
These Photos Perfectly Capture The Stages Of Baby Development Before Birth

Lennart Nilsson (1922-2017), the Swedish photographer, made a mixture of his two passions. He combined science and photography by taking pictures of the baby’s development stages with a cystoscope. In 1957 he took the first photos, but they were black and white and blurred.

Because Lennart Nilsson wasn’t satisfied with the images, he waited for ten years, and then in 1967, he repeated the process. This time the photos weren’t wasted, and LIFE magazine published them due to their clarity and depth into how precisely life begins. 

The magazine issue became very popular, so it sold out within a few days. The title of the essay of Nilsson’s photos was “Drama of Life Before Birth.” From the images, we can see the chaos and fragility of conception. 

The images started a discussion about the point where life begins, and multiple antiabortion activists reference used them to support their aim. 

Below, you can see the photos and the baby’s development stages inside the mother. 

  1. Sperm is moving toward an egg. We can see how the sperm approaches the egg in the fallopian tube from the image. 

2. Spermatozoon continues to swim towards the egg in the fallopian tube. 

3. Where life begins! The sperm is colliding with the egg.

4. The fusion moves on. Only the lucky sperm reached the egg. 

5. Close shot of a spermatozoon. The head holds the DNA that will mix with the egg to create the baby’s genetic makeup. 

6. Baby in the womb. Only one week should pass so the embryo to change its position from the fallopian tube to the womb. 

7. Implantation. After the week has passed, the embryo is attached to the womb’s wall. 

8. Day 18. Heart beating. The heart of the baby starts beating on the 18th day of its conceiving.

8. Day 28. 

10. The development of facial features. We can see the cervices in the face after five weeks in the picture. 

11. The constant embryo’s development. Here you can see how the embryo looks like in its eighth week. It reminds us of an alien, right? 

12. Hands movement. The fetus, with his fingers, is examining the environment. 

13. You can see what we can find under the skin. 

14. Week 18. Now the fetus starts hearing the world’s sounds outside the mother’s womb. 

15. Week 20. Now the baby should be around 20 cm. Here it develops hair, lanugo, and the head. 

16. Week 26. The baby is seven months old. Only two months remain until the birth day. 

One of the most precious things in the world is life development. If we weren’t here, our Earth would be just as Mars or Jupiter is, a dull, cold place. 

Humans and all other creatures on the planet must be valued. 

Which photo grasped your attention the longest? 

Share what you think. 




Mother Got Slammed For Giving Her Baby A Manicure With Inch-Long Nails

A photo of a baby with long ‘’stiletto’’ nails is trending news that occupied media attention. People are worried because the long pointy nails may cause severe injuries.

An unknown person is experiencing global criticism because she makes her baby’s nails long and sharp. The woman, on her own, took a picture of her child’s hand and shared it on social media.

The baby has a manicure with long plastic nails. Twitter is among the media platforms where the image circles. The mother wrote: ‘’I can do your babies nails…cheap rates.’’

As always, so as this time, the comments started appearing, and they weren’t soft.

One user wrote, ‘’ Baby nails are sharp enough as it, I can’t imagine equipping my daughter with claws. Hard pass.’’

But, the mother didn’t share only one picture; she shared many, where the baby has various designs of fake nails. In one pic, the nails are sharp. On the other, they are a little bit rounded.

What this woman did, has spread worldwide, and people are more and more concerned that it would become a trend.
One worried social media user wrote: ‘’You’re supposed to keep your baby’s nails cut short, so they don’t hurt themselves… this is trashy and f***in stupid.’’

And another one: “This is highly dangerous. Babies often times will poke themselves in the eyes or face, and even without nails, they’ll leave scratch marks. This is straight-up stupid and will only harm the baby further.”

There were more comments. Read this too: “I could understand painting a babies nails, but giving them fake ones? It’s too dangerous! They constantly are touching their faces, so it could really do damage to their eyes. It’s better to wait until they are a lot older.”

