Shocking Results: A Woman Was Drinking Too Much Tea – Her Bones Started Breaking !

Henry Ford’s medical team, from the hospital in Detroit, connected the pain in the lower part of the back, the arm and the leg of a 47 years old woman to her daily routine of drinking super-strong tea -- she was using too many tea bags in one single cup, thinking the tea would be healthier that way).


After living with the pain for 5 years, the doctors finally discovered that the pain appeared as a result of her 17 years old habit to drink tea, every day, when she was using from 100 to 150 tea bags.

Doctor Naveen Kakumani found high levels of fluoride in her tea, which caused bone fluorosis, usually occurring in areas with high levels of fluoride in the water.

The fluoride did not caused only pain, but also damaged her teeth, so dentists had to remove them.

Doctors advised her to stop consuming tea so she could get better.


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