12 Natural Antibiotics More Powerful Than Conventional Medicine!

The over-use of antibiotics in the last twenty years has reached its peak, and it has caused the occurrence of drug-resistant bacteria and “superbugs”, whose evolution is much faster than conventional medicine.

In the 1940s, long before the pharmaceutically-derived antibiotics, people used foods and herbs to fight diseases and infections, and nowadays, numerous holistic healers use the same as an alternative to modern drugs, and gain the same, or even improved effects.

These are some of the most effective natural antibiotics which can replace the conventional ones and help you treat health issues:

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

It has strong antiseptic and antibiotic properties, alkalizes the body and reduces high cholesterol, as well as the risk of developing cancer. It is an astringent which does not contain chemicals, so it can be used to sterilize and disinfect.

Oregano and the oil of oregano

Oregano is a common ingredient in the Italian cuisine, and it has numerous health benefits. It has powerful antibacterial properties, and it also helps digestion and aids in the process of weight loss. It contains an oil, Carvacrol, which efficiently fights bacteria that cause infections. Moreover, it treats digestive infections, especially yeast ones.


Honey has been used by the Ancient Romans to prevent infections and treat wounds. It has been considered to be the best natural remedy for millennia, as it is a natural antibiotic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial substance.

It has been shown that New Zealand’s Manuka honey is the richest source of antioxidants, and has powerful curative effects. Moreover, honey produces an enzyme, hydrogen peroxide, which prevents bacteria growth and treats infections. I

t also detoxifies the blood, supports the function of the liver, and soothes the digestive system. Honey also strengthens the immune system, and its combination with cinnamon boosts the white blood cells. As most pasteurization procedures kill the antioxidant effects, organic honey is a far better alternative.

Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver is a popular natural antibiotic, used for centuries. It is a blend of silver particles suspended in fluid. It should be used temporarily, as it contains silver, which may be toxic.

Yet, it kills the enzymes that single-cell bacteria need in order to multiply. If they lack the oxygen they need, viruses and bacteria get killed before they can damage health.


This amazing spice protects the body from various diseases. It can be consumed orally, or applied topically, and it effectively treats bacteria. If you mix it with honey, you will create a paste which can be applied on wounds and treat them efficiently.

Grapefruit Seed Extract

A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine discovered that the extract of grapefruit seed (GSE) can prevent and fight over 800 forms of viruses and bacteria, many parasites, and over a hundred strains of fungus.

It is rich in antioxidants, alkalizes the body, helps digestion, enhances the gut flora, and strengthens the immune system.


Despite its fantastic smell and flavor, garlic is a potent natural remedy which fights infections, like common cold, by pushing the germs away before they damage the body. It contains allicin, which prevents bacteria, parasites, yeast, and more. Therefore, you should regularly consume it.


It is a common herb found in the kitchen, and it has been found to treat common colds, and also effectively prevents them.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

The benefits of coconut oil are simply innumerate. It has extremely strong antimicrobial and antifungal properties, and it is especially rich in antioxidants.

It effectively balances thyroid, regulates the blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, enhances the function of the brain, and many others.

It can be ingested orally or applied topically, and it is one of the most valuable natural gifts. Moreover, you can add a teaspoon of it to your coffee in the morning and it will provide energy and calmness throughout the entire day.


Cabbage includes sulfur compounds which effectively fight cancer. It is also extremely rich in vitamin C, as a cup of it provides 75% of the daily need of this vitamin.

It has potent antibacterial properties, helps digestion, manages body weight, and prevents various ailments and conditions. Therefore, you can consume it raw, add it to your salads, drink fresh cabbage juice, and numerous other ways to incorporate it into your menu!

Fermented food

Fermented foods, such as kefir, unpasteurized cabbage, probiotic yogurts, homemade pickles, renew the intestinal flora, prevent cancer, and fight off infections effectively.

Hence, all these natural antibiotics are even more effective than pharmaceuticals, as they fight off bacteria, infections, and do not cause any adverse effects. Therefore, as they are completely safe, use them to protect your health and prevent various diseases.

Source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com
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