However, this wasn’t the first time that such a picture has emerged on social media. A couple of months ago, one woman posted a photo of a baby with sharpened nails. It shocked the entire world! If we get back to those comments, people commented about how the baby can hurt itself with those claws.

Read some of those comments below.

“Baby nails are sharp enough as it is, those things would tear your face right up,” one person wrote.

“I hope they did this just for the picture, but then again, they let the baby’s nails grow this much. Either way, it’s not good. I feel for the kid.”

Moreover, comments said that it is a mistake because the babies have fast-growing nails, so we need to check them daily.

“If your baby was born after her due date, her nails might be quite long and sharp.
Keeping them short helps prevent scratching of the face, which is common in small babies.”

What do you think about this story?

Do you agree with the comments or with the mother?


Health Health Tips Life Natural Remedies

7 Infused Water Recipes That Help You Stop Drinking Soda

If you want to eliminate soda from your life, you can use some of these water recipes as its replacement. The water will help your organism work better, including numerous other health benefits. 

Some people cannot drink the recommended amount of water because it is not their preferable drink. Because water lacks flavor, infused water is the perfect combination, delicious and healthy. 

You are allowed to use numerous combinations of fruits and herbs. If you are a beginner in this ‘’cooking’’, we will share some exciting recipes. 

Firstly you can make the recipe in one glass or a bigger container. 

Homemade Infused Water! 


  • A pitcher or glass
  • Ice 
  • A spoon 

7 Infused Water Recipes 

If you try some of these recipes, you will eliminate soda. And it won’t be missed. 

1. Thyme Grapefruit Lime water 

Take your glass and add four cubes of ice. You should fill approximately half of the glass. Add slices of grapefruit, four slices of Lime, and some fresh thyme. Use your spoon to put down the thyme in the glass, and add water. Stir with your spoon, and drink! 

Advantages: Thyme is a medicine that has been used for centuries. It has high amounts of vitamin C, potassium, and manganese. Also, it is an anti-inflammatory herb. Lime is the vitamin C source that will boost your immune system. 

2. Basil Apple Ginger Water 

Take your container, fill it halfway with ice. Then, pour five slices of a green apple, cut in thin circles, and add fresh ginger shavings, as well as eight basil leaves. The last step is the water. 

Advantages: Basil is the source of Vitamin K, which will keep your bones strong and healthy, and your wounds will heal faster. Apples are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and polyphenols. Ginger is the best herb in the world and lowers inflammation. 

3. Strawberry Blueberry mint Infused water. 

If you want to do this recipe, repeat the same steps with the ice and pitcher. Then add one hand full of strawberries, as well as blueberries. Add water, and on top of everything, add mint leaves. 

Benefits: Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C and B9, also manganese and potassium. On the other hand, blueberries contain Vitamin C and K, and manganese. These two fruits are the best antioxidants. 

4. Lavender Lemon water 

Once you put ice in your pitcher, and five lemon slices. Top it off with a few small handfuls of fresh lavenders. 

Benefits: Lavender is the best stress reducer and eliminates insomnia. As previously mentioned, lemons are full of vitamin C, and your digestion will be as good as never before. 

5. Cucumber Mint Lemon Infused Water 

Cut half cucumber in very thin slices, and repeat the action with ½ lemon. Then add ice to the glass, pitcher, or jar. Add the cucumber and lemon, mixed with a few mint leaves. Cover everything with water and enjoy your drink. 

Benefits: Cucumber has high amounts of vitamin K, and it will improve your digestion. The benefits of mint and lemon are mentioned above. 

6. Green Tea Lemon Mint water with Honey 

This is a cold green tea with lemon and mint. It has the same properties as an ordinary hot tea, but it’s very refreshing during the summer. To make this drink, you need to repeat the ice steps and add the rest of your ingredients. You need to add six slices of lemon, a few leaves of mint, and some green tea. Mix the substances, and add Honey on its top. 

