase on Wednesday. The hunt included numerous police cars. According to Chief James Richardson, the pursuit stopped when Letrece Curry pulled over in parking so that she could avoid a roadblock in Hodgenville.

The policemen approached her with guns pointed at her, yelling at her to leave the vehicle. The officers’ bodycams recorded everything.
Richardson was the first man to approach her with his gun, but the mood suddenly changed. The officer said:

“I got to the driver’s side door and told her to unlock the door, she had her hands up, she was shaking like a leaf. I mean the poor girl, when I opened the door, it was like a look of sheer terror. She was scared to death,”

From the bodycam footage, we can see that Richardson approaches her and says that she’s okay and calm down.

“Of course we had guns, guns pointed at her, so I just tried to calm her down. She was shaking so bad she couldn’t get her seatbelt off, so I helped her get her seatbelt off,” – the officer explained.

“I didn’t perceive her as a threat, she didn’t have any weapons. I took control of her hands; she started crying. She reached out and hugged me, and I just kind of hugged her back,”

Department shared that Curry was into custody and accused of fleeing police, endangerment, and traffic violations.
Regarding the arrest, below, you can read what Curry told Richardson.

’Her statement to me was she was just in the zone, she didn’t know what she was doing, and she was extremely sorry. She had no criminal record to speak of, had never been in trouble that I know of. She just made a really bad choice,”

Richardson said that in lid 23-year-lasting police career, he has never felt like this, and he has never hugged a suspect.

‘’Compassion is a good thing to have, especially in policing. With everything going on in the world today, everybody makes mistakes,”



TikToker Avani Reyes Claims She ‘Accidentally’ Put Gorilla Glue In Her Hair.

A famous TikToker ended in the hospital after applying a Gorilla Glue bandwagon on her hair. The girl stated that she didn’t want to use it. It was an accident, so she applied the heavy–duty adhesive to her hair.

Avani Reyes is the girl to whom this happened. She shared her story on her TikTok account via several clips.

I need to go to the hospital so they can remove this Gorilla Glue. I have no idea what to do. I tried washing it, and it doesn’t come off,”– stated Avani, and also added that her scalp is burning.

Besides the fact that the girl claims she did it unintentionally, one video went viral called “Gorilla Glue Girl” by Tessica Brown.

Precisely this video motivated the people to think that Reyes accepted the challenge and wanted to reach her five minutes of fame.
Some of her followers wrote: “I followed you just you seemed like a great person. But you willingly did that after it happened to that lady. & you have the audacity to ask people,”

“Are you just mocking the other person that did this, or did this really happen? Either way, it’s wrong. You went to the hospital and wasted there (sic) time,” second used commented.

Also, there was another comment, the rudest one, saying, “I hope it never comes out.”

The girl has more than 459,000 followers on her TikTok account, where she stated that regarding this situation, she went to the hospital, and they didn’t do anything.

“I just got out of the hospital, and they did nothing for me. Look at my hair,”

Through clips, she explained that the doctors told her to use olive oil, tea tree oil, and coconut oil to eliminate the gunk.

After unsuccessful attempts, Dr. Michael Obeng, a plastic surgeon, helped Tessika Brown eliminate the glue from her red hair. The surgery costs $12,500, but the doctor did it for free.

“I used coconut oil for like a half an hour, and then I just washed my hair, and there is still Gorilla Glue in my head. Guess I gotta go bald,”

Besides, the girl claimed that a benefactor donated $3,000 to get the hair back.

“You guys know it’s definitely been a journey with this Gorilla Glue. It’s been crazy, so thank you so much,”

Brown collected almost $24,000 to pay for the surgery, but most of the money she donated to charity.



Evolution Hasn’t Stopped: This Is What The Human Face Might Look Like In The Future.

We as human beings believe that we represent the final product worth thousands-years-long evolution. Precisely that thought mislead us, thinking that we aren’t evolving anymore!

However, scientists don’t believe in opinions. They believe in facts and arguments. They knew that we aren’t the final product, and we are evolving into something much bigger. According to them, the human race currently grows faster than in the last 250 years.

Every evolution goes on for tens of thousands of years, so we cannot find the differences with our untrained eyes. I want to say that if our species continue to evolve in the future, humans would have different physical appearances.

Many scientists believe that this theory is true, but they cannot say how we would look like in the future.
A few years ago, one scientist, also an artist, researched scientists’ opinions and predictions, the results are quite interesting.

