The original rice diet was created back in 1939, and the original purpose was to lower blood pressure, regulate blood sugar and improve the condition of the kidneys.
But because this diet had great effects in reducing weight, it began to be used as a weight loss diet.
Diet plan
Breakfast is always the same: one cup of rice cooked in water, without salt or sugar. For better taste, you can squeeze a little lemon juice and add olive oil. During the diet, use brown rice.
Snack: Whichever fruit you like
Lunch in the first 7 days: 1 cup of rice, 1 cup of beans, peas or lentil, a piece of whole-grain bread. Use more spices and less salt.
Dinner in the first 7 days: 1 cup of rice and 150g fat-free meat (chicken or turkey breasts, pork chops or fish). Don’t put salt in the meat, and squeeze a little lemon juice. You can eat a slice of whole-grain bread.
Lunch in the last 7 days: 1 cup of rice and a piece of whole-grain bread.
Dinner in the last 7 days: 1 cup of rice and a piece of whole-grain bread, as well as lunch.
In the third week you use the same food as in the first one, only adding a dairy snack between lunch and dinner, for example 200ml milk or a small yogurt.