Benefits: Green tea is the best beverage on earth. It has numerous bioactive compounds that will reduce inflammation and stop cell damage. After a couple of usages, you will realize that it improves your metabolism and lowers the risk of cancers. The last ingredient for this sweet drink is Honey. It is the best antibacterial and anti-inflammatory substance, and all cultures use it as a remedy.

7. Lemon Grapefruit Orange Water with Rosemary 

The infused water will boost your immune system. You should cut one orange, pink grapefruit, and lemon into very thin pieces. Next, as we previously said, fill the glass with ice, add three lemon slices, two slices of orange, and three grapefruit slices in the cup. As the last step, add a couple of rosemary springs and pour water. 

Benefits: You know that oranges are the source of vitamin C. They also contain a lot of calcium, so your body will produce more collagen, resulting in better skin. Rosemary will help your body to heal your wounds faster.

The Infused water will contribute to a better and healthier life. 

We need to face reality! Water on its own cannot be very interesting for drinking and can quickly get bored! So, we suggest combining it with these fruits to make it sweet. 




This Is The International Hand Signal For ‘Help Me’ That Everyone Should Know

An Indian restaurant owner shared one video that immediately went viral. In the video, he shared the internationally famous hand signal for help. Also, he shares the states where this sign can be used.

The incidents for which we can use this sign are domestic abuse or abduction.

Harjinder Singh Kukreja shared the video. There you can see a woman, man, and girl walking down a hallway accompanied by a man, and all of them show the sign for help. There you can see ways how it can be used.

You just have to use one hand, and it is easy to perform. It is pretty simple to show it rather than the American sign that involves two hands.

You can make the sign when you put up four fingers, and then close your palm with your thumb inside.

Last year, the Canadian Women’s Foundation launched this sign, and thanks to them, it went viral. Numerous people who were trapped behind closed doors managed to free themselves.

Police forces worldwide say that after the video publication, they started receiving numerous calls reporting domestic violence.
But, domestic violence isn’t the only crime reported with this sign. Numerous human trafficking organizations exploit children and adults, so they got arrested thanks to this sign.

CEO Elizabeth Barajas-Roman, as well as a member of the Women’s Foundation, spoke for Vogue.

“You have people stuck at home and maybe also someone who is sick with the virus. There are also mounting financial pressures and the general stresses of a pandemic. This all just adds to the escalation, and we really saw a need to start thinking about new tools that abuse victims can use.”

“This symbol is really a way to say, ‘I see you, I’m going to help you. It’s really important that we get this message out not only around the symbol, but we want everyone to understand how they can be of help if they see it.”

Precisely this Canadian Foundation encourages people worldwide to see this video and be informed.

More views mean a higher chance to recognize people in danger! Caring is sharing.

So please share this story with your family and friends!

Everyone needs to know!



17 Pointlessly Gendered Products That Are Ridiculously Annoying

It is scientifically proved that males and females live entirely different lives during the growing-up process. Even though they go to the same schools, walk the same path of success, do the same job, these two genders’ lifestyles are naturally different. 

But the corporate world is doing its best to bond these two different worlds together. Until today, this effort has hilarious results. 

Have you ever hear about gender marketing? 

If you haven’t, you must know it exists. 

It doesn’t matter if you believe in sexism or no. Gender marketing is obvious on the supermarkets and malls’ shelves. These exciting things are on the shelves for sale, and people use and consume them without a doubt. 

We live in a time where adults fight against gender inequality. Today’s parents are equally buying kids toys to show them what the children should become. 

Below, we present you with a couple of gender products that split our lives without a precise reason. Also, some of them are offensive and unrealistic. 

See below. 

  1. Women cannot hold a big tube?
  2. The exact price and ingredients, but five less for women, why?
  3. Why?
  4. Same measurements ….
  5. Tell me why?
  6. A consequence of a conservative Christian household.
  7. The Double whammy
  8. I found this on Snapchat.
  9. Do you want some sexy screwdrivers for a bargain?
  10. Really? It is the same crown!
  11. The garbage can makes a difference between males and females!
  12. Toothpaste for man? Do ladies have different tooth bones, or what?
  13. Girls have legs, and men have Megs!
  14. Is this satire?
  15. The worst so far!
  16. Is it something feminine if we have a heart in our body?
  17. This is about the three genders…




Scientists Say The ‘Soul’ Does Not Die, it ‘Returns To The Universe.’