100 Thousand years Human Face Revolution!

In 2017 the researcher Nickolay Lamm, in collaboration with Dr. Alan Kwan, a computational geneticist, made three illustrations. The first hypothesis is what humans could look like in twenty thousand years, the second hypothesis is how we could look like sixty thousand years from now, and the last and third is how we could look like in 100 thousand years.

Regarding his research, it is one of many possible timelines. He considered human evolution and advancements in technology and genetic engineering.

The two researchers, Lamm and Kwan, assumed that people would have higher control of the human genome in the far future because the conditions would be different from ours.

Below we present you some of the most significant changes that the human species could experience in the future resulting from human evolution.

Larger forehead.

From 14th and 15th centuries, our forehead has been enlarged. The scientists that measure the skulls concluded that current human beings have a larger forehead. So it is logical that people in the future have higher foreheads than ours.

Facial Features.

Regarding the advancements that we’ve already made in genetic engineering, the researcher based one of his hypotheses on the belief that we will be further ahead sixty thousand years from now. Considering the control over the human genome, evolution cannot significantly affect human facial characteristics.

Maybe our faces can experience minor changes like larger eyes, a straighter nose, or higher symmetry, but that is all.
Furthermore, Kwan thinks that people will colonize various planets. Those humans who would live in places further than the sun may have larger eyes because of the lack of light. Also, their skin may be darker to lower the damage from the UV rays.

He also suggested that people will have thicker eyelids, with more prominent frontal bone below the eyebrows. It is help against the disruptive effects of cosmic rays. This is true because we can see it on our astronauts.

After forty thousand years, the changes will be evident. After one hundred thousand years from now, the eyes would be weirdly more prominent if we compare them to ours at this point.

Functional Necessities.

Further changes may happen, including larger nostrils. That way, humans could breathe better since they will go to other planets. Also, maybe the hair will be denser, so the larger heads could be warmed.

However, in an age when we can alter any feature about ourselves, Kwan says that characteristics that make us look natural will be preferred.

It will affect the way we use wearable tech. For example, discrete implants that look naturally human would follow the Google glass and iWatch. Maybe we would have some communication devices like communication lenses, embedded nanochips, etc.

Disagreement in the World of Genetics.

Once Kwan and Lamm shared their investigation and possible conclusions about human beings’ future, uproars among geneticists happened.

Mathew Harper is a Forbes’ writer, said that these two aren’t talking about evolution but genetic engineering. He said:
“He’s doing so somewhat naively, predicting that the only changes that will happen will be an enlarged braincase and enlarged eyes so we can use the computerized contact lenses that will apparently replace Google Glass,”

Also, Harper noted that one hundred thousand years is just a very short period of possible evolution. Because of this, human changes would be less noticeable. According to Harper, human brains currently aren’t growing, but they’re shrinking.

Lastly, Harper emphasized that the technology to make even the slightest change of our appearance is too far away. It is so far that we cannot think for it intelligently. And he concluded that Kwan and Lamm’s theory is less science and more science fiction.

Kwan’s Answer.

Kwan didn’t remain silent on Harper’s criticism. He said that his work is speculation and misinterpreted as predictions.

“The operative word “might” makes the statement an existential statement, which means that there is a non-zero possibility that a given event may occur. Given that we agree that no one can make an absolute statement about the future, by the same token, you cannot claim to know the negation of an existential statement, which is itself an absolute statement such as “this is not how a face might look like…” or its equivalent “there is no chance the human face will look like this….,”

Kwan is aware that no one could possibly say that these guesses are correct. But, at the same time, no one could say that they are wrong!

No matter how hard you try –You cannot predict the future!

So, the time will show what the future will be. Will we look like Kwan and Lamm’s predictions, or will we be something completely different?



Lesbian Couple Adopts Three Separated Brothers So They Can Grow Up Together

What first comes to your mind when you say, perfect family?

Many things influence the perfect family. It doesn’t mean that you have to be married to the person you love and have children you gave birth to. For many people, a perfect family is when all the members are at the table, safe and sound.

You can learn one crucial lesson after you read this article. Two girls, a lesbian couple, adopt three little boys.

Lesbians adopted three brothers.

The story starts in 2013 in Massachusetts. At that time, KC and Lena Currie got married. Then they realized they want a family with children. Everything changed once they attended the event from Children’s Friend in Worcester.

