7 Signs Of A Vitamin D Deficiency

The Vitamin D is a very crucial piece of the entire human body puzzle, and the lack of it can cause severe health issues.

This fat-soluble vitamin is tightly related to the body’s calcium and enables proper and solid bones growth and development. Furthermore, Vitamin D strengthens the immunity and reduces the odds for cancer. Often forgotten, vitamin D is essential alongside other vitamins, if your body is to work and prosper ideally.

Vitamin d is not only responsible for preventing certain diseases, but for neutralizing any symptoms of their occurrence as well.

If the human body faces a lack of vitamin D, brittle bones are the first health problem that happens. This is especially found in youths, since the bones grow and form mostly during the first years in a person’s life.

If this happens, other issues follow quickly, including skeletal deformities and fragile bones, and an increased risk of injuries and fractures.

Still, the bones are not the only ones that suffer if vitamin D is not present in the human organism. According to one study, this important vitamin is responsible for preventing hypertension and type 1 and 2 diabetes, as well as multiple sclerosis (MS).

To easily detect the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency, we list the top 7 most noticeable and precise indicators:

  1. Muscle Pain and Weakness

The range of pain and weakness in the muscles can vary in intensity- from very low to excruciating. When the vitamin D deficiency increases, the pain grows as well and they only worsen from there on. Lack of vitamin D actually means slower muscle contraction and weaker muscle movement.

  1. Immune System Malfunction

When the vitamin D levels drop, the immune system may face strong instability. The immune cells feed on this vitamin, so anything less than needed causes serious immunity imbalance.

One study, conducted in Japan and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, involved schoolchildren in two groups- one group consumed vitamin D supplements and the other group didn’t.

The first group was more resistant to flu strain influenza, unlike the second group which was more subjected to it. A second study proved that low levels of vitamin D were found in patients suffering from autoimmune diseases.

  1. Elevated Blood Pressure

Hypertension (or also known as high blood pressure) is very common when vitamin D lacks from the organism. Vitamin D has the role of regulating water retention and elevated blood pressure as a result of peptide, a hormone that increases the blood pressure.

  1. Depression or Mood Swings

Whenever you are feeling the blues, you might just need to increase your vitamin D levels. Vitamin D is very closely related to the seasonal affective disorder (SAD), sadness during season change.

This leads to changing the vitamin D3 levels and thus proper supplements are required. In a study, involving individuals experiencing SAD, vitamin D3 supplements were offered as a treatment.

The changes in their mood from sad to happy and positive was more than obvious, and other symptoms such as food craving, lethargy, hypersomnia, and sleep disturbances were gone.

  1. Stomach and Gut Problems

People suffering from some gastrointestinal conditions, like celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease and other conditions, usually lack vitamin D and need proper supplement therapy.

The same condition occurs in people with excess body fat, since the fat diminishes the effects and amount of vitamin D in the organism.

  1. Chronic Sweating

As weird as it may sound, excessive sweating usually indicates vitamin D loss. Even though it is not clear how these two are related, this condition is more than real and is especially valid if the sweating happens in the forehead area.

  1. Cardiovascular Disorders

Vitamin D deficiency is often known to provoke certain heart diseases. According to medical experts, when vitamin D levels are low, the calcium levels in the arteries are higher and thus heart problems arise. The calcium creates clogs inside the arteries, which usually leads to a heart failure or a stroke.

Aside from the listed, other health conditions that may occur as a result of vitamin D insufficiency are: type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and obesity.

Incorporating More Vitamin D

Getting to know the health issues which can happen if vitamin D is missing from the body, forces us to rethink our nutrition and get those vitamin levels back on track.

Here are the top products full of vitamin D, which, if consumed regularly, will never fail you. Take them regularly and keep your health on the right path:

  • Orange Juice (Vitamin D fortified)
  • Sunlight
  • Fortified Plant-Based Milks

Sources and References:
www.powerofpositivity.com -- Original Article Source
Featured image source: www.powerofpositivity.com


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