Since forever, we ask ourselves, what happens to us once we die?

Numerous people, religious and spiritual, think that heaven or the afterlife exists. Others believe that when a person dies, they simply die, and nothing happens.

And after all, some believe that something happens to our souls. According to them, our souls still live after we die. A few researchers wanted to investigate if this event could be somehow scientifically explained.

Souls Don’t Die Along With Our Bodies.

After the profound investigation, two scientists say that it is true what some people claim about the immortality of our souls.
Our bodies do die, but our souls live forever. Quantum mechanics is responsible for this phenomenon. It is the part of the science that deals with the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels.

If you don’t understand what we are talking about, quantum mechanics deals with: neurons, electrons, protons, quarks, gluons, and other esoteric particles.

The two experts that took part in the investigation are Stuart Hameroff and Sir Roger Penrose. They say that our consciousness is data saved at this quantum level.

Orchestrated Objective Reduction

The scientific couple explains that the storage process is Orchestrated Objective Reduction. It is made through a structural component of human cells and protein-based microtubules. Precisely they are the ones that carry quantum data.

Dr. Hameroff explained: “Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing; the micro-tubules lose their quantum state,”
“The quantum information within the micro-tubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, and it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.”

The more straightforward explanation is that if a person is revived, the data go back to the microtubules, so they are conscious again. Precisely this explains the broad-known term ‘’near-death experience.’’

But, if the patient dies, their consciousness could exist outside like a soul.

The Physical universe represents our perception.

Max Planck Institute for Physics’s researchers in Munich claim that there is life after death. They say that the world in which we live currently represents our perception. So, after our death, the souls go into this indefinite beyond.

Dr. Hans-Peter Durr from this institute claimed:
“What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible,”
“The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger.”

According to the two scientists that made the investigation say that our consciousness results from a more profound level of microtubule vibes.

It helps us improve our understanding of human consciousness, helping us maintain our mental, neurological, and cognitive abilities.



Bride Who Faked Cancer To Raise $11K For ‘Dream’ Wedding Gets 5 Months In Prison.

We all want to have enough money to make our dream wedding. But, sometimes, this isn’t possible. There is a GoFundMe organization that sometimes can be a good idea to save money for some special occasion.

Moreover, there are various wrong ways to ask for money from other people. Unfortunately, the bride we will talk about in this article did something terrible.

She faked cancer to get the money for her dream wedding.

Bride Faked Cancer

You need to be mentally very strong to lie all the time for a couple of months.
Toni Standen, 29, faked all these things because she wanted to collect the money to make her dream wedding. She created a page called GoFundMe in July 2017. There she posted a photo with a very long description. She explained that she has only a few months to live because she got diagnosed with cancer.

Toni did everything in her power to convince people in her made-up story. But those big tears are so fake! She asked for money from the people so she could afford the operation. Until the last day, Tony Standen collected $11,000.

Because of the fraud she did, Tony was charged with five months in prison by the Chester Magistrates’ Court. Also, she had to return the money donated by a local business. The amount was $2,700.

The more she faked the disease, the deeper the lie was. The most upsetting thing here was that her husband wasn’t even aware of the fraud.

Sentenced to five months in prison

Her husband was the victim of the fraud, too. James actually believed that his fiancé was ill. It was the same situation with their friends.
Her friends’ testimonies shared that she vividly described the horror she survived during the ‘’disease’’. All of the friends were shocked when they realized that she was faking the disease.

The entire situation worsened when Standen decided to travel around Europe during a world pandemic. Her fraud continued and became even worse when she lied about her covid infection.

Probably, this was the cherry of the pie, so people started doubting. She was bluffing about virtually everything. The Chester Magistrates’ Court found the perfect words for her crimes.