Both girls met Joey, who was only 18-month-old. They fell in love with him. One year later, he became part of their family.

Lena said: “We saw a picture of Joey and Children’s Friend mentioned [it] would be a good match.”

When Joey was three years, Lena and her wife received a phone call from Children’s Friend. The girls realized that Joey had a brother, Noah, only six weeks old. After a month, their family increased.

Three Brothers!

Another surprise happened! Children’s Friends again informed Lena and KC that the brothers have another brother. The third brother is Logan, who should go to a foster family, but the plan broke.

Lana and her wife were happy to accept Logan, too, since they took the two brothers.

KC explained their feelings:
“It was our gut-feeling. We were going to end up saying yes because keeping the brothers together was really important to us. When they’re older and have questions, they’ll have each other to lean on and experience that ride together.”

All of them knew how important it is to grow up with your siblings, and according to everyone, they made the best decision.

The director of abortion and family services at Children’s Friend, Veronica Listreud, said:
“It’s what you want to see happen. They’re a wonderful family. They’re flexible — they really understand the kids’ needs, the importance of maintaining sibling relationships, and the long-term impact of that.”

The Power Of Love!

The new and big family couldn’t be happier, as they made the best decision for them and the boys.
The boys call KC and Lena ‘’mommy’ and ‘’Mama’’.

“Now we can start dreaming about grade school, sports, and all those fun things. It was nice to check off a box and make it true to the world. We are their family.” –KC shared.

Lena and her wife KC believe that their story would inspire more couples to adopt children and grow them with love and respect.

The power of love is the strongest, and it is worth the effort for sure.



Pastor Says Women May Not Be ‘Epic Trophy Wife’ But Should Be Thin For Their Husbands. He’s Now On Leave

Missouri pastor speaks that women aren’t ‘’epic trophy wife’’, but ‘’sweatpants don’t cut it.’’
The First General Baptist Church Pastor from Missouri, Stewart-Allen Clark, is currently on leave resulting from his sexists preaching.

From a Facebook video, we can see that the pastor says that women must be thin, well-groomed, and good-looking in bed to please their men.

To defend his obscene arguments, the priest declared that ‘’God made men to be drawn to beautiful women.’’

“I want you to know a need that your man has that he won’t ever tell you about, but since I’m the preacher man, I’ll say it: Your man needs an attractive wife.”

The priest is on leave, stated the First General Baptist Church, resulting from his words.

The church’s deacon ministry team, on March 2, 2021, shared:
“Pastor Stewart-Allen Clark has taken a leave of absence and is seeking professional counseling,”

Clark’s statement isn’t appropriate for General Baptists’ positions and values. They continued:
General Baptists believe that every woman was created in the image of God, and they should be valued for that reason.”

According to the priest, Melania Trump should be a role model to all females, how the women should look like.

Regarding this issue, Clark said:
“I’m not saying every woman can be the epic trophy wife of all time, like Melania Trump. Maybe you’re a participation trophy. … But you don’t need to look like a butch either.”

“You need to know this, men have a need for their women to look like women. Sweatpants don’t cut it all the time, huh. Men want their women to look good at home and in public. Can I get an amen?”

The pries prolonged his speech by saying that the women should force men to be the ‘’distracted boyfriend’’. So he asked:
“Why is it so many times that women, after they get married, let themselves go?
Don’t give him a reason to be looking around … I really don’t believe women understand how visual men are. I don’t think women understand how important it is for a man to have a beautiful woman on his arm.”

“You can call it juvenile, immature, sexist, [but] God made men to be drawn to beautiful women. We are made this way, we can’t help ourselves.”

Do you want to hear more from his sexist comments?

The priest said that the women need to keep their weight controlled to please their men.
According to him, there was an event where the woman looked like a sumo wrestler, but once she lost 100 pounds, she saved her marriage.

Regarding his personal experience, the pries said that his wife gave birth to three children. The pregnancy made her look robust, but then she lost 50 pounds, and she saved their marriage.

“She wants me to look at her and nobody else. One of her favorite expressions is ‘food never tastes as good as skinny feels.’ I’m glad I have a wife that understands that’s the way I am.”

Do you want to hear something even more absurd?

The priest said that his friend put a ‘’divorce weight’’ limit on his wife.

“What’s the difference between a man’s wife and a man’s girlfriend? Oh, about 60 pounds.”

Clark’s comments on makeup, hairstyles, and clothes.

