Health Health Tips

14 Ways to Cleanse the Body from Chemtrails, GMOS, Flouridated Water, and other Environmental Toxins

You have most probably noticed those chemtrails sprayed over your neighborhood, or just heard the latest information about the high death rate in honey bee colonies due to the toxins released in the environment, and you will sure agree that we have to find a solution to this matter as soon as possible.

We have to take care of our health and stop the poisoning our greedy governments support, as a marionette of large corporations. Let’s not even start the topic about fluoridated water, oil spills, contaminated air and water.

A research conducted in the early 1900s showed that the human body itself can not put up with the environmental toxicity without any help, even though it is strong enough to handle every possible toxin, including even heavy metals.

Maybe it is just our body that is heavily burdened, and now the intelligence of humans is simply strained to its acme. It as if you either get used to the toxins that enjoy governmental support, or just die.

Waiting for a positive decision of both congress and senate is not the right thing to be done. Start using your power for your own sake! Get radical, inform your friends and the world, even if turns into rabble-rousing.

When this all started, we could just ignore the warnings about the dangers harassing our food, air and soil, but then EPA and FDA, puppet institutions that usually placate both farmers and citizens that their concerns are actually benign, announced that pesticides are harmful to our health, meaning it is time to straighten things up, even though this confession was actually something we knew much before.

If they still did not state what was already obvious, the would sure lose even the tiny respect in social and political circles. They have already lost the support of their most loyal followers.

Our Blood and Bones Contain Over 85,000 Different Toxins

We live in a toxic world, and a number of studies show that our blood and bones contain about 85 000 chemical pollutants. We are now exposed to depleted uranium from bombs, nuclear energy sites, and chemicals like Agent Orange and toxic mold, and the list seems to be never-ending.

Toxins are now part of the genetic make up and seep in our cells, causing cancer, depression, insanity and many other disorders.

These poisons affect the intelligence and immune system in a way it can no longer fight even a simple virus. Hormones also freak out and both boys and girls start puberty way too soon, and fetuses do not develop properly.

The number of children diagnosed with ADHD, ADD, and Autism is higher than ever. Our weight increases abnormally, and we often feel tired, because our toxic bodies can not metabolize fat and protein properly.