“Every right-thinking member of society would be appalled by your behavior. Thankfully it’s not often this court has to sentence someone who has shown such a degree of shamelessness, such greed, or such a betrayal of friendship as you did to your friends and the wider community. Such was your lack of shame that you kept taking money from them over many, many months.”

Standen’s confession of faking cancer

The entire situation worsened when she said that cancer had spread throughout every organ. She even invented that she also struggled with brain cancer, bone cancer, etc.

Two very close friends of Toni opposed her regarding this issue. After this, Standen confessed everything, saying it was all a lie.
The faking cancer girl confessed everything in a message, in which she shows how embarrassed she was resulting from the fraud.
‘’At the minute, I don’t know if Jim and I will be getting a divorce, I don’t blame him if he does, and I don’t blame you both if this is the end,” –said Toni.

Her husband, James, was also in court when she confessed everything. The worst thing here is that Standen’s father struggled with cancer. He passed away before the wedding.

One guest at the ceremony noticed how strange it was that she was un-phased by her father’s phrases.
‘’After hearing her father’s labored words, she got up and gave a faultless speech, even cracking a few jokes. Her mother and brother were in bits. We’d all just listened to a father of the bride message from beyond the grave. Toni even received a video message from Everton FC, delivered by one of the top players. She laughed throughout.”

We are speechless. What Standen did is sick. She is in big trouble now!

We can leave the money aside, but now she struggles with something more dangerous than cancer.

To live without no one is something much worse than to fight cancer armed with the love and support of your family and friends.

No one wants to survive this kind of betrayal and disgust ever in their lives. It is such a shame for Tony! Pretending to have cancer to collect money is the worst thing that a person can do!

The consequences that she will face will probably bring her brain back!



Pastor Heals People By Farting The ‘Holy Spirit’ On Their Faces

One pastor from South Africa faces charges of sitting on people’s faces and farting as part of a sacred healing ritual.

The pastor’s name is Christ Penelope from SevenFold Holy Spirit Ministries in Siyandani Village, Giyani, Limpopo. Many people from the church were angry at him due to his healing invention.

Numerous images are around media present us how the pastor sits on top of people’s faces and farts in their faces.

The pastor doesn’t say it is a fraud. He stated for The Daily Sun.
“I don’t fart on people – I heal people.”

Regarding the speculations, the pastor said:

“The people saying all those things weren’t true. They hear of things and believe them.”

In his opinion, his healing ritual is “not by flesh but by faith.” Also, when he sits in their face and farts them, they don’t feel pain, but the Holy Spirit is doing its job.

On his Facebook profile, he shared:

“This is to tell the doubters that we did not do it by mistake, and we’re not repenting.

“We’re not going to be intimidated. The body is the church, and the head is Christ.

“You expect me to go and sit on the church?

“I must come directly to the head and sit on it.”


Two members from the church, unknown identities, said that numerous people didn’t find this act disturbing. But, also, they aren’t happy after it, either.

One person who visits the church stated for The Daily Sun.
“When we come to church, it’s because we need prayers, not to be farted on.
“What the pastor has been doing isn’t right.”

And this man told the pastor to ask for his master, God, for another ritual that heals people.

Besides, one woman stopped going to church because of this act. She said:
“That’s not what I signed for. I needed prayers, not fart.”

But, some pastors have an opposite opinion from Penelope. They judge his ritual, and they say that even if he doesn’t fart at people’s faces, no one should sit on someone’s face.

Pastor Jacob Sibiya from Kagiso explained his opinion.

“This is wrong. Nowhere does God say sit on people, and they will be healed.

“Pastors should practice what’s in the Bible, not what they think is in there.”

And Bishop Miso Mabunda from Meadowlands stated:

“These are exactly the deeds the Bible warned us against.

“It said that at the end of the world, there’d be people who’d do things that will shock us.

“My advice will be for people to make their ways right with the Lord, for the end is near.”