‘’Praise God for makeup!’– Priest Clark.

According to him, women need to ask only their husbands what they think of them.

‘’It’s important that he thinks you’re hot.’’

The most shocking statement of Clark:

“The wife does not have authority over her own body but yields it to her husband. After you get married, men, put this on your headboard in the house. Whenever she’s not in the mood, take out your Bible.”




French Schoolgirl, 13, Admits To Making Up The Accusations That Got Her Teacher Beheaded

A teacher at school in Conflans-Sante-Honorine, Paris, France, named Samuel Paty, was beheaded.

The History and Geography teacher showed a picture of the Prophet Muhammad to his class, which is the reason for his killing last year in October.

According to UNILAD, a 13-year-old female student told her father that Paty asked all Muslim students to leave the classroom so that he could show the image of the Prophet Muhammad naked.

Once the father realized what they were doing at the school, he filed a legal complaint. Firstly, on social media, he shared a video where the father speaks all the Paty allegations.

Secondly, after this video, the teacher received numerous threats, including death threats. It led to his murder.

Thirdly, only ten days after his accusation of disrespecting the Muslim culture, Abdullakh Anzorov (18) beheaded Samuel Paty.

He followed the teacher and beheaded him in the middle of the street. Right after the event, Anzorov died. The anti-terrorist police shot him dead!

The tremendous overturn of the situation!

Several months after the horrible murder of the teacher Samuel Paty, the 13-year-old girl told everyone that she ‘’lied’’ to please her father!!!!

On Sunday, March 8, 2021, the student’s lawyer Mbeko Tabula, shared at the court that the girl wasn’t even at the class. She didn’t attend the class because she was sick and revealed that the story is a lie.

AFP reported that Tabula said:
“She lied because she felt trapped in a spiral because her classmates had asked her to be a spokesperson.

However, her actions resulted in a suspension from school because she didn’t attend the classes that day. Also, she confessed that she invented the story because she felt resentment towards Samuel for showing the pictures.

The prosecutor charged her with slander! Her father was arrested for ‘’complicity in a terrorist killing.’’

The judge said that the video the father shared is the direct link to Samuel’s murder!

Regarding layer’s opinion, the girl should be free from charges because her father is guilty of ‘’excessive and disproportionate behavior.’’

The attorney that represented Paty’s family stated:

“Everything in the investigation showed very early that she lied. A spokesperson of what? Of lies, of events that never happened? This explanation does not convince me and makes me rather angry because the facts are serious. They’re tragic!”



Schools In New Zealand Will Now Provide Free Period Products To Students!

The New Zealand Labour Government shared that from June, this year,  all schools will receive free period products to students. It is one of the best things a state can do for students. It places New Zealand among the first countries to include this policy.

Scotland is among the first countries to accept these policies.

The policy aims to end period poverty. Some students from low-income families cannot purchase products or if they do, it puts them into a more severe financial difficulty.

This move is real progress for all females in New Zealand.
Female students from this country were forced to use toilet paper instead of the appropriate product for that purpose.

It is unsanitary and unsafe. Also, some principals said that females even skipped classes to manage their periods.

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand Prime Minister, said:

“Young people should not miss out on their education because of something that is a normal part of life for half the population. Removing barriers to healthy, active educational outcomes for children and young people is an important part of the Government’s Youth and Wellbeing Strategy. Last year, the Access to Period Products pilot program was running since Term 3 in 15 schools and Kura in the Waikato region. This pilot project gave free period products to about 3,200 young people. The positive response from schools and students to the pilot has encouraged us to expand the initiative to all New Zealand schools and Kura.”

Ardern continued:

“Providing free period products at school is one way the Government can directly address poverty, help increase school attendance, and make a positive impact on children’s wellbeing. We want to see improved engagement, learning and behaviour, fewer young people missing school because of their period, and reduced financial hardship amongst families of participating students.”

Also, we have a statement from Jan Tinetti, Associate Education Minister. You can read it below.

“Feedback from the pilot noted that providing choice was important, both in types of products and the way they are accessed. Students also said they wanted information about periods, period products, and other practical elements of managing their period, such as tracking and knowing when and who to reach out for assistance. The free period products in schools’ initiative is the latest in a series of Government programs to reduce barriers to education for all students and their whānau (extended family in Māori). Others in the series include healthy free school lunches, the abolition of exam fees, and the replacement of school donations.”
