Tea bags should not be thrown away after you drink your tea, s they can have numerous other remarkable uses afterward!
Yes, you read it right! This is some really good news for tea lovers! Namely, as soon as you put the used tea bags again in a steamy cup of water, their incredible properties are immediately activated and you can re- use them!
The video below will provide some interesting tips on how to use tea bags in order to deodorize your car. All you need to do is to put the used dry tea bag of tea in your car instead of an air freshener.
It will effectively absorb the moisture and eliminate bad odors. You must try this trick, it is as efficient as the fresheners you purchase in the store!
Source/Reference: www.healthyfoodteam.com
Other included sources linked in Healthy Food Team’s article: www.myhealthybook.com -- Original Article Source