The First City On Mars: Plans Are Unveiled For Home For 250,000 People That Will Be Build With Materials On The Red Planet

Our humans continue to investigate Mars’s surface. They are considering building a sustainable city on this red planet. Architecture studio ABIBOO revealed the schedule, including worldwide officers, and even two of them are from the U.S.

Nüwa is the capital city, and five should be built at Tempe Mensa on Mars.

It is built vertically, not horizontally, into the cliff’s side. That way, it would diminish the atmospheric pressure and radiation’s effect. It is a deadly latter if without shelter.

Still, even though it is on Mars, Nüwa should have all other characteristics that one city on Earth has. The town includes homes, offices, and green spaces. All the designs are founded on The Mar Society and the SONet network’s scientific investigations.

Alfredo Muñoz, the owner of ABIBOO, spoke to Euronews and stated:
We had to do a lot of analysis based on computing and working with the scientists to try to understand what are the circumstances that we will face,’

All the people who want to visit the planet Mars, or if they want to live there, must share their wishes with their grandchildren.

According to the latest research, the construction of these cities is expected to start in 2054 and continue until 2100. Approximately 2100 is the year when the people could move in.

The experts stated that approximately the population of cities might reach 250,000 people.

The name of the town Nüwa has ‘roots in the mythological Chinese goddess that is the protector of Humans, who melted five stones to give robust societal pillars.’

Most of the construction activity is placed inside the cliff, with “Macro-buildings” dig inside the cliff’s rock.
“Green-Domes” will be part of the constructions, and they will serve as parks or experimental vegetation places.

Leading food will come from crop cultivation, and it would be half of the people’s diets.
Another crucial diary would be Microalgae.

Recreation would be very similar to the one on our Earth, starting from sports and camping to arts and crafts.

The most complicated task would be the journey from Earth to Mars. Maybe it would be a challenging task, but not an impossible one.

They plan one shuttle service to transfer people from one planet to another every 26 months. One trip from Earth to Mars would take approximately three months. A one-way ticket would cost almost $300,000.



Kids Who Leave Foster Care Thrive – Are Given Tiny Homes And Taught To Cook And Budget

If you think that your life is hard, can you imagine how life is for those teenagers who age out of the foster care system?

Numerous foster kids deal with challenging times once they leave foster care. Suddenly, they don’t have any support, and they are left on themselves.

According to the latest results, more than 20 percent of the children that leave the foster system are immediately homeless. Only 50 percent of the children there have a job by 24.

But, of course, some foster children have the potential to become successful in life and to have a happy life. Their road to success isn’t paved, so they are doing the more complex work.

Pivot is the nonprofit charity that will change it!
Carter is only one of the children that received Pivot’s help to succeed in life. He is a 19-year-old boy who saw his father getting imprisoned after his mother died.

Those events were his company and his lifetime trauma during his foster home journey.
When he turned 18, Carter left the foster home and became homeless. Resulting from this event, he ended up in a homeless shelter.

Pivot helped him by giving him the right therapy, clothes, and a small home.

Pivot is a charity organization from Oklahoma. Thanks to the money of numerous local and national businesses, they could build tiny homes behind their offices.

Besides the clothes, therapy, and housing, Pivot provides them vital life skills so that the children could be less dependent and employable.

In Carter’s case, they effectively taught them how to cook, budget, and grocery shop.

Tiny homes that Pivot built for the homeless children aim to ease the financial responsibility.
They should pay a rent of $0 in the first month. Later the tenants will pay $100 per month for the next two months. For the following two months, they have to pay $125, and the rent keeps increasing by $25 every two months.

In 2019, the first three homes were opened, and homeless children from the foster system came to live there.
Moreover, this project is still in the beginning. Until today, only 84 tiny houses exist, but they will build more.

Oklahoma News 4 recorded the beginning of the project. They shared the video on the YouTube channel, which went viral. Dormer foster kids saw the report and supported Pivot, saying that it will change children’s lives.

Maybe this is the beginning of a massive charity project that can help millions of foster children to become prosperous in life rather than homeless.

One thing is for sure. It is us who can help these children to improve their life. The foster children should mean a homeless future.

